Dangerous Desires (MurdochxGi...

By AlluretheNight

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Ever since James Gillies kissed Detective William Murdoch and jumped to his death, the detective can't seem t... More

Chapter One: Dangerous Desires
Chapter Two: A Forgiven Sin
Chapter Three: A New Day
Chapter Four: The Investigation
Chapter Five- Surprise
Chapter Six- Trust Issues
Chapter Seven: Goodbye
Chapter Eight: Missing
Chapter Nine: James
Authors Note
Chapter Eleven: Waking Up
Chapter Titles Preview!!!!
Chapter Twelve: The Chase
Chapter Thirteen: Amiss
Chapter Fourteen: Running Out of Time
Chapter Fifteen: Search and Rescue
Chapter Sixteen: Recovery
Chapter Seventeen: The Truth Comes Out
Chapter Eighteen: No Escaping The Noose
Chapter Nineteen-A New Flatmate
Chapter Twenty: Moving In

Chapter Ten: The Doctor

483 13 3
By AlluretheNight

Murdoch arrived at Station House No. 4 around ten o'clock that morning, feeling uneasy about what he was about to do. James Gillies needed a doctor, of that he was certain. Unfortunately, he knew few doctors willing to work on a mass murderer and not tell anyone about it. He also needed someone he could trust. So, as he was opening the door to his office it seemed almost like fate (if he believed in that sort of thing) when Dr. Julia Ogden called his attention. 

"William!" She called across the station. Turning around, Murdoch watched as she walked steadily up to him, a smile on her face. He smiled back though not as convincingly as he would have preferred. 

"William. I just wanted to let you know that I have no harsh feelings towards what happened between us. After all, you can't control your nature. If you ever want to discuss it my office is always open." Her tone reached a sort of clinical attitude towards the end and Murdoch raised his eyebrows.

"Dr.Ogden, are you trying to examine me?" Slight amusement showed in his voice, but he was put on edge, knowing he had too much to hide at that moment. Julia laughed. 

"Was it that obvious? It's just so fascinating. I've never met someone so...well so unaware of their own nature until now. Usually it manifests at an early age-"

"Julia. Why don't we speak in my office?" He glanced around nervously, hoping no one heard their conversation. Dr.Ogden stopped speaking and widened her eyes slightly. Walking into the office, Murdoch shut the door behind them. Hopefully the Inspector would turn away any unwanted guests once he saw Julia inside. Though it would be tough explaining this if he asked later. They took a seat at his desk. Him on one side, and she on the other. Julia blushed slightly.

"I'm so sorry, William. I just got so excited about the matter that I didn't even think about our location." 

William smiled reassuringly back at her, "It's alright, Julia. There's actually something I need to ask you. A favor I suppose, but also a secret. That is, if it's alright to ask after what happened between us."

"Of course, William. Anything at all. Does this have to do with you arriving late? I must admit I don't think you've been more late your whole career than this past week." 

Murdoch sighed and rubbed his forehead. "It is part of it, yes. This is very difficult and I'm not sure how to even begin explaining." 

Julia took on a professional gaze. "Don't worry William. Just explain how you know best."

Murdoch nodded and fiddled with his hands on the desk, "Well, Julia. You know that there is someone I've fallen in love with. You also know that person is not a woman." She nodded for him to continue. "There is something a bit more shocking that I have to tell you. This person is also a past criminal." Julia's eyes widened only a fraction before she spoke.

"I would never had guessed you would have fallen for a criminal, but I suppose we don't choose who we love. Surely though he can't be that bad since you said past..." Murdoch gave her a pleading look for her to stop speaking. Julia trailed off and seemed conflicted.

"William, why don't you just tell me who it is? You're looking at me as if I know him." William sighed and shook his head. 

"Julia, I am going to sound absolutely insane but I need you to trust my judgement on this no matter what. And you can't tell anyone once I tell you. Are you sure you want to know?" Dr.Ogden looked troubled but nodded. Another sigh escaped. 

"His name is James..Gillies." A gasp came from the other side of the desk and Julia clutched her hands together tightly. She was breathing hard and Murdoch rose to help her. 

"Julia, are you alright?" She put a hand up. 

"Just one moment please." Murdoch sat and watched as she began to calm down. Finally, she looked him in the eyes. 

"William, are you certain? He could be tricking you again. It could be a trap." Murdoch shook his head. 

"No. No. I already questioned all of these things in my head multiple times. The truth is, he might have saved my life last night and now he is injured because of it." Julia stared at him and nodded slowly. 

"I heard about the break in from Constable Crabtree. So, whoever snuck in had injured him?" 

William nodded, his forehead creasing with worry. "We think that whoever broke in was after me, not Gillies. James took a hit for me and escaped before anything else could be done. He needs a doctor." 

"I see. Well then, we better get over there as soon as possible. I don't approve of any of this, but I know you. If you say he's safe and that you love him. Well...how can I debate that?" She smiled slightly and Murdoch breathed a sigh of relief. The hard part was over. Now, they just had to go treat the patient. Rising, Julia composed herself. 

"Right. I will go get my bag and meet you outside in twenty minutes." William nodded and thanked her, watching as she left. A moment after, Inspector Brackenreid knocked on the open door.

"So, uh, you two settle things peacefully between you?" William smiled a little. 

"Yes, sir. I don't think we will ever be as close as before, but at least we aren't enemies. I apologize, Inspector but I have to take care of cancelling the wedding arrangements with Julia in a few minutes. Would it be alright if I take he rest of the day off?" 

Inspector Brackenreid's eyebrows shot up. "Murdoch asking for a day off. Thought I'd never see the day. Aye, take the day off and get into high spirits again before you show up tomorrow morning. Me and the boys want to start tracking down the man who broke into your flat in the mean time. " Slapping him on the back, the Inspector left without another word and Murdoch rose to wait outside. This was going to be interesting. 


Murdoch left his bike at the station house so he could walk with Julia. She suggesting taking a carriage but he insisted on walking. As they passed down Main Street, Murdoch was getting more and more nervous. Julia smiled reassuringly at him. 

"William, don't worry. If he's as good as you say he is then we will both be fine. As long as he behaves, I will too." Murdoch did not feel better upon hearing this. He wasn't sure how James would react to seeing Julia. He didn't like not knowing. As they came up to the inn that Murdoch had been staying at, he introduced Julia to the owners and excused themselves. They seemed surprised that he had brought a woman into his room alone, but reassured when he said that she was his doctor and was only seeing him for a headache. Murdoch paused at the door and listened. He couldn't hear James at all. Sighing he knocked on the door and spoke softly, 

"James, it's me. I've brought a doctor. We're coming in." Slowly, he opened the door, and stepped in. James was still in bed, sitting up against the pillows. His shirt and trousers were still on the floor and he smirked as he saw who his "doctor" was to be. 

"Ah, so Dr. Ogden has decided to make an appearance." Murdoch shot a pointed look at him, and James ducked his head. 

"Thank you," James muttered under his breath. Dr.Ogden seemed surprised and smiled at Murdoch. 

"I see William has you well trained." She sat on the foot of the bed, next to where his feet were under the covers. 

James smirked, "You have no idea." Julia blushed at the insinuation. Murdoch looked away, embarrassed. Dr.Ogden looked down at his feet. 

"You'll have to remove the blanket on at least the injured leg." James nodded and carefully pulled the blanket back to reveal his own wrapped up ankle. Julia frowned. 

"These bandages are wrapped all wrong. I suppose you did it yourself though." Unwrapping the gauze, Julia gasped as she saw the slash through his ankle. Murdoch sat next to James on the other side of the bed and gripped his hand. James squeezed back. 

"It looks worse than it is, William." He murmured softly. Julia sighed and smiled in apology. 

"It's going to need stitches. Luckily, I brought everything that I need, but I don't have an anesthetic. You'll have to endure the pain." James nodded grimly and squeezed William's hand again. 

"Julia, are you sure you don't have anything to numb the wound first?" Julia sighed, and shook her head. 

"I'm afraid not, William. He will just have to bare through it." Preparing her sewing supplies, she looked at James Gillies. He stared back. Cleaning the wound, she frowned. 

"Are you sure you can hold still while I do this? If not, William will have to hold your leg down." James shook his head. 

"No. I can hold still. I'll be quiet too. Wouldn't want to upset the owners." He joked weakly. Dr. Ogden moved closer and as the needle went in, James gasped and squeezed Murdoch's hand tightly. William moved closer and stroked his head, trying to comfort him at least a little. Julia worked as James grunted and gasped in pain. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead and Murdoch hushed him and caressed his face as much as possible to try to be of some help. It took five minutes, but they were excruciating. Once finished, James was panting and clinging to Murdoch weakly. Julia wiped her brow and packed her things away after she finished wrapping it up again. 

"Don't get it wet, and rewrap it every day or it will get infected. William, make sure you help him wrap it correctly." William nodded, still looking at James and stroking his face. 

"Thank you , Julia." She nodded and excused herself, feeling a little bit guilty for what she had done, necessary or not. 

Murdoch pulled James close to him, holding him securely in his arms. James smirked barely. 

"This is not what I pictured when I imagined us sweaty and panting, William." His breathing grew more even. Murdoch kissed his forehead. 

"Don't worry, James. We'll get there. For now, you need to rest." His fingers ran through James's curly bronze hair and his partner grew more heavy and relaxed. 

"I'm not tired.." he mumbled, falling asleep mere moments later. 


Thought I would give you guys a little treat by adding another chapter early. Let me know what you think and don't forget to vote!



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