Alone Together...


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First waking up in the body of a character in Naruto, then meeting their inner personality was never a good t... More

The New Beginning
Getting Used To This World
Crazy First Day
Lessons On Etiquette
First Day Of Training
Revelations and Goals
The Bakery and The Encounters
Convenient Trip
Better Days
Finally Home
Ramen and Cookies
Getting Caught
Memorial Stone
The Game
Five In One Day
The Rain
Seriously Scary
Suspicion and Ninja Games
Unexpected Sleepover
Truth's Told
Not Expected
Believe In Me
Finally Friends
First Fight
The Academy
The Betrayal
All The Colors
Scroll of Sealing
Bell Test
The Wave Mission Part 1
The Wave Mission Part 2
The Wave Mission Part 3
I Remember You
Probation and Training
Forget About Everything
The Real Sakura
Change In Plans
The Chunin Exam's Part 1
The Chunin Exam's Part 2
The Chunin Exam's Part 3
The Chunin Exam's Part 4
The Chunin Exam's Part 5
First Kill

It Has Begun

6.3K 296 129

Sakura's POV

"You're not planning know, killing her are you?" Inner asked in doubt, with a bit of worry.

'No. Why would you think that?' I asked with a raised eyebrow as I walked through the streets.

"Well, you were so serious, but I doubted you could anyway. You're too nice." Inner stated with a frown.

'But I'm a ninja. I know I'll have to kill one day, but I'll make sure it's for a good reason, though I'd rather not kill any one.' I said and stopped at a fruit stand when she stopped to look at some jewelry.

"...Of course..." Inner said with a roll of her eyes but before I could question her, the woman moved her hand to pick up an accessory.

"What is that woman doing outside anyways?" Inner asked curiously. I narrowed my eyes at the woman and observed her carefully. I made sure to make small talk with the vendor as I looked around. No need for people to be suspicious of me, though lots of tourist should be coming in, what with the exams.

'To civilian's she just looks like a possible tourist from some other country. They don't know she's from Otogakure. Taking the opportunity that foreigners were coming in, they must be blending in with the crowd and laying low until they started their plan. Getting general information about Konoha's layout is important for them.' I said as I watched how she scrutinized a small hairpin that looked like a flute from my distance.

"Hmm, so what's the plan?" Inner asked as she crossed her arms.

'Make contact with her and figure out all we can. From her attitude, to where their staying, anything and everything.' I said as I moved away from the food stand when she went into a weapon's store. I stayed outside and looked through the jewelry she once was looking at.

"Anything I can help you with sir?! A gift for your girlfriend perhaps?!" The vendor excitedly exclaimed. I smiled at him briefly before looking down at his merchandize. I had almost forgotten that I had transformed into a guy.

"Not exactly...but I will take this." I said and picked up the flute hairpin the woman had looked at fondly.

"Ohhh! Great choice!" The vendor said and I quickly paid for the accessory when she had come out of the store.

"Why did you buy that?" Inner asked in confusion. I made sure I walking close behind the woman before answering.

'You'll see.' I said with a smile. Since I was acting as a guy, might as well use it as an advantage.

The streets were getting crowded and I could only casually keep up with her because of her unusual hair color and her chakra. She rounded a corner and I quickened my pace so I could catch up.

'It's now or never.' I thought as I sensed her stop. If she was any good of a Kunoichi, she should have known I was following her...but only because I wanted her too. I had only let a small stream of chakra be sensed through my body as any other civilian's would.

I rounded the corner and bumped right into her. I grunted out in surprise so she wouldn't suspect and stumbled a bit to finish up the act.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to-" I began but was cut off when a kunai was pointed at me.

"Who are you?! Who sent you to follow me?!" She hissed out angrily. I lifted up my hands in a surrendering manner.

"Whoa, calm down! No one sent me! I followed you on my own." I explained and watched her narrowed eyes relax slightly. She straightened out of her fighting stance but didn't stop glaring.

"Why?!" She asked and I smiled and lowered my hands.

"Your hair...reminds me of a good friend of mine. At first I thought you were her, but soon realized you weren't. I wasn't planning on following you any more once I found out you weren't her, but you looked...lost." I finished up and noticed her eyes narrow angrily. So I had been right. Something was bothering her to make her come out and look around so casually.

"Nonsense! I was merely touring the place!" She said. I raised and eyebrow at her.

"Are you here by yourself? Where are your friends?" I asked and she look behind me with a frown with a flash of something in her eyes.

"They could hardly be called friends...and they wouldn't come even if I asked...Why would you even care?!" She asked irritated after mumbling the first part sadly. She had her glare back onto me with full force.

"I've already said it. You remind me of a good friend of mine and besides, who would leave someone in distress? Especially a girl." I said remembering Naruto's kind attitude with everyone. I watched in wonder as her frown disappeared and was replaced with surprise and...was that a blush?

"Great job casanova! Now she's in love with you!"Inner said laughing like a maniac.

'Inner, be reasonable. Who falls in love with someone just because of that? My guess is that since she works with Orochimaru, such compliments don't come by so often...I would have said that to just so happened that I said it when I looked like a guy this time.' I said and watched the woman put away her kunai and look away from me shyly. Dear god, Inner better not have been right.

'Anyways, this could prove to be useful.' I thought and raised my hand up to her hat. The movement surprised her enough to lose the shy attitude and revert to her alert kunoichi mode.

In that moment, a rush of memories rushed into my mind was different. Instead of seeing them in the moment, they seemed to be stored away. It must be Inner's doing.

"What do you think you're doing?!" she questioned with a glare. I smiled and finished clipping the flute hairpin into her hair.

"Giving you a welcoming gift for your visit to Konoha." I said and pulled my hand back down when she reached for her hair. Her eyes widened when she realized it had been the one she was staring at before. A blush spread across her face which almost rivaled her hair.

"Hahaha! How cute! You still think she hasn't fallen for you?!" Inner asked in between laughs. I wish I could slap her, but that would have to wait until later in practice.

"Who would greet every foreigner coming to their village?!" She questioned rudely without making eye contact.

"...Well, you probably would..." Inner said and I smiled at both of them.

"Well, I'm glad you liked it. Hopefully you find your friends and enjoy your stay." I said and began to walk away from the alleyway we were in. I finished my goal and I didn't want to stick around to find out whether she really did fall in love with this transformation.

"Wait!" I cursed my luck and turned around. She was looking down to her feet and I could see her face was still red even when her hair covered it up.

"What is it?" I asked almost nervously.

'Please, please don't say anything weird.' I chanted in my head, trying to ignore Inner's snickering in the background.

"Y-Your name? What is it?" She asked as she looked up with not so well hidden resolve. I could feel my left eye twitch a minuscule as Inner roared with laughter. This woman wasn't doing things as I wanted. She was supposed to be angry and rude, not shy!

'What do I say?' I thought hurriedly. I didn't really know the name of this guy.

A shadow flew passed her face rapidly and I knew it had to have been a bird's.

'...Sorry Sora...' I apologized and smiled down at the woman.

"Sora." I answered and was prepared to leave immediately when she continued to talk. Curse all those years of etiquette classes!

"...Sora?...My name is Tayuya!" She informed and looked at me unwaveringly, and expectantly.

'What should I say now! She wont leave!' I thought nervously.

"Well, compliment her and maybe say you have to leave." Inner said. It seemed like the best plan. Now to think about what to say...

"That's a lovely name." I finally said and watched her turn beet red. Oh god, she really did like this guy! I cleared my throat to get her attention and took a step back.

"I will have to leave now Tayuya-san. I'm expected somewhere else." I said and watched her snap into attention. She looked up to the sky and her face seemed to lose the ridiculous blush.

"I am too. I guess...I'll see you around Sora." She said quickly before running out of the alleyway and body flickering away. When I couldn't sense her presence anywhere near, I leaned heavily against the wall and sighed.

"Finally." I accidentally said out loud.

"That was hilarious!" Inner screamed out as she rolled on the ground and laughed.

'How so? Oh right, she wasn't crushing on you! And what happened to the honorific?!' I thought exasperatedly as Inner just laughed even louder.

I flinched violently when my hand was grabbed.

'Oh no she's back!' I thought in despair as I quickly looked over and came face to face with not a red haired female, but a brown haired male.

"...Haku?!" I asked in surprise, Inner's laughter stopped and now her googly eyes replaced it.

He chuckled and smiled over to me knowingly. I un-did the transformation jutsu and sighed when I returned back to my normal self. I pulled off my glove and pulled his hand so he could follow me out of the alleyway and onto the streets. I didn't want to stay there and continue to be paranoid.

"Did you see?" I asked while I rubbed my aching head.

"If you mean the interesting scene that was you transforming into a man and flirting with a woman? I did happen to come across seeing it." Haku finished with a chuckle. I stopped walking and tightened my hold on his hand.

"Don't ever speak of this to anyone, and I was not flirting." I said and watched him laugh along with Inner.

"I know. You were 'gathering research'." He said, repeating the words I said when we first met. I narrowed my eyes further.

"Hahaha, he got you there!" Inner exclaimed, barely able to breathe from all her laughing fits.

"This is serious!" I said to both of them. Haku, stopped laughing and nodded down to me.

"I was only kidding. I know you must have your reasons for flirting with a woman." He said and I sighed. They wouldn't let me live it down.

"I do have my reasons. Hold on, I'll show you." I said and closed my eyes in concentration. In a matter of moments, scenes I had seen only a few minutes ago, replayed in my mind for him to see.

"So she's from Otogakure...and working for Orochimaru."Haku concluded as the images stopped. I nodded up to him and we began to walk down the streets.

"Yes, but I didn't know where her other teammates were, so I placed a tracking seal on the hairpin I gave her." I explained but left out the part where all her memories were also stored somewhere in my mind for later viewing.

"I see. So will you be-" Haku's question was cut short when a scream broke through the air behind us. We both let go of each others hands and turned around. I really wished I hadn't.

Normal POV

"Sakura Haruno! How dare you keep such a big secret away from me!" Ino shouted from a few feet away, causing many heads to turn.

"What are you talking about Ino-pig?" Sakura asked with a sigh. Ino frowned and stomped her way over to Sakura. She stopped and pointed her finger at her hand.

"Don't act innocent! You and Haku are going out! When were you planning on telling me?!" Ino asked as she held her hips and looked at her expectantly. Neither Haku nor Sakura made a big reaction Ino was hoping for.

Sakura rolled her eyes and waved a hand dismissively. She replaced her glove on her hand and walked over to Haku's side. She picked up his hand and pointed at a partially healed cut that had suddenly appeared on his hand.

"I was healing his hand." Sakura said and Ino grabbed Haku's hand to inspect it. She gaped at it and looked at Sakura suspiciously.

"Then why were you holding it as you walked? You could have stopped and healed it and then walked." Ino said. Sakura shrugged and placed her hands within her haori.

"We needed to get to our team meeting and I can't heal that fast yet." Sakura said and Ino mumbled something before dropping Haku's hand. Her grumpy frown was instantly replaced by a cheerful smile. She wrapped an arm around Sakura's shoulder's and they began to walk in their previous direction.

"Okay forehead, I believe you; but you better tell me as soon as you get a boyfriend. Not that you would get one before me!" She exclaimed with a laugh and Sakura stared at her incredulously before chuckling.

"Whatever you say pig." Sakura responded as they walked on.

As Ino babbled about her week without Sakura, and Sakura was content on listening and humming her agreements. Haku spoke only when spoken to but mostly observed them. He was amazed by Sakura's ability to put up a Genjutsu that Ino hadn't detected on his hand. He was sure he wouldn't have known if it wasn't for the fact that he didn't have a cut on his palm.

Looking away from his uninjured hand, Haku looked in between the two girls walking ahead of him. He found it interesting how such a girl like Ino could have such an impact on someone like Sakura. He was used to her teasing Naruto, Sasuke or even Kakashi; but her attitude changed when she was around Ino. He was sure everyone could see how polite she was with everyone except Ino.

They insulted each other and had opposite attitudes and opinions; but something that they only knew made things work between them.

Haku smiled and shook his head from such complicated thoughts. He just decided that every girl was weird and complicating to understand.


Haku and Sakura silently made their way towards the red bridge they used to meet up with the team.

Sakura wasn't really curious as to what the meeting was about, since she knew it was for the exams. Sakura and Inner were more excited to actually see them after a whole week of intense individual training...on their part.

"Haku, they weren't mad about my absence, were they?" Sakura asked as they walked the familiar dirt path. Haku smiled over to Sakura reassuringly.

"Don't worry, they weren't mad, just worried." Haku responded and Sakura raised an eyebrow in question.

"Why?" She asked and ducked under the upcoming branch. Every training ground was always surrounded by trees.

"We just worried that you would push yourself too much." Haku explained but Sakura stayed quiet. Not wanting to say that she had indeed increased the difficulty.

They approached the bridge and Sasuke was there already as well as Zabuza and Naruto.

"Sakura-chan! Haku!" Naruto shouted from his place on the bridge. Sakura and Haku waved back and smiled over to their over-energetic teammate.

"Good morning everyone." Sakura greeted politly. In a blink of an eye, Sakura disappeared and reappeared behind Sasuke on the rail of the bridge. Sasuke turned and grabbed her wrist before she could grab ahold of him.

"I'm impressed Sasuke. Your sensing ability has gotten better, I'm glad you took up my advice and trained." Sakura said with a smile. Sasuke let her wrist go with a grunt but nonetheless smirked over to Naruto.

"Teme! Sakura-chan, I've trained hard too!" Naruto exclaimed with a glare towards Sasuke. Sakura smiled over to Naruto from her seat at the rail.

"That's great!" She said and watched worriedly as Naruto's face reddened by the compliment.

She glared over to Haku who noticed her expression and began to chuckle.

'I don't want to see any more blushing faces today!' Sakura thought.

"So did you get any training in?" Zabuza asked as he walked over and lean on the rail beside her. He wanted to get away from the bickering boys who always fought loudly; and Sakura was always exuded a comfortable aura.

"Yeah, and other things." Sakura responded as she leaned far back on the railing to look up into the blue cloudless sky.

"I'll need to talk to you guys about a few things after the meeting." She said calmly as she closed her eyes in concentration. She could feel Kakashi's chakra getting closer.

She pulled herself back up and opened her eyes as soon as a poof was heard.

"Hey guys, sorry I'm late. I got lost on the path of life." Kakashi explained wistfully.

"LIAR!" Naruto shouted while Sakura spoke out with less volume than Naruto.

"You were talking with Genma for quite some time." Sakura said which had the other's turn from her to Kakashi. He smiled his famous eye-crinkle smile and walked closer to his team.

"Ah, good to have you back, and Genma's a very wise man." Kakashi stated. Sakura smiled at him with mirth in her eyes.

"I'm sure his knowledge ranges broadly only in certain areas." Sakura teased. Kakashi chuckled and ruffled her hair.

"Alright, let's not pick on him too much without him present." Kakashi said and Sakura chuckled, hopping off the rail.

"Come on sensei! Get on with the meeting already!" Naruto exclaimed impatiently.

"Alright, I called for this meeting to ask you one last time. Are you sure you want to enter the Chunin Exam's? I have a meeting with the Hokage today, all Genin sensei must attend. We have to give our recommendations." Kakashi said and looked at all his student's. His gaze stayed longer on Sakura. He needed to make sure that she knew what she was putting them through.

When he received three nods of different levels of excitement, he continued.

"Alright then, I'll come by each of your home's to give you the application forms later today." Kakashi finished. Naruto stepped up and pointed at Sakura.

"Sakura-chan, how about we all meet up at your house? That would make things faster for sensei AND you promised a team dinner a long time ago!" Naruto reminded which caused Sakura to wince as she remembered the promise.

"I'll make it up with a team dinner...whenever you want."The words repeated in her mind as she remembered.

"That's right I did promise you we could have one whenever you wanted. If it's alright with everyone, then I don't mind. I'll just have to quickly get everything ready because of the sudden notice." Sakura said. Kakashi looked around and saw no refusal from anyone.

"Then we've agreed. We'll all meet up at Sakura's house tonight and discuss things further." Kakashi finalized.

"Woohoo! Dinner party before the Exam's!" Naruto shouted happily. Sakura and the others smiled at Naruto's overly excited attitude.

"Before being dismissed to our separate ways, there's one more thing. Since Zabuza and Haku have finally been accepted into Konoha's ninja ranks, they will be on their own from now on." Kakashi explained. Sasuke looked around in wonder while Naruto looked shocked.

"What! Does that mean they're not part of Team Seven anymore?!" Naruto asked in confusion.

"Well, they had always been a temporary addition to the group until seen as loyal people to the village. They were bound to be let on their own sometime." Kakashi explained, however it only worsened the situation. Sasuke now had a deep frown while Naruto looked about ready to cry. Sakura smiled at them and stepped up to help Kakashi.

"Naruto, Sasuke you both need to realize something important. Something we've known since day one of Kakashi-sensei being our sensei." Sakura said, gaining their attention.

"Camaraderie. If we get promoted to Chunin, we technically don't need to stay in a team; but even so, we'll still be Team Seven. We'll still have missions together, all that'll really happen is we might get switched around with other teams or have solo missions. The same goes with Haku and Zabuza. They'll be on their own sometimes, but they'll still be apart of Team Seven, however short the time was." Sakura finished up with a reassuring smile.

Kakashi ruffled her hair and noticed the aura around the group wasn't so tense anymore.

"Great explanation Sakura, I couldn't have said it any better." Kakashi praised, which was received with a knowing smile.

"I know, and that's precisely why I did so." Sakura said, knowing Kakashi could only give such an inspirational speech when it was truly important. The only reason he didn't this time was probably because he thought they would have realized it themselves.

"Anyways, Naruto, if you're done crying come with me to get things for tonight." Sakura said. Naruto sniffled but grinned in happiness anyways.

"Okay Sakura-chan!" Naruto said happily.

"Sasuke, you'll go too." Sakura said which caused Naruto to make a ruckus.

"What?! Why does the teme have to come?!" Naruto shouted in irritation. Sasuke too looked at Sakura with annoyance. Sakura, however, took everything with a calm stride.

"Sasuke has nothing better to do, so he might as well come too." Sakura said as she turned the irritated boys and pushed them forwards.

"Now, let's get going." Sakura instructed the boys who trudged on. Sakura smiled and turned around to the others.

"We'll talk after dinner. I'll have to fill you in on everything." Sakura said. They nodded and Sakura waved goodbye before flickering over to the other's when Naruto called out to her.


They shopped for hours. Getting many things...and taking many things out. Naruto had insisted on having ramen, but Sakura said they could just make it at home instead of instant noodles.

Sakura was actually feeling very happy shopping with her two teammates. She was glad that they hadn't been tested by Iruka or ran into any trouble. Maybe things would turn out better than the anime/manga.

Once they finished paying for everything, they all walked towards Sakura's house. Naruto and Sasuke occupied themselves with putting up the groceries in their location when they arrived. Sakura in the mean time went up to her room to get Sora. She wrote a note and attached it to his leg.

"Alright Sora, take it to Madoka." Sakura instructed as she held her arm out the window. As soon as Sora left she went back down to the kitchen, worried the guys would get into a fight.

"You guys are welcomed to stay. I'm going to start getting as much done before my mother gets home." Sakura said as she shuffled through the bags that stayed on the counter.

"Well, we have nothing better to do. Can we help?" Naruto offered, which receive him a glare from Sasuke and a smile from Sakura.

"Sure. I appreciate the help. You guys can help clean and set things up while I cook." Sakura said and they all got to work.


Two hours into their work, Madoka had come in with bags full of pastries.

Sakura had finished preparing the simple dishes she was sure they liked while deciding to leave the main course for Madoka.

Sasuke and Naruto had helped clean up and set things up in the dinning room. When they finished, they helped with preparing the food.

During this time, the members of Team Seven were told that Kioshi was on a mission and would not be home. Unfortunately, Madoka said that she had earlier in the week been invited to Marianne's house to eat. She would be able to greet the rest of Team Seven but then she would have to go.

It would end up truly being a Team Seven exclusive dinner.


Sakura's POV

"I'm sorry we won't be able to join you and your team Sakura." Madoka said. I smiled up at her reassuringly.

"That's okay. This dinner was really sudden and I'm sure there'll be more." I said looking over to Naruto who grinned sheepishly.

"Alright then, next time." Madoka said with a smile. I looked over to the clock on the wall and noticed it to be seven o'clock. As I was going to question about their arrival, there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it." I said while getting up from the couch. We had moved in here a few minutes ago after finishing everything up.

"Who do you think it is? Zabuza or Kakashi? My votes on Zabuza. Kakashi would never get here on time."Inner said. I chuckled and shook my head. Inner asked this question often for fun. Since they were both great at suppressing their chakra, it was a guess at which it could be.

'It's Kakashi, as shocking as that is. My reason being, Zabuza would never get here without Haku. Unless he has a good reason for doing so.' I said as I reached the door. I opened it and smiled at Kakashi, but my smile dropped when I saw the other two behind him. I could understand Zabuza, but Haku?

"I guess we were both right." Inner said.

'Or wrong. We thought it was only one person and Haku was certainly a surprise.' I said as I smiled up to them.

"I guess Naruto and Sasuke aren't the only ones who trained hard the past week." I complimented. Haku smiled and thanked me. I looked behind me as Madoka came up.

"Oh, you guys must be the remainder of the team. I apologize for not being able to join the group but I was invited to another dinner before this. Kioshi will also miss it due to a mission he's on." Madoka informed.

"It's alright. The dinner was very unexpected and we apologize if it caused any inconvenience." Kakashi said. Madoka dismissed the thought with a laugh, and welcomed them in.

When we all stood in the hallway at the doors entrance, they introduced each other.

"Okay Sakura, I'm going to Marianne's if you need anything you know where to find me. Bye boys, thanks for helping out earlier." Madoka said with a hug goodbye. I turned away from the door once it closed and made my way to the living room. They were all talking and I smiled at the peaceful scene. If only things could just stay like this.

"Alright, let's eat!" Naruto shouted from his spot on the armchair. When I nodded in approval, he sprung from his seat and practically ran to the dinning room. We all followed in a much calmer pace.


Dinner had been great, the desert especially. Everyone looked like they enjoyed it, even Zabuza and Sasuke. They participated in our conversations and Zabuza had even offered some advice for tomorrow.

"Man! That was great!" Naruto exclaimed blissfully. I smiled after taking a sip of my drink.

"I'm glad you liked it." I said. Naruto grinned in happiness.

"We should definitely do it again!" He said and I nodded my agreement.

"How about after the exams? With everyone next time?" I said and watched as he nodded enthusiastically.

"That's great and all, but first you have to pass. What would be the point of a party if you didn't?" Kakashi said with his chin on his palm, which was held up by his elbow being prompted by the table. Such a lazy posture fitting his image perfectly.

I was still amazed just like all the others on how fast he ate. Throughout the whole dinner-and every other time we ate with him-we could never see his face. We hadn't yet gotten to the point of stalking him, but I was sure Naruto would be bringing it up after the exam's.

"Well, it could be a pity-party." I said and heard the chuckles that traveled around the table.

"We'll make it especially for you dobe." Sasuke taunted and I watched along with the other's how Naruto took the deliberate provocation.

As they fought, I looked down to my cup of tea.

'Could this peace really be coming to an end soon?' I thought.

"It may not necessarily be soon, since we've changed a lot. Things could be different this time." Inner stated.

'I know, but things could also happen sooner, or not even happen at all. Either way, we have to be prepared for when things really do get worse.' I said and snapped out of my thoughts when Naruto and Sasuke stood up. Without asking, I looked over to the clock and found out that it was already ten. They must be leaving to get some sleep for tomorrow.

"Don't forget to turn in your application forms to room 301 at the Academy at three p.m. tomorrow." Kakashi said as he handed each of us a piece of paper.

"Don't worry! We're not like you, we'll even get there early!" Naruto exclaimed as he shouted his goodbye's. He ran out of the house mumbling things like 'alarm clock' and 'never waking up'. I laughed and looked over to Sasuke who grumbled his goodbye's and walked out as he read over the form. I sighed at how very different those two were. I looked down at the form given to me and grabbed a pen from the kitchen.

"I heard from Haku that something very interesting happened to you this morning." Kakashi nonchalantly spoke up. I looked up from the application form I was working on.

"Haku, I see you like to gossip. I didn't think you would tell them when I asked you not to." I said with a hurt look.

"I didn't go in detail...but it was hard not to say anything at all." Haku said and I narrowed my eyes at him when he chuckled.

"Whatever, I'm not explaining myself. I know why I did it." I said in defense. Kakashi chuckled and leaned back on his seat.

"Either way, you had something to tell us right?" Kakashi asked. I sighed and finished writing in the information required on the back of the form.

"Yeah, I want to go over the plan with you guys. Shishou and Ibiki-san already know, and I'm sure they've told the other two. If you see them sensei, make sure to figure out whether they have or not. You'll have to tell them so they'll know what their part in the whole thing is." I said and signed my signature on the front of the form.

"Alright, but why wait until now?" Kakashi asked. I smiled and took off my gloves.

"Shishou and I have been working on a plan and only yesterday finished it...however, this morning's event made me revise my part a little." I said looking over to Haku. I placed my hands on top of the table and waited for them to grab ahold of them.

"Alright, this will take awhile." I said. Inner and I closed our eyes and concentrated on showing them everything so they could be ready for tomorrow.

~Next Day~

When I saw the familiar flower field I knew it would have me wondering the same things as before. Where was I? Who was the woman? And why wouldn't she tell me?

I once again looked like Kazumi instead of Sakura. This time I looked around and found no one around. I sighed and took a seat on the grass, surrounding myself with the flowers.

I took in the abundance of flowers as far as the eye could see and noticed the slight difference from before. The clouds, they were a bit darker, almost as if rain would fall any moment.

"Do not unseal Haruki's scroll. Not in front of thatman." A voice from behind me spoke. I turned and saw the woman walk towards me.

"Why?" I asked not really expecting an answer. I've pretty much came to the idea that she would continue to be secretive.

As predicted, she didn't answer. I turned back around, not really planning on having any other conversations with the woman.

I flinched when I felt something on my shoulder. I was jumpier than usual, because here I couldn't sense anything.

When I looked at it, I saw a hand holding onto me. I turned my head and noticed that the woman had indeed approached me. Her hair cascaded over her shoulder and down towards me.

"I'm sorry." She said and without her explaining anything, I seemed to understand.

"It's okay. I'll understand someday right?" I said with a smile and watched as a smile appeared on her own face. She nodded and before any other conversation could occur, everything darkened and I opened my eye's inside my room.

"I'm starting to get used to these weird dreams." I mumbled as I sat up.

"I take it you had another visit with that strange woman?" Inner asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, and she told me not to unseal the scroll Haruki gave us in front of a 'man'. I have a feeling she was talking about Orochimaru...but I could be wrong." I said and got out of bed.

"Yeah, he makes sense. We probably would open the scroll if it was him we were fighting." Inner said as she nodded her head in agreement.

"We're going to see him today. I'm going to rely on you to suppress my chakra. No one can sense yours anyways, so it shouldn't be too bad." I said as I went around gathering my things for the day.

"...I'm getting a little nervous..." Inner said as she shrunk into herself.

"It's okay. We'll get by." I said and entered the bathroom.


I smiled as I walked the streets towards the academy. The road was familiar from all the times I've walked it.

Breakfast had been pleasant. Kioshi and Madoka had invited Chouko, Marianne, and Yashiro. We all ate happily and they wished me, Sasuke and Naruto good luck.

"Morning Sakura-chan!" Naruto shouted from his spot on his swing. Sasuke leaned coolly against the tree and offered a nod as a greeting.

"Good morning you two. You didn't forget your application forms, did you?" I asked and watched them take out their forms. I smiled and patted my pocket were mine was.

"Good. Let's go, I'm sure we'll see familiar faces soon." I said and walked towards the building, the others following behind.

As we entered, I allowed Sasuke to take the lead and I walked behind with Naruto. I was planning on keeping myself as unnoticeable as possible. I didn't want Orochimaru or anyone equally as dangerous to notice.

We walked up the first flight of stairs and immediately we stopped in the middle of the hallway. A group of Genin blocked the entrance of a classroom. The top of the door had the number 301 and I also noticed many with their forms out and ready to turn in.

"Let's go." Sasuke said and we followed behind. As we passed behind them, I tried to stand on my tippy toes and look over everyone to the center.

I didn't have to stretch any further. The crowd in front of me parted and the color green was the last I thing I saw before I was knocked into.

"Augh!" I looked over to Lee who grunted in pain.

"Are you okay?" I asked. He turned towards me and gasped in surprise. With an incredible speed he stood up and bowed in a low bow.

"Sakura-chan! I am terribly sorry! Please forgive me!" He said with a red face. I smiled up to him and shook my head.

"It's fine Lee, but are you okay?" I asked again and watched him nod his head. A hand came into my line of sight and I followed it up to Neji. I took it with a grateful smile and looked over to Lee who gasped in surprise once more. Tenten had also made her way over and wrapped her arms around my shoulders in a hug.

"I cannot believe I forgot to help you up! It was I who cause you to fall, so I should have helped you up! Where has all the youth gone?!" Lee shouted and I chuckled at his attitude.

"Do you see now what I mean?" Tenten asked and I nodded with a chuckle.

"I can't believe he's actually wearing that!" Inner shouted and I smiled over to Neji.

"I see you guys are participating in the exams." I said over to Neji. He nodded and looked over to Sasuke and Naruto. They too were looking this way with a look of wonder and irritation.

"That's right. However, I never imagined to be taking it at the same time you did." Neji said. I nodded and looked over to Tenten who was calming Lee down.

"Tenten, why didn't you say anything?" I asked and watched as she scratched her head shyly.

"I wanted it to be a surprise." Tenten said with a smile over to me and then Naruto.

"You brats actually think you'll make it into the exams?" Kotetsu cut in with his Genjutsu form.

"You guys couldn't even get past us! You should just leave!" Izumo said. I looked over to Sasuke who looked my way when he felt my gaze. I tilted my head to the flight of stairs behind him and watched him nod.

"We were planning on it without you having to say anything." Sasuke said, gaining everyone's attention.

"So you plan on giving up? All these brats should follow your example!" Kotetsu said.

"Giving up? No, we're merely going to room 301 to turn in our forms." I said and walked over to the others. I waved goodbye to Lee's team as I just walked towards the stairs, knowing Sasuke and Naruto would follow.

"This is room 301!" Izumo stated.

"Nu-uh! This is a Genjutsu! We just walked up one flight of stairs!" Naruto exclaimed. I smiled from my distance in pride that they had both sensed the Genjutsu.

"Well well, seems you saw through it." Izumo stated as the Genjutsu was dispelled. I sighed and took a seat on the first step so I could watch the scene unfold.

"But even so, you'll never be able to make it past the first round!" Kotetsu exclaimed as he kicked out towards Sasuke.

To my surprise, things turned out differently. Sasuke kept still and I almost thought he was going to let himself be kicked, until a flash of orange caught my eyes.

Naruto appeared before Sasuke and high kicked to block Kotetsu's attack but was stopped by Lee. I was so amazed that I was sure my face showed my big smile. Those two really did improve in their team work. Never would I have seen that coming.

It almost looked like they planned it. I never knew they were so confident with each other's presence.

"Friend's please, let's not fight here. Let's use the power of our youth in the exam's." Lee suggested and I smiled at the look of amazement on both Naruto's and Sasuke's faces .

'Good. They're interested.' I thought as I watched them exchange a few more words, probably introductions, before parting ways.

"What happened?" I asked as they approached. Naruto frowned and intertwined his hands behind his head.

"That bushy-brow's guy got in the way of my amazing debut!" Naruto exclaimed and Sasuke and I rolled our eyes. I looked over to Sasuke for a better explanation.

"Hn, we just met the team called Team Gai. You're acquainted right?" Sasuke asked. I nodded as we walked up the flight of stairs.

"Yeah." I answered as I looked around in wonder. This was the place were Lee should have appeared...but he didn't come. When we passed the location, I was starting to get nervous. Things weren't really going as expected.


Turning in our forms was quick and without delay's. When we rounded the corner, we saw Kakashi leaning against the wall before the double doors.

"Hey, glad you all made it. Wouldn't want to make me look bad now would you?" Kakashi asked as he put away his book.

"Of course sensei. Your reputation is our first priority." I said as we stopped in front of him. He smiled and ruffled my hair before doing the same to the others.

"I'm proud of each and every one of you. Honestly, I couldn't have asked for a better team." Kakashi said as he moved away from the doors. I looked over to the boys and watched the look of determination on their countenance. They both placed a hand on each door and looked back to me with a smile...or smirk in Sasuke's case. I smiled back and nodded my agreement.

They both turned back around and pushed the doors open. I stayed in place as they went through watching their backs.

"I promise...I'll keep them safe while they're with me." I said and felt his final pat of encouragement on my head before I followed after the two. Once I walked through the doors, I immediately made sure to locate everyone I knew.

I kept myself positioned behind the two guys, because I wanted nothing more than to be ignored. The room was full of ninja's and they all looked over to anyone who seemed to be worthy of entertainment for their boring wait. Or just to gauge out anyone who could be powerful.

With Sasuke as an Uchiha and Naruto's attitude we were bound to get noticed...Not to mention my hair and position as the Hokage's apprentice. I was desperately trying to forget all those things and hope that everything would go according to plan.

"T-This is..." Naruto stuttered nervously. I looked over to him cautiously.

"Isn't this where he pretty much makes an enemy out of everyone? He will ruin everything if he's so loud!"Inner said and before I could respond, a loud voice rang throughout the room.

"Forehead girl! Don't act all high and mighty just because you're the Hokage's apprentice! What have you been doing that you haven't spoken to us in forever!" Ino shouted out. I winced and tried to shrink behind Sasuke and Naruto, away from the prying eyes.

'...He's not the only one...' I thought as I felt sweat beads forming on my forehead. They could ruin the plan before it even got started. I closed my eyes and tried to calm down my pounding heart.

'This is it...' I thought and opened my eyes in resolve. I straightened up and turned my attention towards all the people in the room.

'It has begun.'


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