Death wish

By willlowtrees

245 5 1

Evelyn didnt want to fall, she didnt want to let anyone in her heart as that only lead to being hurt. So on h... More

The Feeling
The Pain
The Waiting

First Meeting

43 0 0
By willlowtrees


As Evelyn reached three she threw up her arms, feeling the air rush in between her fingers and her mind only had one want. Freedom. Freedom of pain and freedom of feeling empty and alone. She moved her body slowly, as if underwater all the sounds where muffled and she could only hear the pounding of her heart. Even the movement of her body falling forwards seemed to take a lifetime. She smiled and could feel gravity taking over when, strong arms grabbed around her waist pulling her backwards and they fell on the wet ground. Evelyn disoriented and perplexed to why she wasn't dead whimpered and the arms holding her retracted as if worried she was diseased. "what the hell where you doing?! You could have fucking died?!" A angry voice invaded her ears. Evelyn whimpered again louder and held up her arms expecting the blow that so often followed that harsh tone. The silence that followed was deafening. She could hear the strangers laboured breathing, like he was in pain and peeked gingerly over her arms to make sure he hadn't been hurt in the fall, she gasped quietly. The stranger was the most beautiful person she had ever seen. Dark brown hair curled above his eyes and his eyes were the brightest green and Evelyn could feel herself drowning as they held her gaze. The stranger frowned as if having a internal battle himself. "i'm sorry" he said quietly " I didn't mean to frighten you i promise, you just scared me" he ran his fingers through his hair and gazed guiltily at Evelyn. She didn't say anything just stared back, what was there to say? She had tried to kill herself and he had stopped her. It laid in the air between them, the unspoken fact, Evelyn could feel the wetness of the ground seeping into her dress, she shivered from the cold or from the way this beautiful stranger was staring at her she didn't know. But Evelyn looked away first and swallowed, wetting her mouth before asking the one question on her mind.

"why?" she murmured ducking her head so that her illuminated eyes hide behind her hair. Damon scowl as although the question was so ambiguous and open and he knew exactly what she meant he had no idea to answer it. To begin he grabbed her purely because he  couldn't stand the thought of another human being dying before his eyes i had already seen enough death to last a life time he deduced but nothing could have prepared me for this, he shook his head in disbelief, the pull from her was incredible, when he grabbed her it felt like a thousand pin picks ran through his body. Sure she absolutely gorgeous as well, her long moonlight hair curled at the ends and her eyes seemed to suck him in, she was skinny as well but almost too skinny as if she had been un-nourished, combined with her bedraggled appearance he could only imagine what she could have been through. " Are you hurt?" he asked gently trying to divert her earlier question. She lifted her head and cocked her head, Damon could tell she had seen right through his pathetic attempt to distract her but let it slide "yes" she mumbled, her voice was light and covered him like velvet, Damon closed his eyes briefly. When he opened them, she was in the process of shifting backwards, as if being near him repulsed her. He winced at the sudden ache that run through his body. "Whats your name?" his mouth blurted before he could stop himself. Her eyes meet his and for a moment he couldn't breathe, his heart was in his throat and all he could think about was how easy it would be to reach over the pull her closer, not stopping until he could feel her heart beating against his. "Evelyn" she said quietly, snapping him out of his fantasy. He swallowed. What on earth was he doing, thinking about kissing this girl who only a moment ago and been seconds from her death. "I'm Damon" he muttered, he needed to get rid of her but he couldn't just leave her in this forest... Damon watched her run her fingers through her blonde hair, wincing when her hand made contact with the back of her head. As she pulled away, Damon could see her fingertips dotted with blood. "Are you hurt? What happened?" He asked panic, moving towards her. She flinched and uttered something about falling, her eyes now glazed and wet. Damon had to stop himself from frowning. She probably needed medical attention, "Come with me to my house and my mum can clean you up and stuff" he said then thought better of it and added "she's a nurse" as a way of explanation. He stood up and reached out his hand "Please?" he needed her to come with him, he needed to make sure she would be okay. She glanced up at him, beneath her eye lashes. All the unspoken words filled the air until finally she slowly nodded.

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