My new life?!

By Ciel_Michalis_

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This is story about ceil. One day, the queen tell ceil to kill a man because the crimes he been doing with li... More

The author~Chan
πŸ“œπŸ‘‘A letter from the queen πŸ“œπŸ‘‘
The beginning of my new life?
Grell want to be loved. (But he will never will)
Let's have some fun my love!!
I have to save someone?!
I am back in my love's arms
A shocking news!!
Getting know little more about my love
Getting my love better.
Getting better my love part two
The baby is coming and the big truth of all..
Sebastian is back in hell!!
I really miss him.
He's back in my arms again
A moments time with my love.
My twin brother is alive after all.
going to tell her the truth.
Ciel birthday and date.
Grell is back!!!
Abby got kiddnap
A pose to my love
Bring Abby to London.
I am in hell with Sebastain's father!
our nightmare is ending.
I wish I never have this memeries
a little vacation time with my love. part one
a little vacation time with my love part two and telling Lizzie the truth.
Sebastain is sick
A date and Abby first word.
Shopping with Lizzie and a day with daddy. part one.
A day with daddy part two. Something bad happened?!
Ciel slowly getting his memory back.
I am finally back.. but not Elizabeth..
Elizabeth finally wakes up
finally found the person who kill my parents.
not an new chapter but it's an author update. (plus an sneak peek)
Ending a Chapter: Started a New one.
πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰πŸ™ŒThis book is finally done! πŸ™ŒπŸŽ‰πŸŽŠ

Bryian Michaelis Is Back.

86 1 0
By Ciel_Michalis_

Warning:  this chapter is going to be super duper long. I try to make little shorter but it end up being a long chapter

But this chapter is about Sebastian aka Edward's long lost brother. He is the first young brother so you can say he the middle child. But let's get in the chapter.

Sebastian POV.

It was the next day and I saw my lover is still sleeping so I let him sleep little bit longer, so I got up and went to the bathroom that connects to my old room but I bring Abby with me because Ciel was still sleeping and someone have to watch her so I will watch her while I shower.

After showing and put some clothes for the day I pick Abby up and check if she need to be changed and yes she need it, now I see why all the fathers say this part of parenting is really bad for next few weeks or maybe months.

After Abby was changed I took this time as Daddy and daughter time, we play and cuddles together until she went back to sleep. I put her back into her own little bed that Ciel use when he was baby.

"Sweet dream my little girl" I kiss her on her little forehead.

I walk back to Ciel and sat next to him and softly brush his hair and tell him to wake up.

"Sebastian~?" He said

I smile and kiss him "good morning beautiful"

He blush a little and kiss me back "morning my handsome demon."

I smile at him.

love it when he call me that, my life is complete. I got a soon to be my wife (Ciel) and we had a child that is so cute and adorable, I wouldn't change anything but if I had a to do it I maybe will use it to make Grell go away for good and I never see him again.

"I see you got ready for the day" Ciel said.

"Yea but I wanted for you sleep for little bit longer because of Abby's feeding at nights" I said while holding him and his hand.

"Aww Sebastian, how sweet of you to think and care about me. I love you so much" he said

"I love you too baby" I said and kiss him and he kiss me back.

After our little pre-make out session, I let go of Ciel for him to shower and put his clothes that I pick it out for him

When he came out he saw the dress and then at me with the 'what the...' face but he put it on.

"Why you want me to wear this dress Edward?" He ask me while looking at the big mirror on the wall.

"I just miss you wearing dresses like that case we had that your aunt came up the idea to dress you up like a little girl." I said while wrap my arms around him.

"Yea don't remind me of that and you had bit more fun with my aunt that night." He said.

"Yea I did but you were cute and adorable and even now you still look so cute and adorable" I said to him

He smile and blush a little. "Thanks babe"

"Your welcome sweetie, hey let's go to the kitchen and make something to eat." I suggested

"Ok let's go, wait who will watch Abby while we do that" Ciel said.

"I can watch her master Ciel" May-Ren said.

We was shock that she was there but relive that she was there because I thought she was Grell.

"Ok May-Ren, just be careful with her ok." Ciel said.

"Ok master" she said and ciel pull me out of the room and went to the kitchen.

"Are you sure that it a good idea to let her watch Abby? You know that Abby is you know and May-Ren is a human" I said to Ciel.

"I know but we right next to her if she need us. It's not we are going to the store or park." Ciel said trying to make me feel better leaving my daughter with a human.

"Yea your right. I just a little nervous to leave Abby with a human" I said while getting ready to cook something.

"I know I am too but we have Claude as a backup." Ciel said while smiling.

"Claude.. babysitting.. that is so funny to watch, I can't wait to see it." I said trying not to laugh.

"Well he is kind of babysitting Lizzie" Ciel said.

"Yea that true but I saying babysitting for a friend's or family member baby that I can't wait to see." I said.

Then Claude came in "can't wait for what Edward?"

"For you babysitting and what I told to say my real name" I said.

"It just us three and your little lover already know it" Claude said

"Yea but what what if the other servents hear you like bard, he comes here try to cook something but it end up blowing up the kitchen for me to fix it." I said while reminding the times that bard did that.

"Yea well, he stopped doing that and started to cook a good food, not that great but he getting there." Claude said while sitting at a table in the kitchen.

"Really?!" Me and Ciel was shock what Claude was saying.

"Bard.. cook well, You are kidding me right?" Ciel said.

"Really after you two move to America they wanted this place running well, so they work hard to get this far." Claude said.

"I knew something was different with them but I couldn't find why until now."  Ciel said.

"Yeah-" I was cut off by May-Ren coming in.

"Master, the baby is wake and want you" she said.

"Ok May-Ren, I will right back Sebastian" Ciel said while walking out the kitchen.

Ciel POV.

When I got back to the room, I grab Abby up from her little crib and rock her to calm her down before I feed her.

"She is so cute" I heard May-Ren.

"Thanks May-Ren" I said while feeding Abby.

"Your welcome master" May-Ren said.


"Yes master?"

"Why you still want to keep this manor like it is? You had the chance to be free and do what you want to do but you choose to be here, why?" I ask her.

"Well after you guys found me that day and took me that and turn me as your maid, I wanted to stay here to repay you as a thank you for a new life you and Sebastian gave me and the other servents. Even I was really clumsy and break every plate in the past, but I got better and I got new glasses that I can see better but I still have the glasses that you gave me." She said.

"Oh, thanks May-Ren" I said

She nod. "Master, Can I ask you a question?"

"Yea what is it?"

"Why you and Sebastian left London and move to America? Now you have a child that looks just like Sebastian? Wait are you two in a relationship?" May-Ren ask

I sighed, I knew this day will come.

"Well me and Sebastian move to America because I wanted live somewhere other than London, and yes this is mine and Sebastian's daughter and she the other reason that I moved to America. Yes me and Sebastian are in a relationship, I didn't tell anyone because I don't want people be mad at me by dating my butler so that why I didn't tell anyone until now." I said while burping Abby.

"Oh.. but I happy for you guys." May-Ren said while smiling.

"Thanks" I said

"Your welcome master" May-Ren said

"Just say my name it ok, now I am just a guest in my old house" I said and putting Abby back down in her little crib.

"I know, we are now Lizzie's servents but we always be yours servents forever because what you did to us." May-Ren said.

"Yea but I like you say name because I am not your master anymore." I said.

"Ok Ciel" May-Ren said.



"Can you promise something?"

"Yea what is ciel?"

"When I am not here, please care of Lizzie and this manor like you did for me ok."

"Yes Ciel, I do as you wish."

I nod and tell her to leave the room nicely, after she left I sat on the rocking chair that Sebastian and Claude found in the basement of the manor that were they found the crib for Abby.

I was rocking back and forth until I heard a soft knock on the window. I was a person wanted to let him in, I hesitated to open it.

"Why are you here?" I ask

"I - I wanted to.. see someone but if you not the person I been looking for then I will leave now." This person said

"No it ok, but who you are looking for?" I ask again.

"My brother.. my big brother, someone said that he live in a manor so I went to looking out here to look for him but I didn't mean to interrupt you. I am every sorry." This person said.

"It ok, maybe I can help you find your long lost brother" I said.

"Oh thank you miss, thank you" he said.

I sigh, I sometime hate people say miss but in reality I really a boy that look like a girl by that stupid Mike.

"I will get you a room after I talk to my cousin that now own this manor" I said while getting Abby "and while I am gone don't touch anything here please"

"Ok miss" he said and I left the room with Abby.

I was on the way to see Lizzie until I saw Sebastian. "Hey sweetie"

"Hello, my love" Sebastian said

"Don't be mad at me after I say this, but there a man in the room and want to find his long lost brother and I told him that I will help him and I told him that he can stay in the manor after I talk to Lizzie of his staying here" I said

He smile and hug me.

"You are not mad at me?" I was little bit shock on his response.

"How can I be mad if you are helping someone out." Sebastian said

I smile "thanks, I may got from you or my parents?"

He smile and kiss me and I kiss him back. "I want to meet this person that you are going to help find his brother."

"Well before we do that, I have to talk to Lizzie about-" I was cut off by Lizzie.

"Talk to me about what Ciel?" Lizzie said and scared hell out on Sebastian.

"Oh my lady, you scared me for the first time in years." Sebastian said.

I trying not to laugh at him but I couldn't so I started laughing like undertaker would. "That was perfect.. I never see you like that.. oh man"

Claude came and ask why I am laughing and I told what happened and then he started laughing as well. I gave Abby to Sebastian because I couldn't hold her much longer while laughing.

"Ok it funny, can we go back what we were doing before all this happened?" He ask.

At this point me and Claude was at the floor laughing our head off. If I see undertaker this one ticket to death for him.

After a good five minutes past by, me and Claude stop laughing and compost our self but we keep smiling about it.

"Now both of you stop laughing, Ciel is there you want to tell me?" Lizzie said

Oh man, I forgot the man in Sebastian room.

"Yes there is, there a man in the room and want to find his long lost brother and I told him that I will help him and I also told him that he can stay in the manor after I talk to you of his staying here" I said.

"It ok with me Ciel, besides this is your manor Ciel." Said Lizzie.

"Thanks you Lizzie." I said and then hug her and she hug me back.

Then she grabbed Claude and pull him out and they went to her room. I shrugged and went back to Sebastian's room.

"Hey I am back and I got someone with me" I said

"You found my brother?" This person said.

"No.." I said.

"Oh, but I can stay here until I get back to my brother?" He ask

"Yea, she said it ok." I said...

Sebastian put Abby in her little crib and then he look at the person.

"What are you looking at Sebastian?" I look at him.

"Nothing I thought I saw something." Sebastian said.

"Ok?" I said then I look at this person "before I show you your room I want to know your name, I need to know your name if you want me to help you."

This person sigh "m-my name is Bryian"

Sebastian head shot up when he heard that name. "Bryian Michaelis?"

"Yea that my name, why?" He said.

"Oh my God, I have to get Claude here" Sebastian said almost fan-girling.

"Wait Edward?!" Bryian said.

"Yeah" Sebastian said.

"So it really you?" Bryian said

This kept going for a good two minutes. And then Claude came in the room.

"Hey Edward I need.. is he I think he is right now?"

"Yep he here, my little brother is here" Sebastian said like a two year old.

"I just helping someone but I never thought he was your bro. And if he your brother please tell me he the good brother." I said while Bryian look at Sebastian questionble look.

"Your little brother Mike came to the human world and turn all the little boys into girls and use them as slave" Sebastian said.

"Oh so what I read in the newspaper was true after all" Bryian said.

"What newspaper?" I ask him

"In France newspaper, I was there for couples of days." Bryian said.

"So how you been all these years after uncle kick you out?" Claude said.

"Well hard because I been kick out of my family, and I know Edward didn't want me to leave but I know he didn't want to disobey father's rules-" Claude cut him off.

"He already did that twice in his life" Claude said while smiling.

"Why you have to tell everyone my mistakes, you too disobey my father rules too Claude." Sebastian said.

I need to jump in before this end up in a mess.

"Ok we all have some flaws in our lives but we can learn from them and maybe we don't have any more flaws." I said trying to calm them down while Bryian sit in his little corner of the room.

"Hey she right, I did learn from my mistakes and maybe you guys will" Bryian said while been shy.

Claude and Sebastian stop been mad at each other and sigh "yeah"

"Well I have to get going before my master chop my head off if I don't bring what she want." Claude said

"Like I was about do until we got interrupted" Sebastian said while looking at me.

"Yea but I am saying with her crying like two years old" Claude said

Me and Sebastian nod and then Claude left and now it's me, Sebastian, and Bryian.

"I thought he was butler miss" Bryian said

Sebastian was about to speak until I said "no he is my cousin butler"

"Oh, a little family here." Bryian said.

"Yea you can say that" Sebastian said while sitting next to me.

"So Edward, where is your master? Did you already ate the soul?" Bryian said sounding bit hungry for souls.

"Well.. you are seen my master..." Sebastian said.

"Really? Wow this nice girl is your master? I thought you go for souls that is broken and want to end their life forever." Bryian said.

"Well.. it hard to explain.." Sebastian said

"What you mean Edward?" He said

"Your other brother turn him and other boys in London into girls just because Mom and Dad wanted a girl but they had him. So that why he like that." Sebastian explained.

"Oh I am so sorry, I wish I was there to help you but, what happen to all the boys?" Bryian ask

"Your fathers fix them back to normal every single boy expect me" I said.

"Why my father didn't change you back?" Bryian said

Me and Sebastian look at each other then then Sebastian hold my hand tightly and said. "Because I was afraid that he will take him away from me"

"What? What you mean by that?" Bryian said.

"I didn't take him to father because I thought I would lose him because I love him." Sebastian said.

"Oh so what cousin Claude was saying, you did the same mistake I did?" Bryian

"Yes Bryian I did the same mistake that you did but I am still with him and he with me, that all I wanted." Sebastian said and I hug him tightly.

"Ok but did father know about your relationship with your master?" Bryian said.

Bryian POV.

I waited for my brother to answer.

"Yes, he knows that I am dating him" Edward said.

"What, what he said or do to you Edward?" I said trying to be calm.

"I don't really want to talk about it not in front him." He said.

"Why Edward? Why you don't want to tell me more about it?! I thought you wouldn't hide anything from me." His master/lover said.

"I said I don't want to talk about ok" Edward said getting up and went to the bathroom and lock it.

I saw his master/lover crying and heard my brother cry as well, I sighed and went to the bathroom door and knock it softly. "Edward please come out there I am sorry that act out that way. I just got worry when you said that, I am sorry ok."

I look at his master/lover and gave him napkins. He thanks me and walk to a child and walk away to a other room in this Manor.

'brat I did again, make someone unhappy. Why this always happens to me.'

I saw Edward getting out the bathroom and then he saw that his master/lover wasn't here and also the child. He started tearing up again? I saw him go to his bed and lay their and cry quitely.

"I am sorry ed-" I was cut off by my brother to leave his room and I did what he told me to do.

"What happened Bryian? I just saw Ciel run up to his old room" Claude said.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to happen Claude and now Edward kick me out of room like father did but with words." I said now crying.

"It ok,  maybe if we talk to them maybe they will understand." Claude said and I nod.

He sigh and went to my brother master's room "Ciel can I come in?"

He said yes and we went in the room.

"Wow this room is much bigger then my room back home" I said to myself then I realized I said that out loud.

"This is the master room, so what?" Ciel said I finally said his name.

"This is the master room? So why is your room if you don't own the manor?" I ask.

"What your problem with that?" Ciel said.

"What he is saying, this is his family manor that was burn down but Edward rebuild it like the manor wasn't burn." Claude said while Ciel try to not hear his past.

"Oh but where his parents?" I ask

"His parents was burn as well. The only people that live was Ciel and his family butler that pass away from medical problem." Claude said.

"Oh I am so sorry" I said.

"..." He didn't say anything just look at the baby.

"Can I hold Abby while you two talk Ciel?" Claude said.

"Ok just for few minutes ok" Ciel said and Claude nod and hold the baby.

Ciel smile at Claude because Claude was talking in 'baby talk' and it was a little funny to see but I need to talk to Ciel that I am sorry that I make him and my brother hate each other.


"What?" Ciel said

"I am sorry that I make you mad at Edward, I was worry about him what my father do to him as he did to me." I said.

"So what happened to you that you were so worry to Edward?" Ciel said

"It a long time ago, but I was in my 15 years and I had a beautiful girl demon, we were meant to be until someone told my father and when I got home from spending my day with my girlfriend my father got all mad that one I didn't tell him two it wasn't the girl that he want me to marry one day and three he was drunk." I said.

"So he just yell at you?" Ciel said

"No that just the start" I said

"So what happened" Ciel said.

"After he yells at me and hit me like all father do when child don't behave, my case was different but he drag me to the demon jail and let me stay there for three weeks with no food to eat. After those days was up he took me to the human world and take away most my demon powers that I worked so hard for and left me in Japan." I said.

"He did that? Ok I know he was mad with you but he couldn't take away your powers, I need inform my dad-" I cut Claude off.

"You can't, if any demon know about my powers gone they will be gone as well so please don't." I said

"But he couldn't do that you. You were so young" Claude said.

"Wait, if he did that to you.. what if he did that to Edward or Emily?" Ciel said.

"No.. it can't be done Edward and Emily already adult demon, it difficult for him to do that?!" Claude said

"No he could claude, he could easily take their powers" I said.

"I never heard from her from that day Ciel" Claude said

"Me too, me and Edward went back to America with our daughter but I left her master here until she comes back but I think they never came back" Ciel said

"I told her to be careful, she did save Edward in time. But I think she told her turths and I think she is paying her price and my uncle has her master soul. He was a cute little boy to be alone a demon" Claude said

"What about my cousin Lizzie?" Ciel smirk

"Ok she cute too" Claude blush.

"Ooo someone is in love with my cousin" Ciel tease Claude.

"Stop, I just said that she was cute and besides she has someone." Claude said trying to not blush again.

"Come on, you acting like William. Trying to hide there love." Ciel said

"Who is William?" I ask confused

"Oh, he one of the reapers that Ciel and Edward knows." Claude said

"Yea I wish, I we never know one of them." Ciel said.

"You mean Grell?" Claude said

"Yeah, always trying to get Edward. And calling sebby all the time when he see him, oh make my blood boil really fast" Ciel said.

"Oh you have to see them fight it so good" Claude said "for a new demon he really good fighter"

"New demon?" I ask looking at Ciel

"Yea I am demon because I was pregnant with my child and in the beginning of pregnancy I had a big fight with Grell and I use all my energy on the fight and after that I started to breath slower and slower that Edward call Emily and from they told me that that turned me into a demon for the health of me and the baby and I wouldn't mind me been a demon. I lived with a demon almost my whole life and now forever to come." Ciel said.

"Wow, I see that Edward is lucky to have you" I said.

Then a blonde girl came in the room

"Lizzie what I told you about knocking on the door" Ciel said.

"Sorry but if I do you don't want me in" she said.

"Ok" Ciel said.

"So you are the person that you are-" Ciel cut her off by giving her the child.

Claude look at Ciel with a weird face.

"So why you came here Lizzie" Claude ask.

"Oh I was just bored and there not to do here" I think it Lizzie said.

"What about the paperwork for the company did you look at them?" Ciel said.

"It so boring to do, I don't know why you like to do those paperwork for the company and also before I forget there is a meeting tomorrow if you want to come to see the company feel free to tell me before noon because that when we having the meeting." Lizzie said

"Ok I will and visit and bring Abby with me like my dad did with me." Ciel said.

"You where so cute when you were a baby." Lizzie said.

"Yea what about my twin brother?" Ciel said.

"Oh he was cute as well even though he had health problem you and your twin brother was always look cute and adorable." Lizzie said

"Wait how you know which is the twin?" Claude said

"Well, that was so easy for me. The first twin as a little kid he love to be outside and play all day and the second twin he stay in the manor all times because of his health problem but he loved to play chest and also he shy when he meet new people. So that how I know which is which." Lizzie said.

"So what happened to that twin?" I ask and Lizzie and ciel look away. Man I did it again.

"Sorry if I ask that I didn't mean to upset you guys" I said

"It ok, it in the past so don't worry about it" Ciel said.

We talk some more until we felt something wrong downstairs and when I said 'we' I mean us demons.

We rush downstairs to see a red head person chasing my brother? Maybe this is the reaper that Ciel and Claude was talking about.

"Grell!!" Ciel yell

Yep that is the reaper that they were talking about. If I get close to there death tools I would be easy be kill without a demon sword.

"Oh Ciel is here to ruin the fun we were having chasing you oh dear bassy" Grell said.

"I told hundred thousand times that I am not into you and I never will so go bother William or undertaker." Edward  said.

"I did but they said that they were busy for me so I knew that you will be here so I came here." Grell said.

"How can I show you that I am not into you?" Edward ask

"Anything to proof that you do love me instead of that little brat and little brat Jr." Grell said

"It ok you can call me brat but you don't have to-" Edward cut him with a long passionatly kiss.

"I love you Ciel and I am sorry that I yell you like that, I didn't want to lose you I am sorry"

"Edward, I love you too and I am sorry too." Ciel said and hug him and Edward hug him back and they kiss again until me and Claude tap their shoulders.

"Sorry I just got lost in his loving eyes" Ciel said and me Claude smile and said 'aww'  and they blush.

"So we have a happy ending." Claude said and we nod.

"Hey did you forgot about me?" Grell said little bit annoyed.

"No we didn't, I just showed you that I don't like you and I will never will." Edward said.

"You know that little brat won't live much longer right, every human must eventually." Grell said.

Wait.. no Ciel is a demon now there no way in hell he will died unless he have the demon sword.

"Well Grell, you're wrong I will live forever you want to know why?" Ciel said

"Why little brat?" Grell said

"Because I am one of them so I be living forever with my new family and I will looking forward to kick your little dirty ass the years to come when you are next to my boyfriend." Ciel said

Grell got mad and left the manor.

"Ok I see why you wish to never see him again" I said and ciel, Edward, and Claude nod at this agreement.

The grandfather clock ran and it was getting little late for dinner.

"I will be the kitchen if you guys need me" Claude said as he walking out of the room.

Now it was the three of us in the room.

"Let's go to my room, I left Abby with Lizzie there" Ciel said and me and Edward follow him.

When we got back in the room Ciel sat back down on his bed.

"I see you two are back, oh see that Sebastian is here" Lizzie said and I was confused why she said that name.

"My lady, can I have my child back?" Edward said nicely to her.

"Oh of course, I was just watching her while Claude and Ciel just ran off and didn't tell me why they ran out." Lizzie said while handing the baby to Edward.

"It wasn't important to know Lizzie" Ciel said.

"Ok, I will go now and try to do those boring paperwork that is so important to the company" Lizzie said.

We nod and she left us alone.

"Edward why she call you Sebastian? You know that not your real name right?" I said totally confused about it.

"Well when I met Ciel, I wanted him to choose a name for me and he chose the name Sebastian as my new name the human world." Edward said.

"Oh I see" I said

"Yea I name him after my dog died" Ciel said while playing with his daughter.

"Really? And I thought Edward hate dogs" I said trying not to laugh.

"Yea he does hate them but he sometimes act like one." Ciel said and Edward look away.

"I didn't mean to act one ok." Edward said.

"Aww my little cutie need some kisses to feel better?" Ciel said at Edward.

"Yes but not in front of my little brother." Edward said.

"Ok Edward." Ciel said.

We talk some more about our past and we been all these years until Claude came in the room and said that dinner is ready.

"It weird that that someone else saying it" Edward said.

"Because you were a butler for many years now?" Ciel said.

"Yea, the table as been turned for me" Edward said.

"Yea, I miss you saying that and I do miss this place but I couldn't stay here even though it my house just the memories of that day keeps coming back to me" Ciel said while holding Edward arm tightly as we walked into the dinning room.

"It ok, that is in the past ok sweetie" Edward said trying to calm down Ciel.

Ciel nod and sat down in his I think old chair, It like he was the head of the family.

Edward sat next to him while holding his child. While Lizzie sat down next to Ciel but in the other side of the table. I sat next to Edward.

Claude came out with the food for his master and for us demon.

"Not bad Claude" Lizzie said. We all nod at her statement.

"Thank you my lady." Claude said.

"Wait you saying that my cooking is out of this world?" Edward said trying not to tease at Claude

"Yea, everytime I come here to visit you never fail to amaze me with your cooking Sebastian." Lizzie said while Edward smirk.

"Yea Lizzie is right, I had lots chief and butler that cook good but Sebastian's cooking is by far the number one for me. And don't get me started on the sweets he bake." Ciel said.

"Ok I get it, I will never top Sebastian's cooking" Claude said bit annoyed.

"Oh did I went to far?" Ciel said and Claude nod.

"Oh Sebastian, can you do those fames curry bun?" Lizzie said.

"If Ciel want to I will" Edward said.

"It ok, it been some years that I didn't ate a curry bun" Ciel said.

"Ok I will." Edward said.

After we ate dinner, Edward gave their child to Ciel and went to the kitchen while us three went to the study room.

"There a lot of books in here. It like a mini library in here." I said.

"Yea, my family love to collect books" Ciel said while sitting on a big chair.

I saw Ciel look at the papers that was at the table and started working on it.

"Oh Ciel" Lizzie said.

"What I was just helping and also take off my mind off somethings" Ciel said.

"Sorry if I ask but what company you two work?" I said.

"It the phantom company, we sell toys for children and also make sweets for everyone." Lizzie said.

"Yes, my father was the head of this company until he passed away and now I was running it until I move to America and gave to my cousin Lizzie because she knows the company as well." Ciel said.

"So you are popular person by your family." I said

"Yea I was, put all the work at a every young age and also be the queen watch dog. Basically do the dirty work for the queen" Ciel said while looking at the baby.

"Oh that must be hard for you" I said.

"Yea, seen your parents death and your twin brother. And after you got save by someone, now you have responsibility of your family name and work on your shoulder." Ciel said then he sigh and started to speak again "this is one of the reasons that I left to America because of my hard past as a child and I don't want my child to go through that I did in my past experience."

Lizzie hug him tightly and he break into tears and Lizzie try to calm him down, after he calm down we talked some more and then Edward came with some carry bun and we started eating it and they were right Edward cooking is the best out there even though he never had a cooking lesson back at home.

"Oh man, this is good. Thanks you Sebastian" Lizzie said.

"Your welcome, my lady" Edward said.

"Well now it getting late now, I will be in the room if you need me and Sebastian you can show him to his room will he been staying." Ciel said while getting up started to head out of the room.

"Yes my young Lord" Edward tease Ciel.

"I heard that, I miss you call me that but you know to call me by my name right?" Ciel said.

"Yea but you just acted like your old self again so I end it with that Ciel" Edward said while following him and I followed Edward.

"Ok but you can say that when we are in bed ok my love" Ciel said.

"Ok Ciel" Edward said and kiss him on the cheek and show me to my guess room.

When I got to my guest room, Edward show me everything that it is before he left the room. "Are you ok been here Bryian?"

"Yea Edward, I will be fine and if I not I will call you if I need you. Just go to your lover ok." I said.

"Ok, and I am sorry that I kick you out of my room like that. It was hard for me to take in after I told Dad about Ciel and I understand why you worry about me. So I am sorry" Edward said.

"It ok Edward, I should of been there for you then ask you alot of questions after you said that. I be the one saying sorry to you. I know I'm the middle child I acted like a big brother to you. But it ok now, if don't want to talk about it I understand Edward." I said.

He nod and hug me and I hug him back and walk out of the room, I sighed and went to bed and lay there until I fell to sleep.


This is the end of the chapter

(oh finally this chapter is done)

Ciel: yes thank God this chapter is over because I going to end it for you.

Me: hay I was trying to make it little bit short for you guys but that never happened. And also this chapter is only chapter that will be this long so there you go.

Sebastian: ok can you end this because you are making even longer.

Me: ok I will.

So thanks for reading this chapter. See you guys in the next chapter. Bye.

Ciel and Sebastian: bye lovely fans.

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