Odin's youngest

By Dotty_Joy

36.6K 643 273

Odin has three children (including Hela but she is not in this story) and one adopted son, unfortunately the... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine

Chapter Six

3.3K 63 41
By Dotty_Joy

You climb out of bed and go to your closet. You pick out a bra underwear, jeans and tank top with a over shirt socks and converse. You took a shower got dressed and left your room. Stan instantly flew to your shoulder, and jump sacred you.

"Gosh you scared me Stan Lee."

You said, you feed him, and talked to him a bit in hopes he will be able to speak soon. Stan sits down on your right shoulder, and you head to the main floor with everyone.

"Good morning everyone are my brother going to be here today."

You ask seeing most of the avengers on the couch,

"We still can't get in contact with them but they always come on this day because it's the anniversary of when you wen't missing. They will probably be here by noon."

Tony said. Your gaze lands on the clock 8:16 A.M. you sigh and sit down beside Wanda,

"what is wrong little one."

Wanda asked,

"I haven't seen my brothers in 50 years and now I am about to see them I am nervous and excited. I'm just being paranoid."

You mumble,

"Breakfast is served."

You jumped at the initial sound, but calmed down at the promise of food. With Stan Lee still occupying you right shoulder, you stand up and enter the kitchen. Once there you see a proud looking Steve with a exhausted looking Bucky slumped against his best friend.

"Can I go back to bed"

He mumbled half awake,

"go sleep on the couch."

Steve said pushing Bucky away,

"okay good night."

He said,

"what happened to him."

Tony asked as he loaded his plate with bacon.

"He had more nightmares I keep telling him to wake me up, but he says he doesn't want to bother me."

Steve said, anxiously.

"Why don't you just tell Jarvis to wake you up when Bucky has a nightmare."

You say thinking it was a easy answer.

"Oh, that would be smart."

Steve said embarrassed for bot thinking of that himself.

"I like her shes smart can we keep her."

Tony said with Peter and Shuri agreeing, they wanted another teen around anyway.

"Well it isn't exactly up to us, thats for her and her brothers to decide. I guess also her parents, but from the feeling I'm getting she seems kinda distant to them."

Rhodes said since he was one of the only logic adults there.

"Okay fine, Jarvis every time Bucky has a nightmare wake me up."

Steve said,

"Of course Mr.Rogers."

The A.I. Responded,

"Wait a minute how do you know about Jarvis."

Tony half threatened pointing a piece of bacon in your direction.

"Jarvis is almost as famous as you, and are you trying to threaten me with bacon?"

You asked, I mean he is a Avenger he should know bacon is not a weapon.

"Interesting, and yes I was threatening you with bacon I'm sorry."

Tony said, and You went back to my food. Then you noticed that the other avengers where looking between you and Tony, like they saw a ghost.


He asked clearly noticing there stares.

"You just got Tony to apologized and admit his mistake."

Peter yelled pointing at you,

"Yeah look at her shes just little, she is like a little kid and adorable. How can I not."

Tony said with his shoulders pulled up to his face hands out gesturing to you.

"Fair enough."

Pietro said, shrugging. You cover your face with your hands, embarrassment traced you features. Stan who was still on your shoulder nudge your hands away, and you scratched him on the back of the neck.

"I really like it here if my family lets me can I stay."

You ask, you still hate your dad and don't care to much about your mom. Fortunately what you gather from the avengers your brothers spend a lot of time here.

"Of course, we will make sure you can spend plenty of your time here. Also we want you to be a avengers so it would be helpful for you to stay here."

Tony said, he was clearly the leader of the group. You were aware that avengers tower used to be Stark tower, but never realized how important he was here.

"Okay thank you so much I am going to wait for my brothers."

You say cleaning up your plate then getting on the elevator and going back to your floor.

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