Blood Oath (Ruby Rose/Ares fa...

By Freya_38

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Markers must be honored even if that means losing your life... or your heart. (Based on John Wick: Chapter 2... More

Author's note. Important!!!
Author's note!


4.3K 157 66
By Freya_38

We're getting close to our car and, even if the walk has helped a little, I'm still feeling full and about to explode. I hope the assassin doesn't expect me to visit Nonna frequently. "Don't worry," says my conscience ruthlessly. "When your problem with the Irish man is solved finally and you don't need a bodyguard anymore, she'll vanish from your life and Nonna won't stuff you like a Thanksgiving turkey again." I heave a sigh exasperated, my conscience is the most negative person I've ever met, it causes depression when you hear it. "Do you realize that your conscience and you are the same person, don't you? I ask myself in my mind. "I'm totally insane, raving mad," I shake my head sadly and my companion looks at me confused while she still holds my hand. All of a sudden her grin gets frozen on her face, her eyes seem darker and her jaw clenches while she stares at something behind me over my shoulder. Oh my God, this has been fascinating... she's turned from Andreja into Ares before my eyes in less than a second.

I turn my head trying to find out what's bothering her but she doesn't let me. She puts her arm around my waist and forces me to walk as fast as I can to my car, dodging people that have already finished eating their dinner in Little Italy and are leaving the neighbourhood: I've just noticed that she has took her gun in her hand and she's ready to use it even if she keeps it hidden with her jacket. With a sudden movement she shoves me to my seat after opening the passenger door, I land without elegance and I try to straighten up a little to see what's happening but, with an imperious snap of her fingers and a growl, Ares tells me to keep out of sight. It's pretty clear that the kindness and fun are over, this isn't the assassin's free time anymore: this is work. Taking advantage of a group of boys that are walking down the street laughing and joking, my bodyguard uses them as a shield to go around the car and reach her seat without exposing herself to the enemy. She closes the door, turns on the engine and steps on the gas without fastening her belt or leaving the gun.

"What's happening?" I ask worried.

"Irish men," she whispers while driving and looking in the rear-view mirror every few seconds.

There's too much traffic in this area to go very fast and, what is more, some rain drops are starting to hit our windshield. I less than a minute it's raining heavily over New York while thunders can be heard in the distance. "Great! This city is a fucking chaos when it's raining and everybody tries to find a cab to go home," I think while I bite my lower lip seeing people running along the sidewalk. Ares has no choice but to stop at a traffic light and, looking constantly in the rear-view mirror, she leans towards me and fastens my safety belt before doing the same with hers. I try to straighten up a little again because my back is hurting but she growls at me and pushes me down with her hand on my shoulder. Okay I get it, I have to use my seat as a shield so nobody can see me through the back window; I twist awkwardly trying to find a comfortable position. Ares doesn't seem to care about my problems since she's only focused on the mirror and the traffic light.

The assassin leaves her gun on her lap and she types on the GPS looking for who knows what while she's keeping an eye on the Irish men behind us. She nods satisfied and places both hands on the wheel, she steps on the gas the moment the traffic light turns green and starts zigzagging among the cars as fast as she can, fighting against the traffic, before turning left abruptly. Nonna's food jumps slightly in my stomach. A sharp turn to the right and the little movement in my stomach turns into a somersault. With a new sharp turn while I hear the tires drifting, my pasta is doing one and a half somersaults with four and a half twists. All of a sudden, the Irish men vanish from my mind and my only concern now is not to vomit in my car. I close my eyes and clench my jaw, praying so this whole mess is over soon while I hear the drops hitting the windshield. Ares keeps turning and zigzagging while she steps on the gas and I hear other cars honking and even some pedestrians screaming. I break a cold sweat and feel dizzy.

Suddenly, everything turns dark and I can't hear the rain anymore. I open my eyes shocked and take a look through the window: I think we're in a parking lot. The assassin drives slower here trying not to draw attention and backs in my little car in a free spot between two big SUVs, hiding us from view unless they drive by before us. She turns off the engine and grabs her gun. Then... nothing. She remains silent, focused on the noises and movements of the parking through the windows. I straighten up in my seat now that I'm in no danger of being shooting in the back and it relieves the pressure on my stomach a little. I keep my jaw clenched while breathing slowly because I still feel my pylorus jumping in my throat, next time someone chases me I'll make sure I eat just a salad before. The assassin gets my attention with a snap of her fingers and she points at one of the security cameras that is hanging on one of the parking columns, then she pretends to type with her thumbs. I nod slightly: she wants me to erase the video of our arrival, I've understood it.

I take my phone from by bag slowly and I unlock the screen but I'm still slightly dizzy so I see it blurry. I tilt my head back, leaning it on the headrest, and I take some deep breaths. I'd want to roll down the window even if the only thing I can smell is the parking air saturated with exhaust fumes but in order to do that my bodyguard should turn on the engine again and something tells me that she won't do that. I'd also want her to rub my back reassuringly and maybe kiss me on my cheek but that won't happen either: Ares has entered in her 'Protective Mode' and her only concern right now is being able to track down the Irish men so she can shoot them before they kill me. I understand that she's doing her job but the contrast with the funny and relaxed girl from hours before, or the passionate and sweet girl from last night, is large and her disregard for my comfort makes me feel... hurt. "Don't be stupid, she's saving your life," my conscience blurts out. "I know, I know," I answer in my head. "It's just that... I miss Andreja." I hold back my tears and focus on my phone so I can find out where this parking lot is and how I can erase the videos that give away our position.

One hour later we're still in the same place. Ares hasn't relaxed for a minute and she's still on alert watching the surroundings while I feel my stomach way calmer now, luckily, and there's no risk of vomiting; however I still feel a bit sick. I think Nonna's food gave me indigestion... well, to be fair to the old lady, what gave me indigestion was the car ride after the dinner. I'm looking forward to getting back home, taking a shower and sitting on the couch for a few minutes. I'm too dizzy to lie down on the bed, it would be like riding a helicopter. The noise of the car engine snaps me back to reality again. The assassin drives slowly out of the parking lot and back to the streets, it's stopped raining and it's getting late even if there's still some traffic while some of the last stragglers are going back home. She remains intensely focused on the road and the rear-view mirror while she wanders around the city for half an hour checking that nobody is following us. Finally, after taking all feasible precautions, we arrive to the old factory and Ares gets out of the car to check that the gate is securely closed and the alarms are on. I feel like crying with relief when I set foot in the house again, my legs are wobbling but I manage to get to the bathroom to have the shower of my dreams. I turn to face my bodyguard before closing the door, she's staring at the little alarm panel.

"I can make some improvements if you want," she looks back at me confused. "Your security system... I can put cameras and motion detectors all over the factory, an alarm in every window so you will know when someone opens them... whatever you want." The assassin nods with a smile before gesturing me to go into the bathroom. "That's a good idea," I think while I close the door. "I still have to decide if I vomit or not."

I didn't throw up finally and I think the shower did me good. Of course, I haven't taken my clean clothes with me so I leave the bathroom wrapped in a towel and I put on my pyjamas in the bedroom while Ares is in the kitchen. I hesitate for a moment, I don't know if I should go to bed now or go sitting on the couch, I'm exhausted but... the assassin snaps her fingers and points at a steamy cup on the kitchen island before going to the bathroom. I take a closer look confused and I smell... lime blossom tea, perfect to calm upset stomachs. When the assassin leaves the bathroom with her hair still wet I've already drunk half of the cup and I feel much better, I hear her behind me opening her wardrobe and putting on some underwear while I keep sipping my tea till I feel her getting close and placing her hand on my forehead. I turn on the stool to find her staring at me worried: Andreja is back. I sigh relieved while I hug her with my arms around her waist and lean my head on her shoulder, tears run down my cheeks silently. She hugs me back and drags me to the bed: lying beside her, sticking to her body like glue, I finally fall asleep.

Next morning my stomach is back to its old self and I've been able to eat breakfast, however Ares has increased my fruit ration and she only gave a little cinnamon bun. I worked for a while on my computer, in order to make Winston happy with my reports about arms traffickers in the Middle East, but soon I got distracted by my bodyguard's utterly perfect body wearing a sports bra and tight sports shorts working out on her weight bench. After drooling for some minutes staring at such a flawless tattooed skin I remembered when I run out of breath while climbing the stairs at Nonna's building and my promise about doing more exercise so, given that I was already wearing my yoga pants and a T-shirt, I jumped on the stationary bike and I started pedalling. Of course I got bored immediately, which is what happens every time I try to do some workout, so I took my phone from my pocket and here I am on the bike, typing while I pedal slowly, and laughing like a fool. That gets Ares attention so she sits straddling her bench after leaving the weights on the floor and turning off her iPod. She stares at me confused.

"I'm sorry," I whisper when I realize that she's looking at me because I've interrupted her training session. She raises an eyebrow in response while I bite my lower lip. "You're going to think that this is childish," the assassin tilts her head to one side and looks at me grinning amused. "Yes, I know, I behave like a child so often that this isn't new to you. Listen, I may have sent fourteen pizzas to Dragan's house last night, of course he didn't ordered them..." The assassin stares at me confused till she burst into laughing while shaking her head. "I also cancelled the payment of the car insurance hacking his bank account, police has stopped him in a routine traffic stop an hour ago and he got a fine because he was on the road without an insurance certificate." The assassin laughs even more. "In addition to this, I sent to the police the information about his best dealer, they should check it and then develop a plan to catch him so they'll need at least a week to make a move on him. I think it's time enough between events so your enemy won't suspect that all these mishaps aren't linked together." Ares nods before grabbing a towel from the floor and rubbing her face, arms and abdomen attracting my attention to her firm abs. I lick my lips involuntarily and she leers at me with a sultry look in her eyes.

With a gesture she points at the free spot on the bench before her. I climb down the bike slowly, I'm nervous all of a sudden since I don't know her intentions. My bodyguard takes my hand and forces me to sit down straddling the bench facing her. I hit her knees with mines but she doesn't seem to care. Grabbing me by the neck of my T-shirt she leans her head forward and rubs my lips with hers, a very soft touch before tracing their outline with the tip of her tongue making me sigh. Ares takes advantage of it to kiss me deeply but using slow motions, her tongue swirls lazily around mine. I close my eyes, enjoying the sensation, till I open them again in shock when I feel her leaning back dragging me with her. Suddenly, I'm lying on Ares torso between her legs wide opened to each side of the bench, kissing her lazily while she puts her arms around my waist.

Immediately, my restless mind starts thinking: "She smells so good, she's been working out for a while but she smells heavenly, how is that even possible?" I think while we keep kissing slowly. Her tattooed hands stay still on my lower back while her lips slip over mines, she doesn't look like she's in a rush but her kisses are turning me on and I can't help fidgeting on her body. My bodyguard doesn't react and her tongue rubs my lower lip excruciatingly slowly. I pull away with a sudden movement and I stick my mouth to her neck, swirling my tongue over her skin, sucking and nibbling almost without realizing what I'm doing. Ares tilts her head to give me more room and keeps hugging me but she doesn't tighten her grip on my waist. Suddenly, I understand that she's giving me the control here and it's me the one who has to take things one step further; arousal explodes in my stomach and runs through my veins: this is my opportunity to worship her body. I slide my hands over her sides and then they sneak under her sports bra while I'm kissing her, the garment it's tight but I manage to graze her nipples in circles with my fingertips tearing a moan from her throat.

Excited, I force my butt to slip along the bench hovering her body with my head: her abs are in front of my face. Grabbing her by her sides I slide my tongue in a long touch from the hemline of her sports bra to her navel enjoying the sweetness of her skin masked by the slightly salty taste of her sweat. "She's delicious," I think while going up again nibbling at her abdomen... or should I say trying to nibble? There's no way I can pinch her flesh with my teeth in such a firm surface, no matter how much I'd love to mark her with a hickey. I go down again rubbing her curves with my lips, I could spend my whole life doing this but Ares is getting impatient and she tangles her hands in my hair pushing me slightly so she forces me to go further down. I obey her without a complaint: I cover her core with my open mouth over the fabric of her shorts making the assassin arch her back when she feels my warm breath. Immediately, she twists under my body and hooks her thumbs in the waistband of her shorts. I look at her while she writhes impatiently, lifting her legs to get rid of her shorts before lying again in the same position.

I swallow hard, suddenly nervous. The assassin has her legs wide open, leaning her feet on the floor each side of the bench, and she's totally exposed and beautiful before me, looking at me with squinty eyes waiting for my next movement. "I've never done this before," I think anxious. "I have to do this right, I need to make her enjoying it, I need..." My hands on her hips start shaking and Ares places her hands over mines, squeezing them slightly, encouraging me to continue. I lick my lips involuntarily and she can hardly hold back a moan when she sees me. I call deep on my courage when I hear her and lower my head without thinking twice, I lean my open mouth over her pussy and lick awkwardly. "Sweet... like diluted honey. Is it normal to taste so sweet?" my mind is unable to stop thinking while I slide my tongue flat all over her folders with sloppy movements and no rhythm. Ares pants under my mouth while her hands are pulling my hair so she doesn't seem to care about my lack of experience. I try to remember what she did to me at the Continental and I thrust the tip of my tongue into her opening looking up to check on her reaction: her abs are clenching at the same pace that her pussy walls. It's fascinating... I slide my tongue up swirling it around her clit and she claws slightly my scalp with her nails. I smile happily, I'm doing it right so far but I'm running out of ideas and I barely remember anything about that first night other than the blinding pleasure.

The assassin takes pity on me and uses her grip on my hair to guide me gently where ever she wants me, I only have to obey her instructions and make the tip of my tongue slip following her hair tugs. She places my tongue in her opening and starts grinding in circles her hips, I get the hang of it soon and I rim her entrance thrusting the tip occasionally. She's so wet... her juices coat my tongue and overflow it running down my lips and chin; it should be unpleasant but it's not, she's still sweet and warm. I'd be happy drinking from her for the rest of my life... "God, I adore this woman, what am I going to do when she leaves?" Ares gasps on the bench bringing me back to reality, her body writhes more and more and she lifts her legs, placing them on my shoulders and wrapping my head with her thighs. Leaning her shoulders on the bench she starts grinding on my face, faster and faster, my tongue grazes her clit with every back and forth motion of her pelvis. I lift my hands to her buttocks trying to control her jerks while I feel my neck getting tensed due to her thrusts and her fingers pulling my hair harder, almost painfully. It's futile... the assassin is lost in her own pleasure and she only wants to release using my mouth as an instrument. Her skin burns under my hands that slip because of the thin layer of sweat that coats her body. I dig my fingertips into her buttocks tearing a moan from her throat. She shudders without control under my mouth...

"You're doing this Nira, you're making this feel so good for her..." Pride and arousal are mixed in my mind and I make a special effort swirling my tongue over her clit and licking whatever piece of skin I can reach, not caring if they're her pussy lips, her opening or the sensitive node that makes her whine. Her juices run down my chin and Ares closes her legs even more threaten to choke me. She shoves my face against her core with my flat tongue rubbing the whole extension of her clit and she rocks her pelvis with abrupt movements... I can barely breathe but I don't care. I moan under her strong grip when suddenly I feel her buttocks getting tensed under my fingers, she arches almost falling from the bench and a desperate gasp echoes through the loft. Ares collapses breathing like she had run a marathon, her legs fall open both sides of my face and I'm finally able to take a deep breath. Feeling dizzy, I lean me head on her toned abs; they move up and down under me with every breath she takes. Her hands have released my hair and now are rubbing my shoulders with gently touches. The assassin heaves a sigh and I can hear the air whistling under my ear.

"I'm sorry, babe," she whispers while her hand cups my cheek. I shake my head slightly so she can feel it. There's nothing to apologize for, if she wants to choke me between her thighs I'd die happily that way. 

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