The shy girl [Jungkook FF]

By kook_bunny17

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"But.. Do you like me back?" he said shyly "Y-yeah.. but I don't want us to be together like this.." ⚠... More

Chapter 1: A new classmate
Chapter 2: Saying goodbye to dad
Chapter 3: Hanging out
Chapter 4: Meeting his friends
Chapter 5: Engaged?!
Chapter 6: Finding out we like each other
Chapter 8: Practice part 1
Chapter 9: Practice part 2
Chapter 10: Unexpected thing happened
Chapter 11: The concert day
Chapter 12: Jungkook's POV-Playing games
Chapter 13: Getting ready for a date
Chapter 14: We're together now
Chapter 15: SeolBi's past memories
Chapter 16: Upcomming tests in the end of the semester
Chapter 17: Date
Chapter 18: Tests😱
Chapter 19: Summer break
Chapter 20: Jungkook and his friends go to Japan
Chapter 21: Surprise!
Chapter 22: 2 years later
Chapter 23: The wedding
Bonus Chapter :)

Chapter 7: Befriending our parents and I get to sing a song?!

444 15 1
By kook_bunny17

Two weeks have passed since the marriage incident and our parents tried to talk with us but we still didn't want to talk with them.

The guys ( Jungkook's friends ), told us both to try to talk with our parents bit by bit.. And after 100 years, we agreed to talk with them.

Jungkook's POV

I agree to go to talk with my parents (only because my friends told me so), so I go to find them. Later I found them in my dad's office, talking about things I'm not even interested in.

I knocked on the door and I entered. My parents looked at me confused because back then I told them that I don't want to talk with them anymore.Then, dad asked me:

Dad:"Son, do you need something?"

Jungkook:"I.. want to talk with both of you.."

Dad:"Ok, we're listening."

Jungkook:"Ok so, I'm sorry for what I've said back then.. about not talking with you anymore and getting you out of my room like that and ignoring you.."

Dad:"I-it's allright.. We did something that we shouldn't and we should have asked your opinion. It's mostly our fault."

Mom:"Yeah.. We're sorry about that."

Jungkook:"It's nothing.. But next time when you want to do something that is about me, ask me first before you decide. At least this."

Dad:"Ok, we will."

Jungkook:"Well, I'm going to go now so please excuse me.."

Dad:"Ok, you can go now."

I get out of my dad's office, and sigh of relief and send a message that everything went good. Then I go to my room and lay on my bed and fall asleep a few seconds later.

SeolBi's POV

I got home and I see my mom in the kitchen cooking something. I take a deep breath and then I go talk with her.


Mom:"Yes SeolBi, what is it?"

I noticed that she didn't call me darling like she used to..

SeolBi:"I want to talk with you about something.."

Mom:"About what?"

SeolBi:"About how I got angry at you and screaming.. swearing, and telling you that I won't talk with you from now on.. All I want to say is.. I'm sorry.. I really am.."

Mom:"Are you really telling me the truth?"

SeolBi:"Yes, I am."

Mom:"Ok then. I forgive you." She opened her arms as sign that I can hug her.

SeolBi:"And mom.. From now on, I want you to ask my opinion if it's about something that has to do with me.. Ok?"

Mom:"Ok darling. I'll ask your opinion from now on."

After that, I helped my mom with making dinner. And it was delicious. After, I go to my room and send a message to the guys that everything was ok. I go to the bathroom to do my night routine and then I go to sleep.

In the morning I woke up and looked at the clock. It was 32 minutes before my allarm rang so I still had time to sleep. When my phone rang, I get off the bed and get ready for school.

I go down stairs and I find my mom in the kitchen making breakfast. I say good morning to her and she says back, then she gave me my breakfast. As always, it was delicious. I take my bag and then I go to school.

At school

SeolBi:"Good morning, Jungkook! How are you?"

Jungkook:"Good morning,and I'm fine. You?"

SeolBi:"I'm fine. So.. did everything go right with you parents?"

Jungkook:"Yeah.. Your's?"

SeolBi:"It was good. We have math now right?"


SeolBi:"Ok. Well we have 3 minutes before the bell rings, so we should go now.."

Jungkook:"Ok, let's go."

The math class was really boring, like always, and the other classes went by really fast. Then Jungkook asked me if I can come with him so spend some time with him and his friends.. And I agreed.

When I met them, they asked me this:

Jin:"SeolBi, umm.. We're gonna have a mini-concert at the park near your school, and Jungkook told us that you like to sing, so umm.. Would you like to sing a song?"

SeolBi:"M-me? T-to sing in f-front of other people? N-no.. That's not going to happen."


SeolBi:"Because I'm really shy.. When I'm with my friends or a family member I'm not but, when I have to sing in front of someone that I know or not.. I'm getting really nervous and then everything goes bad.."

Yoongi:"Then let's try this: for the first time your gonna sing in front of Jungkook, because you two are close friends, and then one by one until all of us are in the same room you're gonna sing. How does that sound?"

Namjoon:"That's a good ideea. SeolBi will get used to sing in front of others and it will be done quick."

Jin:"And we have enough time to practice because the concert will be after 3 weeks."

Jimin:"So.. What's the answer?"

SeolBi:"I think I could try.."

All of the boys:"Yaaayyyy!!!"

Namjoon:"Ok. So from tomorrow after school we will practice with your singing."

SeolBi:" Ok."

Yoongi:"Well.. It's kinda late so.. Jungkook, take her home."

Jungkoom:"Ok. C'mon, let's go."

Jungkook took me back home and then he has gone to his house.

Hi! I did another chapter and it's like 5:50 a.m. 😂 Well I don't know what to tell so.. I hope you liked this chapter. Bye!
And here's a cute fanart of Jungkook.😍

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