Rwby got a keeper|abused and...

By GunslingerDeath101

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It was a nice day in vale and a happy family with taiyang,summer rose. Qrow. And raven with there kids ruby r... More

Ch 1 prologue
Ch 2 the academy
Ch 3 the reunion pt 1
Ch 3 the reunion pt 2
Ch 5 the little friends
Ch 6 the regular day
Ch 7 the confession
Ch 8 the unknown the ice princess and the dark one
Ch 9 family reunion bond pt 1
Ch 9 family reunion bond pt 2
Ch 10 a rose and sun dragon love (lemon)
Bonus chapter 1 shad hates his job (offensive so dont read)
Ch 11 meeting the family pt 1
Ch 11 meeting the family pt 2
A talk with the author
Bonus chapter 2 the company products
Ch 12 team snf new teammate
Ch 12.5 shads day
Ch 13 the new crew
Bonus ch 3 the malk and slender y/n
Thank you and heres a face reveal
Ch 14 family visit
Ch 15 da logang and their panty thief
Ch 16 some cant get along
Ch 17 the white fangs problem
Bonus Ch 4 a day at the park
Ch 18 the artist
Ch 19 the priest
Ch 20 the end

Ch 4 the battle and trip for forgiveness

14.6K 99 222
By GunslingerDeath101

Authors note

A/n: hey guys so I'm thinking when I'm done with this story I should maybe make a season 2 or another one in high school dxd maybe you think it be a good idea just say if it is or nah but anyway let's begin

After my little reunion I turn into my keeper form and just go to the arena and remember we still had some time before my next class in miss goodwitch is next and so I just train and smash and cut everything and use my chainsaw my uncle gave me and then started to take a break for a little training and maybe just rest a bit and then I just lay down and saw Glynda coming to me, eyes red from crying and sense sadness and worry in her

Glynda: are you awake mr Victoriano?

Y/n: yes I am and are you Ok Glynda? I sense you were crying

Glynda: I was because for what they did to you in the past but your fine now right?

Y/n: yes well we should go your class room now

Glynda: ok well we should go now

Short timeskip

We were studying in miss goodwitch class and I notice ruby looking at me but luckily I was in my killer form so she probably didn't think I notice her staring

Miss goodwitch: now class who would want to battle today?

After she said that Cardin raise his hand and said I should fight his entire team and I nodded and also that asshole called me empty headed but I stayed calm and ready my weapons to beat his little dumbass up and then we go to the arena

Cardin: ready to go down?

Y/N: huh strange that's what I said to your mother last night shit hair

Everyone just started laughing and saying he got roasted and I only chuckle and notice yang laughing her ass off but she notice that I looked at her and she then shut up and then he was pissed so I ready my hammer and was gonna kick his ass

Ms goodwitch: 3......2.......1 GO

When she said go I charged at him and then grab sky and slammed him to the wall and punch him far then I sat some of my traps down and dove stepped on it so I grab him by the throat and punch him and knee his gut and threw him at russel then he dodge and charged at me but I hit him in the gut with my hammer and then he hold on to his face but I kicked his hand and step back and kicked him far and he did flips and I turned to Cardin and grab my sword and then set more traps down and he looked scared shitless

Y/n: what's the matter? Sword hit your head?

Cardin: like I'm scared

He then charged at me and then I cut his armor off and then punch him far and he gets in his knees and I grabbed his mace and did a little son and hit him in the face with his mace and he was knocked out and I looked at everyone some are  just admire it that are scared,excited,shocked,and with that I just left and went back inside and Glynda was shocked at them got out of her thoughts

Ms goodwitch: w-well m-mr Victoriano is the winner

After that I saw team jnpr and team rwby and my family come up to me

Jaune: DUDe that was awesome!!

Ren: I'm impressed for your skills

Nora: amazing dude!!!!

Prryha: you did a splendid job

Weiss: I like how you fight

Yang: maybe we could yang around right?

Everyone grown and I was starting to twitch and yang notice and baked up a bit and quickly Laura and Jesse held me down

Laura: yea sorry kinda he stills hates you

Yang: umm yea I'm sorry

When she said that I calm down and luckily didn't active my semblance and just started to have a deep thought if I should ever forgive ruby and yang? But then again though my life was hell but they were kids suddenly my mind was interrupted by Blake

Blake: hey you Ok?

Y/n: yea ms kinky girl

Blake blush at what i said and then

Blake: w-what y-you m-mean?

Y/n: really? Your reading ninja of love and your kinky I know it

Blake then blush deep shade of red just ran away fast of speed of light then ruby came to reel me we have s field trip saying shout the red forest and I nodded but she said after this can we talk and I sigh but accept it and she looked happy and was gonna hug me but hesitated but I then nodded to let her hug me and tell yang If she was gonna hug me as well I'll accept and she was crying a bit but I knew she was gonna invite to something and get forgiveness and I thought maybe I should just forgive her and I guess the family maybe so after she left and I kinda felt happy


Wen miss goodwitch was done explaining what we need I saw a ursa and I walked to it and it was really scared and also 3 alpha beowolfs  Terrified and they ran while the ursa just stand there in fear so I walked to it and said to stay a bit and it nodded,so I pat his head and then saw Cardin with juane holding six jars of that red sap so I make a clone of me and then follow them, later I ears what they were saying

Cardin: Alright juane-y boy I need revenge time Now

Jaune: umm what do I do?

Cardin: I want you to throw sap at him
*Points at my clone* thinking his is strong and all

Sky: well I think this is a bad idea right now

Cardin: why say that huh?

Sky: because he is a blood thirsty killer and we're lucky to be alive that he spare us instead of killing us

Cardin: so what it don't matter and we got these wasp that juane boy got for us and they do like sweets  so jaune throw it at him and make him pay

When Cardin told him to do it I told the ursa I saw attack Cardin and let jaune win and he did as he obeyed and went to find them and I now watch the shot happen

Jaune: no

Cardin: I'm sorry what?

Jaune: I said NO!

Jaune then throws the jar at Cardin and he looked piss so he grabbed jaune collar and right in time a ursa came attack juane and Cardin

Ruby POV

We were walking around the forest for sap and I kinda kept thinking a lot about Y/n more and I think I started to have feelings for him I kinda felt embarrassed but I heard someone yelling out a ursa and yang saw dove run into her and she grab him by the collar and said that it guy Cardin and jaune is fighting

Yang: Weiss,ruby and Prryha go find them, me and Blake will go to miss goodwitch to find her go now

We nodded and went to the forest to find them and after a while we found them but I see my brother near a tree watching but then I turned and saw something near another tree and it looked like my brother but then I saw jaune just completely chop off the ursa head and me and Weiss were shocked

Ruby: ummm

Weiss: what just happened?

Cardin: jaune holy crap

Jaune then aim his sword at Cardin and told him to never mess with his friends and he then left and we both look at Prryha

Ruby: what you do?

Prryha: I use my polarity

Ruby: control magnets?

Weiss: no you dolt! She can control metal

Ruby: magnets are cool and now I'm wondering why didn't brother help them?

Weiss: what you mean?

I pointed to my brother by a tree just standing there I went up to him and tap him and it went through him and it was a clone Of him and we then hear a voice call us over

???: so that's your semblance huh?

We all turn to see y/n walking to us holding his hammer and a empty bucket of popcorn

Prryha:why didn't you help?

Y/n: I knew he can take care of himself and I wanted him to prove himself so I send that ursa after them

Weiss: you dolt why?!

Y/n: look ice queen Deal with it ok I'm gonna go now seeya

He then walks away but I just follow him and then I see he got tackled by yang crying and hugging him and surprising he hugged back like he hugged me back as well when I told him about this and I started to think he might actually forgive us and I was happy and I was about to hug him behind but I was stop by magic somehow

After getting tackled by yang I sense ruby coming behind and I turn to her with a "really" look and she just shrug and I start to do my code in my safe and dark mist surround me and turn me back to normal and then I open my arms wide and they just stand there

Y/n: well aren't you gonna accept your bros hug?

When I said that they were in tears and they quickly charged at me and hugged me tight and I hugged them back and they started to apologize

Y/n: shhh it's ok little red and firecracker I now finally accept you as my sisters now

Yang: t-thank y-you bro

Ruby just hugged me tighter and I saw Laura and she gave me a thumbs up and so did Jesse but after a while of hugging we stop and go back to the bull head with me carrying ruby and yang holding on to my arm

To be continued

Hey guys hope you enjoy today story right now and maybe later you guys think you should get a pet? Comment below what you guys want and I'll add it maybe if I can or nah we'll enjoy

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