Love&Basketball (Camren)

By CC__5H

403K 8.2K 2.2K

《CONVERTED》to Camren Camila Cabello a teenager about to begin her senior year has been dating her boyfriend... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 48

4.3K 79 6
By CC__5H

"You have to be kidding..." lauren muttered as she rubbed her face in frustration.

she and lucy were currently standing in the room that miami University had provided and they were both realizing that the housing director hadn't been lying when she told them that they only had one single dorm Available. Apparently the latest class was the largest freshman class in the school's history.

Demi had been wise enough to warn Lucy that she should let the director believe that lauren would be in the room alone if she wanted to be able to stay with the girl without any difficulties. Luckily the director hadn't recognized lucy either since that would have been an extra problem that lucy really didn't want to have to deal with.

Of course the mere thought of sharing the same room with lauren was enough to get lucy to be quiet and look at the floor to hide her blush during the meeting with the director completely ignoring the scowl that the situation brought to Bruno's face. Once lauren received the key along with the housing information for the night lucy convinced Bruno to rent a hotel room for himself. Of course Bruno attempted to convince her to rent a room as well, but the girl was adamant that she wanted to hang out with lauren and she was positive that it was going to be a late night she didn't want to force Bruno to have to stay with them while they had their fun. Of course the real reason was that she wanted to spend as much time with lauren as possible, but she knew saying that would make it even harder to convince the muscular man.

Bruno also didn't like the idea of leaving lauren in charge of protecting lucy. He didn't even want to imagine what would happen if people recognized her... Just the thought made Bruno even more positive that he didn't like leaving. Of course eventually lucy informed the man that it was her decision and not his. She felt bad about being so harsh, but she hated when Bruno treated her like a child. To make it up to the man she gave him her black card and told him to enjoy the night his own way on her. lucy wasn't worried about Bruno being to extravagant either, she had a feeling he was the kind of man to buy a bottle of alcohol for himself and play spades in his room while eating a bowl of nails.

After finally convincing Bruno to leave Demi led them to the room that Lauren had been provided. The building was extremely nice although amazingly not to many people were around to notice lauren and Lucy's arrival. Demi told them that was because  maimi University held it's students to an extremely high standard during the day a lot of the students spent their time in the library or in their room studying. lauren laughed at that mentally praising the lord that she had no intentions on attending college. High school was hard enough. Once they got to the room demi told them to get comfortable and be ready to go out at around eight. she warned the two that it was going to be a hectic night and advised that they got some rest, especially lauren. After that she exited the room and that's where we find lauren and lucy now.

"One bed and one couch...I bet I can guess which one I get." lauren jokingly stated after noticing lucy hadn't said anything about her earlier comment.

lauren didn't really mind sleeping on the couch since whenever she didn't stay at dinah's she slept on the couch anyways at her own home. The young basketball player however didn't notice the frown that her words brought to lucy's face.

"You can take the bed. I really don't min-" lucy started before the sound of lauren dropping her stuff on the ground and slamming her body on the couch inturrupting her.

"Oh shut up, we both know I'm not going to let you sleep on the couch luce." lucy said in a nonchalant voice.

lucy looked at the lauren and chuckled at how comfortable she was with her. Not to many told her to shut up even if they were joking, but she liked that closeness that her and lauren had. "laur come on. It really isn't that big of a deal. After that practice I'm sure you want to lay in a real bed plus this is really your room it would be rude of me to take the bed." lucy tried to convince the girl.

lauren mentally groaned. she knew lucy well enough to know that once she decided on something it was pretty hard to talk her out of it. Suddenly though lauren had a devilish thought enter her head. she knew how to end this conversation really quick.

"We can share the bed if it's that serious. It is pretty big." lauren stated in the calmest voice she could muster. Of course she would be beyond embarrassed to actually share a bed with lucy, but she knew she would as well. Hell she would probably freak out call her a pervert and make her sleep on the couch after this suggestion. Well that was what lauren hoped.

The brief silence that followed lauren's comment brought a smile to lauren's face. she had won this battle. she was mentally holding up a victory sign in her head as she watched a blush come to lucy face. The girl also was avoiding her eyes now. That told her all she needed to know, there was no way she would continue this debate, lucy was far to sh-


lauren's thoughts came to a screeching halt. she couldn't have heard her right. "Excuse me?" lauren questioned finding extremely hard to keep her voice steady.

"I don't mind..." lucy's voice was quiet and lauren almost couldn't hear it, but without a doubt lucy was actually agreeing to her crazy idea.

lauren was almost positive that she was losing her mind. There was no way lucy was agreeing to sleep in the same bed as her. That was impossible.

"We're just sleeping alright! Don't get any crazy ideas!" lucy almost shouted. lauren's lack of a response was just making the situation even more embarrassing for her. Deep down she knew lauren wasn't suggesting anything inappropriate, but for some reason she still felt the need to say it just to cure her own uneasiness about the situation.

A deep blush came to lauren's face as she looked at lucy. "O-o-obviously!" lauren managed to sputter out still finding it hard to formulate a proper sentence.

lauren didn't even know why she was still going along with this. she should just tell lucy, she was kidding, but now it almost felt like she had no choice in the matter. If she told lucy she was just playing there was no doubt in her mind she would look like an asshole especially when it looked like lucy was so embarrassed, but still was saying yes because she didn't want to be a hindrance to her.

This was going to be an interesting night.

With camila

"What do you mean a back up plan?"camila  questioned. She couldn't help, but feel a bit relieved that simon wasn't going to just give up on her.

simon uncrossed his hands and for the first time since camila had entered the room stood up. "You don't become as successful as me without planning for contingencies. While I am disappointed that you don't wish to go with option A, option B still holds some promise."

A trace of a smile could be seen on camila's face. simon wasn't nearly as horrible as she had heard. There were rumors about how ruthless he was as a business man, but then again camila could only assume he didn't show that side to her because he wanted to work with her.

"Option B doesn't involve lauren right?" camila asked praying that it didn't. She really didn't want to do this piggybacking off of her relationship..or lack of one with lauren.

simon signed. He really did hate teenagers. "In a way it does, but it doesn't rely on her as much as option A did. With option B you will still be writing a song about the girl, but instead of throwing her under the bus you are just going to write what your heart feels.

"What my heart feels?" 

simon looked at the girl for a few moments before clicking a tiny red button on his desk.

"Yes sir how may I help you?" A voice coming from the desk said surprising camila.

"Yes, there should be a brown haired boy and his friend waiting in the lobby. Can you tell them to come up to my office please?" simon asked politely.

The voice gave a quick yes before hanging up.

"Your calling shawn and Normani up here?" camila asked a bit confused. It wasn't that she didn't want her friends to be here it was just surprising that simon would call them here himself.

James also seemed a bit surprised by the turn of events, but decided to not speak until his opinion was asked for...Which he was sure it wouldn't be by simon.

It took about five minutes for normani and shawn to make it up to simon's office, but camila could hear normani the moment they got to this floor.

"Mila! Oh my god you won't believe it!keana walked right past me!" normani squealed as she opened the door and saw her causing camila to laugh.

"From the looks of keana's face though you must have rejected working with her." shawn said as he also came into the room. A lot calmer than normani.

"Yes. She did reject my plan." simon joined the conversation.

camila could hear the difference in his voice. He obviously was a bit turned off probably because of normani's fawning. But he was definitely trying to hide it.

The smile that came to normani's face as she heard the news was undeniable. camila had chose not to throw lauren under the bus. She had told camila that she would support her regardless of her decision, but deep down obviously she had hoped camila stuck by her morals.

"That is so great Mila!" Normani exclaimed as she gave her best friend the tightest hug she could muster.

shawn smiled at the scene, deciding not to say anything else on the matter.  he was glad to hear that camila had made the right decision.

"As much as I enjoy seeing you all celebrate my plans not coming to fruition we have something else to discuss here." simon interrupted the mini celebration that was taking place in his office.

camila instantly took her attention off of her friends and gave it back to simon with a blush covering her face. "I'm sorry." She apologized.

simon waved it off as the other two teenagers in the room also gave him their attention. "shawn I believe you showed James something before that you'd like to play for all of us."

All eyes in the room turned to shawn who just scratched the back of his head. "Well this is kind of awkward.."

"What is he talking about shawn?" camila asked in a confused tone.

The brown haired boy just sighed as he took out his phone and played a voice recording that camila instantly recognized. A blush came to her face as her voice filled the room with her unwritten song.

"s-shawn! When did you-" camila stuttered unable to recall shawn recording her singing.

"I-I just recorded it because I had a feeling you'd sing something amazing! I showed James...And I suppose he told simon." shawn explained a bit awkwardly as he tried to defend his actions.

shawn's eyes then shifted toward James. "I had no idea he would tell simon about that song. Trust me." He finished before turning back towards camila.

"shawn sent the file to me and I showed it to simon..I'm sure you didn't believe he was so adamant about meeting you for no reason especially after you didn't get in touch with him when I told you to." James admitted finally seeing a reason for him to speak.

"That recording is why I requested for James to bring you in." simon confirmed.

"She didn't even write that either! Straight off the top of her head!" shawn began ranting getting a bit excited. This was his first time meeting simon as well, and while he did want to promote himself he almost felt obligated to speak about camila. He had no idea why.

For the first time since simon had called the two friends in he seemed generally interested at that comment. "That was freestyled?" He questioned a bit surprised. When James had showed him the amateur voice recording he had thought it was an already written song...He was becoming even more interested in this girl.

"It was, but I was going through a lot at the time...I don't know it just happened. I doubt I could do it again." camila started to explain already sensing simon's hopes being raised that she could create songs that easily.

"Besides I didn't even know shawn was recording that. That definitely isn't a song I'd want people hearing...It's kind of personal." camila continued ignoring the blush coming to her face.

"Music is supposed to be personal camila. I'm no artist, but I've worked with enough Grammy award winning ones to know that the more personal it is...The better." simon began once again sitting back in his chair. "Besides plan B is going to require you to be as personal as possible." He finished.

camila bit her lip. shawn had told her before that she would have to draw from her life in order to make good music, but she really didn't want to think about her relationship with lauren right now. It was to hard.

"camila this isn't really up for discussion. If you are serious about being successful in this world you have to give up things like privacy. This is the best I can do...If you aren't serious about this then you can leave my office." simon said seemingly reading camila's mind. Although camila knew a toddler would have been able to read her expression.

"Now let me ask you...Are you serious?" simon questioned in a serious tone drawing all eyes in the room to the brown haired girl.

With lauren

"Well you certainly clean up well Ms. Jauregui." lucy complimented as lauren finished buttoning up her shirt.

lauren chuckled before taking her eyes from the mirror that was in their room and turned to lucy. "Well I would be lying if I said you didn't look good yourself." she complimented before walking to her suitcase and grabbing a bottle of cologne dinah had let her have a while back.

lucy smiled before walking closer to lauren. "I see. So are you sure you aren't cleaning up for all of the college women that I'm sure will be around wherever your friend plans on taking us?" She asked with a hint of playfulness in her tone.

"If I said yes would you get jealous?" lauren teased as she looked at the supermodel a smirk playing at her lips.

A frown instantly came to lucy's face. "I would kill you." She said in the most serious tone she could muster.

lauren gave a chuckle before looking directly at lucy's eyes. "Trust me. No woman I meet would be worth the pain I'm sure you'd inflict on me."

lucy smiled at lauren's words, but she couldn't help, but think that camila was probably the only exception to that, but she wasn't going to kill the mood by bringing the girl up. It actually seemed like lauren was going to enjoy herself tonight and she didn't want her to think about her failed relationship any longer.

"So what time is it?" lauren asked snapping lucy out of her thoughts.

The girl looked at her watch before replying. "About ten minutes to eight."

"So we probably have another ten minutes before Demi gets here. Damn I knew I started getting dressed to soon." lauren groaned as she walked over to the couch and sat down.

lucy rolled her eyes. "You can't be serious, you only have to wait ten minutes, this is actually ideal."

Lauren's eyes lazily went to lucy as she came and stood in front of her. "I guess being a supermodel and all has made you pretty punctual."

"Well I do have to be on time if I want to stay on schedule so I suppose so, but it is common courtesy to be so lauren." Lucy defended.

Lauren yawned clearly not wanting to get into that topic. "So are you sure you'll be ok wherever Demi is taking us? I mean it's not if somebody recognizes you it's when and I'm sure they'll be all over you."

"You act like it won't be the same for you or did you forget that your sorta famous." Lucy countered feeling a bit flattered that lauren was worried about her.

Lauren scratched her head. "I suppose, but you know you can rely on me if things get to hectic right?" She asked just to reassure the blonde that she would be safe.

"Yes I am aware my knight in shinning armor." Lucy  joked causing lauren to roll her eyes.

Lauren was going to respond, but the sound of somebody knocking on the door stopped her.

"That's probably Demi." Lauren presumed as she stood up causing her to now be standing directly in front of lucy.

Lucy couldn't help, but blush at the closeness especially since lauren had gotten up so quickly she hadn't even had time to process it. The smell of her cologne was already enough to make her legs go weak, so she quickly moved so she wouldn't do anything that went against her and lauren's agreement.

Luckily lauren didn't notice lucy's brief moment of weakness as she made her way to the door revealing a dressed up Demi.

"Well aren't you looking like someone who isn't sharing a room with a supermodel." Demi complimented.

Lauren smirked. "Sounds like someone is here who you can share your jealousy with lucy." Lauren said making a reference to their earlier conversation.

Lucy faked a laugh as she approached the door as well. "The difference is at the end of tonight I'll be the one alone with you in this room nobody else." She boldly tease before pushing pass both girls into the hallway.

Demi gave out a laugh at lucy's words, while a blush came to lauren's face having been completely caught off guard by lucy's words.

"Your right I am definitely jealous of you." Demi continued laughing as lauren simply used her hand to cover her face clearly embarrassed.

"She meant that in the most platonic way possible." Lauren muttered although she knew she didn't sound very convincing to her friend.

Luckily demi decided to drop it as the trio left the dorm and headed to Demi's car.

"So were exactly are we headed?" Lauren questioned from the passenger seat.

Demi's eyes were focused on the road as she replied. "Well the Gammas are throwing a party at their sorority house so I figured we'd check it out."

"A party on a Sunday night?" lucy asked. People in her line of work tended to party as much as possible, but she had assumed that college students wouldn't be partying when they had school the next day.

Demi decided not to inform the group that the party was specifically thrown to help convince lauren to attend their school so she settled by just laughing off the question and telling the two that it was college. Everyday was a party.

"I wouldn't worry to much about groupies either. This isn't the kind of party anybody can get into you have to be pretty well connected in the school to know about it." Demi assured.

lauren laughed. "You act like it's some kind of secret society."

"You'd be surprised..." demi muttered.

The rest of the ride was mostly Demi explaining the rules of a college party. Most of them were for lucy even though she assured her she had been to her fair share of parties.

"The last thing I have to warn you about is accepting drinks lucy. Even though I said everybody there will be pretty cool about who you guys are you never know, and if a guy offers you a drink don't take it just to be safe. You just never know." Demi warned hoping that lucy understood just how serious she was. Drugging a girl's drink and then raping her definitely wasn't new to any college campus.

"Trust me. If anybody tries anything like that they can consider themselves dead." lauren said seriously already feeling a bit of anger rise in her blood. How pathetic could someone be to even think about doing something like that.

demi looked at the younger girl, but didn't say anything. lucy was comforted by the fact that she knew lauren would protect her, but she was confident everything would be alright. She had no plans to entertain any guy at the party she was only going so she could have some fun with lauren.

"Well we're here." demi informed the group as they pulled up at the house.

The party was definitely a hit was what all three of them were thinking as they looked at the house. There were lights flashing inside and the music could be heard even though they hadn't even gotten out of the car.

"luce make sure you stay close to me." lauren said in a serious tone as she got out of the car. Clearly demi's words had worried her.

The superstar couldn't help the blush that came to her face at lauren's words. Usually she hated people telling her what to do, but of course when it came from lauren it only made her love the girl more. At the very most at least she knew lauren cared about her.

"Alright.." She muttered as she also opened the door.

With camila

"I can't believe this is happening..." normani muttered.

"Well believe it, now shut up so camila and I can focus..." shawn said harshly as he continued playing with certain keys on his piano.

Currently the trio were in simon's personal studio that he had in his building. They had to somehow create a hit song as quickly as possible and right now it wasn't going like simon planned.

"camila, I need for you to tap into those same feelings you had when you were singing for Brendan before." simon suggested trying to be as patient as possible.

James was present as well although he seemed to just be waiting for the group to be finished for the day so he could take them home.

"I'm sorry..I just ...can't...Everything I felt about lauren I said in that last song..." camila finally said feeling a bit frustrated with herself. She had agreed to write a song that described how she was feeling, but right now it was a lot harder then it was when shawn had put her on the spot.

simon sighed. This wasn't going as smoothly as he had hoped. Suddenly a thought came to his head however. "camila...Maybe we are going about this all wrong. Let me ask you a question why do you feel threatened by lucy?"

camila was caught of guard by his question and instantly began stuttering. "I-its not like I feel threatened by her..."

normani looked at her best friend she knew camila was extremely insecure about lauren's relationship with the supermodel and she had every right to be. After all lucy seemed perfect especially for lauren. They had grown up together, they knew seemingly everything about each other, she was rich, she already had a successful career, and personality wise she was one of the sweetest people normani had ever met. She was secretly glad she wasn't interested in dinah.

"If you didn't feel threatened by her then why does that picture bother you so much?" simon questioned.

camila didn't respond. Why did that picture bother her so much...Sure lucy was beautiful, but at no point during their relationship did camila ever doubt lauren's feelings towards her. She never felt as if he would cheat on her with lucy so why did she think that she had feelings for her now?


"lauren! No. I can't do this.." camila forced out. She couldn't let her talk. If she talked she would never be able to go through with this. If her lips touched hers one more time she would break down and confess everything. She was that weak to her touch.

The pain in lauren's eyes were evident. "So..this is it? You're really giving up on us..When we only just got together?" lauren choked out. she wasn't crying and camila was grateful for that as well since she knew if she had cried she would have broke down in front of her too.

"lo.. Please don't hate me." Was the only response camila could think of.

lauren shook her head. "I could never hate you camz...But I wish you would be honest with me." she slowly removed her hands from her chest as she backed up.

camila looked at lauren expecting her to say more.

"I may not be a pro at relationships...but just now I know I felt your feelings for me...But if this is what you want then..." lauren closed her eyes not wanting to finish the statement.

"I'm sorry.." camila muttered for what seemed like the hundredth time. It was taking every muscle in her body to prevent her from crying.

lauren gave her a sad smile. "Yeah..I am too."

~Flashback End~

That memory almost made camila want to throw up. What was she thinking...How could she lie to her like that...How did she ever believe that it was for the best. She was so stupid.

"Because I lied to her..." camila muttered quietly.

shawn's eyes traveled towards camila. He had no idea what was going on between lauren and camila, but he couldn't deny that he was a little curious.

"Then think about that...shawn play what you have so far of the beat...Just sing camila just like before. Think about you lying to lauren, you finding out lucy might be interested in her."

shawn instantly did as he was told. simon had offered to pay him for making this beat for camila since he clearly acknowledged his talent, but shawn respectfully declined. He didn't need to be paid to help camila.

"Now just sing." simon whispered hoping camila would tap into her potential.

normani couldn't help, but smile at the sound of shawn's beat. It was beautiful. She would never be able to comprehend how he created the beats he and camila used from just a computer and a piano.

camila took a deep breath...

"I was a liar

I gave in to the fire...
I know I should've fought it
At least I'm being honest.."

"Good that's great.. Now how do you feel about this?" simon egged on as he started writing down camila's words. She really was a genius, she just didn't know how to tap into her ability at will.

"Feel like a failure

'Cause I know that I failed you
I should've done you better
'Cause you don't want a liar"

"That's right camila! Now what does lucy have that you don't?" simon continued clearly liking the results of his words.

"And I know, and I know, and I know

She gives you everything,
But, boy, I couldn't give it to you
And I know, and I know, and I know
That you got everything,
But I got nothing here without you"

"Now what do you want camila? Do you still love lauren?!" simon questioned. Everybody could tell he was getting excited.

"So one last time
I need to be the one who takes you home
One more time
I promise, after that, I'll let you go
Baby, I don't care if you got her in your heart
All I really care is you wake up in my arms
One last time
I need to be the one who takes you home"

shawn stopped playing as camila finished. "Wow..." He muttered as his eyes traveled to the girl. They had been sitting here making absolutely no progress for hours and just like that she came up with something amazing.

"Mila...That was so beautiful.." normani muttered also unable to believe how amazing the song was especially because it was something camila was making up off the top of her head.

simon was silent as he continued writing on his notepad. He was trying to get down all of the words before he forgot them as well. He couldn't believe his luck. This girl was going to be a star.

No scratch that she was going to be a superstar.

With lauren

"So how often do you workout?" A pretty brunette woman asked flirtatiously 

lucy watched the scene with a very obvious vibe of jealousy surrounding her. The only thing that was keeping her anger in check was the fact that lauren didn't seem comfortable with the girl all over her. She was currently sitting on the couch while lauren was not to far from her by the punch bowl. She didn't want to hang on her shoulder all night, but she also wanted to listen to her earlier words and not leave her sight.

"So what do you do during your free time?" One of the many men who were surrounding her repeated his question once it became obvious she wasn't going to reply the first time.

lucy turned her attention back to the man and gave him a smile. "I'm sorry I was a bit distracted." She admitted although she didn't feel in the least bit guilty about her attention being on lauren. None of these guys truly cared about her interest they were probably just praying that tomorrow they would be able to say they bagged a supermodel.

The man just brushed it off obviously not bothered. He was clearly a confident guy even though lucy wouldn't exactly call him attractive...In fact he kind of creeped her out, but she wasn't going to bed rude.

"I don't have much free time though, so when I do I usually spend it with friends or resting." lucy answered politely before her attention went straight back to lauren who was still talking to the same brunette.

"Can she be any more obvious..." lucy muttered as she watched the girl laugh at one of lauren's jokes.

"Excuse me?" The man asked clearly confused. This once again caused lucy to apologize although this time there was a noticeable blush on her face. She hadn't meant to say that out loud.

The man looked towards lauren, but obviously didn't catch on to lucy's distraction as he went right back to talking trying his best to impress the supermodel. After about ten minutes a tap on lucy's shoulder brought her out of the daydream she had unintentionally went into. The man was just boring at this point, he spoke a lot about himself, but she supposed that was because she was being short with him. lucy was sure he'd tell his friends how much of a bitch she was.

"Sorry to interrupt." lauren smoothly said although she could tell that the man clearly wasn't pleased that his time with lucy was being interrupted by some high schooler.

The man didn't care how popular lauren was in the end he was still just a seventeen year old. He was going to say something, but lucy beat him to it.

"You should be, I was having a pleasant conversation. You can go back to talking to that girl over there, seems like you guys clicked easily enough." lucy replied. She knew she was being immature and extremely petty, but she couldn't help it. What made it even worse was she didn't even want to talk to this guy! But lauren didn't know that.

"Right kid I was talking." The man decided to say his confidence raising as he heard lucy call their conversation pleasant. He was either ignoring the rest of her statement or hadn't heard it since he didn't seem to realize lucy was acting out of jealousy.

lauren looked at lucy for a few seconds and she could tell from her eyes that she didn't like watching that girl flirt with her. "Yeah, she was kind of annoying. Whenever I tried to talk to somebody else she would just ask a different question." lauren calmly explained what had happened and she instantly saw lucy's shoulders slacken.

"Kid I know you heard me." The man, who seemed to be around 21 said feeling a bit annoyed that he was being ignored.

"I'm sorry it was nice meeting you."lucy quickly told the man before standing up and leading lauren away from the couch. She definitely didn't want that situation to escalate plus she really didn't want to continue talking to him anyways.

The man seemed stunned as he watched the two walk away.

With austin

"So you think I should tell camila about this?" austin asked his voice showing the internal debate he was having.

"I don't know why your even asking me this. If you know your brother is forcing camila to date you how can you live with yourself? Do you actually believe you can be happy like that?" Brad asked in a disappointed tone.

austin sighed. "I know...But its just...I thought camila really wanted to give me another chance, but now I guess I understand the attitude shes given me lately." He said sadness laced in his voice.

"austin it's like I told you months ago man...camila has moved on you gotta do the same and if you let Harley get away with this...There is no way she will EVER return your feelings." brad       told his friend.

"When I went to her house recently...Briefly we got along...Even though she is probably doing this against her will briefly I felt as if she didn't hate me...And it made me the happiest i've been since probably since we broke up." Austin replied honestly.

"And do you think she will ever love you in this kind of situation?"  

austin didn't reply.

"Dude I'm sure this has something to do why Lauren played so horribly in the last game too. This isn't just about you Austin your messing with other people's lives here man...I know you love her, but.." Brad began lecturing, but Austin interrupted him.

"I know... I know.."

Brad didn't say a word as he slowly took the phone away from his ear. Austin was crying, and Brad wasn't going to make fun of him for it. Even men had to cry sometimes. Hopefully Austin would do the right thing.

With Lauren

"I didn't know we were being serious about getting jealous." lauren said as she took a sip of her drink. she didn't drink so it was nonalcoholic.

lucy just rolled her eyes. "I wasn't jealous. I was just concerned that you were spending so much time talking to...for lack of a better word a whore."

"Relax, you know I'm not interested. I'm just trying to enjoy myself." Lauren reassured as she gave Lucy a small hug.

Lucy pouted a bit into the hug. "That's not fair. I can't even stay a little mad at you." She joked as she allowed herself to lean into the hug. "I'm sorry. I know I must be ruining your night acting like this. I just don't like getting reminded that you are attractive."

"Come on, you know your not ruining my night." Lauren tried to convince the girl.

Lucy nodded. "Can I ask you a question Laur?"

"I won't be cliche and say that you already are, so sure." Lauren replied as she took another sip of her drink.

Lucy gave a small smile. "Does it bother you when guys show me attention?" She had to ask even though from what she could see it obviously didn't. When Lauren learned that camila was dating someone else it was completely obvious how badly it had bothered her, but even though lauren saw some guy trying to flirt with her it didn't seem to effect her at all.

lauren frowned. "I don't have any right to stop guys from trying to talk to you..." she said honestly.

Lucy sighed. "Back at my apartment...That kiss you gave told me it was so I'd keep waiting for you...So obviously you don't want me to move know what never mind now isn't the time for this conversation I'm sorry I brought it up." She finished giving up on trying to explain. She had no idea why all of a sudden she was in her feelings, she really didn't even want to be here anymore now.

Lauren looked at Lucy with a guilty expression she hated seeing her like this. "It does bother me, but it would be selfish of me to stop you when I still love somebody else. All of this is just really complicated and I know how selfish I sound." lauren admitted.

she was being honest. Before Lucy confessed she never felt possessive about her, but after it she couldn't help but feel like nobody else could have her...It made her feel like she was betraying camila but she knew she loved her. It was these feelings that made her feel like she just needed to stop thinking about all of this.

Lucy smiled. "So you do get jealous?"

"You think I stopped that guy from talking to you because I just wanted you to drink punch with me?" lauren joked causing Lucy to gently push her.

Lauren could tell that her words had helped lucy at least calm down.

"Ah. I love you Laur." Lucy swooned before winking and walking away from the surprised girl. she hadn't expected her to say that.

lauren watched as lucy went to speak with a few of the other girls at the party before sighing. she was so stupid. camila dumped her for austin and she had a beautiful girl in love with her and she was hurting her because she couldn't get over camila.

"You don't seem like your enjoying the party very much." A voice stated snapping lauren from her thoughts.

lauren turned to Demi and gave a light laugh. "Nah it's cool. Just some personal stuff."

"Wanna talk about it?" Demi offered as she grabbed a cup of punch as well.

"Aha I can't inconvenience you with my problems Demi especially not at a party." lauren rejected.

Demi waved her hand dismissively. "Come on if something is bothering my Jr you think I won't try and help?"

Lauren smiled. "I'm grateful, but.."

"Lucy loves you right?" Demi guessed interrupting her successor.

lauren momentarily was surprised that Demi managed to guess part of the issue so easily, but after a few seconds she just sighed again. "She really is a open book."

"And you're on the fence about your feelings right? You love somebody else? Or do you just want to focus on basketball?" Demi questioned trying to piece together Lauren's problem by giving the different possibilities.

"Nosiness isn't cute Demi." Lauren said with a laugh.

Demi chuckled as well before shrugging. "I guess, but the offer is always on the table if you need to talk about it."

Lauren's attention however had shifted towards lucy as she watched the same glasses wearing boy talking to her again.

"So we meet again." Paul said in a confident tone as he leaned on a counter not caring that he was interrupting lucy's conversation with a few other girls.

Lucy gave him a smile out of courtesy. "I guess." After her conversation with Lauren she especially wasn't feeling like talking to any other guy tonight.

Paul had no interest in talking however as his eyes instantly found lucy's cup which she had briefly sat down when he approached her. Once he felt like nobody was looking he swiftly moved his hand over the cup and dropped the pill in it before lifting his hand towards his head in order to play off all of the movement.

"What was your name again?" Lucy asked not noticing Paul's actions.

Paul didn't allow the fact that Lucy hadn't remembered his name from their early conversation to wipe the smile off his face. After all the night was going to be a lot better once she finished her drink. He just had to make sure he was with her when she did.

"It's Pa-" He started before a powerful fist connected with his cheek.

The 21 year old didn't even see the punch coming as he felt his glasses fly off as he fell towards the ground. Instantly his friend who had been waiting for Paul to give the signal instantly stood up.

"Get up. I swear to god I'm going to kill you."

Lucy had felt her heart drop when the boy got hit, she was so surprised and when she realized who the assailant was she was even more surprised!

"L-Lauren! What are you doing?!" lucy shouted. Sure she had wanted her to be a little jealous, but this was going way to far! Her first instinct was to wrap her arms around her in an attempt to stop the girl from committing a felony.

"Have you lost your fucking mind?!" lauren continued as she snatched herself from Lucy's grasp.

lucy wasn't surprised that lauren had overpowered her, but she was surprised that she had completely ignored her! There was no way lauren was this mad just because the guy was talking to her!

It took three guys to finally get Lauren off of paul who now had a busted lip and more than likely a broken nose. The 21 year old struggled to find his glasses before finally standing up.

"Have you lost it?!" He shouted ignoring the pain that he was in.

" lauren what are you doing?!" demi asked. All of a sudden Lauren had just walked away from her and punched the guy!

The basketball player ignored the question as she tried to attack Paul once again, but luckily demi managed to restrain her this time.

"lauren I said what the fuck are you doing?!" Demi shouted this time raising her voice. lauren was not the type to lose her temper so to say she was surprised was an understatement.

Lauren was shaking and Lucy was on the verge of tears as she saw how angry Lauren was. She was beyond worried at this point. She had never seen Lauren so mad in her life!

"Let me go! That-That bastard tried to drug Lucy!" lauren shouted as she snatched herself loose from demi once again.

Paul felt his heart drop as he heard lauren's accusation. He hadn't thought anybody saw him.

Lucy's eyes widened before her eyes went to her cup that was on the counter next to her. She lifted up her cup and like lauren had said she saw a pill dissolving in the punch. She hadn't even noticed. "There really is something in here.." Lucy muttered causing all eyes to go towards paul.

Paul's friend had seen enough as he smoothly made his way towards the exit. There was no way he was going down with him.

Paul was going to try to say something to defend himself, but before he could another powerful punch connected with his jaw sending him crashing into the ground.

"Lauren! I know your mad, but you gotta calm down!" Demi tried to convince the girl as she grabbed her once again.

By this time Lucy as in shock. If lauren hadn't have saved her who knows what would have happened once she finished her drink. Her knees were feeling weak as the realization hit her. Lauren turned her attention to lucy  and quickly shook Demi off her and took Lucy into her arms.

"It's alright Lucy...I told you I was going to protect you." lauren whispered into her ear as she tried to calm her down.

Demi sighed before turning her attention back to paul who was struggling to get himself together. Clearly lauren's punch had did a number on him. Demi turned to a couple of the sorority members and told them to handle it. she was going to take lauren and Lucy back to their temporary room.

Demi didn't even need to tell Lauren that they were leaving since the girl was already escorting the supermodel towards the door. It seemed like she had made the decision that they were about to go herself. demi briefly looked back towards Paul who was getting a mouthful from just about everyone who had attended before running to catch up with Lauren.

The car ride back to the dorm was silent. lauren had opted to sit in the backseat with lucy and Demi didn't know what to say. When she had told them the rules earlier she hadn't truly believed that somebody would actually attempt. Luckily the ride passed by quickly.

"Want me to walk you guys up to the room?" Demi questioned.

Lauren nodded. "It's cool thanks..." she muttered. she had calmed down a lot in the wake of lucy's emotional situation, but it was obvious she was still full of anger. And Demi didn't blame her.

"lauren...I'm sorry about what happened." Demi offered although she knew it probably didn't mean much.

"It's not your fault. I'll talk to you tomorrow alright...Its been a long night."

lucy didn't say anything as they got to the room and changed into clothes more suitable to sleep in.

"You want to talk about it now Luce?" lauren questioned softly once they both had gotten situated. It was amazing in the wake of all that had happened tonight neither felt that embarrassed to now be laying in the same bed.

lucy shook her head. "I'm fine."

There was a brief silence.

"Thank you." lucy muttered once she didn't reply to her lie about being fine.

lauren just turned her body towards lucy and looked at her. "No need to thank me. I told you I wouldn't let something happen to you."

lucy felt a few tears come to her eyes. Once again the thoughts of what could of happened flooding her brain. Her life could have been ruined so easily tonight...She could have been raped...Or worse...Who knows what that guy was capable of doing...If lauren hadn't...

lucy's thoughts were cut short as she felt lauren's arms wrap around her and bring her closer. "It's alright, nothing happened. I would never let something happen to you." she repeated as she rubbed small circles into her back trying to calm the girl down.

"Thank you so much laur..." lucy cried softly as she buried her head into lauren's chest.

she had dressed in a pair of shorts and a tank top to sleep in, but despite her lack of clothing lucy didn't feel nervous or embarrassed to be so close to her. She felt so safe. It was so new. Without even thinking her lips went to lauren's.

It was a peck.

lauren didn't look like she was to surprised as lucy pulled back and stared into her green eyes. "Are you alright?" she asked softly her gaze never wavering.

lucy had no idea what kind of emotions she was feeling. Never in her life had she ever wanted somebody as badly as she wanted lauren right now. She wanted lauren to have her. She wanted to be her. She wanted her to know that she wanted nobody else but her...Maybe it was the fact that she had just saved her from who knows what...but that didn't matter.

lucy didn't verbally reply as she went back in for a second kiss this time letting it linger much longer. She pressed her body up against lauren's once she felt her respond to the kiss.

Without even noticing she let her hands travel under her tank top and over the body that she had seen so much when they were children. she was no longer a child though. lucy let out a soft moan as she felt lauren pull her ever closer even though it didn't seem possible.

lucy tugged at her shirt and gently pushed it up and helped her take it off and throw it somewhere into the darkness of the room. lauren had no control over what was happening, she had no idea if lauren had done this before, but she certainly seemed like she knew what she was doing as she gave her lingering kisses down her neck. Her hands drifted down her back slightly arching it.

"Laur.." lucy moaned out.

The sound of her name brought lauren's attention back to her eyes. They locked and once they did lucy knew what she wanted.

"Lauren...I want you." She whispered before bringing her back into another passionate kiss

hey guys im back sorry for the long wait this isn't proof read so...tell me if there are any mistakes is so i can change it.

see you in the next chapter.

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