Traditions - Niall Horan fanf...

By oiharold

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Traditions - Niall Horan fanfic - Book 1/5
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Eighteen

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By oiharold

**Meg’s POV**

I got home safe and sound, and Niall was right. No one noticed him, as stupid as it sounds. I think half of it was that Niall wasn’t supposed to be there, so no one expected him to be there.

I got home and my parents greeted us with hugs and kisses, happy that we were home. As soon as I felt it was alright I retired to my room, sitting on my bed with my laptop open, seeing if One Direction would be coming near us.

I found that they weren’t, which wasn’t surprising. I looked to see where the nearest concert would be, and found that there were none that I could drive to. I sighed and fell back on my bed.

This is going to be a long five months.


Three months passed and I still am not sure what I’ll do about school. I’ve been looking into schools around London, and there are a few I really like. I’ll apply to as many as possible and probably stay on campus. 

I’m on Tumblr a lot. My followers know that I’m Megan, and that I’m Niall’s girlfriend. I like to see how they see us, and how other people see us and the boys. I like to watch videos that are posted from concerts or interviews, and I like to see Niall all flustered whenever someone asks about me.

A month ago I was searching to buy tickets to One Direction’s show at MSG. I bought a ticket to fly up the day before, paid for a hotel for three nights, and worked out all the chinks. Since I’m working almost every day I could just barely afford that. I found a ticket for sale, but I knew I couldn’t afford it. I sighed, staring at the screen. It was hard enough to get to New York, now there’s the concert issue. I could just call the boys and tell them my issue. But Eleanor, Perrie and Danielle are all going in as well to surprise their boyfriends, and I didn’t want to be left out.

I barely talked to them all, but they were sure to try to include me. There was just one catch: when they got the tickets they only needed three.

I thought for days on how I could get one ticket for cheap, when it hit me. I can call Paul. Or Andy. Or I could always try to win tickets, but that’ll never happen. Niall gave me Paul’s number for whenever I needed it, and I silently thanked him as I dialed the number.

"Hello?" A strong voice asked. "Paul? It’s Meg." I said, hoping he knew who I was.

"Hold on one second," He said. I heard voices - the boys - asking who it was. "You guys have a concert in an hour," I heard him say and the voices fadded.

"Meg," Paul said. "I have an issue." I said, playing with my shirt as I paused.

"I can’t afford a ticket to visit the boys with Perrie, Eleanor and Danielle." I said softly, tears springing to my eyes.

I always hated not having much money, but I’m actually making a decent amount now. “I got plane tickets, a hotel room, I even got myself poster board for a nice poster but the tickets that are on sale from other people are so expensive…” I went on, wiping the tears from my face.

"Meg, Meg, please don’t cry! Just… come to the concert, and call me when you get here. I’ll work something out." He said. I nodded with a smile. "Thank you so much. And please don’t tell the boys, it’s a surprise." I said. "Sure, I’ll see you in a few weeks.

Back to the present, I’m on a plane. To New York. I have my laptop open and am abusing the plane’s free wifi by going on Tumblr.

I decided to just answer questions since I’m on a plane, and did just that.

When people started to submit dirty things is when I called it quits for today an logged out, deciding to take a nap for the remainder of the flight.


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