STFU and be my girlfriend

By Potato-senpaiii

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•Boruto Uzumaki is your typical uptown boy who loves to pick up a fight and fails to be a gent. •Sarada Uchih... More

Meet Potato-senpai😂
Author's note


926 19 7
By Potato-senpaiii

Sarada's POV

"Rise and shine little niece." A voice I knew too well said, shaking me up. "Five for minutes uncle Itachi." I groaned as I rolled over. "No can do. Remember, I got work today and I'm dropping you off so you wouldn't have to walk." He said as he rolled me over and pulled the comforter down. "What time is it?" I asked sitting up and stretched out my arms. "7:20" CRAP! I thought as I jumped out of my bed and ran towards my bathroom.

Even in the Uchiha Mansion, I still have my room. More like dad's room before but I slept here everytime I come and visit, it reminded me so much of him and I didn't even let one single thing move from it's place. It's like dad is still here. From the scent of his room, his clothes were still inside his cabinet, photos of him and mom, our family photo and more. "Young mistress your clothes are ready." A maid knocked on the bathroom door. "Just leave it on the bed, thanks." I said as I quickly rinse off the the shampoo and soap off my body, after my bath I quickly dried myself up and wore dad's black bathrobe that was too big for me.

I got out of the bathroom and quickly threw my uniform on and brushed my hair. "Salad!" Uncle Itachi shouted from the living room. "I'm coming, jeez." I said and placed my phone inside my pocket. I turned to the huge wedding photo of mom and dad hanging in the wall and smiled. "Mom, dad. I'm off." I said as a tear escaped from my eyes. I quickly wiped them and ran outside the room and down the stairs. "Slow down or you might fall." Grandpa said as he looked up from his newspaper. Grandpa and grandpa were sitting in the living room enjoying their coffee and pancakes while uncle Itachi stood by the door wearing his a black polo and pants and white leather shoes. "Took you long enough." He smiled as he saw me walking towards him.

"I'm off grandpa and grandma." I said waving them goodbye. "We'll pick you up later." Grandpa said as he and his wife waved goodbye at me. "Have a nice day at school young mistress." A butler bowed at me. "Thank you and good morning." I said shooting him a smile and jogged towards uncle Itachi's electric blue sports car. "Yo!" I said as I slid inside the passengers seat. "Foolish little niece." He said and chuckled.

"Your bag in on the backseat along with your lunch." He said. "Who made them?" I asked as he started the engine and drove. "Dad did." He said casually. "I bet it's gonna be his famous butter garlic grilled fish again." I said and sweatdropped. "You bet." Uncle Itachi said as we both laughed. "But don't think you can get away from last night." He said turning serious. "What's with last night? As I clearly remembered we had dinner with gramps and granny then went to bed early." I said in defense. "Mhm. Yeah right like how you avoided my question last night and jumpes off to the next topic." He said.

"What was your question again?" I asked and sweatdrop. "How's the swimming try outs?" He asked and stopped the car as the headlights turned red. "I-it was alright." I stuttered as I remembered that close incident last night. "You're buffling." He said and proceeded to drive as the lights turned green. "N-no I'm not." I defended. "You stuttered." He countered back. "I do stutter." I argued. "Yeah when you're lying." He said which silenced me. Uncle Itachi knows me too well.

He pulled over to the side and looked at me. "I know you're going through something right now but just know I'm always here for you." He said as he pulled me into an embrace and patted my back softly. "T-thank you uncle Itachi." I said feeling bad for lying at him. We pulled out after a moment as he smiled at me. "Now go." He said. My happy bubble burst. WHAT?! DAD IF YOU'RE THERE PLEASE PUNISH UNCLE ITACHI. I said mentally as if I was talking to dad. "Why?" I asked sadly. "Why? Because it's your second day of school." He said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. I turned to look at my environment and we were in front of the school.

My face flushed in embarrassment as I quickly grabbed my bag and lunch box from the backseat and unbuckled my seatbelt. "See ya later!" I said turning towards him with a smile. His fingers poked my forehead again which dad does it all the time. "See ya." He smiled and I got off the car, closing the door behind me I waved him goodbye as he started to drive towards the Uchiha Corp. I turned my heel and walked towards the gates of Konohagakure High. As I entered the halls Sumire immediately greeted me. "Good morning Sarada." She smiled as Chocho waved at me with a bag of potato chips in her hand. "Yo." She greeted. "Hey." I smiled at them.

"You were amazing yesterday Sarada! To think you actually beat the prince!" She said with much glee. "I thought you were against the beast but I thought wrong." Chocho said as she began eating her potato chips. "P-pardon? The beast?" I asked nervously. What kind of a school is this! I thought nervously. "Uzumaki, Boruto." Chocho said as if it were normal for her. My jaw dropped to the ground upon hearing that, Sumire noticed my expression as she waved her hand up and down as if trying to calm me down. "Don't worry Sarada, you're now known as the Beauty." She said with a smile. Beauty?! What the hell?!

"Um, don't get me wrong but this isn't Disney." I said nervously. "We're not basing on that. Actually, you were labeled as Beauty due to your strong personality, brains and of course your pretty face." Chocho said. As soon as we reached the classroom our classmates turned to look at us and gathered around. "Hey, have you heard?" A guy whose bowl cut hair asked. "Nope, what's new?" Chocho asked uninterested. The guy whose spiky hair tied in high ponytail showed us his phone showing the school's web page. "A swimming tournament?!" Sumire asked worriedly, this caught Chocho's attention as she took the guy's phone. "Are you sure this isn't false news Shikadai?" Chocho asked the said guy. "No and if it were why would they post it on the school's page?" He asked and yawned.

"But it's still too early!" Sumire said worriedly. "What's the commotion all about?" We turned to look at the person who just entered the classroom. "Inojin, have you heard the news?" Sumire asked walking towards Inojin. "No, what is it?" He asked. "There will be a swimming tournament happening in less than a week." Chocho said as the threw her empty pack of chips. "W-what?" Inojin asked. He turned to look at me, our eyes locking for a moment till I broke our contact. My face flushed. "So? What's the big deal about it?" We all turned to the person who said that and there stood Uzumaki, wearing his uniform unappropiately just how he wore his uniform yesterday.

He walked towards us and placed his arm over my head. "It's just the Leaf High we're up against to." He said casually as he stiffled a yawn. I pinched his arm as he yelp and grabbed my collar, lifting me up from the floor once again. "What was that for little chick." He asked angrily. Everyone in the classroom and along the corridors looked at the scene before them with wide eyes. "Shut up and stop using me as an arm rester." I said crossing my arms. Boruto smirked as he placed me back down on my feet. "I'll do as you wish unless.." he trailed off. Everyone including me was eager to hear his words.

"Unless?" I asked. My heart started to beat louder on my chest. Uzumaki leaned down towards me and leveling his face into mine. "Unless you'll win today's competition." He said and regained his figure. I looked up at him and crossed my arms over my chest. "There isn't a competition." I said. "Oh but there will be little chick and you and I will be up against each other." He smirked arrogantly.  "And what happens if I win?" I asked. "I'll stop bothering you and I'll do anything you want till the school year would end." He said as he shoved his hands inside his pockets as a smile crawled my lips. "But if you lose." He said making me frown. "What will be the punishment?" I asked, Boruto only smirked and walked off towards his seat.

"What the hell just happened?" The guy who wears a mask that covers half of his face asked. The front door opened and Mr. Shino stepped inside. "Please gather your things and stand at the back of the classroom, we're going to have our proper seating arragement." Mr. Shino said as he pulled out a bondpaper. We followed his orders, gathering our things and stood at the back of the classroom. "Akamichi, Chocho and Denki." Mr. Shino called out as he pointed at the first seat.

Seating arrangement

Chocho|Denki         Houki|Mitsuki
Inojin|Shikadai      Boruto|Sumire
Sarada|Metal Lee

"H-hi Sarada-san!" My new seatmate greeted. I beamed at him. "Drop the san and just call me Sarada." I said. Bushy brows is better than that jerk. I thought happily. "I'm Metal Lee and I think you're beautiful!" He said out loud making the whole class look at me. "Umm.." I sweatdropped at his loud behavior. "If you have any problems with your seating arrangement pleasd do te-" Mr. Shino stood there as the color of his face drained. "YO BRAT! EXCHANGE SEATS WITH ME." Uzumaki said out loud as he grabbed Metal Lee by the head, lifting him up from his seat. "B-b-but i-isn't t-th-the s-seats a-arranged a-aleady?" Metal Lee stuttered. Poor Metal Lee. I thought as a sigh escaped from my lips. "Hey you can't change seats that quick!" I stood up defending Metal Lee as Uzumaki carried him by the head and placed him on his new desk beside Sumire. "You aren't my teacher little chick." He said irritatedly.

"Ugh!" I let out a frustrated groan and sat on my seat and looked out the window. Mr. Shino cleared his throat and Uzumaki took his seat beside me. "Since everything is already settled then I guess we'll start off with our homeroom." Mr. Shino said and began discussing.

3rd person's POV

In the middle of their homeroom class, Boruto proppes his elbow on his desk and rested his cheek on his palm as he smirked at the girl beside him who was looking outside angrily.


The bell rang signalling for the first class to end and for them to have their break "That's it for today." Mr. Shino said as he gathered his stuff and walked out of the classroom. Sarada stood up from her seat and started to walk towards the door when Boruto grabbed a hold on her waist, pulling her unto his lap. "Where do you think you're going little chick." He asked sarcastically as he smirked at her. "Let me go you jerk! I'm gonna go buy some food!" Sarada said as she struggled from his grip. "No." He objected.

Inojin entered the classroom with Sumire, both were laughing. This caught Sarada's attention and instantly she felt her heart sank. Boruto looked at Sarada who stopped struggling from his grip on her waist as she looked down on her lap, her hair covering her face. Inojin noticed this too and walked over them. "Here." Inojin said as he offered a strawberry milk to Sarada causing her to look up. "I didn't have the chance to give you this last time so I made it up." He smiled at her. Everyone witnessed this as a blush tinted Sarada's cheeks. "Thank you." Sarada said ever politely causing Boruto to look at her in disbelief as Sumire bawled her fists.

Sarada's POV

Time went by in a blurr and the next thing I knew was it was already time for club activities. I sighed as I gathered my things. "Yo." Uzumaki said as he threw a crumbled paper on me. "What?" I asked him irritatedly. "Competition." He smirked and walked out, leaving me hanging. "Competition what?" I asked rather out loud. "You forgot? You're up against Boruto in swimming today." The lazy one in class who kept sleeping said. "Crap! Well I better go, thank you.." I trailed off. "Shikadai." He said. "Thanks Shikadai!" I said as I ran off. "What a drag." I heard him say as I turned to the corner.

As soon as I arrived at the pool area the bleachers were already full packed. I panted as I made my way inside. "I thought you'd chicken out." Uzumaki smirked, he's already wearing his swimming shorts while he held his black swimming cap and goggles on his hand. "As if." I said and proceeded to walk inside the girls changing room then it hit me. "How the hell am I gonna compete if I don't have my goggles with me." I said frustratingly. Setting my problems aside, I opened my locker and changed. After putting my uniform inside neatly and my bag safely, I closed my locker and locked it when the door suddenly opened.

"Took you long enough to get ready." Uzumaki said leaning by the doorframe. "I.." but he cut me off. "Catch." He said as he threw a paper bag at me which I catched effortless. "What's this?" I asked him. "You left that." He said and walked off. I opened the paper bag and saw my red scarf neatly folded and the goggles dad bought on my 6th birthday. I looked outside where I could see Uzumaki doing warm ups and smiled. I opened my locker and placed the paper bag that contains my scarf inside and walked out of the changing room.

"Hey kids." Coach Suigetsu said as he walked over to us. "I hope you don't mind but Boruto came up to me yesterday and told me he wants to compete you to know how skilled you are." He said nervously. I turned to look at Uzumaki and glared at him. He smirked at me and walked towards the 6th lane as I walked towards the 5th so everyone could have the chance to see. I wore my swimming cap and pulled my goggles down to cover my eyes. "Take your mark." Coach Suigetsu said as Uzumaki and I got into our stationary positions and with the sound of the air horn we immediately dived into the pool.

We both did a freestyle for the competition since coach decided it to be. I fasten my pace as I hit the end of the pool and swam back towards the lane. I could hear faint noises of cheers. Come on just a little further! I thought as I paddled faster. As soon as I touched the finishing line, I already heard screams and shouts. I resurfaced and saw that Uzumaki was staring down at me with a smirk. Coach helped me out of the water and congratulated me. "You were only .5 seconds apart from Boruto and I gotta say you're faster than Inojin." Coach said as he gave me a dry clean towel.

Uzumaki walked towards me with a smirk on his face. "What?" I asked. "Meet me here after you changed." He said and walked off towards the boys changing room. "You were great out there." Inojin said as he patted my head. "Congratulations, didn't know you had it in you." Shikadai said along with my other classmates and random people who congratulated me. "Excuse me." I said and walked towards the girls changing room to freshen up and change back into my school uniform.

After putting the wet swimsuit in the laundry basket, I walked out of the changing room as I adjusted my backpack over my shoulder. "Yo little chick." Uzumaki said as he stood up from the bleachers. "What do you want me to do?" I asked so we could get this over with. "Be my girlfriend." He said casually. "Be my girlfriend." His voice rang all over my head.

"What? No! Who would want to be with you anyway? You're an arrogant, selfish brat who can't even show a bit of respect towards girls and you have the guts to run over people!" I lashed out on him. "Whaaaaatt."  The color drained from his face. "I agree, you're smart and rich but boy. That doesn't change a thing. I hate you and will alwa-" I was in the middle of my rant he cut me off by pulling me towards him and as he kissed me. His lips were soft and warm against mine. After a few seconds he pulled back and stared into my dark orbs. "Shut the fuck up and be my girlfriend." He whispered so softly, our faces inches apart.

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