Open Up

By kungfopanda

7.5K 512 225

Casey wakes up from a nightmare, only to realize she's now living one. Unsure of what's going on and scared f... More

The Introduction
Wake Up
The First Door
The Second Door
The Third Door
Stuck in Door Three
The Last One
The Only Reason Why

The Fourth Door

469 34 22
By kungfopanda

Come on Case, you can do this. You've managed to walk through three doors already and somehow come out alive. You're not the coward James said you were, you can do this. You're strong enough to handle whatever lies ahead of you! Your "mother and father" tried to literally kill you, so stop over thinking this. Nothing can get worse than it already has!Now man up! Open the damn door already! No matter what, you can face what's behind it. You can do this. Just grab the doorknob and push it open!

I pushed the red door open slightly, unsure if I was really ready to face what was next to come. However, to my surprise, I was greeted with something I didn't expect at all — a swing set. Underneath it was a small patch of grass with a beautiful garden surrounding it, so naturally I gravitated towards it. As I walked farther into the room, the blinding white walls faded, and the garden began to grown. Soon the whole room was filled with flowers of different colors; I'm pretty sure there were even a few butterflies fluttering around. Are those birds chirping? The sound of a small stream began to fill my senses and calmness washed over me. I looked back, making sure the violent red colored door was still there, just incase I needed to make a quick escape. I wasn't taking any chances.

When I glanced back at the swing set, I noticed that upon one of the seats there was a small girl, just swinging away. I took my time to walk over to her, and planted myself in the remaining swing, waiting to see if she would stop, but not minding if she didn't. It was peaceful behind this one, I hadn't sensed any apparent harm that could happen to me, so I just let her continue on. I looked around at the magical garden and closed my eyes, this is what it must feel like to be relaxed again. I wish this could last forever, I wish I would never have to go through another door again, I wish I could just go home. When will I find my way out? When will I understand what this all means?

I opened my eyes when I heard the swinging come to a slow halt. I turned to see a pair of big brown eyes staring back into mine. The small brunette had light curls with a few strands tied back into a big white bow, matching her dress and flats. She looked incredibly innocent, and had to be around the age of my brother, she kind of resembled him too. She mimicked an angel, minus the wings and halo.

Her small collarbones were shown due to the slight scooped neck of the dress, revealing a long, thin scar that was running across her left one. It was from when her father had been playfully chasing her around the backyard and she accidentally scraped her shoulder across a piece of metal that was sticking out of their old fence. She cried for a good hour, a little louder when her mother had to disinfect it. Her father was there holding her hand the whole time, trying to reassure her she would be okay, because after it all it wasn't that deep of a cut, but she was only a little girl. He promised her ice cream and a movie night to make her feel a little bit better. Soon after she was all cleaned up, with a few princess bandages, she was curled up on the couch cuddled against her father with a big tub of mint chocolate chip ice cream — her favorite, watching The Little Mermaid. I smiled at the little girl, touching my own collarbone in the process.

"Hi Casey," I said softly. A toothy grin flashed across her face. Her young cheeks blushed and she grabbed my hand, standing up from the swing, indicating me to follow her actions.

Hand-in-hand, we walked through the beautiful garden for a good amount of time. No words needed to be spoken in order to feel comfortable. Together we let the serenity captivate us. I followed her lead, not feeling the need to ask her any questions because it honestly didn't seem necessary. It felt as though wherever she was taking me would answer any question I might have. You'd think seeing a younger version of yourself and literally being able to hold your eight year old hand would be something terrifying, but it wasn't. It was actually the opposite, something about this had felt right, tranquil even, and I couldn't help but enjoy it. I looked down at the little sinless Casey, and smiled wide, the innocence radiated off of her, making me feel utterly safe for unknown reasons.

She had finally came to a stop and smiled up at me, letting go of my hand. Little Casey ran up to a big white gazebo, which had a wrought iron table and chairs in the middle of it. I approached the set, watching her sit at the head of the table. In front of her was a small white wooden box and when I sat next to her, she pushed it towards me. I sent her a questioning look, which in returned I received a childish smirk with a little giggle and a nod of the head, signifying me to open it.

Inside of the box laid a small brass key on a bed of red velvet cushion. I took the key into my hand unsure of what else to do with it. What are you going to do, just stare at it? Ask her what it's for! She was the one who brought you over here, she obviously has to know at least something.

"Casey, why do I need this key? What's the reason for all of this? Do you know why I'm here? Why all of these bad things keep happening to me?"

"You'll see!" She said with a giggle.

I started to feel a little unsettled as she grabbed my hand again and started pulling me away from the gazebo, back towards the swing set. She went back to her original seat and started to kick her legs up to gain some momentum.

"Did you want a push?" She nodded at me, her baby tooth filled smile warmed my heart once more as I made my way to the back of her. She began to giggle again as I started to push her.

"Higher! Higher!" She yelled, her little girl laughter filling the room. It grew louder and louder as I continuously pushed her. Soon, the sound increased too much for comfort and I didn't stop myself from covering my ears. I backed up so her small body wouldn't come flying into my much larger one, and hurried my way towards the door. With one hand on the knob ready to open it and escape from the loud laughter, I looked to her again for one final time. A ray of sunshine was casted down on her now, and as she swung through it. It seemed as though she almost glistened every time it danced across her young flesh and little white dress. I hope she stays that innocent forever. I knew she wouldn't — I knew I wouldn't, but it didn't matter anymore.

I was surprised when no wings bursted out of her back and no halo appeared hovering over her head. I could have sworn she was swinging into the sun, ready to go back to where she had came from. Ready to go back to where the rest of the little angels played, because that's all she was, just a little angel to me. I signed heavily and opened the door, forcing myself to leave the little slice of heaven I had gotten to witness in this awful hell.

Back in the white room, I fiddled with the small key for a short amount of time, trying to figure out what it could possibly be used for. I scoped the room trying to look for anything that would indicate a lock or something of the sort but obviously it was pointless as the only thing that occupied all of this space was plain walls and red doors. Wait, you've got to be kidding me! Am I really that stupid?

I rushed my way back over to the last red door and looked down at the knob to see a small keyhole. One that perfectly fit the small brass key in my hand. Placing the key in and twisting, I heard a slight click of the door unlocking. I pushed on the door lightly and it slowly creaked open.

Authors Note:

the end of the story is approaching us! are you guys ready to find out the real reason why all of this is going on??

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