The Winter Peony (Young Hanzo...

By Fantasies_Escape

18.8K 862 306

Set in medieval Japan, a young Hanzo Shimada is meeting his bride to be--and he isn't thrilled about it. He f... More

The Nakodo and the Flower
Close Call
When the Valley Lilly Bloomed
Beware the Thorns
The Young Lord Rebels
Cerbera Odollom
The Shimada Clan
Hatching A Plan
Snakes in the Garden
First Strike
Snake Nest
Practice, Practice, Practice.
Friends Close, Enemies Closer
When cornered, strike
Dragon vs Snake

The Wilting Sasanqua

1K 59 19
By Fantasies_Escape

Okay, WOW, this has been so long coming, and I can not believe that chapter one alone has been read 1,000 times. I'm so sorry I left everyone high and dry for so long, and I hope everyone is ready for back to back updating when I can, so we can get through this one too!

If you like what I've done so far and would like to help support me so I could go on to do other projects like this one--please think about supporting me through Ko-Fi!

Hanzo gave [Y/N] a squeeze, hearing her hiss in pain as she pulled away and put her hand on the pick knife, attempting to pull it out when he stopped her. Lord Shimada shouted for servants to hurry to them and to fetch the family physician, but he made no move to help the young lovers.

"Don't," Hanzo warned, helping her lay down on her side, so she was slightly more comfortable. "It could cause you to lose more blood to quickly before the doctor arrives. I know it is cruel, but please leave it until they tell us to remove it."

"Are you," [Y/N] grunted as Hanzo took her wrists in one of his hands and kept it clear of the knife so she wouldn't try again. "Are you injured?"

"No," Hanzo answered and put his head to hers as she yelled out in pain, having taken a deeper breath in relief. "Be still [Y/N] and breathe light, I promise we will have it out soon."

"Hanzo," Lord Shimada's voice was calm and collected, making both teens look up at him in search for guidance. "We must make arrangements and begin planning to retrieve Genji."

"Yes," Hanzo's eyes seemed to cloud with hatred, his hold on [Y/N]'s hands tightened slightly, he looked up and found a male servant came near with cleaning supplies to begin cleaning up the blood. "I want [Y/N] moved to my private room," Hanzo instructed, "I do not want her here, unprotected." The servant's head bobbed, and he got to his feet clumsily.

"Hanzo we haven't the time—" His father began with an irritated growl which unleashed a fury inside Hanzo he had never felt before.

"Haven't the time!" Hanzo repeated in a furious shout, trying to get to his feet but [Y/N] held onto his arm and kept him kneeling beside her, despite the pain and the blood soaking her clothing more. "We haven't the time to spare to make sure no more tragedy befalls us? Mother is away visiting family, she is safe enough but [Y/N] has been attacked, Genji stolen away and Lord [L/N] lies dead a few feet away...yet we haven't the TIME?"

"Hanzo," [Y/N]'s voice was light, pleading as he pulled on the coat he still wore, "Please,"

"Do you wish your brother death!" Lord Shimada bellowed angrily, storming over to stand in front of his son who looked away, turning to help [Y/N] lay back down gently on her side.

"You know I do not!" Hanzo snapped, pushing away [Y/N]'s hair from her face with a caress that left her whimpering in pain. "But my bride is injured, she is vulnerable. She needs protecting while we devise our strategy. What time shall it consume to have her moved to a new room, one more secure if nothing else than a sterile environment in which the doctor to work!"

A dark shadow crossed Lord Shimada's face as he looked down to [Y/N], she could see hatred in his dark eyes, a coldness that struck a familiar fear in her. Without further argument, Lord Shimada looked away and demanded of a nearby servant to have guards posted around the estate and a messenger sent to his wife's family to tell her to stay where she was and check on her condition. Hanzo closed his eyes, trying desperately not to be pulled in too many directions at once.

He wanted to run and track down where the attackers had fled with Genji, he wanted to kill them as vengeance for [Y/N]'s father and for her injuries. He wanted to stay by [Y/N]'s side, to see that she got the best care she could and that she did not face the recovery alone. He was furious with his father, he wanted to hurt him, but still, he felt like a child, needing his guidance.

"Hanzo," [Y/N] pleaded, tightening her hold on his coat, pulling him from his thoughts. Seeing her with her face pale and her eyes wide with fear, glassy with tears—it destroyed his heart for the second time in his life.

"Yes [Y/N], I'm right here..." He kept her laying as she tried to sit up again, "Don't move too much, it will only make the wound worse...Where is that blasted man?" Hanzo growled, more with sorrow than anger as he looked toward the door. He heard her say something, but it was to faint, he started to get up and go to the door, but she seemed panicked. Clawing at his clothes to make him stay still.

"Hanzo no, please, stay with me." Her voice cracked, and tears streamed down her face. "I beg you, do not leave my side."

"You are safe," Hanzo assured her, putting his hands on hers as he kneeled beside her again. "There is no reason to fear, you will be alright, I will make sure of it."

"Then make sure by staying beside me," She hissed in pain and curled slightly against him, he choked down a sob that was rising in his throat. Closing his eyes, he turned his head away to compose himself when he felt her cold hand on his cheek, feeling like ice against his heated cheek.

"My darling husband," The words caused his heart to stutter and his eyes to open in shock, while they had grown tender toward one another enough to speak of their engagement, they have never exchanged any talk as sweet as what he had just heard. He put his hand on hers and used his free hand to cup the side of her face as he leaned down and pressed his head against hers. "Hanzo, I know," She was trembling under his touch, or perhaps it was he who trembled at her words. "It is not proper, but I beg you...I believe to have heard it from your me greedy, call me fierce dragon..." Hanzo felt a tear leak from the corner of his eye and trail down his cheek. "If you love me, tell me true, by your words."

"[Y/N]..." Hanzo grit his teeth together to keep him from breaking down fully, "Do not speak as if you will pass. The time will come when I tell you, my resilient peony, but I do not wish to soil it with the tragedy. It is meant to be said with tender happiness, not sorrowful tears. Rest for me, let the doctor fix you, and when all is right, I will shout my affections to the gods themselves from the tallest mountain to prove it to you."

"I do not wish to close my eyes," She sobbed, her mouth pressed into a hard but quivering line as tears poured from her eyes like rain from a cloud. "I fear when I open them again my lovely dream will end, and I will be punished with damnation."

"You and your damnation," Hanzo chuckled, a smile spreading across his face as his own tears fell on her face and mixed with hers. "Hear me, you will live. We will wed. And all will be well."

"My sweet blind prince..." She whispered, "I have blinded you to the cruel reality that is our way of life."

"The only thing to have blinded me was the beauty of your smile and your heart," Hanzo whispered back into her ear, nuzzling her gently before realizing she had gone still. He pulled back in worry to see that she had closed her eyes, passed out from loss of blood and pain. He rolled her onto her back and looked up to see the physician running inside the room finally with several servants in tow, carrying bags and towels and two a steaming bowl of water. Hanzo refused to leave her side, just as she had begged until the knife had been removed and her wound tended to.

It had been a hateful wound, but keeping the knife in proved to be the right call, she would need a lot of time to recover before she did anything strenuous, least she open the wound once more and make it easier to infect. She had not woken when the doctor patched her up, she had not woken when a stretcher was brought in, and she was moved into Hanzo's bedroom. When the servants had laid her down on Hanzo's unmade bed he sent them away, he wanted to be alone with her for a few precious moments but to have guards outside the room and an extra set to come and sit with her when he left.

All was quiet in the room now, aside from [Y/N]'s gentle breathing as he tucked her into his bed, careful not to make her too warm. When he was satisfied with the work, he kneeled beside her and observed her for a moment, thinking back to her words before she lost consciousness. "My sweet blind prince..." She had whispered, only now she seemed much sadder to his ears. "I have blinded you to the cruel reality that is our way of life."

What did you mean by that [Y/N], Hanzo asked himself as he watched her sigh without waking. What prompted you to say such things, now? He closed his eyes and saw the look in her eyes as she begged him to stay, the sadness in her tone as she didn't want to fall asleep. This was a strong woman who tried to let nothing, not even the brutal death of her mother, cause her to falter. The scars from past wounds on her back came to his mind and without much thought, more instinct, he realized her reaction was not from pain. Fear.

Hanzo felt as if his heart had stopped in his chest, a cold wave of his own fear chilling him. She was afraid of something, but of what? Genji's safety? He tilted his head in thought, closing his eyes to focus, shutting out her sleeping form in the light of the setting sun. No. No, if she had been frightened for Genji, she would have tried to follow, wound or no wound. She was afraid of something else, something here.

He heard her whimper, and it made his eyes open quickly, scanning the room to see they were still alone, but her face was showing signs of agony and fear again. Hanzo reached over her and tucked her side back into place where she had come loose, as he moved to sit back in his spot, his eyes found her lips. A fleeting moment passed through him, the imagined feeling of his lips on hers. If he did, would it soothe her dreams? Would it pacify whatever fears tormented her? He felt guilt seep into his heart at denying her his simple confession. She had been terrified, very unusual for her and yet he did nothing to soothe her mind but talk, yet it had not been the words she had longed to hear. Slowly, ever so gently Hanzo leaned down closer, his lips parted in a small breath as he stopped just short of [Y/N]'s mouth.

No. He thought, pulling himself back and sighing heavily as he slowly stood and backed away. It would not be right to steal her first kiss while she slept. Whatever her fears, I will tell her when she wakes up, and if she will have it, I will ask for it to make up for my foolishness. He stopped by the open door, seeing twice as many guards as he had ordered standing outside. They moved into positions around the room, and when Hanzo was satisfied, he left to see his father.

Hanzo found Lord Shimada in the main houses tea room, talking over with several older men who Hanzo recognized as his father's personal guards. Hanzo waited patiently at the door until he was called in and the men dismissed before going to sit across from his father, his hands on his lap as he studied the wood in front of him. His lord father was quiet for a while before sighing heavily and rubbing his eyes with one hand.

"Hanzo." He began, but Hanzo bowed in respect and stunned his father into silence.

"Forgive me, Father," Hanzo asked softly. "I was in a heated state and meant not to disrespect you. I merely feared for my fiancée," He sat back up straight, eyes still lowered. "She is normally such a strong hear her beg and plead with such helplessness...I could not bear it." He touched the center of his chest, "It awakened something fierce in me...a protectiveness. I meant not to snap at you or question your authority."

"It is a good sign, my son." Lord Shimada's words were measured and cool, there was no pride behind the words. "But I am afraid of the effect that girl has had on you." Hanzo jerked his head up, looking into his father's reserved face. "It leads me to wonder, is this protectiveness.... this.... The fierce thing in you...for your wife to be....or solely for her."

"I do not understand." Hanzo furrowed his brow, "[Y/N] is my betrothed...we had only but a few hours ago decided to be wed when the Spring season came?"

"Hanzo." Lord Shimada put two fingers to his own forehead and closed his eyes. "You used to have such a tactful blind she had made you my son. Without a mother and father, a child is no more than an orphan. An orphan, no matter their standing at first breath, has no land or assets..."

Sickness struck Hanzo with such ferocity that he jumped to his feet and swayed, his gut tightening to the point of ache. Lord Shimada was not looking at his son. Instead, he was looking down at a knot in the wood in front of him, much like his son had been taught to do.

"You mean to cast her away." Hanzo gasped when he found the words, it was as if some invisible specter was choking him, large hands wrapped around his neck, so he choked out each breath and word with difficulty. "To separate us..."

"Nonsense. She was a good woman if a little boorish." Lord Shimada looked up at his grief-stricken son with a blank face, "I will give her a place as a servant to keep my promise to her late father that we would care for her. Give her a roof to sleep under, clothes to wear and food to eat. But the engagement is through."

"I won't allow that," Hanzo snapped, his breath coming in heated inhales, as if any moment he would begin to breathe fire from his mouth like a dragon. "She has done nothing wrong—"

"She needn't do anything wrong, Hanzo." Lord Shimada corrected as his son paced back and forth angrily a few steps away. "It is the way society works. We would lose assets rather than have a gain. Good woman or not, [Y/N]'s father's estate and assets were lost to the wind when he died. They will be distributed to lower houses that were in his line of blood. Cousins and whatnot. She owns nothing, not even the clothes she sleeps in or the ornaments in her hair."

"You can't do this!" Hanzo shouted, clenching his hands into fists. "Please, father!"

"It has already been set into motion my son." Lord Shimada said with a hint of finality that made Hanzo jerk away and walk to the door before he slammed his fist into a wooden post and turned back to face his father, rage evident on his face as he stalked back like a hunter watching prey.

"I will not," Hanzo swore through clenched teeth. "marry another woman."

"You will do your duty to the clan." Lord Shimada demanded, slowly getting to his feet.

"MY DUTY IS TO [Y/N]." Hanzo snarled, but when his father opened his mouth to shout, Hanzo interrupted him. "I LOVE HER," Hanzo shouted, pointing behind him to indicate [Y/N] sleeping just a few rooms away. "She is the only woman I have willingly given my heart to, and I will not allow you to tear her from me!"

"I did not think you were capable of doing anything so foolish boy! Disobey me again, and I will have her executed in front of you!" Lord Shimada threatened which enraged Hanzo past the point of rational thought. He never would remember clearly what happened next, but when Hanzo came to his senses, his father laid on his back on the floor, lip bleeding. Hanzo's right hand hurt, and there was blood on his knuckles, but Hanzo's head and nose also hurt as well. It was as if he had walked into a wall like he did when he and Genji had played a game called 'lead,' where a blindfolded brother would lead the other around by verbal commands. As Lord Shimada brought himself to his elbows, he looked at his son with the first sign of genuine emotion that Hanzo had ever seen, and suddenly the look on [Y/N]'s face and her words made sense. "You were never supposed to fall in love with her."

She had figured out, more quickly than he, that Lord Shimada would be playing the political field with the turn of events. If Genji died, Hanzo would be the sole heir to the Shimada name, he would need to marry quickly and sire children to someone with assets that could help lift and grow the clan in Genji's possible absence. She had feared Hanzo leaving her side would bring about the doom of their matrimony before it had a chance to begin. The fear she had felt was the result of his own father.

"Threaten my woman with execution again, Lord." He spat the word and a little blood from his mouth with venom and hatred, "And see exactly what I am capable of." Hanzo glowered at his father in the floor before turning on his feet and running from the room back to his own part of the estate. He checked in on [Y/N] quickly, relieved to see her still slumbering peacefully. He had to force himself o leave her there in his bed and walk himself to his own armory, where he dressed in tactical clothing in dark colors so that he could do what he needed to do quickly and without being seen to easily.

Hanzo had to force himself to not check on [Y/N] again, fearing that he would lose his nerve and will to track down Genji's kidnappers. He knew that his father was not foolish enough to attack [Y/N] while Hanzo was away trying to rescue Genji. Lord Shimada was an intelligent man and was used to playing all sides of the board at once. He would not risk Hanzo's wrath if he were to harm [Y/N], as it would not be beneficial to him in any shape or form.

Armed with his bow, arrows and extra string, Hanzo stopped outside his door and pressed his head against the thin wood. He vowed silently, wordlessly, to return to her. To give her whatever her heart desired of him. To hear him proclaim his love, tender kisses, an escape to a new life with him at her side. He would give her everything. 

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