The Vamp

By MillaGold

7.8K 611 48

Karl vamp is one hot tempered,playful,dope,cool vampire who ran away from his world in the hands of his Dad a... More

kell's pov
Karl's pov
kells's pov
karl's pov
max's pov
kell's pov
karl's pov
kell's pov
karl's pov
kell's pov
max's pov
karl's pov
kell's pov
karl's pov
max's pov
kell's pov
karl's pov
kell's pov
karl's pov
kell's pov
author's note
kell's pov
Karl's pov
kell's pov
Karl's pov
karl's pov
author's note
kell's pov
Karl Vamp-My Time Again.
kell's pov
Karl's pov 1
Karl's pov 2
Kell's pov
max's pov
kell's pov 1
kell's pov 2
treyson's pov
kell's pov
treyson's pov
author's note
karl/jace pov
kell's pov
kell's pov (1)
kell's pov

kell's pov (2)

74 6 0
By MillaGold

"He should just stop apologising and leave okay?"i said sadly as I sat on my bed,folding my leg,covering myself with blanket,who even told him to come in the first place,what is he looking for here anyway,someone came in
"Mum please"I said downcasting my head
"It's karl"he said,huh?,Karl?,who gave him the right in here"I thought
"Your mum did"he answered,was he reading my mind or what
"I hate him"I thought
"I pretty know you dont"he said as he came to seat beside me ON MY BED
"Stop reading my mind"I said as I was about to get up from the bed,he threw me back on the bed
"Get your hands off me!"I almost yelled sitting on the bed backing him
"Kell come on,let me say my view of this,i know I had hurt you a lot,a million times,i was hurt as well"He said solemnly
"You don't mean that"I said resting my back on the bed bunk,crossing my legs on the bed
"You think I don't?,Kell I came here in the middle of the night just because of you,so we can settle"he said
"You knew how I felt,didn't you?"I asked
"Yeah"he answered
"So why did u lie to me"I asked
"Cause I wanted to protect you from my dad,he still got his eyes on you and still wants you dead,so definitely of I tell you,i was alive and am Karl,he would know and send for you,trust me,i wouldn't do anything to hurt you"he sincerely said,he meant it
"So what were you doing in the woods,let me guess,leave"I said
"Yeah"he answered
"Why?"I asked
"Cause,i felt treyson was the right person to take care of you,because of the way he treated you at school and all that,also I was kind of jealous,at least you would be save and okay with him right?"he asked,jealous?,why would he be jealous?
"No,i wouldn't,you are in the right position to take care of me"I said as I turned to him,his expression showed he was really sorry
"Trey is not my boyfriend,he's my bestie,am not seeing any reason why you should be jealous"I said
"Yeah alright,it was easy without me right?"he asked
"No,it wasn't,first you got yourself away from me,you got stacked beca use of me,and when you came back,i saw and recognized you,but you denied it"I said
"I was churl and chilly right?"he asked
"Of course you were,Karl,i need you now like more than ever before,i want the real please"I said
"Yeah,sure"he said as he placed his hands on my cheeks wiping of my tears
"You're aren't going back,are you?"I asked
"I will,but not now,till my dad is dead,so the seal would be freely opened,then I can come and see you anytime,you wish to see me"he said as he removed his hands
"Till your dad is dead?"I asked
"Yeah,i would be the one to take over,everything would be fine in my regime,trust me please,am not gonna leave you forever"he said,i was speechless,i was just staring at him,he moved closer to me and held my hands
"You believe me right"he asked
"Yeah,sure"I answered almost smiling,i was chuffed to have Karl back,he closely stared at me as he kissed me slowly,i kissed him back immediately,he kept kissing me,drawing me closer like his life depends on it,he climbed on me,hungrily kissing me,his eyes colour changed,but I didn't stop him from kissing me,we both wanted each other badly,i slowly unbuttoned his t-shirt pulling it off,left his alone his bare body and his jean,he grinded on me as he kissed me,pulling off my top,left alone my black bra
"Karl,you're getting out of control"I manage to say
"Just activities,its okay,wouldn't do anything bad"he assured me
"Okay"I said as he lean on and kissed me,i love the way we were making out,it was a right comeback,i felt his hardness on me,he kept grinding me slowly as he trailed his lips to the sensitive part of my neck
"Ka-rl"I moaned his name out of control,he kept sucking on a particular spot,i felt its sweetness,until then,the feeling changed,i was feeling pains and sweetness as same time,he sucked deeper on my neck
"Please...stop"I pleaded,what was he doing to me,he kept sucking and sucking
"...stop"I pleaded and then he withdrawed from my neck,i looked at him,his eyes were dark,he helped me sit up right,used the blanket to cover me and then sat down beside me,i touched on the spot where he sucked on,it was hurting
"Karl,what did you do to me"I asked as I want to break down in tears
"I marked you"he answered
"You what?,what does that even mean"I asked,he moved closer to me,making me bury my head on his chest
"It's okay kell"he consoled me
"You've becomed mine"he said
"Forever"he added.

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