Journey to the center of Leo'...

By leoninja11

47.8K 1.3K 344

A/N: If you haven't noticed, this story takes place in the TMNT 2012 episode "Journey to the Center of Mikey"... More

The Neutrinos Invade
What's wrong with Leo?
Leo's Memories
Space Heroes
The Meditative State
The turtles fight back
The Plan
Weird Noises
Wake up
Red Eyes
Back to Leo's Mind
Mikey vs. The last Neutrino
A Dream?

Leo's Subconscious

3.9K 115 57
By leoninja11

They landed on a checker tiled surface. The room was darkly lit. "Um, April, where are we?" Mikey stammered. "You're in Leo's subconscious. You guys are getting too deep inside his mind, you guys are going to have to find his inner-self without me. I can't locate you guys anymo-" April's voice shouted before getting cut off. "Did the only person who knows where we're going just vanish? - 'Cause if she did, we are totally-" Raph snapped when he was interrupted by Leo wearing an apron.

"Raph, Mikey, Donnie!!" Leo said. "Are you guys ok? What happened? Here go rest on the couch I'll go handle it" Leo said fast as he sat Mikey on the couch making sure he was ok. "Um, Leo, we're fine, what's up with you dude?" Mikey asked. Raph left the conversation when he heard someone in a dark corner of the room. He went to check it out and Donnie followed, knowing the conversation with Leo might not be useful, since all he was talking about was if they were ok.

Raph reached for his sais was he was walking toward the shady person. Then the person (or should I say turtle) turned around. It was Leo, but with very small pupils and holding his arms wrapped around his knees. He looked very stressed out and was talking to himself saying things like "What if you've failed the team? What if they hate your leadership? What if they hate you as a brother?". Raph and Donnie heard what the stressed out Leo said. Raph tried to put his hand on Leo's shoulder to calm him down but Leo screamed and twitched when Raph made contact. "So much for Fearless Leader" Raph signed.

Raph and Donnie walked out of the dark corner and saw Mikey still being comforted by a version of Leo. They went to explore the other parts of the darkly lit room. Then out of nowhere, Raph heard punching bags being punched. He ran toward the sound only to see another Leo but in his Spirit Quest outfit. "Ugh, please tell me you're the real Leo" Raph groaned, already tired from the whole adventure. "Ha, I challenge you to a battle" the Leo said. "Fine" he said to tired to argue. But in less than 3 seconds, Raph was knocked down on the ground. "You've gotten better at fighting haven't you Leo?" Raph asked all confused.

He ran back to Donnie who was hanging out with Mikey. "Donnie, why are there 3 Leo's?" he asked. "These are all aspects of his personality. You have a protective mama bird Leo, a stressed out Leo-" Donnie said before he was interrupted by Raph "-and a warrior Leo who wants to keep training over and over" he said, out of breath from running. "So where are we gonna find the inner Leo?" Mikey asked. "I know" a childish-voice replied.

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