Twenty-Nine: News

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Twenty-Nine: News


She was unusually quiet as we quickly made our way to the house, careful not to jostle her too much. It worried me. In her anger she had tossed aside her moral code and killed more wolves than I could count. Blood covered her as if it were raining crimson and on top of that she hadn't shift once. She had fought as a mere human, which should have been impossible, but she did it.

We reached the house forest line to the village and found those who had been in the basement for protection were now waiting on the sidelines watching as we walked to the house. To the side some of our medically knowledgeable pack members tended to the wounded. Gasps filled the air as they saw our Mate.

"Someone, go get the doctor." A voice called out from the crowd. The door to the house opened and the doctor from the night before stepped outside.

"Quickly, let's get in." she said as Kyle came out and gently picked up Ava from Elijah's back.

"I can walk on my own." She mumbled almost incoherently, here eyes drooping. I whined as she winced, blood coming from the gash in her thigh.

We walked into the house and shifted, quickly changing while Kyle brought our Mate to a spare bedroom that had been turned into a make shift hospital room the night before for Mikayla.

When we entered the bedroom, Kyle had already set Ava down on the cot the doctor had brought in. Mikayla stood to the side, quiet but with a worried look on her face. Ava's hand reached out to her and she took it.

"Hey, how're you doing?" our Mate asked the now bandaged Mikayla. Mikayla smiled softly.

"I should be asking you that." She said, "What happened?" she asked. The doctor started working on Ava's thigh cleaning it. Her body tensed at the pain, but she didn't make a sound. I stepped forward to her, wanting to comfort our brave Mate, but Adrian put his hand out.

"Let it be." He said quietly, his voice holding an understanding that I didn't have, but I let it slide and Elijah and I watched in silence.

"I got him for you." Ava smiled, and Mikayla sucked in a breath harshly, tears coming down her cheeks.

"But your vow..." she said, her voice fading away. Ava's eyes became sad, before a steeliness came to them.

"A vow means nothing when my comrade and friend has been hurt so much." Mikayla shook as sobs wracked her body.

"Thank you." She said as she kissed our Mates hand.

"Kyle," Ava rasped, her voice getting weaker. Kyle stood forward as the doctor began to stitch Ava's leg. Her eyes closed, and she grunted before breathing in and opening her eyes once more.

"Yes Ava?" he asked.

"I need you to contact the Council. Tell them that McElroy was able to transform into a lycanthrope, his eyes turned red, and that he spoke of a Master, that he is going to end everything. Immediately."

"Yes, right away." He said before quickly turning and leaving the room after bowing.

As soon as Mikayla stepped aside Elijah and I went to her side and she smiled.

"Hi, Mates of mine." She said gently as her eyes drooped heavily.

"I have something to tell y-" but her eyes closed, and her hand fell away from us.

By The Full Moon ( A Hunter Novel #1)Where stories live. Discover now