Blessed with a Curse

By skybye1

178K 7.2K 474

Danni has been running for years trying to get away from men who want to use her "gifts" for their own selfis... More

Message and Copyright
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twelve

6.3K 256 9
By skybye1

Chapter Twelve 


        Danni’s POV

It has been a week since Luke attacked me and still no word on where he is. I know that he is probably not in the area, but Jace has been on high alert and it is really annoying. I can’t go outside by myself and I can’t go into town at all. With being an Elemental, I need to be outside and if I have to stay inside and watch another episode of Teen Mom with Alexis I will stab someone in the neck with a spork.

Jace has been working unstop trying to locate Luke and I am feeling a little neglected. I know he is still pissed about what happen and feels like it is his fault, but he needs to relax some. The whole energy in the house has changed. I think everyone is in shock that Luke would try to harm me and that everyone trusted him. From what I heard he was quiet, but helped others pretty often which confuses me greatly. I wasn’t mean or rude towards him. I barely said twenty words to him.

I walk into the kitchen and see Alexis and the twins making cookies. So far they are my main source of entertainment. Watching how Alexis and the boys interact makes me long for my own family. Part of me wants kids so badly, but there is a small part of me that worries. What would happen if someone comes after me or my children because of what I am? It’s dangerous, is it worth it to put my family through hell?

“Mommy can we go out and play?” asks Kendall with a huge pleading smile.

Alexis shakes her head and answers, “Go ask your father.”

With that both boys sprint of to find their dad. They were in the same boat with me. Erik won’t let them out with unless him or Jace is there to watch over them. Sighing as I jump up to help Alexis with the cookies, I wish I could go out too, but I don’t feel like getting into it with Jace. I have to pick my battles with him.

“So I guess you are going crazy being inside all the time,” Alexis asks in a soft tone.

Shaking my head, I reply, “I know Jace wants me safe, but I feel like a caged animal. I’m Elemental I need nature. I am literally going crazy in this house. There is only so much reality shows I can watch with having the need to shoot myself.”

Laughing, Alexis turns to me and says, “Well I guess we have to give him a reason to let you go out.”

“Well if you have an idea please—” was all I could say before she throws a handful of flour at my face.

I stood there for a second before it dawn on me what she was doing. Maybe causing a mess will influence Jace to let me out, either way I need an outlet and I guess this will help.

With that I grab the whole bowl of cookie batter and fling it at Alexis. She tries to dodge, but she is hit square on the chest with it dripping down her shirt. We are laughing and screaming trying to be quick and swift, but it's pure chaos and mayhem. Once we ran out of the flour and batter we went to anything we could find. Alexis grabbed chocolate syrup and I pulled on the water facet and began spraying her while she chucking syrup at me.

We were so focus on our battle that we didn’t notice that Jace and Erik were in the doorway watching. After a few minutes Jace clears his throat and I could see the laughter in his eyes as he was trying to control himself. Erik was doing the same.

Alexis and I turned to look at them as we say at the time, “It’s her fault.”

That was all it took to make Jace burst out laughing. Every time he would look at us he would start laughing again. Erik was doing better, but you could see the humor in his eyes. At the moment the twins run in and take in the state of the kitchen and their mother and I.

“We always miss the fun,” Kent yells.

We all start laughing and Jace walks up to me and slip a finger down my cheek and licks it making me shiver.

“You taste very good Danni, you should always have chocolate on you,” Jace says with a devilish smile.

Laughing as I lean in, I say, “Well it would be better on you.”

Looking confused at me, I quickly hug him and I feel grab the chocolate syrup that Alexis secretly gave me and pour it over Jace’s head. Jace just stands there with a look of shock on his face and I can see that this is now a serious war.  I try to run away, but he grabs me by my hips and I feel his head going up my back, wiping the syrup on my shirt. So I use my water element and water rushes out of the facet and hits Jace in the face. He lets me go and I run around the island and I stand behind Alexis laughing my ass off.

“Hey no fair, you can’t use your water element,” Jace yells while he is laughing.

At that Erik is on the floor laughing and Alexis has her head against the counter trying to control herself.

All I say, “Sorry babe, but this is war!”

I quickly sprint out the kitchen and Jace is hot on my heels. Next thing I know I am being lift up and thrown over his shoulder. I playfully hit his back and I feel Jace swat at my butt making me yelp out in surprise. Jace carries me to our bathroom and gently puts me down before he attacks me with an intense kiss. I feel Jace slowly sliding his hands under my shirt and I grin at what his intentions are, which I like. So I place my hands on the hem of his jeans, making him moan. I smile at that, I guess I’ll be busy for a while before I can go outside.

***A Few Hours Later***

After a shower and some fun in the bed, we make our way downstairs. I was dreading going to see the kitchen, but was surprise to find it all clean. I really have to find who cleaned the mess and thank them. Sitting down at the island, I watch as Jace grabs two Cokes and a bag of Fun Yuns. I can’t help smile that he has my favorite chips; they are so freaking good.

“I want to say that I’m sorry for being busy the last few days and not spending time with you.” Jace says out of the blue.

Looking at him, I quietly reply, “I know you are stressed with everything that has happened and you are doing what you think is best, but I need to be able to go outside. I feel like I am going crazy. You don’t have to worry so much about me.”

“I know that you hate staying inside all the time, but I don’t want to risk you getting hurt again. I just want nothing happening to you. I can’t lose you.” Jace replies as he lifts me into his lap. 

Sighing softly, I place my hands on the both sides of his face and looked into his eyes saying, “Jace, I am not going anywhere. I can take care of myself; I have been doing since I was seventeen.”

“But Danni I want to take care of you. You have been through so much and you deserve better.” Jace replies as he grips me tighter.

As I wrap my arms around him, I answer, “Jace you have been through a hell of a lot too. Let’s agree to take care of each other, but also be open-minded. There will be times when you think something will be best for me and vice-versa and we will bitch and moan about it, but in the end we will know that it was done out of love. You can’t always be the hero, you can only do so much and so far; all the things you have done for me are amazing. For years I thought that I will never find happiness again, I thought that I will never find someone to love me for me. You have given me new hope and that is something that I will forever thank you for.”  

All Jace does is kisses me like it was the end of the world. Everything I just said was true and we both no it. I have been running for so long and he was giving me a new life, a new chance for happiness.

After a minute or two of being in our own little world we were brought back to reality by the door bell ringing. We both get up to see who it is at the door and I curse them for breaking up our little moment. Jace has me get behind him, but I bite my tongue not wanting to start something.

When he opens the door we are greeted by a woman who looks oddly familiar to me. I know I have seen her before, but I am not sure where. She looks to be in her mid-seventies and has short gray hair cut in a funky style and green eyes that sprinkles with joy. As I stand next to Jace, I can feel energy coming off of her and I instantly know that she is an Elemental.

I extend a hand out to her and say, “Hello, I’m Danni. What can I do for you today?”

“I know who you are Danni; I've been looking for you for four and half years.” She replies as she engulfs me into a hug.

At first I am startle by her, but I relax. As she lets go, I sneak a look at Jace and I see a confused look on his face. I look at her as she looks at me with so much love.

The woman holds my hand and says, “My name is Gretchen Brooks and I am your grandmother. I can’t believe I finally found you.” 

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