My kidnapper is a WEREWOLF...

By KatieKoala_

31.1K 955 118

The description keeps getting deleted just read you will not be dissapointed More

The kidnapping
The Kidnapping pt:2
The "Attempted" Escape
A/N Sorry :(
The secrect is no more
Explanation Time I guess
Time to explain part 2
Almost Raped!!!!
Time for shopping YAY
Someone's watching me I think
thanks korahbelle
Our weekend together
School nooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Some changes to the story
Tryouts and their back great
We made the team. Is Jake really back?????
Jake sighting pt2
Jewel Cullen lets get to her
Jonah King
Mating and shifting crap help me
Camping this shoul be fun. Right?
Where's Carly?!!?!?!?!??!?!??!?!?!??!
planning time
The Note
Meeting the Alpha King Another Surprise!?
The Beginning
Not an update
The War Begins
ice bucket challenge
The end
Book two is coming yay
merry Christmas
I'm so happy ^_^
A/N What has been your favorite part?

Meeting Collin, learning his past, and Jakes plan to attack

403 14 0
By KatieKoala_

                                           *Carlys pov*

Yay I get to see Hunter today "Collin come on we need to leave I miss Hunter let's go already!!!!!" I swear boys say we take forever. "I'm coming I'm coming you really love don't you?" Naw I just wanna hit him what does he think. "Yes can we go now, when I shift you get on ok?" Collin nodded since I had clothes packed I shifted and Collin hopped on admiring my fur. I saw the cabin that we was staying at I ran full speed. I ran inside still in wolf form, following Hunters scent I busted the door and licked his face repeatedly. To say Hunter was shocked would be an understatement, He looked like he's seen a ghost. Letting out a wolfie grin I grabbed clothes and ran to the bathroom to shower. After my shower I jumped into Hunters arms. " I missed you so much princess."   " Hey I know how but I'm here and that's all that matters."  Someone cleared their throat Whipping our heads I saw my brother.  "Ok time to start explaining Collin." I hope this goes well.

                                     *Collins pov*


I was walking in the forest when I felt chills, I was getting cold next thing I know a Vampire was behind me. Wait Vampire aren't real what was I thinking they don't exist. All of a sudden it biting me I  felt as if my life was drained and yet I still felt alive. I got home Carly was asleep for two years old she was cute. I went to my bathroom my eyes were red  and my skin was pale. I was a FREAKING vampire so with out any goodbye I ran off to live my life among the other Vampires. I never forgot my family most importantly Carly it was hard to leave her but I wanted her to have a normal life.

I remember getting a call saying my parents were dead, my first thought was Carly.  I stayed in the shadows and watched over her. [end of flashback]

"Untill a few days ago I never knew what Jake did but when Carly told me. Jake wanted me to join him along with about  three hundred rouges. He's planning to attack when you have your gaurd down or when your most vulnerable. Also he's planning to take Carly again."  I can't belive it but we all know that it won't be the same untill he's gone. "I have a plan." Everyone snapped their heads towads me.

"Well you know how asked for you to join him?" Collin nodded " Ok Call him and tell him you will join, but you want to know train by yourself. Once you have any information let us know you have my number call when you have anything." By now Hunter looked at me for the second time making sure i was real and not a dream. "You know I'm not a dream or a ghost right?" I asked while smirking. "Well.....yea but's just ugh!!!!!!" haha he's nervous that's funny. "Awe is the big bad alpha stuttering."  I was right I saw a light blush creep onto his face. Awe he does blush hehe.

Collin left an hour ago Hunter told me he wants to do something fun on our last day here. We came up to a cliff. Ooooo cliff diving before Hunter colud tell me anything I ran and jumped off leaving him shocked. Just like when I attempted to escape, I laughed at that thought how if I never went to my exs house we never would've meet. Now I'm glad he kidnapped me, my life changed and I can't even tell how much I love this new life. Tomorrow we repack and leave but I can and will come to visit my brother next to the pack, my friends, and Hunter he's my only family.

I know Hunters thinking this, but if Jake wants a war he's got one we'll make sure he's dead so we can live normal lives and not worry about him.

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