Chapter Twenty

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**This is kind of a look into book 2/5!**

**Harry’s POV**

As the girls surprisingly ran out into the boys arms I just stood there. Louis joined me, grumbling something about how girls suck and they’re out to get us all. I just ignored him, my eyes focused on Meg and Niall. Then Danielle and Liam. Then Perrie and Zayn. They were all so happy; how did they reach that point? How haven’t I? I could have any girl in the world, almost, and here I am, alone.

How did that happen? Standing next to Louis, who’s so bitter he could freeze water. How? Security went to move things along and Meg kissed Niall again and whispered something in his ear. They all walked away and waved, heading back to the venue.

It’s not even that I like any of them, because I don’t. I just want someone. Anyone. I just want someone to love and someone to love me. I want to be able to hold someone on chilly nights and someone to be waiting for me at the airport when I come home.

I just haven’t found this someone yet. The rest of the meet and greet is a blur of girls who tell us she loves us, gets a picture then has us sign something.

We headed back to the venue and to our dressing room, where the girls were. “Harry!” Meg shouted and jumped up and hugged me. “Hey, Meggy.” I said, hugging her back. She went to hug Louis but he eyed her weirdly and her face fell. Niall pulled her into his lap and whispered something into her ear. “Hey, she won’t hurt him,” I told Lou. He eyed me next. I dropped it.

"We need to get going, we’re going to the hotel and we’re leaving early to head back to the UK." Everyone sighed. I sat down in a chair and rested my head on the back of it. I closed my eyes and waited… and waited until it was time to leave.


"You alright?" Liam asked me when we got back to the hotel. "Hmm? Yeah, I’m fine." I said with a smile. He nodded, heading into his room. I walked to mine and sat on the bed. I already packed, so I just had to wait until it was time to go.

Although I don’t have much down time, I have a lot of time to think. Too much time to think. Sometimes I think about my family, and sometimes about other people and sometimes about what life would be like if I were normal. But that doesn’t last long; I love where I am.. for the most part. I would only make one change.

I guess I’m just stuck. There’s only one path to follow, and I’m surrounded by dense woods. I can’t stray, or I’ll get lost. I need to follow the path that’s been set out for me. I need to make sure that I’m safe, but I want to be happy as well. I can’t do that until I have a bit more elbow room, which might not be for years.

Unless, of course, I make myself some elbow room. I smirked to myself and grabbed my suitcase. I mean, we’re done touring anyway! We don’t have anything planned for a few weeks. They want us to go back to London and stay low, but going to a few parties won’t hurt anyone, right? Having some fun won’t be too bad.

I just need to unstuck myself.


Traditions - Niall Horan fanfic - Book 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant