{COMPLETED} Dirty Seduction (...

By pinkeubyunnie

331K 9.9K 6K

"I'm horny." That was one text. The single text that started of the art of seduction. "Then why don't you a... More

Seduction 1
Seduction 2
Seduction 3
Seduction 4
Seduction 5
Seduction 6
Seduction 7
Seduction 8
Seduction 10
Seduction 11
Seduction 12
Seduction 13
Seduction 14
Seduction 15
Seduction 16
Seduction 17
Seduction 18
Seduction 19
Seduction 20
Seduction 21
Seduction 22
Seduction 23
Seduction 24
Seduction 25
Seduction 26
Seduction 27
Seduction 28
Final Seduction

Seduction 9

8.9K 309 73
By pinkeubyunnie

Baekhyun carefully walks into the kitchen where Chanyeol is already waiting, leaning with his hands on the counter. His face was showing no expression but inside, Baekhyun could feel the anger. At this moment in time, Baekhyun feels like a shy, submissive boy in a film who stays away from everyone; he wished he did stay away from everyone.

There's a slight bit of silence. "You wanted me?" Baekhyun asks, rubbing the back of his neck before folding his arms close to his chest. He feels it's the only way to protect himself from the pain he is probably about to hear.

"You are a total bastard." Chanyeol states, anger showing through his final word.

Baekhyun flinches a little at the insult he knows he deserves. "I'm sorry..."

"Sorry? You're sorry?! Baekhyun, sorry does not say anything. What you did last night was just unforgivable. You loved every second of it and then the minute it finishes, you hated it?! What guy does that? Oh yeah, a low life like you." Chanyeol rants.

"I don't know what else to say to you!" Baekhyun releases the shy side of him and his arms untangle from in front of him. "I'm the straightest guy in school and I just let one of the gayest guys fuck me! Yes I did enjoy it. There. Happy now? Can we move on?"

Chanyeol scoffs. "Okay, one; you are not straight at all and two; no we can NOT move on from this."

"And you know everything about me? LuHan knows everything about me, even things I don't know about myself, so how the hell do you know anything about me, including my sexual orientation?" Baekhyun asks, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm gay. It's called a gay-dar you idiot. I'm one of the few gay guys who has one. I can spot another gay guy from a mile off. Plus, if you were straight, why did you turn up at my front door when I said I was horny and let me fuck you?"

Baekhyun stands there speechless. How can he answer that? LuHan knows he's gay but there's no way he can ruin his reputation at school but coming out. So many people at school will bully him and he'll become a loser. He doesn't want to be a loser...he wants to be loved.

Chanyeol takes a step closer. "Can't answer me? Have I hit a nerve?"

"I am not gay you idiot! It was just sex. That's all it was."

"Just sex? Baekhyun, how many girls would literally jump straight into bed with you from school, if you asked them?" Chanyeol asks, hitting yet another speechless reply from Baekhyun. "Exactly. Every single one of them. So, instead of texting a girl buddy from school, you decide to have sex with the, and I quote, the gayest guy in school. Little weird right? Considering that you're straight."

Baekhyun turns around and tries to walk out of the kitchen when Chanyeol grabs his shoulder to stop him. "Let me go right now."

"Not until you answer my question."

Baekhyun turns around. "Answer what question?"

"Are you not straight?" He asks, saying 'not' too quickly for Baekhyun to catch on to,

"Yes I am. Now can I go?"

Chanyeol smirks. "So, you're not straight, meaning you're gay? That's all the information I needed to know." Chanyeol walks past Baekhyun and back into the living room. Since Chanyeol's legs were longer than Baekhyun's, it was hard to catch him up to stop him from leaving.

When Baekhyun reaches into the living room, LuHan looks over at him in curiosity as to what was said. "You alright?" LuHan asks.

"I don't feel well. I think I'm gonna go home." Baekhyun replies.

"But you were fine in there with me." Chanyeol says. "Don't let the fact that I know your secret block you from having fun."

Sehun looks at Chanyeol in shock at how manipulative he was being. Chanyeol is never this type of guy. However, whenever Chanyeol is hurt, his personality changes until revenge is given.

"Be nice you big idiot." Sehun interrupts, hoping he can stop Chanyeol from saying something stupid.

Baekhyun grabs two shots from the table in front of Jongdae and drinks them, one after another. He wipes his mouth and places the empty glasses back. "Two more." He states. Sehun smiles and pours two more. Baekhyun takes the two shots and takes a breath. "So then, what's my secret Chanyeol?"

Chanyeol looks at Baekhyun in shock. He can hear the drunkenness in his voice. At this moment, he's found out that he's a pure lightweight with alcohol. "Baek, I'm not gonna tell anyone."

"Why don't you? I know you'll tell the school and totally ruin my life." Baekhyun replies.

"I am not gonna do that, even if you literally killed me inside last night."

Baekhyun laughs. "And you think I wanted to say what I did? I couldn't have everyone knowing."

"Knowing what?" Kai asks, seeming pretty confused.

"That Chanyeol gave it to me pretty good last night." He starts swaying a little.

LuHan stands up. "I think we should seriously get him home. He can't stay here like this."

Chanyeol also stands up. "Agreed."

"I don't feel so good..." Baekhyun whines. He stands up and runs for the bathroom he saw on the way to the kitchen.

"I'll go." LuHan offers.

Chanyeol puts his hand out to stop him. "No, let me go. I'm the reason he just took four shots like an idiot." He walks out of the living room to hear poor Baekhyun throwing up. "You alright?" He asks, slowly walking in to the bathroom.

"Fantastic thanks." Baekhyun replies before throwing up again.

Chanyeol smiles at his sarcasm. He fills up a glass of water and holds it ready for when Baekhyun has stopped. "Drink this." He says, offering Baekhyun the water.

Baekhyun flushes the toilet and sits on the seat, accepting the glass of water. "I'm such a fucking idiot, aren't I?"

"No, you're not."

"How can you say that? I was a total ass to you last night..." Baekhyun replies, taking a sip of the water.

"Yeah. Okay you were a big ass last night, but I don't wanna see you hurt yourself over it. It's not worth it."

Baekhyun bows his head and Chanyeol can see his shoulders shaking. Little noises come from the smaller. "I'm just so scared..." When Chanyeol realises Baekhyun is crying, he kneels down, places his finger under Baekhyun's chin and makes him look at him.

"You don't have to be scared." Chanyeol replies, removing his finger. "What are you scared of? Being gay or?"

They smaller looks at him, his eyes glazed over. "What everyone will think of me, if I'll have any friends, what my parents will do when they find out and just that I can't find a woman attractive like other guys can." More tears roll down his face.

Chanyeol knows exactly how Baekhyun feels. When he realised he was gay, all these questions ran through his mind as well. This entire thing started with him and Sehun having a bet about seducing a certain guy. In a way, Chanyeol won due to last night but he didn't and still doesn't feel like he's won anything.

He pulls Baekhyun into a hug and holds him tight. "Everything is going to be alright, I promise you."

What did happen to the bet?

Bringing so much into this for the drama. I will bring humour back in the next chapter, I promise you.

And I know I say about poor Baekhyun going through all these worries, but I want people to know that if any of you are realising you're gay or bi and are scared about the things Baekhyun mentioned, I'm always here to talk to you guys <3 I love each and every one of you

Thank you for reading! Vote and comment!

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