7 deadly sin [{BTSXBLACKPINK...

By springintowater

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7 deadly sins, 7 bts members, 7 short stories featuring Blackpink girls ! I know they're Angels, but i deci... More

LUST part 2
LUST final
ANGER part 1
ANGER part 2
ANGER final
ENVY part 2
ENVY final
SLOTH part 1
SLOTH part 2
โ˜† Sequel Introduction โ˜†
โœฟ JEALOUSY part 1 โœฟ
โœฟ JEALOUSY part 2 โœฟ
โœฟ JEALOUSY part 3 โœฟ


832 38 15
By springintowater

Ok guys this is part two, it's a long, LONG chapter sorry for that! I hope you love the story line, the characters and everything! Just tell if you want to change something or add something. IMPORTANT : the first part of the chapter is written in a particular way, in italics are the lyrics of a song from 5SOS called "wrapped around your finger". Idk if you enjoy this type of picture but I planned for weeks to do it in this story and on Spring Days, my other one, so tell me if you like it!! Last, I'll list all the songs that I use so you can go and listen to them if you want to feel the mood or not! (Wrapped around your finger, Out of my limits) Also I might do this in 4 parts...Just tell me if you would prefer or find it unfair to the others stories! Please don't forget to vote and comments if you like it!! Love you, xXChaXx

« I believe that there is no difference between jealousy and insecurity at all. »


Time continues to fly as the two slowly find their balance in their new lives

"Throwing rocks at your window at midnight"

Lisa rolls her eyes as she spots her cute boyfriend down in the garden. He gestures her to come down pouting. They don't see each other as much as they would love to and Jungkook really needs some more moment with her.

"you met me in your backyard that night"

She sights as she sees the time : 00h

They both have school tomorrow but he came all the way here and she misses him. She quickly grabs a hoodie and jumps carefully knowing he will be there to catch her.

He's always there.

"In the moonlight you looked just like an angel in disguise, my whole life seemed like a postcard"

Jungkook hugs her the minute her feet touch the floor. She giggles a bit before kissing him softly. He looks up and takes the time he needs to appreciate her under the moonlight. She looks amazing. He has been kind of grumpy and tired lately. But the minute he sees her he feels fool of energy ready to crush the world...

...with her

"You were mine for the night"

The week after was really busy for Lisa. She had a lot of training with her new team but enjoyed it. After all she is very flexible and good at any kind of sport. Living her new student life at her maximum, she met new people, girls from her or class, also boys from the basketball team essentially. She went to parties, spending the all night awake, regretting it in the morning...

Between the studies part which was harder than high school and her new cheerleading activity she didn't have any time to breathe...

...or properly spend time with her boyfriend.

"I was out of my mind"

Jungkook's life was going smoothly. He spent time with his friends, laughing at Rosé and Jimin endless bickering, ditching class with Tae to play video games in his room, going to detention because of Jimin's stupid pranks on the teacher, spending evening in the studio singing with Rosé, rehearsing with the all group or writing at night because he had trouble finding peace...

Sometimes he was so pissed and frustrated with himself finding something was missing in his songs. And usually it matched the time when he thought about Lisa. He didn't want to worry for nothing.

But he missed her.

He ended up using those feelings to give his lyrics some depth.

"I thought I had you in the palm of my hand right now
Screaming at the top of my lungs 'til my chest felt tight
I told myself that I'm never gonna be alright

But he kept it up. After all the cultural festival was around the corner and everything will be back to normal after it. He would let her know his struggles and she would reassure him.

Everything is going to be alright.

"You had me wrapped around your finger
I'm wrapped around your finger"

Cultural festival day

Third person POV

- I'm stressed out guys...

- Really? I got the idea when you started walking around me for fifteen minutes straight...smirks Jimin

- It's going to be alright, we're ready! Rosé steps in the room in her outfit stage.

Taehyung gives her a little smile and immediately starts playing with his drumstick to evacuate the pressure.

Jimin glances at her leather short, fishnet thighs and black crop top. She sees him and sticks her tongue out. He softly smiles. Surprised she blushes a bit before going back to her usual self: she shakes her head, placing a strand of her long brown hair behind her hear. She takes her guitar and starts rehearsing her part, warming her voice at the same time.

Jungkook eyes the scene satisfied. Those two are kind of cute.

But it ain't the right time. They need to give their best, it's a one shot opportunity.

Plus, Lisa is coming, probably already in the room.

Boosted by the thought he stands up, touching up his black ripped jean and with shirt. Before he can begin his speech, he feels his phone vibrating.

Annoyed, he grabs it, ready to turn it off but stops when he sees the ID. Instantly a smile appears on his face as he picks up.

- Hey babe, have you already forgot where the theatre of the school is?

- Jungkook? I'm sorry...

Taehyung rises his head up as he hears those words just in time to see confusion, then anger taking over his friend's face.

- What do you mean by obligation Lisa? This has been planned for weeks...

On the other side Lisa bites her lips, feeling the guilt lying on her shoulder. She passes a nervous hand through her hair.

- I'm sorry I know...I wasn't supposed to have anything but there is this sudden match and I have to be there like in 5' to prepare everything for the boys...

- That's not the cheer team's role, isn't it? he says on a sharp tone

She can help but rolls her eyes. Jungkook can be so childish sometimes.

But it wasn't the right time to talk about it.

- Babe I'm really sorry I won't be able to make it...But I'm sure you'll be amazing! She tries to lights up the conversation

- You promised you would come...

Lisa closes her eyes as she hears the sadness and deception in his voice.

- Lisa hurry up they're waiting for us!

Jungkook frowns as he recognizes Jennie's voice. He is about to protest when the girl cuts him

- I have to go baby...Once again I'm sorry...I know you're going to smash it!! Say goodluck to everyone

- Hum

- Don't be like that...I love you

- Love you too

- Perfect see you soon rock star!!

Jungkook hangs up feeling sad, angry and very frustrated. She doesn't get how important this is to him or how much he needs her. She doesn't understand him...

Taehyung crosses Jimin's look and they both wince. The leader doesn't really seem in the best mood for a concert...He shakes his head as the boy gestures him to go and talk about the maknae surrounding by a gloomy aura.

Rosé looks at the two boys communicating trying to convince the other to be the one who is going to face Jungkook's anger. She rolls her eyes and stands up whispering in their direction.


She comes closer to him and puts a soft hand on his shoulder. He glances at her with a warning look.

He is not in the mood for one of her speech mocking his girlfriend.

She sincerely smiles, reassuring him.

- I know how much you wanted to see her...but I also know how much this count for you...And I know you feel it is important for us too...

He looks at her, then Jimin and Taehyung...One smirking the other looking sincerely concerned, then back at the girl in front of him.

She winks and jumps a bit to mess up his hair.

- Let's go superstar. Time to rock this shit together.

- Gosh you're annoying.

But he leaves the room smiling again.

Jisoo POV

Jisoo has never really liked crowded place. However she loves music and fangirling. So when she heard about the rock concert from the handsome group of third year she didn't think about it twice and made her way to the theatre.

As a first year she got lost so she arrived in the middle of the show.

She didn't expect that...

Everyone is jumping, singing, dancing, having fun...looking completely in another world. She turns her attention to the stage: A small but sexy guy was playing bass winking at a bunch of girl totally into it. On the other side a beautiful, graceful girl was playing guitar singing with passion taking everyone with her thanks to her melodic voice. A little bit behind a brown-haired guy is playing drums with so much ease that Jisoo can't help but be impressed...he looks at the crowd smiling giving his all...


is the first word that come to her mind.

Finally in the middle, a very handsome guy is singing with one of the most beautiful voice she has ever heard. But more than that...Maybe it comes from the guitar in his back, his look or attitude, but you're dragged to him.

Without realizing it, Jisoo is tapping her feet along, listening carefully to the story they tell.

"'Cause I never want to be that guy
Who doesn't even get a taste
No more having to chase
to win that prize

Totally into it, Jisoo grabs her phone and tries to film them while jumping, letting all her concerns go for the time being

You're just a little bit out of my limit
it's been two years now you haven't even see the best of me
And in my mind I've been over this a thousand times
But it's almost over
Let's start over..."

They are so good she doesn't even believe they're not international stars...They're so charismatic and they have this power to convey emotion and allow you to share it with them. Like so you feel like you know them, though you've never talk to them.

Fangirling, Jisoo tries to not zoom too much on the drummer to be sure she has a good angle for later.

Plus she can always take pictures of him during the next song...

The music ends and she screams along with the crowds. Jisoo smiles as she sees how simple and passionate they look.

This will sure make a good youtube video for her channel.

Jungkook POV

Jungkook lets himself fall on his bed.

He feels like he can fly, not really able to goes down to earth, his cheeks hurting for smiling so much.

Today was absolutely amazing...The show was...out of this world, like a little parenthesis of happiness or a huge bubble in which they were all sharing something special.

He has never known something similar.

It was so huge and so intimate and the same time.

At the end so much people were waiting for them, congratulating them, even taking pictures. He laughs when he remembers Jimin in the middle of some girls obsessed with him: he had turned in his direction and had raised his hands to the sky muttering a "thank god".

Teachers came and praised them; people were asking how to listen to them again...

Jungkook fixes the wall of his bedroom then pushes his hands on his eyes trying to realize what just happened.

This was honestly the best day of his life.

Too bad his girlfriend wasn't there to see it.

Lisa POV

As soon as the match ends up, she runs to her locker and grabs her bag not minding to even shower.

She quickly gathers her things puts a jogging on and lets her hair down. She grabs her bag and starts to run when she collapses with somebody.

- Oh my god I'm sorry!

- It's alright! You've got a lot of energy left...laughs a handsome guy still wearing a blue jersey.

- Ahah That's not true Jin-sunbae! i'm sorry but I'm in a hurry so...

- You're annoying I told you to call me Jin! I'm just a year older and we see each other every day...

- Hum we don't know each other very well, I don't want to sound disrespectful, she smiles

- Ahh you're a good girl, he says playing her hair, where are you going?

She gracefully takes a step back but keeps a smile on her face

- To my boyfriend's house.

- Oh! I guess there is no need to invite you party with us tonight? Everybody will be there, that's usually the time we take to build our bounds...he smirks

- You're right I can't go this time! Maybe the next one! Bye Jin sunbae

Not waiting for his answer she turns away and jumps in her car.

She reaches her destination a few minutes later. Knowing his parents will not be home she grabs the hidden key in a bush and makes her way until his room.

She knocks a few times before he finally comes to the door.

She looks at him trying to feel the mood. He doesn't seem too angry...Indeed he looks very happy but tries to hide it when he realizes it's her.

He poses his laptop on his desk and asks on a quite annoyed tone

- What are you doing here?

- How was the show? She tries with a big smile

- You could have tell me that yourself, he crosses his arms

Lisa bites her lips to not laugh.

He looks so cute when he pouts.

- That's not funny Lisa I'm mad at you, he sights

- I know...I'm sorry I missed your show really...you know how much I love to hear you sing...I'll support you very hard next time!!

He doesn't say a word and sits on the bed. She comes closer and makes her way to his laps. He doesn't look at her so she tries again

- Can I maybe have a private session? She tilts her head,

- ...

- I'll buy you food for an entire week! Or better I'll cook you lunch myself!!

He instinctively looks at her then turns back to face the wall again. But Lisa saw it. She tries to contain her smile and puts up her best puppy eyes

- I'm sorry Jungkook...I love you...

She puts her arms around him and after a while she feels him hugging back.

- You're annoying...he mumbles in her hair

This time she lets her smile grows and rises her head to look at him. She leans and kisses him passionately, making him fall. She dominates him and quickly kisses his neck before whispering in his hear

- I always had a crush on singer...I tend to find them really sexy...

Jungkook bites his lips.

He had an amazing day and what seemed like an amazing night was on the go.

He wished this moment would never end.

The next morning

Jungkook tries to ignore the vibrations next to him, but feeling it doesn't stop he lets out a groan and rolls to the other side of the bed. He slightly opens his eyes and gives a little hint to Lisa next to him

- Babe...your phone is ringing...

All is has in response is a series of strange noises and a phone ringing even more.

He sights and tries to shakes her one more time...Finally Jungkook gives up and tries to reach the smartphone on the table without getting out of the sheets too much.

Lisa lets out a little complain as he drags her with him.

- Stop wincing it's your fault and your phone...

He stops immediately and widens his hide when he sees the screen.

The picture of a man striking an aigoo pose takes upon the screen.


Completely awake Jungkook tightens the phone in his hand and grits his teeth. Of course he knows who this guy is. Lisa mentioned him as the captain of the basketball team, super nice and funny, a year older than her.

Not thinking about it twice he furiously hangs up. What's with this guy calling his girlfriend on a Saturday morning?

Next to him Lisa moves a bit and tries to hug him but he stays steel, trying to calm down the feeling of jealousy rushing through his veins.

As she can't hug him, she sits down, yawning. She smiles and lays her head on his shoulder

- Hey sweetie...

- You missed a call.

She furrows her eyebrows at his tone but still grabs the phone he lands her. Lisa unlocks the screen and shakes her head a little bit confused

- Yeah Jin sunbae called, ok...But it must not be important I can call back later...

She eyes the serious face of Jungkook and whispers

- ...or maybe not at all when I see your look...

- Were you with him when you missed the concert?? Jungkook stands up almost yelling

- Wow what are you saying? I mean yeah I was with him as he is a team...

- Why is calling you now? Don't you see each other enough?

- Why do I feel like we're not talking only about this call...she sights passing her hand through her hair

Jungkook begins to walk nervously in the room, anger taking upon him.

- I don't see you anymore...you're always with them...you missed a very important day for me like it was nothing just to be with a bunch of guy shaking your pom-pom in a mini skirt...he begins on a cold tone

- Hey calm down. I already said sorry for that and that doesn't give you the right to criticize my sport. It's important to me too you know! She interrupts crossing her arms

Jungkook finally sits next to her clenching his jaw and massaging his temps. Lisa has never seen him like that...jealous...She has trouble understanding this type of feeling. Not that she is above that but she has always be naturally confident, enough to not be jealous or worried by anyone.

But as she sees her boyfriend nervously tapping the floor, anger in her eyes, she tries to reassure him. She begins to caress his back and gulps when he sends her a hurt look.

- Look Jungkook i promise you there is nothing going on with Jin or any other guy...You're my boyfriend I love you and I'm very sorry if you felt like I was forgetting it...she whispers a bit nervous

He sights and lets his head fall on her knees

- I don't know why I'm like that...I never thought it would be that hard but not seeing you every day imagining you spending time with other guys...I...I'm just scared you find someone better, that will suits you more...he says lost in his own thoughts

It takes a few minutes for Lisa to register the information. Jungkook is jealous and worried. She begins to stroke his hair softly

- But you know I love you right?

- I do it's just...it's just hard for me, we're like very different

She tilts her head. She doesn't get it. If she was the type of person that cared about things like popularity or stupid social standards she wouldn't have date him in the first place...Plus he is sexy, talented and nice...Why does he loose his time comparing himself to guys that doesn't even compare a bit?

Anyway seeing him like this makes her keep her words for herself. Instead, she cuddles him and snuggles in his neck

- How about I turn off my phone and we play overwatch all day?

She sights in relief as she feels him smile in her hair.

One crisis over. Hope there won't be more.

Next Monday, Lunch

Jungkook POV

- ...And so I have like at least ten girls waiting for me at the school gates, fighting to hold my arm and everything. I may have to make a schedule so they're all happy...Man being a rock star is hard...

Taehyung rolls his eyes as he watches Jimin shaking his head and sighting dramatically. This has been going on since the concert day. They went from nobodies to popular even upon the school environment.

But Jimin is definitely the one who loves this the most.

- For god sake can you shut the hell up? You've been bragging like popularity made you handsome or something but no, you're just a new piece of meat...says Rosé drinking her milk shake

- Don't be jealous Rosie you're still the only one who can eat me, he winks

- Whatever I'm a vegetarian you idiot, she answers a bit blushing

Jimin sees it and let his head rest on his elbow

- It's unfair.

- What again? She says focusing on her phone

- I can't be mean to you you're too cute.

His serious tone makes her rise her head and turns into a tomatoe. She begins to stutter but Jimin cuts her out, bursting into laugh

- Pffffff you should see your face, you're so naïve!!

He was waiting for her to hit him like always but she just sends him death glare and stands up harshly.

- I'm going to the bathroom.

Jimin tilts his head watching her leave the cafeteria, then turns his face to Taehyung and Jungkook with a confused look

- What's wrong with her?

- What's fucking wrong with you will be the question...sights V smacking the back of his head, right Kookie?

But the youngest just mumbles something making Tae wonder what's happening to him. He should be happy he was with Lisa all day...

- Anyway I chatted with the first year that spread our video on Youtube, Jisoo, she is very nice...he continues trying to change subject

- Oh oh oh what do you got here hun? Our little Tae making a move on a first year...Jimin says wigging his eyebrow in a suggestive way

- Yaaaaah you're really a pain in the ass! I just thanked her and see if she wanted to help us with social medias to grown more!! I thought it was a good idea.

- Indeed it is, I think we'll get a lot more regnotion if we can post covers and song on the net, Jungkook says on a monochord tone

- You don't seem so excited, remarks Jimin

- No it's not that I think it's really cool! I'm just a bit tired...I...I argued with Lisa yesterday

Instantly Jimin comes closer to him and passes a arm on his shoulders

- Do I feel troubles in paradise?

- Rah just ignore him, what happened?

There is a quick silent after Jungkook finishes his story. Jimin contains his joke as Taehyung begins to talk

- Hum I understand where you're coming from...But maybe you're exaggerating a bit...

- I know but it's not something I can control and that's what's pissing me off even more...Jungkook winces pulling his hair

- Ok but what about we go there after her training to just check? Maybe if you actually meet everyone and see her environment you will stop imagining things, proposes Jimin

The other two look at him surprised which makes him grinning

- What? I am actually clever you know...

- Apart from saying non sense, what are we doing? Rosé interrupts falling on her chair not looking in his direction.

Jungkook sights and Taehyung completes

- Get ready Rosie, we're ditching class.

- Oh and why that?

- We're heading to college in advance.

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