Bfdi Danganronpa: Unraveling...

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20 talented high school students get invited to the prestigious school Hope's Peak Academy, but when a myster... Mer

Prologue Part 1
Prologue Part 2
Prologue Part 3
Prologue Part 4
Prologue End
Character Bio's
Chapter 1b: Regretful Disapproval Of My Self Image
Chapter 1c: Regretful Disapproval Of My Self Image
authors note
Chapter 1d: Regretful Disapproval Of My Self Image
Character Appearances
Chapter 1e: Body Discovery
Chapter 1f: Investigation
Chapter 1g: Class Trial Part 1
Chapter 1h: Class Trial Part 2
Chapter 1i: Class Trial End
Chapter 1j: Execution Part 1
Chapter 1k: Execution Part 2
Chapter 1l: Epilogue
Chapter 2a: Follow the Real Leader!!!
Chapter 2b: Follow the Real Leader!!!

Chapter 1a: Regretful Disapproval Of My Self Image

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"Oh, I forgot to give these to you!" MonoSpeaker got out of the podium he was speaking on and walked over to some students, handing out something with an arm he somehow extended.  "These are your Student Handbooks!  They contain some school rules.  If you refuse to get one from me, there's a high possibility that you may break a rule, which could result in an....accident.  Please, everyone, take one!" I hesitantly took a handbook from MonoSpeaker. Immediately, the screen displayed my name in the center. 'Welcome to Leafy Greens', the Ultimate Lucky Student's, handbook!'

The screen went from white to pink, a list of rules appearing on the screen. 

Rule 1: Students may not leave school campus grounds.

Rule 2: Nighttime is from 10pm to 7 am.  Some areas are strictly prohibited during this time.

Rule 3: You are not allowed to sleep anywhere in the school except for the dormitories.

Rule 4:  You're free to explore any room in the academy.

Rule 5: Violence against the headmaster or their property is strictly prohibited.

Rule 6: The headmaster cannot harm any students unless they've broken any of these rules. The headmaster must also immediately attend to any hurt students.

Rule 7: If you are to kill one of your classmates, you will be considered a 'blackened' and you may graduate unless you get found out.

Rule 8: The headmaster may add rules whenever they desire.

I sighed rubbing my temples in frustration. Are we really going to have to go through this?  Out of the corner of my eye I saw Pin look at the handbook as if she was on the verge of tears.

"Aww, is Ms. Spike feeling sad? You mad that the little encouraging speech you gave just lead to...what's the word...despair?" MonoSpeaker continues to tease the almost emotionless looking Pin.

"I won't lose to you."

"Psh, I doubt that! The chances of you beating me are like Needle's boobs, nonexistent!"


"No, I'm...we are going to defeat you." Pin confidently stated.

"I would wish you the best of luck, but nah, luck won't help you in this situation! Upupupupu!" MonoSpeaker laughed before disappearing into thin air.

All eyes were focused on the red-faced Pin, her body shaking in anger. "Sh, Pin, it's ok." Coiny comforted, rubbing Pin's back in attempt to soothe her anger.

"I-I'm sorry. I'm just mad, not only at that speaker, but at myself. I'm a leader, I'm supposed to lead people to victory and help anyone in need, but I feel completely hopeless. I don't know what to do, I don't know how to help. I'm sorry everyone...". Pin looked down in distraught.

"Pin, there's no need to be sorry.  This isn't your fault.  We're Ultimates!  We're all smart and talented people.  I'm sure we'll find a way out!  You just need to have a little more hope!  I believe we can all make it out here together, you just need to believe in yourself to help us out.  You're the Ultimate Leader!  Under your control, we'll all be able to leave this place safely!"  Coiny confidently spoke, a smile appearing on his face.

Pin looked at Coiny in awe, her wide eyes blinking in utter shock.  "That was....beautiful.  Yes, beautiful!  I feel pumped!  That was so amazing and motivational!  Hey, I know!  Coiny, you can be my co-leader!"

"W-what?  Me?  I only know how to make money!"

"And give motivational speeches!! What do you think we should do next fellow co-leader?!"

"But you're the leader he- never about we...try to look for an exit or something?"

"Great idea! We are allowed to freely roam the school! C'mon fellow co-leader!" Pin grabbed Coiny's hand, enthusiastically skipping out the gym.

"I should go watch over them. Those two can't be trusted by themselves," Needle sighed, running towards the duo. "See you guys!"

"Coiny did bring up a good point. If there was a way we got in here, there should be some type of exit. I suggest we all try to look for one," Golfball stepped up. "Everyone, let's get going!" People nodded, leaving the gym. Just when I was going to head out, I felt a hand on my wrist.

"Hey, um Leafy? Can we search for the exit together?" Icy shyly asked, twirling her hair with her finger.

"Yeah, sure!" Icy put on a wide smile, her cheeks flushing.

"T-thanks. C'mon, we should leave."

Icy and I left the gym, being greeted with the bright pink hallways. "The hallways look so weird. Almost like something you'd see in a movie," Icy commented. "Let's try going there." Icy suggested, pointing to a wooden door across the gym. We slid the door open, revealing a classroom-like setting. After observing for a while, we were greeted with a flying chair. The chair wasn't aimed towards us, but towards the metal plates on the wall. Once the chair did hit the plates, it broke into many little pieces.

"Aw man. Stupid wooden chair." Out of the corner of my eye I saw Firey disappointingly sigh. "Hm? Oh hey you two."

"H-how did you throw that chair so hard? You're so small and skinny!" Icy stuttered, utterly confused.

"Hey! I take offense to that!"


"What were you trying to do Firey?" I interrupted.

"Hm? Oh, I was trying to break that metal plate. Kinda dumb of me to think that a measly wooden chair would do anything," Firey disappointedly huffed. He picked up a small wooden desk and observed it, only to effortlessly throw it against the metal plate. Like the chair, the desk broke into many pieces.

"W-WHAT THE HELL (how ironic)?!?!" Icy shakily said, grabbing onto my arm out of fright.  "H-how are you so strong?!"

"Cooking requires more arm work then you think it does."  Firey stated, giving an innocent smile.  "Welp, I give up.  Ima go look for a kitchen.  See ya ladies!"  Firey waved before sprinting past us.

"Doesn't help that he's a fast runner either...I'm scared of him.  He could like, head-butt us or something.  Let's agree to not go near him, he gives me a weird feeling..." Icy mumbled, still holding onto my arm.

"He doesn't seem too bad, maybe he's just strong, but I doubt he's harmful.  We should try to find a kitchen soon too.  He's the Ultimate Chef and I'm sure he can make something really good!  I'm kinda hungry.."

"You're not scared of him cause you're hungry?"

"Pretty much."

Icy let out a small chuckle.  "Well, I'm hungry too.  I'm not going to complain.  Let's look for an exit of some sorts for the time being."  Agreeing, I went over
to the teachers desk at the front of the class, observing the dark wood, Cobwebs covering the rotten and old wood.  Looks like it hasn't been touched in years.  Don't think there would be anything of significance in something that hasn't been touched in a while.  The rest of the room was the same, cobwebs and rotting wood and nothing of importance.  "I don't think there's anything here Leafy.  We should look somewhere else."

I nodded, following Icy out the classroom. 


Turning around, I saw Woody running towards us. "L..Leafy I...found something," Woody told me in between breaths.

"Hm? What is it?"

"C-come." Woody grabbed my wrist, which resulted in a growl from Icy (Did I forget to mention I ship Leafy with Icy too? I should make like, a harem that stars Leafy lel).

After a bit of walking, Woody brought me to a staircase blocked by a gate. "T-there's stairs. The school did look very big from the outside, s-so I'm guessing there may be more stairs. If I had to guess, I would say there would be...7 or 8 floors?

"7 or 8 floors?!" I yelled in shock.

"That may be a good thing though. There could maybe be an exit on any of these floors or something to help us get out of here," Woody brought up, his voice sounding more confident. "I think it's a good thing, but I don't know how we're supposed to open the gate."

"I guess you bring up a good point Woody. Thank you." Woody smiled shyly, his cheeks flushing a deep red.

"I-it was nothing. You should go explore the rest of the school, t-that's what I'm gonna do. Goodbye." Woody waved to us, heading off somewhere.

"C'mon Leafy, let's look around."


"We haven't found anything," Icy whined, obviously disappointed. "I just wanna get out of here!"

"Me too Icy," I started, putting my hand on Icy's shoulder. "But we can't give up. There may be something on the second floor, or we might come across something soon. This is a big school, I'm sure there'll be something." Icy put on a painful smile before sighing.

"I believe you Lea-"

"Leafy!!!! Icy!!!!!!" Pin frantically waved her arms in the air, running towards us. "Where were you two?! I tried looking everywhere!"

"Sorry Pin," I apologized. "Why were you looking for us?"

"I wanted to bring you two to the cafeteria!  My co-leader and I want to discuss some stuff there about this killing game and how to be safe and potentially find an exit of some sorts.  Firey is also cooking for us!!!  He said he was in the mood to cook, and if the Ultimate Chef is cooking us something no doubt it's gonna be good!  Mmm~ I can imagine the food already!"  Pin drooled, looking up at the ceiling with a finger on the corner of her mouth.  "What will we have?  Paella?  Risotto?  Dungeness crab? Jambalaya?  Pozole?  Filet mignon?  Potatoes?!  Ahh I can't wait!  Race you guys the-"

"Pin, we have no idea where the cafeteria is..." Icy coldly stated.

"Oh....ok then!  Follow me, which I hope you're already doing y'know cause I'm your leader and al-"

"Pin just take us there," Icy impatiently demanded, her foot rapidly tapping in the floor.

"Uh, sure, ok. Come come!" Pin gestured for us to come over, happily skipping to the cafeteria.

She stopped in front of two bright red doors, opening them up. "Look who I brought everyone!" Everyone was seated around a large table and they all seemed to be discussing about something.

"Took you long enough! I'm not getting any prettier waiting y'know!" Flower yelled, her elbows crossed.

"Sheesh, whatever. Go sit down you two!" Pin pointed towards to three empty seats. "The one on the right is Firey's, so don't sit there."  Icy tensed up at the amber-eyed male's name, squeezing my arm once more. Sensing her obvious fear of him, I sat next to Firey's seat.

"I really don't like him. At all," Icy quietly whispered to me.

"It's ok. I'm sure you will soon." I reassuringly whispered back.

"Now then, have any of you found something that would be useful towards escaping? If so, tell us," GB commanded.

"I f-found a staircase," Woody mumbled. "But it was covered by a gate. I-if the gate somehow opens we might find s-some way to leave."

"A staircase covered by a gate? How about we try finding a way to open the gate?" Pen suggested.

"Wait, I'm gonna try something." Blocky cupped his hands around his mouth. "OH MONOSPEAKER!!!!"

Out of nowhere, MonoSpeaker appeared on Firey's empty seat. "Yes yes, what's so important that you need to bring me over here?"

"I got a real quick question for ya. How do we open up the gate that's blocking the stairway?" Blocky asks.

"Hm...should I tell you? Eh, why not. You open up new floors after you successfully finish a class trial!"

"What's a class trial?" Needle asked. "I don't remember you saying anything about a class trial."

"Oh but I have Miss Flat-Tits! Not in depth. I have mentioned it in your Student Handbooks." Everyone quickly got out their handbook, looking over the rules.  MonoSpeaker pulled out a pair of glasses and held them up, reading a rule on the handbook. "'Rule 7: If you are to kill one of your classmates, you will be considered a 'blackened' and you may graduate unless you get found out'."

"W-wait, so does that mean we have to kill one of our friends to open the gate?" Rocky asked, his usual bright and childish demeanor was gone.

"Close Mr. Gravel! I haven't gotten too much into depth about class trials...wait, I HAVEN'T GOTTEN TOO MUCH INTO DEPTH ABOUT CLASS TRIALS?!?!?"

"Just shut up for one second!" Snowball huffed.

"Oh shut your trap you lousy skier. Where were we again? Oh right, class trial-"

"Alright everyone! The food is do- HOLY HELL WHAT IS HE DOING HERE?!?!" Firey screeched, almost dropping some plates of food.

"Oh, you're just on time flame boy! I was just about to explain class trials!"

"But we-"

"SILENCE! Anyway, let me get into greater detail. If any one you guys kill a student, there will be an investigation. You will try to find as much evidence as you can. After a certain amount of time, you will stop investigating and discuss who you think did it. If you guys guess correctly, the blackened, also known as the person who committed the murder, will be executed. If you guys guess incorrectly, all the innocent people will die, and the blackened would be set fr-". MonoSpeaker stopped before disappearing in thin air.  Was he done with his sentence?  Everyone sent curious looks around the room, unsure about what to think.

"Um...I'm kinda confused right now, but I won't ask. Anyway, can someone help me with some plates? I think I've made too much food." Firey chuckled a bit, but that didn't keep questions from lingering in our minds.  "Um...guys?"

"So...we'll have to go through all that just to open some gate..?" Spongy asked, fidgeting nervously. 

"I guess so.." Pin sighed, her eyes filled with hopelessness.

"Guys, let's not get all sad over this.  I know we all came here to discuss the things we found, but I feel like for right now we should just socialize.  We can get all sad another time, but for now let's just fill our stomachs with as much food as we can and just have a good time!"  Firey smiled, the depressing atmosphere quickly changing.

"Guess he's not as bad as I thought."  I heard Icy whisper.

Heyooo!  I'm kinda disappointed with this chapter, and I don't really know how to fix it (also I'm lazy).  I'm trying to make each chapter from now on over 1,500 words, so sorry if it may take a while for a new chapter to come out.  Also I didn't proofread so there might be typos.  I'm sorry it's 3 in the morning and I'm too tired.  I'll proofread when I wake up.  Ok, that's all I've got to say.  Byyeee!

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