*COMPLETED*Love and War( A Co...

By TheVampsRebecca

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Have you ever fallen in love?? Has the relationship been filled with love or war?? Jane clifford is seventee... More

Love and War( A Connor Ball fan fiction)
Chapter 2- Finding Out!!!
The First Night!!!
The First Date!!!
Meeting Everybody!!!
Moving Out and Moving In!!!
Settling in!!!
Movie Marathon!!!
Girls Day Out!!!
New Friends!!!
The Second Date!!!
Telling The boys!!!
Introducing Connor's Family!!!
Stay The Night!!!
Arranging the Date!!!
The Suprise Date!!!
Good and bad news!!!
Girl Talk!!!
Shopping and Pain!!!
Sorting the Fangs!!!
Getting ready for the parents!!!
Mother/Daughter talk!!!
Asking about the date!!!
Getting ready for the date!!!
Spending the day with Connor!!!
Night at Connor's house
Talking to Cicely!!!
Back to the vampiro!!!
Mother/Daughter Fight!!!
Explaining Everything!!!
Talking to James!!!
Connor's story!!!
Parents talk!!!
Back at the vampiro!!!
Getting Ready For Club Fang!!!
Club Fang!!!
The Vampiro!!!
Birthday Bash!!!

Parents arrive!!!

314 7 2
By TheVampsRebecca

Janes pov:

I woke up and I felt better than I did yesterday but I was worried about my parents arriving and I was still upset about my fight with Cicely. I looked at my phone and it was 10 o'clock so I got up and went to the bathroom.

I got dresses into a pair of blue denim jeans, a white tank top and a pair of black nike runners. I left my hair down and curled the ends to get a beach wave effect and I put natural make up on.

I headed downstairs and walked into the kitchen to be greeted by Jade.

" Hey how are you?" I asked.

" Im good thanks how are you? Are you feeling better?" Jade asked while she poured herself a cup of tea.

" Im good. I feel a bit better but it's still sore." I said.

" Oh you poor thing. Do you want tea?" She asked.

" I can't, remember I can only have blood for up to 4 to 5 days." I said and I went to the fridge and took a bottle of blood and took a sip of it and then I sat down a the table and Jade did to.

There was a box of cornflakes, a carton of milk, a few slices of toast and butter on the table. I took a slice of toast and put butter on it and ate it, I wasn't that hungry and it was hard to eat because my gum was still sore. Jade had a bowl of cornflakes and then she also had a slice of toast.

" Im sorry about you and Cicely by the way." Jade said.

" Thanks but how do you know?" I asked.

" Connor told us, he loves you and he's really concerned about you." She said.

" Ahh I know he's concerned and he's also protective. I love him too." I said.

" That's good but anyway I hope you and Cicely can sort things out.". she said.

" Thanks Jade. I hope so too." I said and Jade came over to me and gave me a hug and then left the room.

A few minutes later Connor walked in and he came over to me and kissed me quickly on the lips and it was sweet, passionate and gentle at the same time. When we pulled apart he looked at me.

" How did you sleep?" He asked.

" Good actually thanks. You?" I said.

" Great. Are you ready to see your parents?" He asked.

" Not really. I don't know how to tell them we're dating. They won't let me date you. Connor I have to be with you. I need you in my life. Promise me that you will help me to convince them that its a good thing that we're dating." I said and he took hold of my hands.

" Jane I'll be there to convince them. Im not letting you go that easy, I love you too much and I don't want to ever lose you. Ok." He said and he pulled me into a hug.

" Connor?" I asked.

" Ye" he said.

" Do you think they will let us date?" I asked.

" Let's hope so,ok" He said and then he went over to the counter and got himself a bowl of cereal. Then Brad walked in a few minutes later.

" Hey guys. How are you?" He asked.

" Hey Brad Im good thanks mate." Connor said.

" Hey im ok. How are you?" I asked.

" Im grand thanks. Listen Connor your mum tried to ring your phone but you didn't pick up so she rang me." Brad said.

" What was she ringing about?" Connor asked.

" She wanted to tell you that Jane's parents texted her. They are arriving at 1 o'clock and its 11 o'clock now." Brad said.

" Ok well the house is clean and im ready. Jane?" Connor said.

" Ye...im ready." I said.

When we finished breakfast we went into the sitting room and watched Emmerdale for a while. Then James, Tristan, Jade and Michella came in and they sat with us and as it drew closer to 1 o'clock we all were silent. We eventally heard a knock at the door, we all looked at each other and James got up and answered the door.

" Hello Im James you must be Jane's parents. It's nice to meet you, Come on in." Jame said and they both come in and saw me.

" Jane sweetie. How are you?" My mum said.

My mums name is Hayley and she has brown straight hair which stops at her shoulders. She is tall and she's always very happy and bubbly but she does have a short temper.

" Hi mum, Im ok. How are you?" I said.

" Im good why don't you introduce us to everyone, well I already know Connor." She said.

" Ok, This is James, Tristan, Brad, Jade and Michella." I said while pointing at them individually.

" It's nice to meet you." She said and then my dad walked in the door with all the suitcases.

" Hello everybody. Connor can you help me with the bags?" He asked.

My dads name is Jeremy, He has short hair which is going grey and he is tall and he always tries to be in a good mood but has a trmper just like my mum.

" Ye sure where will I put the bags." Connor said. He got up off the sofa and helped my dad bring the bags upstairs. Connor winked at me while he headed up before my parents could see.

I turned around and saw my mum having a conversation with James and it was strange because the both of then were laughing and it was just well weird.

" Mum, Will I make you a cup of tea?" I asked.

" No, Im fine. How about me and you go upstairs and catch up." She said and we went upstairs and into the spare room where my parents were going to sleep and as we walked upstairs, my dad and Connor walked downstairs. We went into the spare room and sat on the bed and I waited to hear what she was going to say.

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