By The Full Moon ( A Hunter N...

By JovinaN

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I leaned down to her, our faces a few inches apart. I brushed a stray hair back from her face, tucking it beh... More

One: The War
Two: The Twins
Three: Saving the Pack
Four: Their Mate
Five: A Harsh Welcome
Six: Put Some Clothes On
Seven: A Room Won't Be Necessary
Nine: Wrong Choice
Ten: Rogue
Eleven: Smile
Twelve: Breakfast Is Ready
Thirteen: To Town And Back...And Back....And Back
Fourteen: Acceptance
Fifteen: Training Day
Sixteen: Worried Wolves
Seventeen: A Good Morning
Eighteen: Rendezvous
Nineteen: Ceremonies
Twenty: Family Reunion
Twenty-One: Work
Twenty-Two: Mark Me
Twenty-Three: Attacked
Twenty-Four: Desires
Twenty-Five: Hunters
Twenty-Six: Please
Twenty-Seven: Rage
Twenty-Eight: Ruthless
Twenty-Nine: News
The Sequel
By The Blood Moon

Eight: A Light Stroll

6.3K 309 12
By JovinaN

Eight: A Light Stroll


I couldn't fall asleep for an hour after I turned my back to them. I thought they wouldn't keep their word. I knew fighting them wouldn't help. They had already followed me to the kitchen, then kicked in the door to the room I had been trying to get comfy in. They had, instead quietly crawled onto the large, empty space I left for them. Once I heard their breathing settle to a steady rate I was finally able to relax and close my eyes.

I woke up to the feeling of being moved. I panicked, thinking they hadn't kept their word after all. I opened my mouth to yell at them, then hit someone.

"Don't freak out." I heard Emilio's voice grumble sleepily as he turned fully, me in his arms. My back hit the bed once again, fairly gentle. I braced my arms on his chest, my fingers warming from the heat that radiated off him. His muscles were tight underneath my fingertips as I tried to push away from him. But I merely hit another hard chest. I felt my blood heat up and my face burn as I turned to find Elijah behind me, his earthy scent refreshing my senses.

"T-this is what I meant w-when I said not trying anything." I squeaked as my body tensed up as Elijah's hand snaked over my hip, his big hand gripping the skin. Emilio's slid over the side of my stomach, his thumb rubbing circles over my back.

"G-guys?" I breathed out, my heartbeat pounding in my ear.

"Shut up and go to sleep." I gasped at Emilio's breath in my ear.

"Seriously." Elijah muttered. And just like that, they were asleep. I lay there for a moment, my body shaking as my heart rate tried it's best to go back to normal.

It took a few minutes, but when I knew they were fully asleep I found myself slowly relaxing, until sleep consumed me once more.

I woke up with the sun, my body naturally accustomed to being up bright and early. I brought my arms up, stretching when I froze. Looking down I squeaked loud enough to wake up the twins who each had a hand on one of my breasts. They jumped up, wide awake, looking around for a sign of danger. They still hadn't removed their hands.

"Please let go of my chest!" I cried out, their heads snapping back to me. Well, back to my chest anyways. They stared at their hands for a second before looking back up at me. I gasped as I saw their irises were black. Their wolves.

"N-no. Stop." I whimpered as Emilio leaned in, Elijah squeezing his hand off and on. I couldn't move. Emilio's hand slid up my chest to gently wrap around my throat tilting my head to the side. I felt his lips touch my neck and I felt a shiver wrack my body. I wasn't ready for this. Just yesterday I was fighting them from killing my pack's-my previous pack's Luna and nephews. Now they were touching me in places I had never been touched before. Elijah's hands slowly made their way down my stomach as Emilio's tongue flicked over my neck. I felt heat pool low in my belly, but anger followed quickly.

"I-I said stop!" I said pulling away from Emilio's seductive kisses and leaping from the bed. I quickly made my way through the house, to the room with the broken door. I found my boots on the floor and quickly put them on. I was still in my clothes from yesterday and though all I really wanted was a shower, I knew I had to get out of this house as quickly as possible.

When I reached the door unhindered I didn't waste any time leaving.

The fresh air hit me, and I breathed in the fresh air. The sun was still behind the trees, the pack shrouded in shadows. I decided to stroll through the pack land. Get to know the people I was live with for the rest of my life. All six months of it probably. I stepped off of the porch and made my way through the large path that lead from the Alpha's house to the woods. Just as I was about to enter the forest I heard a crunch in the brush. Then a growl.

Another attack? I rolled my eyes. Couldn't even take a walk in this pack without being challenged. The bushes rustled, and my body tensed for a fight.

Suddenly, the bushes parted and not one, but multiple, little balls of fur came after me. They yipped and howled brokenly at me. I chuckled. Looked like the pups were out for exercise time. Unlike most myths our kind did not mature and then shift. We have the ability to shift from infancy, which is why we usually live in remotely placed areas such as the forest our mountains.

There were about five pups in total, of all colors and sizes. Two went for my feet, one jumping at my chest as the other two got on their hind legs pushing my hips back. I lost my balance then and fell straight on my bottom.

"Ouchie." I muttered. I didn't have much time to contemplate it though because three wolf pups came at my face all at once, licking my cheeks or nipping at my hair. I laughed then, as the memories of how my old pack's pups acted the same way well into their early teens. I patted the pups on their heads as one hopped over to the border of the trees. He yipped. He wanted me to take them to run in the forest. I nodded, hiding behind a bush. I quickly stripped and tucked my clothes in the bush, shifting into my wolf form.

I stepped out of the bushes to find the pups playing with each other, one of them chasing their tail. I huffed out a chuckle as they looked up at me with wide eyes. My wolf was fairly intimidating, exceptionally large for a she-wolf, so in order not to scare the pups I leaned down, resting my chin on the ground. The pups stood and walked over to me, sniffing at me. I playfully nipped at them and they quickly found comfort in my presence, one of them even tugged on one of my ears.

I nudged them to stand beside me and stood straight. Then I began our little stroll through the forest.


"Damnit!" I growled as we watched her ass escape the room faster than the wind. I looked over at Emilio. He seemed just as agitated as he glared at the door. The sound of the front door slamming closed brought me to my feet.

"Is she trying to run away?" Emilio asked as he stood. The thought of her disappearing before I was even able to taste her did something to my chest, making it hurt. Rubbing it with the heel of my palm I quickly made my way out of the room and down the stairs. I stepped out of the front door in time to see a sight that made my chest hurt even more.

"Damn." Emilio breathed out beside me.

"Yeah." Was all I could say as I watched our Mate being attacked by five pups. She smiled brightly, something she hadn't done genuinely since we had met her the day before. Then she laughed, and I had to sit down on the porch step. In all our lives we had been told we were worthless, Mateless, and weak. Our father would beat us, saying that we deserved it for killing his Mate, that we would one day become numb to the pain. And we had.

But right now, it felt like I was on fire, like the flames were consuming me, body and soul, as I watched the one person I was told I could never have, play with some of the pack pups. I felt like there was no air left in my body as she stood and hid behind a bush, only to return moments later, fully shifted into her silver wolf. Her massive size frightened the little ones and when she noticed that she quickly put her head to the ground, letting them see she was no threat. They hopped at her, one biting her ear. She smiled a wolfy grin at them and nudged them into a group beside her. Then she walked off into the woods, the pups in a perfectly behaved group beside her.

"I, uh, I'm not sure what to say right now. But I feel like I want to say something." Emilio said as he looked after her, same as I.

"What's there to say, she is stubborn, hard to handle, loud, get's embarrassed easy, cooks well, is good with the pups, extremely strong, blindingly beautiful, and she's Mated to the worst people in existence for someone with her spirit." I said. I looked over to find Emilio staring at me like I had grown another head.

"What?" I snapped in annoyance.

"Wow Brother, if I didn't know any better I'd say you like her more than the bond makes you." He chuckled as I punched his arm. "It's okay, so do I." he said as he looked over to the tree line where she and the pups had disappeared through.

"Alphas!" my head snapped up to see the Beta, Aaron running to us in a poorly hidden panic. We stood then.

"What is it?" Emilio demanded.

"There's a pack of Rogues, they crossed the Western border, and their headed this way." He said. The Western border? I looked to Emilio to see the panic rising inside of him just as it rose in me.

That's the direction Ava and the pups were headed.


Okay, another chapter done! Sorry it took so long it was my birthday this weekend and I was suuuuuper busy. 21! WOOHOOOOOO

What did y'all think?

J. Vas

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