
By doubleblaack

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"Run away with me Chuuya." "W-What?" Chuuya looked at the brunette in shock. He didn't know what to think o... More

Run With Me, And Start A New
Mafia Ties Cut
Running From Our Past Regrets Pt. 1
Running From Our Past Regrets Pt.2
Dazai Arsene & The Life We Built
Let Me Save You Now
Darkness Comes to Light Pt. 1
Darkness Comes To Light Pt. 2
The Love of Family
Enough Is Enough
Trump Cards
Violetta and New Beginnings
Until The Very End

Protecting Our Family Until The End

3.5K 92 61
By doubleblaack

Dazai opened the door to their new flat. Dazai was carrying Chuuya in his arms bridal style, while his mother and Kouyou helped the children inside. Dazai carried Chuuya into the bed room and he laid Chuuya down softly on the bed. Chuuya rolled onto his side, and Dazai pulled off Chuuya's pants and shoes. Dazai left on Chuuya's shirt and he smiled at the comfortable and sleeping redhead as he covered him up. Dazai kissed Chuuya's cheek gently and he walked out of the room cracking the door.

Dazai walked back into the living room and he saw Arsene sitting at the table coloring. And Kouyou and his mother were having tea, while Violetta was asleep in her bouncer.

"How is he?"

"I got him in bed and comfortable. He's good and asleep. I appreciate you guys helping us." Dazai said smiling.

"It's no problem at all."

"Call us if you need anything okay hunny?" Tane said kissing Dazai's cheek.

"I will mother. Again, thank you both."

Dazai watched them leave and he closed the door. Dazai walked over to Violetta and he picked her up, Dazai cradled her lovingly and he smiled brightly as he looked down at his new born baby daughter.

"Come on buddy. Me and you need to take a bath, and while we do we are going to let baby sister rest with mommy hm? Then we'll join them."

Arsené jumped up and smiled. "I like that!"

Dazai chuckled at his son's excitement and Dazai walked into the bed room quietly. Arsené went into the master bedroom in his parent's room and he turned on the water for the bath tub. Dazai put Violetta next to Chuuya gently and he smiled as he looked at two of the most important people of his life, two of the people he loved the most sleeping peacefully. Dazai turned his attention to Arsené who was putting bubbles in the bath as he was now standing in the water completely unclothed and with his hair tied up in a bun. A way Chuuya often tied his hair when he was taking a bath.

"Papa hurry." Arsené said as he sat down and started playing with the bubbles. Dazai chuckled and he took off his clothes and bandages. Dazai also got in the tub and he yelped as he did.

"Arsene!" Dazai whined. "How are you dealing with this water? It's so hot."

Arsene looked at Dazai more than confused. "Mama and me always bathe in baths this hot."

Dazai looked at Arsene confused. He'd definitely have to scold Chuuya for this later.


Chuuya opened his eyes slowly, and as soon as he did he smiled. Chuuya looked at his beautiful daughter lying beside him and it brought tears to his eyes. He never knew he could love someone so much until him and Dazai met and they built a family. Chuuya loved his family with every fiber of his being. He loved them more than words could ever describe and this was why... this was why Chuuya had to do this. Because this was the only way he would ever be able to keep them safe. Chuuya looked at Violetta and he kissed her forehead gently.

"I promise you... I won't let you and your dad and brother be put in danger... I hope when your older... you can understand how much I loved you..." Tear's where sliding down Chuuya's face and he sniffled as he slipped out of bed. Chuuya wiped his tears and he slid on his pants. Chuuya put on the rest of his clothing and he looked at his daughter one more time before Chuuya left.


Dazai dried him and Arsené completely off once they got out of the tub. And Dazai quickly put on his pajamas and he just finished putting on Arsene's. Dazai and Arsené walked out of the bathroom and Dazai was surprised when he saw Chuuya was no longer in the bed with Violetta.

"Daddy where's mommy?"

"I don't know buddy. Stay here with your sister okay?"

Arsene nodded as he climbed up in the bed with Violetta and he guarded her closely just as his dad wanted. Dazai walked out and down the bed room, he was finding it odd that if Chuuya got up he didn't take Violetta with him. He would never leave her in the bed alone.

"Chuuya?" Dazai called out but there was no answer as he was making his way to the living room. "Chuuya?!" Dazai called out again. No response. Dazai pulled out his phone as he dialed Chuuya's number.

Chuuya was stopped at a red light and he noticed his phone ringing. It was Dazai... Chuuya didn't get to say goodbye and he wanted to properly. Chuuya answered the phone and he said nothing.

"Chuuya? Chuuya where are you baby? Why did you just leave the house?"

"Osamu listen to me... I want you to know I love you so much. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I am so grateful every day that you are in my life. I love you and Arsene and Violetta so much. And that's why I have to do this..." Chuuya said sobbing.

"Chuuya do what? What are you talking about?! Chuuya... please baby, where are you?!"

"I'm on my way to the Port Mafia Headquarters... I'm going to use corruption... I am going to destroy the whole organization... This way you guys can be free... and safe..."

"Chuuya no! Absolutely not! That's suicide! I'm coming after you!"

"No, you're not Dazai! The kids will need you!"

"And you don't think they need you?! You don't think I need you...?" Dazai said crying and begging. "Chuuya please come home... When can figure it out together..."

"I know you do... I know they do... But this is what's best... This is what's best for our family... And if I have to sacrifice myself to save you guys I will... I love you all so much... and I hope one day you can forgive me for what I'm about to do... I'm so sorry Osamu..."

"No! Chuuya don't hang up! D-Don't hang up...!" Dazai heard the dial ton as Chuuya ended the call. Dazai panted heavily and he automatically called his mother. She answered immediately. Dazai was a sobbing mess and he was rushing to throw on his clothes while talking.

"Shuuji... Calm down. What is wrong? What's going on?"

"C-Chuuya is going to u-use corruption... Mom I have to go save him! Please hurry here! Please!"

"Okay... Okay I'm coming. I'm going to call Kouyou. She's closer to you. She can be there in 5 minutes okay?"

"Okay!" Dazai hung up the phone and he wiped his eyes. Dazai went back into the bed room and Arsene knew his father was upset he looked at him sadly.

"Daddy what's wrong?" Arsene asked worriedly.

"Nothing baby boy. Daddy just has to go get Mommy okay?"

Arsene nodded as he felt his father kiss him on the forehead and then he kissed Violetta. Dazai would not let everything he worked so hard for go to waste. He did everything he could to protect his family. And he'd be damned if he was going to lose Chuuya. Dazai would save him no matter what. Because they were always in this together.


Chuuya kicked down the door to Mori's office and he stepped in angrily.

"Nakahara Chuuya." Mori smirked. "I can't believe you've actually came here, finally shown yourself to me. Are you here to negotiate handing over Arsene? Or Violetta?"

Chuuya cracked the ground under his feet. "Like hell! Fuck you! And fuck the whole Port Mafia! I won't let you harm my family!" Chuuya said illuminating red around his body.

"O Grantors of Dark Disgrace... Do Not Wake Me Again..." 

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