Izuku Midoriya: The High Noon...

By 082mec

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Izuku Midoriya is known as the next Symbol of Peace, the next generation wielder of the mighty Quirk known as... More

Meet the Gunslinger
Entrance Exam and the First Patrol
Outed and Tested
Vigilante's Potential
Reinstated, Reloaded, and Ready to Go!
Sports Festival I
Sports Festival II
Origins and Re-introductions
Hunting the Hero Killer I
Hunting the Hero Killer II
Dates, Confrontations, and a Manhunt Begins
Battles and Meetings
Training Time!
Finals I
Finals II
Celebration and the Training Camp
Bath Time and Training Time! Part II
Forest Fights
Vigilante's Rage
Raid: Start!
Beat the Bird! Quick Draw vs Overhaul!
A Hero's Reward
Beginning Of the Road to Recovery
Sparring and Heroine Visits
Welcome Back Cinder!!

All Might's Final Battle

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By 082mec

Izuku, The woman he was carrying, and the rest of Japan watched on as All Might and his mortal nemesis began their battle. For Izuku, he wanted to join, because All for One was the reason Cinder was in so much pain, but he could not. Why? First, he needed to find a spot for the woman he was holding so that he could jump in. Secondly, he needed to help out the remaining people who were stuck around the crater before they were killed. Thankfully, the other heroes were doing that, so he had to deal with the woman first. He sat her down on a paramedic's gurney, and the woman watched the fight from where she sat.

"Might I get a name?" Izuku asked, calmed down slightly from the recent killing spree.

"Nana. Nana Shimura." She said.

"Alright Shimura-san. I need to help the others, so I'll have to see you after the fight." Izuku said. He vaulted over the police tape, and ran headfirst into the crater, avoiding the fight to aid with the rubble and victims. He shot parts of the collapsed buildings so that it safely crumbled around disaster victims, keeping them safe enough for rescue by both him and the on-duty heroes, such as Tiger and Ragdoll. A few minutes into the fight later, and he looked to the screen paling. Steam surrounded the form of the Number One hero, and it settled to reveal the man in his skinny true form, bloody, bruised, and barely conscious. All Might collapsed onto one knee, before gritting his teeth and standing.

"Those hollow cheeks! Those sunken eyes! A pitiful excuse for a top hero if I've ever seen one. But don't be ashamed. That is your true form, after all, isn't it?!" The villain taunted. All Might's glare only hardened, as his bloody skeletal self barely had the strength to even stand. All Might bowed his head slightly, and spoke.

"Though my body may rot away and decline... and the world see me in this condition..." He said. "My spirit remains... I AM STILL THE SYMBOL OF PEACE!!" He yelled. "AND THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO TAKE EVEN A FRAGMENT OF THAT AWAY FROM ME!!" All Might clenched his fist, and his eyes shone with deep determination.

"Magnificent!" All For One said. "You got me. I had forgotten how much of a stubborn little child you were." He may have not had eyes, but it was obvious that the villain was glaring. "In that case, I hope that this does not hinder that spirit of yours... I've got something to tell you..." Izuku and the crowd listened intently, Izuku slowly loading a full chamber of titanium rounds into his revolver.

"Shigaraki Tomura is Nana Shimura's grandchild." He said.

...With the woman...

The woman heard this news, and suddenly paled as much as All Might did at that statement.

"My... grandchild? How long was I out?" She asked herself, focusing on the fight with even more intensity. She slowly stood up from the gurney, and limped her way to the front, where a dark-haired girl saw her. She helped Nana stand, and the two watched the fight with looks of uncertainty.

...Back With All Might...

"All this time, I've been thinking about how much that fact would disturb you. I created the perfect opportunity for you two to meet, and you beat him into submission, didn't you? Without knowing a thing, all the while shining that triumphant smile of yours."

"You're lying..." All Might said anger growing as the villain continued to speak.

"It's the truth. You understand, don't you? This is the kind of thing I would do." He said. "Huh. That's weird, All Might." The villain then mocked a smile by pushing up his cheeks. The false smile was not shown due to the man's mask, but the effect was still the same. "What happened to that smile of yours?" He asked.

"IT RESTS WITH THE HEARTS OF THE PEOPLE!!" A voice yelled. The two turned to see Nana Shimura, the seventh holder of One For All, screaming while being supported from the shoulder of Yaoyorozu Momo. All Might's eyes widened in surprise, and All For One's eyeless glare hardened.

"How did she escape the capsule?" The villain asked. He suddenly jumped back from a bullet, and everyone turned to see Quick Draw holding a smoking gun.

"You're welcome, Old man. Now, do all of Japan a favor, and kick his ass!" The vigilante said, as both the crowd and the heroes began to root for All Might. Even Endeavor was rooting for him, and Izuku was fine with that. He could let this one slide. All Might then began to grow, enough so that his legs, torso, and right arm were in muscle form. He then stared with powerful determination at the villain, and the two charged each other.

All Might reared back his fist, and a booming yell was heard to accompany the impact.

"One For All... UNITED STATES OF SMAAAAASH!!!!!!" All Might yelled, and as his blow landed, dust rose up in the crater. No signs of either fighter were visible for a few moments, and the dust cleared. Standing was All Might, now in his true form. At his feet was the unconscious form of All For One, and the crowd roared with hope as they knew he had one. Cameras around the globe then saw All Might look at the camera, and make his final statement as the Number One Hero. "You're next."


Izuku ran back to the ambulance, and watched them carry Cinder in. She wore a medical breather around her mouth, and he shed a tear at her state.

"Please be okay..." He said, kissing her forehead. He then exited the ambulance as it left, stopping by the other one, where he found Nana Shimura. He walked up to her, and she suddenly spoke.

"What is the date?" She asked. He handed her a newspaper from earlier that day, and she paled.

July 25th, XX34.

"T-That long?" She asked.

"Why, what's the matter?" Izuku asked. She then shook, and faced him.

"I've been in that tube for at least forty-one years." She said. "And if this Shigaraki Tomura is supposedly my grandson, then I've missed way too much." She said. She explained that she was All Might's former teacher, and after Izuku said that he knew All Might's secret, she told him how she was his predecessor, who supposedly had died in a fight against the villain. "If I had been a little stronger, then maybe..." Nana trailed off, as Izuku got her attention once more.

"You couldn't help it then. But you can help Now by being there for your successor, and his as well." Izuku said. He noticed the skeletal All Might, and left them to catch up.

...With Nana and All Might...

All Might slowly walked up to his former mentor, slowly as if it was a dream. He eventually made his way to her, and she spoke.

"It's been a while, Yagi." Nana said with a smile. All Might suddenly wrapped her in a hug, which she returned gladly.

"Mentor... It's been so long since I last saw you..." He said, tearing up. She noticed this, and broke the hug.

"Don't be like that. Remember what I told you?" She asked.

"No matter how scary it gets, you must always wear that smile that says 'I'm Fine!' For in this world, The ones who smile are the strongest of all." The two said together. "Anyways, Let's catch up. What did I miss?" Nana asked, and All Might smiled.

...During the Conversation...

Izuku pulled out his phone due to a sudden notification. He picked up a call from Nighteye, and the man sounded distressed.

"What's wrong?" Izuku asked.

"Besides the near-death of All-Might?" Nigheye responded, sarcastic despite the panic in his voice. "I did some heavy research into the Trigger and Quirk-removal drugs. I traced back the materials and saw that the main ingredient was human blood." He said. Izuku's eyes widened, and the man continued. "Not only that, but I was able to find the source and location. I traced the drug back to the Yakuza after questioning the man you apprehended. It appears that a little girl's blood is being used to power the drugs they're using." Izuku was silent for a few moments, and spoke.

"Do you mind if kill 'em? Anyone who thinks harming children is okay pisses me off, especially after what I witnessed happen to Cinder." Izuku said.

"I'd normally say no, but with the inhumanity of this situation, I give you full permission to kill." Nighteye said. "But you need to save the girl. That is the objective."

"I'll head over there tomorrow. I have personal matters to attend to first." Izuku said. The ambulance carrying Cinder left, and Izuku followed to make sure she was okay.

...The Next Morning...

Cinder Fall woke up in an unfamiliar environment, opening her mouth to speak. She realized that it hurt to speak loudly, and so she took in the area she was in. She then realized two things: One, she was in a hospital room. Two: There was a weight on her lap, and she looked to see that it was Izuku who was there. She smiled, and placed a hand on his head, gently stroking his head. Then the memories returned. Her head filled up with the memories of her torture, of how Shigaraki purposely aimed for the baby first, then slowly disintegrated the left side of her body, and cried. The sleeping gunslinger suddenly awoke, and saw Cinder crying. He got up, and wrapped her in his arms, trying his hardest to let her know that he was here.

"It's okay Cinder... You're safe, and that's all that matters." Izuku said. He let her remain in his arms for a few more moments, and she broke the embrace.

"But he... he ki-" Cinder said, before she was interrupted by a kiss.

"As much as I hate Shigaraki for causing you both the physical and emotional pain, we can always try again if you really want a child." He said.

"Really?" She asked.

"Of course." Izuku said. A doctor then walked into the room, and the two separated once more.

"Hello there, Ms. Fall and company. I know I interrupted a touching moment, but I'd like to deliver some good news and bad news." The doctor said.

"What's the bad news?" Cinder asked somewhat quietly.

"Well, it's surprisingly not that bad. While your injuries will affect you physically, the worst that happened to you was that your left eye was blinded." The doctor said. "If the unlikely case happens and your eye can open again, you will be able to see, but for now that eye is blinded. The other is that for a while you will be unable to speak louder than a whisper without some vocal stress, so I suggest speaking in whispers, or having someone else speak for you until your vocal chords recover."

"What's the good news?" Izuku asked.

"Well, it's surprisingly good news. The scars on her body will heal in a few years (A/N: I know scars don't just go away, but I'm calling it BNHA healing factors, besides Deku, obviously), the only exception being her eye. While yes, her child was killed, you still can try again if you do wish." He said.

"Wait... you mean..." Cinder said.

"You are still fertile, Ms. Fall. Trying again is up to you, but I suggest you wait a month for her injuries to heal, and at least another month after for her to mentally recover." The doctor said, and he left the room. Cinder cried again, but was now crying happy tears.

"Cinder. I know what you're thinking, but let's wait until we graduate if you want to try again for a child." Izuku said.

"Why?" Cinder asked.

"I don't want you to cry again." Izuku said. "I love you as much as I do Momo and Mei. I don't want any of you to cry as much as I saw you cry today. So please, at least do me this favor." Cinder looked at him for a few moments, and smiled softly.

"Alright." She said simply. Izuku sighed, and stood up.

"I have a very important mission to do in a few hours. I want to stay, but I'll see you later." Izuku said. Cinder pecked his lips, and smiled.

"Do what you must. I'll see you later." She said. "Just... at least come back alive. I don't want to be left all alone." Izuku smiled, and returned her kiss with his own.

"I promise." He said. He left the hospital, and pulled out his phone. It showed a map to the location where the Yakuza group was, and Izuku hopped onto his bike, intent on saving another life. He quickly drove back to his room in the dorms, and emptied his cloak of his guns. He placed in new weapons and ammo and a brown canteen with a Ü symbol on it, and ran back to his bike. He hopped on, and begun his ride to the Yakuza base. "You better start praying, because I won't stop 'till you're twelve feet under!" Izuku said, his bike roaring across the streets as his mission began.


A/N: Hey, would you look at that! I actually used canon dialogue for once! I know I didn't write in the actual fight between All Might and All for One, but I thought this would be enough, especially with introducing Nana in full this chapter. Next up is Izuku vs. the Yakuza, and after that is Izuku vs. Overhaul. Mentally, Izuku is now okay, buuut he still reached his rage limit for dealing with villains, and killer training and rage never mix well (for the villains. I mean, I like it). Next chapter will hopefully be great, because I've used a few chapters to practice some One man army battles.

Leave a vote, maybe a comment, maybe even an emoji. I'd like to hear what you had to say. Anyways, see 'ya next chapter. Later!

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