He's Mine~ [Ereri/Riren Fa...

By ga7tras4

12.7K 377 172

~Completed~ • • • Eren Jeager 15 years of age, son of a single mother Carla Jeager. Eren moved to a small tow... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Authors note..
Chapter 27

Chapter 7

525 18 8
By ga7tras4

Levi's POV.

I ran towards my house, soon as I got there I speed walked upstairs after talking off my shoes. I opened my bedroom door then closing it behind me.

What did she mean? Who is Grisha jeager? I sighed as thoughts went through my head. I flopped onto my bed sighing once again.

I took out my phone seeing a message from Eren.


Eren: Levi?

Levi: what brat?

Eren: well i was wondering if you'd like to join me and my mom for dinner (: uh if you what to that is

Levi: sure, when?

Eren: well my mom just went shopping so i think in 2 hours? I dont know she likes shopping

Levi: okay, i'll be there in a bit

Eren: okay bye

I set my alarm for an 1 hour then put my phone on the nightstand, I sighed Whos grisha? Soon I fell asleep.

One hour later~

I woke up to my alarm, I sighed then I turned it off, I got up then texted Eren.


Levi: brat im coming over now

Eren: i think its best that you dont

Levi: what do you mean?

Levi: Eren?

Levi: EREN!! What do you mean?! Brat tell me!

Eren: just dont, i dont want u hurt i have to go okay?

Levi: Eren! What do you mean?!

My heart raced i got up ran outside heading to Eren's place, once I got there I opened the door, my eyes widened.

There was blood on the floor and walls, and carla's helpless body leaning on the wall blood flowing down her face with a hole on her forehead, she got shot in the forehead.

I gasped. "Eren..?"

I looked around. I walked to the kitchen seeing a bloody knife on the floor.
I quickly grabbed my phone calling 911 but instead it shocked causing me to drop my phone.

I touched my ear then walked upstairs, "Eren?!"

I called but no answer, I walked into Eren's room, he's not in here.

I walked to the bathroom door, I tried opening it, it was locked.
"Eren! Are you in there! Open the door! What happened?!"

I yelled. No response. I got tired of waiting, I kicked down the door, my eyes widened at the sight, I choked on a sob.

Its something horrifying, something you cant unsee, Eren's body on the bathtub, multiple blades deep in his skin, the bathtub was filled with cold water. I screamed in fear and pain.

"No! Eren!"

I cried getting onto my knees next to him. "Eren..? Dont leave..."

I cried holding his cold hands. I stayed there for awhile not wanting to let him go.

I got up clenching my fists, Eren you cant leave me, i thought to myself. I walked downstairs once i was in the living room, i stopped in my tracks.


She was sitting on the couch, crossing her legs sitting back.
"What the fuck are you doing here?"

I glared at her.

"Ah levi, I was just asking the same thing"

She said smirking. I gave a confused look. "Did you do this, Levi?"

She said crossing her arms. "What do you mean?"

I said taking a a few steps to the kitchen. "Did you kill them?"

She said getting up. I froze. "No I did not"

I said secretly grabbing a knife. "I bet you did"

She said. "Bitch! I said I didnt! I would never kill Eren!"

I said.

Soon there was a alarm sound outside, I looked out the window. "Well i have to go"

She said rushing outside. "Wait! You're not going anywhere!"

I said grabbing her shoulder but.. My hand went through her.

She ran outside, everything was disappearing, Carla's body, the walls, Everything! Soon it was pitch black. I screamed for help.

But no luck.

The alarm continued.

And continued

And continued

And continued

And continued

And continued

And continued

I sat up breathing rapidly, my heart was racing, my forehead was sweating. I sighed. Just a dream.. I turned off my alarm then looked at the time

5:06 pm

I grabbed my phone then texted Eren.


Levi: Hey Eren, im coming over now

Eren: great! I'll see you later :)

Levi: bye

I got up grabbing my sweater, my phone, I walked downstairs,
"Levi where are you going?"

I turned to see my mom watching tv on the couch. "Eren invited me for dinner, i'll be home soon"

I said putting on my shoes. "Okay, have fun."

She said smiling. I smiled then left to Eren's place.

That was a weird dream, it almost felt real.

Once I got there I knocked on the door, Eren opened it then smiled. I got in taking off my shoes,

I sat on the couch while Eren sat on the other side of the couch, he put on a movie for time to pass by, since I'm an hour early.

We watched a movie, soon it was over. "Eren?"

I said looking down, I need to ask if he knows this Grisha jeager guy. I mean Eren has the same last name, I wonder if they're related. "Yeah?"

He said smiling at me, "U-uhm who's Grisha..jeager?"

I said still looking down, soon I heard nothing but silence. "E-eren..?"

I looked at him he eyes were widened, they were fear in his eyes. "W-where did you get that name f-from?"

He said hesitantly. "W-well if I told you-"

I was interrupted by Carla, "Eren! I'm home! Also your friends are here for dinner as well!"

She said smiling. "Sorry, they were outside and I was wondering if they can join dinner, even though you didn't invite them!"

Carla said walking to the kitchen preparing dinner. "O-oh okay."

Eren said. Soon mikasa, Armin, and a few other people I dont know nor see them around Eren at school maybe they go hang somewhere? I dont know.

There was a girl with a potato, a guy that looked like a horse, another girl with blonde hair with blue eyes? I can't tell, and a tall guy with black hair- what was that the guy at the café? And last but not least... My eyes widened, ... Petra ... What the fuck is she doing here?!

I looked at Eren he smiled as his friends sat on the couch, Mikasa sat next to Eren, Armin sat next to Mikasa and the guy that looked like a horse sat on the floor with his legs crossed along with everyone else except petra she was sitting on the arm rest beside of Eren. "Hey Eren~"

She smiled. "What?"

He said looking at her. "Are you single~?"

She said about to sit on his lap. But Mikasa stopped her by death glaring at her, she flinched then sat on the floor. "Hey Jeager? When are you ever gonna get a girlfriend"

Horse face said smirking. "Horse face, I said I don't know when, plus I'm not into girls."

He said sighing. Petra widened her eyes then starred at Eren. "So your gay?! I cant believe it! Eren thats gross!"

Petra said. "Hey slut, shut it."

Mikasa said glaring through Petra's soul. Petra didnt do anything except for glaring back. "I'm not being friends with some fag!"

She said getting up stomping to the door.

I looked confused then got up.
"Eren? Can I talk to you?"

I said walking upstairs. I walked into his room then sat on his bed. "What's up?"

He said closing the door. "When did you become friends with Petra?"

I said looking at him.  "A few days ago, me and Armin went out before, then we met her, but Armin insisted us being friends with her.."

He said. "Oh.. Okay then."

I said getting up. "Wait, Levi you were about to say something when you got cut off by my mom, where did you get the name Grisha jeager?"

He said worriedly.

I sighed, "If I told you would you believe me?"

I said looking down. "Well of course."

He said sitting next to me. "Petra is hiring someone to get Grisha whoever he is in germany"

I said. He froze. "I-i have to go tell my mother."

He said getting up. "Wait Eren"

I said grabbing his arm. "W-what..?"

He said tears forming in his eyes. "Who's Grisha?"

I said. "My father.."

He said leaving me in his room dumbfounded.

A few weeks later, before spring break~

Petra's POV.

Ugh! Eren can't be gay! Hes supposed to be with me! Not.. Not with a guy! Ugh! I thought to myself speed walking back home, it did take awhile since I live far well not that far.

I walked inside rushing to my room not caring if my dad called for me, I flopped onto my bed crying. I sighed then checked my phone, I just got back from work it's the weekend so i'll have nothing to do.


Unknown: okay I'm about to board

Petra: okay good, dont hurt him only if he attacks i'll have a jet waiting for you at 3 am over there.

Unknown: wait then why aren't i using the jet?

Petra: daddy's using it at the moment, anyways bye, and dont screw this up.

I closed my phone then sighed.

I will make you mine, Eren.

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