Shadow Snake Hiatus

By animemyreality

105K 2.7K 2.6K

Assassin AU CURRENTLY BEING RE-WRITTEN. Chapters will have updated for the ones already edited. What if the i... More

Chapter One Assassin
Chapter 2 New Student
Chapter 3 Bitch-sensei
Chapter 4 New Family
Chapter 6 Noticing
Chapter 7 Assassination Time
Chapter 8 Baseball Time
Chapter 8.4 Baseball Time
Chapter 8.8 Baseball Time
Future Teaser
Chapter 9 The Assassins Emotions
Chapter 10 Happy Birthday Nagisa
Chapter 11 Assembly Time
On hold
I'm Back

Chapter 5 Good Morning

8.6K 201 678
By animemyreality



"Telepathic speak"
"Normal speak"


Paxx-chan pov

'I should be leaving soon.' Nagisa looked to the sky. It was still quite dark only 2 o'clock at the moment. But he had informed Master Asano he would be back that morning.

He has been up for an hour or so. The reason he hasn't left yet is that a certain reptile wouldn't get off of him. Every time he'd move or attempt to wake her up she'd tighten her grip on him.

He tried once more. Untangling her body from his. He managed to free his left leg but once she realised the loss of warmth she quickly re-attached herself leaving him back in square one.

He sighed for the millionth time and rested his head on the branch. Suddenly an idea pooped into his head like a light bulb.

He closed his eyes and joined his mother in her mental landscape. Since the ritual should be complete he can now enter her mind and vice versa.

He conjured an image of himself and entered her minds gateway. (Just a couple of huge white double doors)

A blinding white light caused him to shield his eyes. When he adjusted all he could see was green.

Grass and trees as far as the eyes can see. The wind dancing with the leaves as if congratulating something. Then he saw her.

In the middle of the grass was mother with 2 new hatchlings.

One is green like the new grass of spring. She is wriggling the rest of her shell off of her body.

Her eyes are pitch black and shine with curiosity. She slowly moves forward towards another struggling to remove his eggshell.

The other one is as green as she but with one significant difference. His scales have a glossy light blue which coats strips of the top of his body. His eyes are also black showing their familiarity with his sister. But in his eyes show a calculating gaze. He is taking in his surroundings, his family, himself. With the assistance from his sister, he is completely free of his shell.

They both stared at each other. Moving their bodies and understanding the feeling of being on the grass.

'Come children'

The kids turn towards the voice and make their way towards their mother. They coiled themselves around in a hug.

A small smile was adorned upon the bluenettes face as he watched the mother and her children interact with each other.
He slowly made his way towards the trio.

Nagisa pov

I couldn't help but smile at the three of them. 'Mother you will be a great parent, I know it.' My smile faltered a bit. They will be a happy family. I thought back to my family and couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy.

I shook my head knowing if I continued it would affect mothers dream. I began making my way towards the family.

As I stood a good 6ft away I kneeled down on the grass. All three heads turned towards me. The children were startled but unafraid more like curious.

'Funny you see a huge unknown creature in front of you. You don't hide, you get curious.' I smiled towards them and held out my arms.
They were hesitant to move forward. I looked towards mother and she got the hint.

"Children this is your older brother Nagisa. Greet him with respect." Mother said and nodded towards me.

They bowed their heads towards mother and slithered towards me. They climbed my arms and coiled around my shoulders and neck. Both heads on either side of mine. They licked my face and rested against my ears.

"Hello~" The oldest said.

"Good evening" The younger said.

"It is a pleasure to meet both of you. I am looking forward to being apart of your family." I smiled and they agreed with me.

Mother made her way towards us and rose in front of us.
She bowed her head towards me."Please take care of my children Nagisa."

I reached my hand out and held her in my hands. I cradled her and gave her warmth.

"of course I will. They're part of my family now right? Family sticks together no matter what. I promise I'll do whatever it takes to protect my family. And I never break a promise." I gave her a genuine smile. Not the fake ones I use to calm people down. A real smile. One I only show to those who are close to me.
Mother smiled back and we stayed like that for awhile.

"mother may I ask what your name is?" Mother looked up to meet my eyes.
"My name is Akiharu" She replied.

"That is a beautiful name. Aki Okaa-san" I stroked her head and she hissed contentedly.
(Can snake even do that? IDK IDC)

"Mother do these two have a name?" I questioned.
She thought for awhile and nodded.

"The older female is named Rin. The younger male is named Yukio."
The siblings both looked up when their names were mentioned.
'If you get this I Love You'

I nodded and looked around. The dreams border was beginning to dissipate. That means the dream is coming to an end and she's going to wake up soon. I lay down and began to sing.

Intermission brought to you by Nagisa singing.
The song finishes.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nagisa pov

I open my eyes and stretch my arms a bit. I look around and it's 3:00 by now. 'The sun will be rising soon'

I look at my chest and see Akiharu is finally awake.
"Morning Akiharu" I greeted.

"Morning Nagisa"
She replies. She moves her body around mine to stretch.
"Akiharu I must be going back home now."
I told her as I sat up.

"Nooooo. I don't want you to leave yet. You belong here with me."
She coiled around my body and constricted my arms from moving.

"Haha. Now now. I told my guardian I would be back before sunrise. It's time for me to go." I gave her a smile and un-wound her body from mine and placed her around my neck like a scarf. I proceeded to throw my clothes and blanket down to the ground to get changed.

Once I was fully clothed in my uniform I grabbed a leaf from the tree. Using it as a whistle I signalled my brothers to come to me. Five minutes later I had them on my arms and back.

"Akiharu do you want me to return you back to your home?" I began walking towards the general direction.

"Call me Haru it's less formal." I smiled at her and introduced my brothers.

"Brothers pay respect to the Queen Mother of the forest. This is Goruden my oldest brother.
This is Kurayami my second oldest brother.
And this is Ketsueki my third oldest brother."
In turn, each brother bowed when their name was called.

When I reached our destination I was mildly surprised.
We were standing on a cliffside not too far from the school. It had a large tree hanging by its roots over the edge. I moved to stand next to the tree and I could see a large hole.

"Here Haru. Your home." I reached towards my neck and she slithered down my body to the ground.

"Thank you, Nagisa. Boys take care of him for me. I expect you to be back once you have finished your studies. Then I will help you with your training." she finished and went back to her nest.

'I didn't even get to reply' I sighed and made my way back to the house.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
At the house
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Nagisa pov

It took me an hour to get to my new settlement. I expect nothing less from Master Asano. Of course only a small few know how he could afford such a house/mansion. Not even a rich school principal could purchase this with his salary alone. But with the added salary of an assassin then that makes sense.

I mentally checked things off in my head.
'1: Shower.
2: Breakfast.
3: Wake up the Asanos.
4: Have a pleasant conversation during breakfast.
5: Check my weapons.
6: Walk to school.'

"Okay, Goldie and Yami you two prepare breakfast.
Tsuki you can check my weapons storage."
They nodded and began their assigned jobs.

The house


Living room






Plus five spare bedrooms and two study/office.
The basement has nothing in it and has locked doors only Gakuho has the key for. When you go inside the first lamp is a lever which brings out all of his 'tools' for my education.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Back to the story
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I go upstairs to my room and closed the door behind me. I saw Tsuki gounder my bed to grab my weapons.
I go to my closet and pick out another uniform.
'I wish I could have been a boy form for this mission. Cross-dressing is normal for a seasoned assassin but still.' I sigh and go to another door beside my bed.

I grab a towel from the basin and run the water. I sit and wait until it is the correct temperature. I jump in and sigh. Sleeping in that tree left my muscles stiff from keeping myself on the branch.

'I should check up on my brothers.'
Looking into their minds I can see what they are doing through their eyes.

Yami and Goldie:

In the kitchen, they are grabbing the pans and pots. The ingredients and utensils.
But they are still in their snake form.
"Boys how can you make breakfast in that form. Change, it will be easier. Don't worry the Asanos won't awake for a while yet." I saw them a nod and began the transformation. A bright gold and black light engulf both snakes.

When the light dims two tall figures stand in the kitchen.

One has oil black hair. He has a strong build. He is wearing black ripped jeans and plain black shirt. Plus a purple over shirt. His eyes are sharp and yellow.

The next figure has golden blond hair and eyes to match. He is wearing a white long sleeve button done shirt with a black sleeveless vest. He's wearing black jeans.

"Tsuki you change as well I can see that some need sharpening. Do you mind getting onto that?
I'll be out of the shower very soon"

A bright red light busts in my room. Then it goes as fast as it came. The figure has ruby red hair and eyes to match.
'I give up just look at the pic'

I stop the shower and proceed to get changed.
"Come on Tsuki the boys should be finished breakfast soon." I look to see Tsuki on my bed sharpening my blades.

He throws a few red throwing stars at my head. I duck down and skillfully catch them mid-flight. I slide them into a pouch attached to my thigh.
"Now now. You'll have to try harder if you want it that badly." I shake my head and go to the door.

As I went to open the door an arm snaked around my waist. I stood there in the embrace and relaxed.
"I've missed you otōto-chan" Tsuki said as he mumbled into my hair.
I laughed a bit.

"I saw you 20 minutes ago. "
Patting him on the shoulder.
"Yes I know. But It's different when I'm in human form. I can embrace you like you do I." He hugs me tighter.

"haha. I am glad you like this form. But come now the boys are calling." I turned towards him and give a small peck on his forehead then made my way to the kitchen.
When I'm downstairs I move left and right dodging kitchen knives being thrown at my head. I pull out a single throwing star and hit the knives. It ricochets against all the others and knocks them out of my trajectory. All the knives are on the ground even the one that were in their hands.

"I see you guys failed as well." Tsuki comes down from the staircase.
"yeah." they both said and turned back to the breakfast.

"oh don't worry. You can have it tonight as a 'thanks' for coming with me. And for helping me prepare for this morning." Before I could do as much as blink the boys surrounded me in a hug.
"hahaha. Come, boys, we still have to finish things off. Tsuki could you please set the table." they release me from the hug but not without a pec on my cheek. I walk back to the stairs. Tsuki prepared the table as I went upstairs to Gakushuus room. I knocked on the door. No answer. I opened the door to see him still asleep.
'He's usually up by now.' I walked silently to his bed and sat beside him.

"Shuu-nii time to wake up. I made breakfast." I stroke his hair a bit and he groaned.

"ahh. Nagisa-chan your back. When did you return." he grabbed my hand and kissed it.

"Sorry I came home late. You need to wash up. I made breakfast for us. Your father is already up." I said as I took my hand back and stood up to leave.
Once outside the room, I slowed my racing heart.

'Still can't believe he thinks I'm a girl. True he's only seen me in my female form but still. Sigh' I made my way to the kitchen once more.
I looked around and couldn't see my brothers anywhere. I picked up a note that was on the counter.

To Nagisa
Gone hunting. Just need to plate up. Meet you at your school.
From Trio

I looked at the bench seeing all the dishes for breakfast. Then see the stover with food for the plates.
I pull out the fruit from the cupboards and begin making a salad. I heard footsteps coming from the staircase.
I looked up from the fruit salads to see Gakuho in his maroon suit like always.

Paxx-chan pov

In a fraction of a second which is needed to blink Nagisa raced around the room picking up all the knives and putting them in the right place. And finishing the salads.
"Morning Hebi" Gakuho said as he sat down on the table. Seeming to not see what the bluenette just did.

"Morning Master" she replied and began plating up their breakfasts.
She gave him his drink

"One Caramel latte, double shots with one sugar skim milk and a couple herbs I collected from the forest. It should balance the strength out. With a dollop of whipped cream and cinnamon" she listed the ingredients to his favourite morning drink.

"Thank you hebi." he said as he took a sip from his drink. Nagisa went back to the counter and began placing the dishes on the table.

Gakuho Nagisa Gakushuu individual plates

Fruit salad

Another fruit salad

And the rest of the food

As she placed everything on the tables the boys watched in mild curiosity as she pottered around the table with everything. Once everything was set down she took off her apron and joined the boys at the table.

Nagisa pov

As I finished putting everything on the table I sat on the chair across Gakushuu. I looked up to see the boys staring at me. Suddenly feeling self-conscious I fidget in my seat.

"What? Do I have something on my face?"
I wiped my face a little with my napkin. They continue looking at me and my cheeks get a little warm.

" 'cough' No you are fine. We did not expect such a breakfast" he gestured to the whole table littered with different foods.

"Oh. I guess I did go a little overboard." I scratched the back of my neck.
"I had recently learnt about western foods and wanted to try out my culinary skills. Who better to test it than my family." I smiled sweetly at them as I gestured to the new foods.
The boys didn't say anything for a bit. Then looked at each other in a silent talk.

"Now boys let's not leave the food to get cold. Lets eat." I clapped and began eating. I was starving since I hadn't eaten since yesterdays breakfast. But I still ate like a propper lady. Back straight. Shoulders back. Small bites. 'Paxx-chan doesn't know if people actually eat like that but my mother tells me I should.'

#//:The trio finished their breakfast, made small talk, gave complements to the chef, did the dishes. Gakuho went to school but not before nagisa gave him his lunch.
Gakushuu left to the train station with a lunch though a bit more reluctant than his father was. Now Nagisa was by herself in her room.:\\#

Paxx-chan pov

"I should be ready to go now." she said to no one in particular as she checked herself in the mirror again.

"Knife strapped on left thigh. Check.
Throwing stars in pouch on right thigh check.
Anti-sensei knife attached to hip check.
Anti-sensei knife in left sleeve check.
Anti-sensei knife in right sleeve check.
Ear piece concealed check
Phone files encrypted and added anti-sensei features designed check.
Yes I'm ready to go to school." She proceeded to grab her bag and move to the boucany.

She then jumped on the roof and ran straight for the next house. She landed perfectly without a sound and continued this until she reached a couple blocks before the school.
She jumped down an abandoned alleyway straightening up her uniform and began walking to school like nothing happened.

Paxx-chan recap

Sooooooo how was that?

Paxx-chan has no further ideas.

Paxx-chan is going to take Tianas original ideas and tone them down then make this story awesome.
Paxx-chan supports KaruNagi but will add bits of GakuNagi just to annoy my readers.

But I need a scene so karma notices nagisa. I wonder what I should do.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Paxx-chan has a question for you readers.
Why the hell are anime guys so hot then in the real world they aren't.
Like there's a couple guys in my college that are hot but then compared to anime my life is depressing.
Sigh 😤😧

I hoped you like this.


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