Aviophobia (Leonard McCoy)

By ElizabethDarcy19

100K 3K 386

As her heart kept racing, she heard stressed voices all around her, but one voice cut through all the rest of... More

1. Katelyn Kirk
2. Kobayashi Maru
3. USS Enterprise
4. Lightning Storm
5. Marooned
6. Emotionally Compromised
7. Ups and Downs
8. Friends Again?
9. His Name Is Mudd
10. Deep Space Station K7
11. The Trouble With Tribbles (Part 1)
12. The Trouble With Tribbles (Part 2)
13. Volcano
14. Bad Decision
15. Daystrom
16. Morally Wrong
17. Change of Heart
18. You Are Not There to Flirt
19. I've Been an Idiot
20. My Name is Khan
21. Space Jump
22. Sacrifice
23. Captain Down
24. First Date
25. Awakening
26. Progressions
28. Surprise
29. Yorktown
30. Attack
31. The Search
32. Reunited
34. Vokaya

27. I Do

2.1K 69 6
By ElizabethDarcy19

3 Months Later
As soon as Kate and Leonard could after they got engaged, they went to Admiral Barnett's office to discuss when they would be able to get married and be on leave together before getting back on the Enterprise.  As the end of a quarter was just three months away, they set a date to get married after the quarter ended so they could spend quality time together before having to get back to life as chief medical officers on a star ship.

It had been incredibly stressful to plan a wedding in three months, but with Leonard and Kate working together with the help of her mom and Nyota, they managed to pull everything together for a small ceremony the weekend after the quarter ended.  Neither of them wanted a large affair, just something they could have their friends and family members at.  After considering all the places they could have the wedding, the ultimately decided on the gazebo at Golden Gate Park they had gone to on their first date.  It was a beautiful location overlooking the water and it held a special memory for them.

So, between teaching, grading, and planning for a wedding, three months passed by in the blink of an eye and Kate found herself standing in front of a full length mirror taking in her appearance.  Nyota had insisted, even though she was serving as the maid of honor, that she was also going to be Kate's stylist for the day, and now, looking at the finished product, Kate was glad she had agreed.  Her hair was styled into an elegant bun and her make up was better than she could have ever hoped to achieve on her own.  Her favorite part, though, was the dress she was wearing.

After trying on what felt like a thousand dresses, the stylist at the wedding boutique pulled out something that was completely different than any of the other dresses she had tried on.  She had been determined that she was going to wear an A-line wedding dress, but was disappointed with each new dress she put on.  So the stylist reassured her, she was just pulling something to change things up and give Kate a new perspective.   As soon as it was on all the way, Kate knew it was the dress.  It hugged her every curve without being too tight, and was lightweight and covered in delicate lace.  Nyota and her mother had both cried when they saw her in it, and it was the first time she felt like a bride the whole day.

Now seeing everything pulled together, she was so glad the stylist had suggested something different than what she wanted and couldn't wait to see Leonard's reaction to seeing her for the first time today.  As she was smoothing down her dress to calm her nerves, Kate saw Nyota come up behind her in the mirror, dressed and ready for the wedding.  She whistled and said, "Damn, girl, McCoy isn't gonna know what he did to get so lucky."

Kate laughed and turned around to face her best friend and said, "You're really the best, Nyota.  I couldn't have done this without you."

Nyota shrugged as she said, "I know."

The two laughed for a moment before Nyota asked, "You ready for this?"

Kate smiled brightly and nodded before saying, "I don't think I've ever been so ready for something in my life.  I'm nervous,  but it's mostly because I can't wait to see him."

Nyota hugged her tightly and said, "Good," then switched to business mode and said, "Now, your mom and Jim will be here shortly, then we'll get started in just about ten minutes.  Can you believe it?"

Kate shook her head and felt her stomach fill with butterflies as the door opened and her mom and Jim came in.  As soon as Winona saw her, her eyes filled with tears and she said, "Oh, honey, you look so beautiful," then hugged her tightly.

Kate hugged her back and said, "Thanks, mom," before pulling away and saying, "But you can't make me cry right now!"

Winona wiped away a few tears and nodded before saying, "I know, I know.  I just can't believe this is happening and I can't help but wish your father was here.  He should be here," she finished with a tone of sadness creeping into her voice.

Jim and Kate made eye contact with each other and both went to their mom and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.  Jim kissed Winona gently on the cheek before saying, "He is here, mom.  You know he wouldn't be anywhere else today."

Kate really had to fight the tears now as she nodded and said, "And I'm sure he'd want you to look back on the day you two got married and be happy for what your marriage produced and the love you still have for him after all these years."

Winona pulled both her children into a hug and said, "I love you both so much," before kissing each of them on the cheek and pulling away.

Nyota came up beside Winona and said, "Ma'am, we're needed in our spots now.  Can I walk you to where we need to be?"

Winona nodded and looked back and Jim and Kate one more time before saying, "See you two in a few minutes," then Nyota and their mom left, leaving them alone for a few minutes.

Jim turned to face her and asked, "We need to get out of here or you still plan on marrying the grumpy doc?"

Kate laughed and punched Jim gently on the shoulder before saying, "I'm marrying the grumpy doc, who happens to be your best friend."

Jim smiled at her before saying, "I know, and I really am happy for you two.  You two are great for each other, even if I don't like knowing what you two do together."

Kate shook her head before smiling at Jim and saying, "I'm just so glad you're here today, Jim."

Pulling her into a gentle hug, Jim responded quietly, "Me too, sis.  Me too," then, sensing that the situation of thinking about his death was getting too emotional for both of them, he pulled away and asked, "Ready to make Bones wonder how an ugly bastard like him ever got a girl as beautiful as you?" as he offered his arm to her.

Kate punched Jim playfully again and said, "I happen to think he's quite handsome, but yes I am ready," then took his arm.

Jim opened the door to the small building the park had provided for weddings and other occasions and led her out to begin the walk down the aisle.  Kate saw all of their best friends waiting for them.  Sulu and his husband Ben, Spock, Nyota, Chekov, Scotty, Keenzer, Spock Prime, her mom, and some other friends from Academy and the Enterprise were gathered there, smiling at her as Jim began walking her down the aisle.  She smiled back at each of them as she heard Jim say quietly beside her, "Kate, look at Bones."

When Kate did, she felt like her heart was going to burst.  Being that he was Leonard McCoy, Kate couldn't imagine anyone in the world looking better than he did in that suit, but the look on his face was what really got her heart racing.  Leonard was looking at her with a look of love and admiration, and he covered the huge smile on his face with his hand as he shook his head softly, almost not seeming to believe the sight in front of him.  In that moment, if Kate hadn't had her arm wrapped in Jim's she might have ran down the aisle and thrown her arms around him, but she did restrain herself.

As they came to a stop in front of Leonard and Admiral Barnett, Kate smiled brightly at Leonard and he smiled back at her before mouthing, "I love you," to her.  Jim kissed her cheek softly before whispering, "I'm happy for you sis," and let go of her arm and took his place by their mom.  Kate then took her place across from Leonard and they took hold of each others hands before smiling at each other and turning their attention toward Admiral Barnett.

He smiled at the both of them before saying, "Thank you, everyone, for joining us together this evening to celebrate this special moment in the lives of Leonard McCoy and Katelyn Kirk, as they join their lives together in the union of marriage.  All of us here know these two well.  Some of you grew up together, some of you watched them grow.  Others met them at Academy, worked with them, or both.  But I think, what we all know, is that these two people love each other deeply."

Kate looked back at Leonard and smiled at him, not able to contain her happiness at finally having this moment to join with him.

Barnett continued, "As Leonard and Kate prepared for this ceremony, they took time to reflect on what they love about each other, and I can safely say that was not a difficult task for either of them."  Everyone gathered laughed, knowing all of the history between the two of them, then he continued, "They have chosen to begin their ceremony by sharing some words with each other, and to let all of you here know the promises that the plan to make to each other.  Leonard, will you begin?"

Leonard squeezed her hands and nodded before clearing his throat and saying, "I think everyone here knows that I'm not really much of a talker, so it won't come as a surprise to anyone that I had to write this down," then let go of Kate's hands and pulled a piece of paper out of his breast pocket.

Kate was only vaguely aware of everyone laughing at Leonard's comment before he looked into her eyes and began, "Kate, I have been the biggest idiot in basically all of the time that we've known each other."  He waited a moment again as everyone laughed again, then continued, "But that didn't keep you from falling in love with me, and I don't know that I'll ever have the words to describe how thankful I am that you love me in spite of everything I've done.  You challenge me to be a better man and a better doctor.  You make the most mundane days enjoyable, just because I get to be with you.  You brighten every room you walk into, and I still can't believe that your smiles and your love are for me.  I can't wait to grow old together, and watch our love grow.  To share a home with you.  To watch you carry our children, become a mother, and make me a father.  I am the luckiest man in the universe to be able to have you, and I don't deserve it, but I'm so glad you've chosen me.  I love you, Kate."

Kate promised herself earlier in the day that she wasn't going to cry, but she couldn't help the tears that managed to find their way down her face at Leonard's words.  As she wiped them away gently, it took a lot of self control to not throw herself at him and kiss him for everything he had just said to her, but she managed to behave herself and reply softly, "I love you too," before Admiral Barnett turned to her and said, "Kate?"

Kate nodded and began to regret not writing things down like Leonard had done, but it was too late now.  She took a deep breath and said, "Leonard, I agree that you've been an idiot," which made everyone laugh again, including Leonard, but she smiled as she continued, "But I've been crazy for you since I met you.  For years, I fell in love with you while watching you be a doctor.  You are so blunt and that makes you seem uncaring, but you are the best, kindest, and most wonderful person I know.  I couldn't help but fall in love with you.  Even before we were together, you only treated me with respect and made me feel like I was the most special woman in the world.  Now that we are together, nothing has changed and things are even better than they ever were.  You still make me feel weak at the knees and I love that I get to love you and build a life with you.  It may have taken us a long path to get here, but there's no one I'd rather have gone down that path with.  I love you, and I can't wait to see where the path leads us for the rest of our lives."

Leonard took her hands in his again and squeezed them softly as Barnett began again, "A marriage is a voluntary and full commitment.  It is made in the deepest sense to the exclusion of all others, and it is entered into with the desire and hope that it will last for life.  Before you declare your vows to one another, I want to hear you confirm that it is indeed your intention to be married today.  Leonard, do you come here freely and without reservation to give yourself to Kate in marriage?  If so, answer, 'I do.'"

Leonard smiled an uncharacteristically bright smile at Kate before saying, "I do."  Kate smiled brightly back at him as Barnett turned to her and repeated the question to her, "Kate, do you come here freely and without reservation to give yourself to Leonard in marriage?  If so, answer, 'I do.'"

Kate felt her eyes start to fill with happy tears as she nodded and said, "I do."

Barnett smiled at the both of them before nodding and saying, "Leonard and Kate, having heard that it is your intention to be married to each other, I now ask you to declare your marriage vows.  Please face each other and hold hands."

Leonard took Kate's hands softly in his and she felt her stomach flip in anticipation.  For years, she had loved Leonard, and part of her couldn't believe this was actually happening.

Barnett addressed Leonard first and had him repeat, "I, Leonard, take you, Kate, to be my wife.  I will share my life with yours, build our dreams together, support you through times of trouble, and rejoice with you in times of happiness.  I promise to give you respect, love, and loyalty through all the trials and triumphs of our lives together.  This commitment is made in love, kept in faith, lived in hope, and made new every day of our lives."

After Kate repeated the same vows, Barnett continued, "Your wedding rings are the outward and visible sign of the inward and invisible bond which already unites your two hears in love.  Kate, I believe that Leonard and your mother have a surprise for you."

Kate looked at Leonard first, then turned her face out toward the small audience to find her mom.  Winona stood and said, "I wanted you both to have something special today, and this was the only thing I could think to do and Leonard agreed," before sitting down and wiping a few tears from her face.

Kate turned back to Leonard and asked, "What is it, Len?"

Leonard turned to Jim and took a ring from him, showing it to her and saying, "This ring is your mom's.  It's the ring your dad gave to her the day they got married, and your mom approached me about using it in the ceremony a few weeks ago.  Said it would be a way to have him here on your wedding day."

Kate choked back some tears and smiled out at her mom, mouthing, "I love you," to her before facing Leonard again.  Barnett took her silence as a sign to continue, "Leonard, place the ring on Kate's finger and repeat after me."

Leonard repeated, "I give you this ring.  Wear it with love and joy.  As this ring has no end, my love for you is also forever."

Kate looked down at the ring on her hand and felt and overwhelming sense of love in that moment, from her family and from Leonard.  This moment was more perfect that she could have ever imagined.

Kate then turned to Nyota and took the ring from her and Barnett told her to repeat after him, so she placed the ring on Leonard finger and repeated, "With this ring, I marry you.  Wear this ring forever as a sign of my love."

Leonard squeezed her hands softly and Kate smiled up at him as Barnett finished "Kate and Leonard, I offer these good wishes to you on this special day.  May your life together be blessed with prosperity and good health.  May you always share open and honest communication with each other.  May you cherish the home and family you create together.  May all the years to come be filled with moments to celebrate and renew your love.  May your love be a life-long source of excitement, contentment, affection, respect, and devotion for one another.  Now, by the power vested in my by Star Fleet, it is my honor and delight to declare you husband and wife.  You may seal this declaration with a kiss."

Leonard and Kate smiled at each other before he pulled her close and kissed her deeply, not caring that they were in front of their closest family and friends.  He dipped Kate into the kiss and Kate grabbed onto the front of his suit as he dipped her down.  When he lifted her back up and they broke apart, Kate and Leonard were broken out of their staring at each other by hearing the applause in front of them.  They turned and faced the people in front of them as Barnett said, "I am pleased to present the newlyweds, Dr. Leonard and Dr. Kate McCoy."

Kate felt Leonard wrap his arm around her waist as she leaned into his shoulder and smiled for what felt like the millionth time that day, as they looked out at the smiling faces of their loved ones.  She was married to Leonard.  Leonard was now her husband and she his wife.  Eventually, they would be going back to work and face the real world, but right now they were newlyweds who would spend the next several months together before they had to worry about anything else.

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