Sweet Like Honey But Sting Li...

By krazygirlo900

62.1K 1.1K 168

Layla is the crazy half sister of Sam witwhicky. She was drawn into the crazy world of the transformers after... More



4.9K 103 23
By krazygirlo900


Abandoned buildings formed a city of death as they towered before me. Blood of red and corpses everywhere as fire rained down from the sky.

Then, there seemed like a glitch.

Instead laid...metal. Metal corpses and blue liquid everywhere. Tall metallic looking buildings and features of a city, broken and abandoned.

Death and destruction.


I groaned awake to the familiar rev of an engine and Sam yelling. I checked my clock.

It was only 3:15 in the damn morning!

Sam kept yelling for Dad and I to wake up and to call the cops.


I grabbed a hoodie that was lying around and opened the door in time to see Sam just about to knock. Before I could ask what the hell was going on he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of my room and down the stairs.

We ran into the garage and he got his bike. I just stood there confused. "Layla get your bike. Someone's stealing our car"

Awake, alert and ready to release some pent up anger in the form of extreme violence.

He didn't have to tell me twice. I got my bicycle and we both hopped on and started to follow our yellow Camaro. Sam got out his phone and started to call someone.

"Hello? 911!" My eyes widened. "Our car has been stolen! I'm in pursuit! I need all units, the whole squadron. Bring everyone!" I looked over at him quickly before looking at our car.

"Sam, stop being so damn dramatic!" I shouted. He ignored me. I tried to look to see who was driving the car but I couldn't see anyone.

Like legit no one was there. I don't think Sam realized either and it's probably because I'm sleepy.

'Okay, I'm definitely leaning more towards the advanced Asian type technology'

Our car then swung into what looked like an abandoned junkyard. We had moved out of our neighbourhood now. We looked and saw our car had disappeared. There was a train passing so we ditched our bikes and waited for it to pass.

We ran and hid behind.....I don't even know what. It was like different things but mostly garbage. In the distance were tanks and something yellow caught my eye.

I nudged Sam and we both stared. It was a giant yellow robot looking thing. A big one.

"Cheese on bread" I said. The robot pointed a bright light into the sky. I've seen that sign before. I hit my brother.

"Yo Sam, isn't that the insignia on our car horn?" I asked

He nodded and proceeded to get his phone out and proceed to film.

'Oh my gosh. Tell me he ain't serious'

"My name is Sam Witwicky" he said.

'He is serious!'

"This is my sister Layla" he said and pointed the phone at me, which I hit him hard for. He then turned it back to himself still filming.

"Stop it" I snapped

"Whoever finds this, my car is alive, ok" he pointed the phone at the robot and turned it to himself while filming. "Since this is my last day on earth, I just wanna say, Mom, Dad, I love you."

"Stop being dramatic Sam" I intervened.

"And if you find Busty Beauties under my bed, it isn't mine. I'm holding it for Miles'' he continued and my eyes widened in disbelief as I watched my idiotic brother. He just got rid of some of my blackmail!

"Don't you think this is gonna come back to bite us in our ass, Sam" I said trying to take the phone from him.

"No, no wait that....okay that isn't true. It's mine and Uncle Charles gave it to me. I'm sorry" he confessed

I laughed, maybe a little too loud but of course I did. Only Uncle Charles would do something like that. He gave me a magazine full of good looking men too but I'm not so dumb to put it under my bed. That is like, so obvious.

Sam shushed me and went back to speaking to his phone. "Mojo, I love you" he said.

We both then looked up but the funny thing was....the robot wasn't there. My eyes widened and my heart sprang into my chest. It wasn't there!

But that wasn't the least of our problems. I heard growls and looked around. We slowly got up to see what it was but immediately sprinted away from two dogs.

"No, you two are good dogs!" Sam screamed as if it would help. "Good dog!"

We jumped up onto a few tins while the dogs barked at us. They tried jumping up but couldn't reach us.

Our car then came out of nowhere and drove around chasing the dogs away but then proceeded to circle the tins. I'm really scared now.

"Okay. Please don't kill us, okay! Take the keys! We don't want them" he said as he threw the keys at the car and pulled me along as we ran. I looked back to see that it followed us but then turned away. I narrowed my eyes in confusion.

I then looked forward when I heard police sirens.

"Good, you're here" Sam said as the cops stepped out of the car but then they pointed their guns at us. I stepped back even more scared than before.

I immediately put my hands up showing that I surrendered knowing before they even said the words.

"Let me see your hands" I nudged Sam and he did the same but talked.

"No, no, no, it wasn't us!" He shouted.

'Oh wow, Sam. That is what a guilty person says!'

"Shut up and walk towards the car" one of the cops shouted.

We walked towards the police and put our hands behind our heads. Knowing what comes next I laid my head on the hood. Sam and the two police men looked at me shocked but then proceeded to cuff us.

I ain't making things worse. We were already in enough trouble as it is.

They drove us to the police station where they interrogated us. I was getting more and more frustrated. After all, I woke up in the middle of the night, probably looking like crap, my car is ALIVE! And now this cop is freaking retarded and Sam is a down right idiot.

It was early in the morning when dad came to bail us out but we were still going through damn interrogations. I'm pretty sure you are not supposed to say that your car is alive. It could come back to kill us, but did Sam think about that? No, no he didn't.

"I can't be any clearer than I'm being right now. It just stood up" Said Sam and I looked up to the ceiling with a sigh.

"Just stood up huh? Wow. Okay kid, Time to fill it up. And no drippy-drippy. You too Miss Missy'' I laughed and rolled my eyes not taking the cup he was giving me and proceeded to play with a twirl in my unkempt afro. Along the way, I lost my bonnet.

"What are you two rolling? Goofballs? A little wowed sauce with the boys?" He said as he looked at us. I looked at him skeptically.

"We aren't on drugs, my brother's just an idiot that's really sleep deprived" I said

"What's this? Found it in your pocket." he said, twirling a pill bottle around. I rolled my eyes and folded my arms.

"Mojo. Is that what the kids are doing now? Little bit of mojo?"

"Those are my dogs' painkillers," Sam said at the same time that I exclaimed.

"It's his stupid dogs'!"

"You know, a Chihuahua. A little....." Dad stated. Sam glanced at the gun that was on the man's but the man saw it and thought something else.

"What was that? You're eyeballing my piece, 50 cent?" He said.

'Oh my gosh'

"You wanna go? Make something happen. Do it cause I promise I will bust you up" he said getting into our faces. Sam and I shared a glance.

"Are you on drugs?" Sam asked.

"I mean, your breath sure does smell like it," I said. He glared at me.

Dad bailed us out and we went home. I immediately went and showered, then jumped on my bed ready to go back to sleep and forget all about this whole ordeal. I wore blue sweats, a white shirt and a blue hoodie to the pants.

It felt like the whole thing was a dream. I bet my car wasn't even alive. It was just stolen and the rest was due to stress.

I mean midterms are coming up and I have to catch back up on my chemistry since I was focusing so much on physics.

Yup. That was what happened.

Until I heard a rev of an engine.

I immediately got up and looked out my window. I could feel my eyes bulge out of my head and I immediately ran out of my room to find Sam. Sam was there yelling into his phone as he too looked outside to see the black and yellow Camaro.

"Satan's Camaro is outside my freaking house!"

He then spotted me and we both ran to the garage. We paced up and down.

"Wa we gin do, Sam?" My accent slipped. (What are we going to do, Sam?)

Sam saw two bicycles and we each grabbed one. We didn't even realise that I got dad's and Sam got Aunty Judy's. We just got the hell outta dodge.

he car followed us everywhere and I mean everywhere and it didn't have a driver. He even drove on sidewalks to get to us. Sam kept yelling at the car to stop as we drove into town. He wasn't looking and before I could warn him he hit a rock and fell onto the ground. I winced and he groaned.

"Sam?" I looked up and saw Mikaela looking at him with wide eyes. Some of my old friends were with her. She then saw me.

"Layla" I waved sheepishly and Sam groaned out a hi.

"That was a- that was um....awesome" she said.

"Yh, it felt awesome"

"Nah bruh, da look like it hurt hard as hell" I said.

(Nah bruh, that looked like it hurt bad as hell)

"Mikaela looked at me, probably never hearing my Barbadian accent before and then turned to Sam. "Are you okay?"

"No, we aren't, okay? I think I'm losing my mind a little and we are getting chased by our car. We got to go" he said as he sprang up at the sight of something. I looked across the road and there was the freaking car, waiting for us.

Ignoring the slow burn in my legs, I kept peddling. We kept riding until we went inside a parking lot and we hid behind cars. The Camaro passed us and we heard a siren.

A police car. Sam rushed out but I stayed out. I've had enough of the police. That car did look good though. I was about to make a guess at what kind it was but something didn't feel right and a sharp pain went through my head.

I winced and gently clutched it.

"Oh thank goodness you're here. Officer! Listen!" My brother shouted as he went to drive to the window. But the cop opened the door, knocking Sam down. I gasped as I got off my bike and ran to my brother.

That was such a jerk move. I helped Sam up and we stood in front of the car but something felt off. Even the police man looked off. I raised an eyebrow.

Sam leaned up on the hood.

"Listen, I've had the worst day. We've been followed here, on our parents' bikes! Our car is over there and it's been following us! So you have to get out of the car!" Sam said and hit the car hood.

I guess the policeman didn't like that because he revved and drove forward. We yelped and stepped back but Sam tripped and pulled me down with him. The man kept driving forward while we kept crawling back. Then something caught my eye.

"Hey Sam, isn't the motto 'to serve and protect'?"I asked and Sam nodded. I gulped.

"This one says to punish and enslave" I whispered, still keeping my eye on the car in front of us but I could see Sam's eye widen from the corner of mine.

Then something extended from the front of the car with a bright red light and shone in our faces as if it were examining us. I didn't even breathe. It then retreated and the car transformed.

The freaking police car transformed.

It transformed. The police car transformed. Clicks and whirs could be heard as pieces moved around to assemble a huge robot.

Sam pulled me up before we both started to dead on sprint away from the transforming thing.

I yelped as I nearly tripped because the ground started to shake and loud thuds could be heard coming after us. Oh shit, it was chasing us and to make matters worse, it felt like we were running in slow motion!

We weren't getting anywhere and then I was launched forward. My brother and I landed on the windshield of a car. Before we could focus on the pain, the robot leaned down in front of us. Getting right up in our faces and let me tell you, he wasn't exactly a looker.

"This is a bad dream," said my brother.

"Then why are we both having the same dream?" I muttered.

"Are you ladiesman217!?" The robot got up, close and personal.

I looked over at my brother in fear. The hell was this thing talking about?!

Sam shook his head in confusion and began to deny knowing what the hell this thing was talking about but it demanded again, this time with a cannon to our heads.

'Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fucckk'

My breaths started to come out shallow as I started to panic.

"Yeah" I heard Sam said uncertainly and I looked over at him.

"Really Sam?" I asked "of all names?"

I turned back to the huge robot when he talked again. You would think robots wouldn't have bad breath.

"Where is eBay item 21153? Where are the glasses?"

When he said that a rage burned inside of me at the mention of glasses. This idiot didn't. Tell me he didn't. I slowly glared at my brother.

With some type of adrenaline, I got up quickly and grabbed my brother to take off running.

The robot grabbed the car that we were on and flipped it as it took off after us. We turned a corner and started to run to the road side when we saw Mikaela driving up to us.

We waved and pointed and shouted but she didn't seem to get the memo. Sam ran forward and tackled her to the ground. She got up, pissed.

"Sam what the hell?!" She exclaimed, getting off the floor. "What is your problem?"

I stopped out of breath as I could hear my heartbeat in my head pounding. Holy shit this is way too much exercise in one day. Cheer was never this bad.

"Look! There's a monster right there and it just attacked us! We have to go!" I said out of breath.

Mikaela looked at us like we had lost our minds and honestly I didn't blame her cause I started to think so too. Well my mind was already lost but that wasn't the point!

I stumbled when the ground began to shake again and looked back in fear. The giant, hideous robot was running towards us.

"Here he comes!" I said.

"We have to go, we have to run," Sam said, talking to Mikaela who looked scared out of her mind.

Then when the robot was close to us, I turned to the sounds of tires screeching. The Camaro had skidded and hit the robot making him trip. It then drove to us and opened its doors.

"Get in!"

'Should we really get into this thing?!'

I then turned at the sound of the other robot getting up.

'Do you wanna stay here for that thing to get us?'

I quickly got up and entered the driver's seat and my brother and Mikaela scrambled in. She was sitting halfway on the seat and halfway on the controls. There wasn't enough time to go into the back.

Once we were all in, the seat belt wrapped around me and strapped me in and the doors shut. With urgency, our car sped off. I glanced in the rear view mirror to see the robot transform back into a police car and give chase. As we sped off, I tried to keep calm.

"We're going to die" I whispered and the seat belt tightened around me as if trying to give me some form of comfort.

Mikaela's outbursts were louder than mine and she was actually freaking out.

"We're gonna die, we're gonna die!"

"No, we're not going to die!" Sam said, trying to reassure us.

"Jesus!" Mikaela screams and I couldn't help but laugh. Yes, okay? I laugh at dangerous situations to feel better, leave me alone.

"Trust me okay? He's a kick-ass driver" Sam said and I raised an eyebrow at him.

The radio started to static for a moment before it stopped and the engine sputtered.

"You laughing?" I asked, surprised.

My attention was then brought back to a building in front of us. The car seemed to speed up and I held onto the seat belt tightly.

"We're gonna die!" Sam squeals and I look at him. Wasn't he just saying we weren't gonna die?

The glass wall breaks on impact and we enter the warehouse looking building. Bumblebee then did a 180. We held onto what we could as Mikaela and Sam screamed. Yes, Sam screamed like a girl.

The break and gas pedals were going up and down along with the steering wheel circling. I stared amazed as he drove off and quickly to someplace else in the warehouse.

We had then stopped in a corner of the warehouse. With no movement I got a good look at our surroundings. It was late evening and the sun had just gone down.

We were literally chased for most of the day.

This was a huge warehouse for sure and old craters were laying around. Then the car rolled up its windows and locked the doors. Sam and Mikaela tried to pry it up but to no avail. The headlights turned off too.

We had a few moments to catch our breath. My forehead hit the steering wheel and I felt the car flinch slightly.

"Man, wa de ass" I said, still not believing what we just went through, my accent slipping.

"We're locked inside" Sam states. "At least we ditched the monster"

Our breathing then hitched when we saw the police car slowly drive by.

"You just had tah say sein right?!" I whisper hissed. (You just had to say something right?!)

"Now is a good time to start," Mikaela said. The car didn't and stayed silent.

"Bumblebee" I said in warning as I noticed the police car pause. I saw that the keys started turning and the engine started.

The Camaro then drove out of the little corner and successfully passed when the police car tried to shut us in by making a barricade. (Haha)

The car then screeched to a halt and opened the door silently telling us to get out. My seatbelt unbuckled and as we did, the Camaro transformed, getting into a battle stance.

It stood in front of us, as if protecting us I guess. I then turned to the car as it transformed and launched itself at the now black and yellow humanoid robot.

The two robots fell to the ground causing tremors that made us stumble while I squealed. They rolled away from us and tried to pry at one another.

The po-po robot then threw Bumblebee into a water container that was close by and then turned to us. He then got out a spiky weapon and started swinging.

We started to crawl away but then a small robot fell out of the big one's chest.

"Yo, Wa de f-" I got cut off and we started to run as it chased us.

I could hear the two robots going at it again but we kept running, not looking back until I heard my brother grunt and fall. I stopped and turned to see the robot on top of Sam who was trying to crawl away. As he did, the robot accidentally pulled his pants down.

I pulled my brother up quickly leaving the robot distracted with his pants for a few seconds.

We ran until it hopped on Sam again. Making him slide down dirt and onto a fence. I gave a small frustrated grunt as I tried to pull it off.

"Get off!" I yelled and pushed it to the side. This time it came after me. I saw Mikaela came over with a saw in her hands, and when it attacked me, she cut its head off.

However, that didn't kill it. The head fell to the ground screaming angrily. But Mikaela wasn't done. She continuously kept cutting up the body, that was still moving with Sam yelling to kill it. Until she was satisfied she stopped but I took it from her and cut it one more time for good measure. We then saw its head trying to crawl away.

"You're not so tough without a head" Sam said and kicked it far. We panted and I leaned on the fence. Sam then looked to the direction of the bigger robots.

"Come on" He said and we followed. It was quiet now until we could hear giant footsteps coming towards us.

We slowly walked up the hill, Sam and Mikaela holding onto each other tightly and Mikaela gripping onto me.

Hopefully it was the right giant robot. Hopefully Bumblebee since I don't think he was trying to kill us.

I sighed out in relief when I saw that it was him. He had a giant cannon before it turned into an arm. My eyes widened. I mean, that was pretty cool.

"What is it?" Mikaela asked.

"It's a robot," I said, looking at her as if she was blind. The Camaro-robot-you know what? I'm going to keep calling him Bumblebee because that's easier.

"But like a....like a different....you know....more advanced robot. It's probably Japanese" Sam rants. "Yup. Definitely Japanese."

I rolled my eyes and slowly walked up the hill out of Mikaela's grip.

"Layla!" Sam hissed at me in a whisper and I turned around. "What are you doing?!"

I gave him a look. "I don't think he wants to hurt us, he would've done that by now. Besides, he just saved us."

"Really? Because do you speak robot? They just had a giant droid deathmatch!" Mikaela says.

I ignored her comment and looked at Bumblebee. He was tall and I was like an ant at his feet. He could literally squeeze me but yet he didn't. He just stared at me with curiosity in his bright blue orbs. He was much cuter than the other one.

"I think it wants something from me," Sam said.

"Why would you think that?" I asked sarcastically not looking away from Bumblebee. Again, he was dirty and I'd have to wash him again. He probably had more chipped paint too.

Wait, why was I thinking about this?!

"Because the other one was talking about my eBay page" Sam said ignoring my sarcasm. Our great, great grandfather's stuff.

"I'm actually going to kill you, sam" I stated

"You two are the strangest people I have ever met" Mikaela says.

Sam and I both turned to her and said thanks before looking back at the robot.

"Can you talk?" Sam shouts.

"XM Satellite....Radio-Digital cable brings you...Colombia Broadcasting System" voices echo from the giant like when I gave him a wash and he played specific lines from songs.

"He speaks through the radio," I said.

Bumblebee then looked down at me and clapped and pointed to me. "Thank you, you're beautiful. You're wonderful, you're wonderful"

I flipped my curls the best I could and rested my hand on my hips. His eyes seemed to glow brighter in amusement but then Sam came to interrupt.

"So what was that last night, huh?" Sam asked

"Message from Starfleet Captain.....throughout the inanimate vastness of space....angels will rain down like visitors from heaven, hallelujah!" different voices played.

"Amen" I said, raising a hand like I was in church. My brother rolled his eyes.

"Visitors from heaven? So what are you, an alien?" Mikaela asked. Bumblebee nodded and changed into his car form.

"Any more questions you wanna ask?"

I hurriedly ran towards the yellow Camaro and jumped into the driver's seat. The seatbelt automatically wrapped around my torso.

"Sooo..yah ain't gin kill we, right?" (Sooo....you aren't going to kill us, right?)

The car trembled as if it was laughing. "Of course....not"

I then looked out of the window to the idiot and model outside. "Hey!" I yelled. "Can you two get in the car, we kinda got places tah be."

And with that they got in the car and we were off.

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