we're okay | anne with an e +...

By lieberheart

5.6K 113 20

in which four best friends meet at an elite boarding school and experience all the norms of being teens. like... More



221 7 2
By lieberheart

  ( I love this scene from annE sm lmAo).

lunch finally arrived for the three friends.
alaska was able to get through half of her first day at austere academy.
the three had mrs. squalor for the first classes before lunch & harris after.
she also noticed that rachel & odelia were in all of their classes of course, due to all of them having the same age.
even in class, she noticed odelia stick to rachels side and due what she ordered.
she needed to know what she knew, but at the same time wanted to save her from the evil wrath's of rachel willis.
"i didn't even notice anything strange about squalor. she seems normal as all the other days" stated isaac
"yes, i too noticed nothing abnormal." added zachary.
"well she does talk about how she thinks the plan that harris says is wrong. i mean, maybe she's just a victim to it." alaska said.
"i don't think so." said zachary, "she tends to lash out at students at times outside of class. sometimes when they haven't even done something wrong."
now all three were confused. why couldn't fighting out of your two teachers were taking over the world and talking to a mean girls best friend be easier?
"hey guys, look" isaac said.
to the left, a couple tables away from where the three sat, was odelia fremont.
she looked as if she had been crying and was in distress.
she sat looking at her phone, with no rachel next to her, and not eating.
alaska and isaac looked at each other as if they were both thinking the same thing.
this was their chance.
the two got up, and walked over to her table.
leaving zachary to continue his homework and just watch to see what they did.
he had given up on telling them to not talk to her and just watched it play out.
"heyy, there." said a voice that stood right in front of alaska.
evan luther.
alaska motioned to isaac to just go and still talk to her, while she tried to get rid of evan.
isaac didn't want to leave alaska. he knew evan and what he could do.
but he continued because he knew that alaska wanted to talk to her as much as he did.
but that didn't stop him from clenching his jaw and fists, and looking over at them.
he grabbed an apple form the counter, and sat facing odelia.
he sat there saying nothing, until she noticed him.
"what do you want?" odelia sniffled, rubbing her left eye a bit.
"you looked like you needed a snack. and a friend. what's wrong?" he asked
"i don't need your pity. just leave me alone." odelia firmly stated.
meanwhile, over where alaska was standing with evan, he tried to convince alaska to give him her number and complimented her, to which alaska just nodded nicely and said no to his ask-ment of her number.
she tried to look over his shoulder to get a better look at isaac and odelia.
"c'mon, please, take the apple and talk to me." isaac politely said.
"no. go away." odelia was beginning to get infuriated.
at that very moment was when she snapped.
alaska and zachary and the rest of the students in the cafeteria watched the next scene go down slowly.
the next thing everyone knew, isaacs eye was turning purple, an apple was on the ground, and odelia fremont was escorted to the principles office.
"that little bitch" murmured isaac with the ice bag against his left eye.
he held onto zachary for support so he could see where they were going.
alaska escaped evan by going to isaacs aid for help.
they were now going to their last two classes of the day.
advanced mathematics and geography with mr harris.
throughout the two classes, isaac just murmured about how odelia was a little bit ha and he was trying to be a good person.
mr harris too acted normal as always, and this angered the three.
how could someone who's planning on using the kids of this schools intelligence for his pure evil plots of taking over the world, act calm as if nothing strange was going on?
"what now?" asked zachary, picking up his pile of books and following the two outside of the classroom.
"we could go back to my room? i doubt rachel is there, she's probably getting a makeover somewhere or some shit. also, odelia didn't come back from the principles office during last periods, so she's probably still out." alaska commented.
the boys agreed and followed the brunette girl to her room.
they entered the room and alaska noticed that rachels stupid painting of herself was no longer on the wall and the room looked way more empty.
what's going on?
"hey! looky here." zachary exclaimed.
in his hand he held odelias diary and started looking and flipping through the pages. isaac followed.
usually alaska would stop them and tell them it was wrong, but she gave in at this time.
she leaned against isaacs shoulder to get a clearer view of the page zachary was reading. it's the little stuff that isaac and alaska do that makes the other just get a tingly feeling. you may think it's strange, because they literally met yesterday, but if trying to figure out if your teachers are trying to take over the actual fucking world and you've spent every second together, if that doesn't make you close, I don't know what does.
their flipping-through-pages was interrupted by a familiar voice.
"what the hell are you guys doing?"
odelia fremont.

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