sent | wanna one

By -softbae

643K 34.7K 26.5K

❝send nudes pls :^)❞ ❝n00ds?❞ ❝ yep :^))❞ *sends noodles* in which a girl sends a message... to the wrong per... More

➢fifty three.


9.2K 622 650
By -softbae

Woojin sat on the bleachers in the gym with Youngmin. He was watching a group of students paint many banners and signs for the upcoming school dance. Youngmin was supposed to be down there helping the rest of the team, but he was too busy replying to emails on his laptop.

Woojin didn't even want to be here, but Youngmin forced him to stay with him for an hour or two. He promised he would treat him to ice cream afterwards, Woojin didn't even want it since he's had ice cream one too many times with Daniel. But he didn't want to upset his friend at the same time.

"Okay I'm done." Youngmin said, pressing send on the final email. But instead of heading down to the floor, he remained seated with Woojin.

"Aren't you going to go now?" Woojin looked over at the boy, his laptop was open to a facebook groupchat.

"Nah, I've done enough. I'll just wait till they actually need my help." Youngmin mischievously smirked at Woojin.

While Youngmin was on his laptop, Woojin went on his phone. He kept refreshing his contact list of his groupchat.

Still offline. He hoped Hyejin would come online atleast for a moment, just to see if she was alright.

"Ugh this girl is so annoying." Youngmin groaned beside him. Woojin brought his attention back to him.

"Whats wrong?" He asked the annoyed looking boy.

Youngmin closed his laptop and sighed, "My friend doesn't want to come to the dance. I already bought tickets for my friends but that girl still won't come."

"Are you talking about those two girls you always hangout with?" Woojin asked.

"Yeah, I already asked one of them to be my date and she said yes. And I was hoping Donghyun would ask my other friend to the dance but she said no and I just can nOT with her." Youngmin ruffled his hair in annoyance.

Woojin's heartbeat picked up, was he talking about that girl I saw in the cafeteria, the one sitting beside him? Is she his date?

"Why doesn't she want to go?" Woojin asked, trying not to sound too interested even though he was dying to know.

"She said she doesn't want to be seen by anyone which makes no sense whatsoever. And because she felt bad for rejecting Donghyun. You know she literally said no and ran off. She told us she would say yes but she literally froze and ran away. At this rate, I'm going to have to put her in boot camp or something." He rolled his eyes.

Maybe she's not Youngmin's date, Woojin thought, it must be the other girl... right?

"Don't be too hard on her dude, you don't know what she might be going through." Woojin said.

"Pft oh please, shes just stressing about those boys. I don't even know half of them or else I would go up to them myself and tell them everything." Youngmin wished he knew who was making his best friend stressed out over nothing. He also wanted to give them a smack across their face at the same time.

Woojin was just dying at this point. He wanted to know who this girl was. Just when he was about to ask who she was for the second time, a voice called Youngmin's name.

"Yougmin! We need some help down here!" Sewoon called up to him.

Youngmin sighed, "Well I guess my break is over. You can leave if you want, I feel bad for keeping you back here for too long."

"Its alright, I'm just going to go to the library." Woojin said, he stood up and threw his backpack over his shoulder.

"Sorry, I'll treat you to ice cream some other time." Youngmin teased.

"Yah I'm not your girlfriend for you to take me out for ice cream." Woojin said, making Youngmin laugh. He waved to Youngmin and made his way to the library.

Woojin couldn't help but replay their conversation in his head. She was asked out by Donghyun but said no? Why? Even he knew he was a sweet guy, every girl fell for him. Yet she rejected in a blink of an eye. Cause she was still hungover those boys... but which boys?

Are we... those boys?

He kept wondering. It was possible, but it seemed too much of a coincidence. If his friends were 'those guys', Youngmin would have told him. Doesn't he know that Woojin hangs out with them? It must not be us then.

There were so many groups of guys anyways. There was Taehyun's group and Eunki's group... it could just be one of them.

Woojin didn't realize he already made it to the library, almost bumping into the front doors. He quietly walked in, it was almost empty with only a few students scattered around. He approached his usual table until he noticed someone sitting at a table next to it. A girl.

That girl. Youngmin's friend.

This was his chance to find out who she was.

He quietly approached the four seated table, and sat diagonal to her. Surprisingly Hyejin didn't notice him sitting at her table, as her music was playing too loud and was entirely focused on solving a math question.

The first thing he looked for was her name tag. Her long hair was covering the blazer of her uniform, but he noticed something sticking out on the other side.


He couldn't read it from where he was sitting, he had to find a way to casually move near her to read it. He thought about it. Soon, an idea popped in his head.

He took out his pencil he usually carries in the side pocket of his backpack and threw it on the floor, to the other side of the table. Luckily Hyejin didn't notice, to his relief.

Woojin quietly got up and crouched down, hes wobbled his way over to the other side of the table. Once he got to his pencil, he slowly picked it up but not without looking at her name tag.

Yejin...?  Was the only part of her name tag that was visible. He kept staring until it clicked in his head.

Hyejin. Hyejin! Its Hyejin!

He quickly stood up, staring at her. His heart was beating at a unexplainable speed, it was mixed feeling of shock and happiness.

Suddenly at that moment, Hyejin could feel someone was standing in front of her. She took one ear bud off and looked up.

Oh no.

"Hyejin?" Woojin said slowly.

Hyejin's heart dropped as she stared at Woojin. So many emotions filled Hyejin's body, she was scared, nervous, worried. She felt like she could puke at any second. She couldn't even comprehend what was happening. She never thought this would happen, it was sooner than she thought.

In a flash Hyejin stuffed whatever she could into her backpack and dashed out of the library, not looking back.

It is her.

"Hyejin wait!" He called out to her, he grabbed his backpack and quickly followed the direction she ran in.

He picked up his pace when he saw her silhouette slowly fading as she ran out of the school. His feet stomped on the floor heavily, he didn't want to let her go.

Eventually he was a few meters away from her, she was still running, but it was clear that she was starting to get tired.

"Hyejin!" He called out to her again. Once she heard that, she almost tripped. He's still running after me?? 

She came to the conclusion that he would not leave her alone, and would probably chase her for hours. She wasn't that fit. This was the fastest she's ever ran, if only her gym teacher was here to finally praise her for moving her feet for once, unlike during class.

She starts slowing down, she could hear his footsteps running behind her, also slowing down. Woojin stops in front of Hyejin, who was still faced away from him.

"Hyejin?" He asks again. She sighed and slowly turned around to face him. He quietly gasped when he saw tears form in her eyes.

"It is you, right?" She slowly nodded. She didn't want to cry in front of him, she was always sassy and sarcastic in the group chat, but in real life? She was very sensitive and emotional. She didn't even know why she felt like crying, it was just all too much for her, it all happened so suddenly.

Her hair was still covering her name tag. Woojin gently moved her hair behind her shoulder, revealing her full name.

"Song Hyejin? Your name is Song Hyejin?" He was confused and shocked. Her surname was Song? Is this what she was trying to say this whole time? Is this why she was freaking out?

She nodded her head, "Yes, I've been trying to tell you guys this entire time but..." A tear slipped out, if one tear falls, so will the rest.

Woojin's heart broke into tiny pieces. This was the Hyejin they've all been talking to this entire time.

Without a thought, he pulled her into a hug, wrapping his arms around her shaking body. He could hear her quiet sobs as she cries in his chest. Tears were starting to form in his eyes just from the sound of her crying,

"Hyejin, it's okay. Please don't cry. Its okay now." He says to her. A light breeze blew around them, the street was empty, it was just the two of them.

He quickly wipes his eyes before letting her go, she looks up with her puffy ones. "I-I'm sorry Woojin I really am," She cries to him, "I don't even know why I'm crying I'm so lame."

"Do you h-hate me? I didn't mean for this to happen. I didn't lie to y-you, I p-promise I was really trying to t-tell you guys b-but-" She hiccuped her words as she tried to explain to Woojin.

Woojin already knew from the moment she told them her name, something wasn't right. He knew she was trying to tell them something important, but he didn't know it was something as important as this.

His friends were searching for an entirely different girl. Of course he understands why she was freaking out, nervous and not her self for the past few days. He felt pity for her, but was finally happy he found her. He found her first.

"Hyejin, I could never hate you. I'm so happy that I finally found you. I know you didn't lie, it was just a mistake from your phone." He says as he gently wiped her tears off her face.

"Yeah, my stupid phone.." She mumbles, making Woojin crack a small smile. She's cute when she's upset.

Woojin had a lot to ask her, and a lot of things to say. But he didn't want to stand outside for too long, he could already see Hyejin tense up from the chilly breeze blowing by them.

"Um... do you want to talk somewhere? Like a cafe or something..?" He shyly asked her.

A small smile appeared on Hyejin's face, "Sure, lead the way." Woojin smiled and the two of them walked side by side down the sidewalk.

His heart was racing, he was finally going to have a real conversation with Hyejin. This was the moment he's been waiting for.

Sorry Jinyoung, but I found her first.


im glad you guys are enjoying the story so far, it really makes me happy seeing all the comments (they make my day honestly)

however, i wont be updating for a while :(( sorry guys :( i promise i'll upload at least 2 chapters when i come back!

ur always free to pm me or whatever if you need to talk :) or just comment a question and ill reply (hopefully lol)

see ya soon ^^

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