Sweet Like Honey But Sting Li...

By krazygirlo900

66.1K 1.4K 214

Layla is the crazy half sister of Sam witwhicky. She was drawn into the crazy world of the transformers after... More



6.3K 117 55
By krazygirlo900


Hidden in plain sight....much closer than they appear....


I jumped and sat up straight as I looked at our teacher Mr. Hosney expecting to be scolded. However, it was my brother he had called and not me.

I exhaled in relief before returning to resting my hands back on my arms only to see them wet and red. I touched the corner of my mouth before quickly wiping away the dribble.

I glanced around the classroom, hoping no one saw me but they were all focused on my brother. I rested my head back on my hands and actually paid attention this time.

'Got to stop falling asleep in classes'

My brother, and no we're not twins, Sam was at the front of the class. Today we had presentations on family heirlooms or something important to the family and why they had such sentiment.

Sam was at the front of the class with our great, great grandfather's stuff. Luckily for me, I had presented on our aunt Genevra's stuff and had gone first in the class so I could sleep through the rest of the presentations.


"Sorry. Unfortunately, the genius that our great, great grandfather was, he ended up going blind and crazy in a psycho ward drawing these strange symbols and babbling on about some giant ice man that he discovered"

True story by the way.

The bell rang and everyone stood up not caring about the rest of the presentation or to be dismissed. As they left, Sam tried to make bargains and to sell our great, great grandfather's things even though I told him not to.

I could already see how this was going.

It was Friday and today, if both of us had managed to get an A, Dad promised us he would get us our first car.

The amount of begging, and pleading, and chores we had to do to pull this off just for my idiot brother to ruin this chance was really going to ruin my whole mood.

I sighed.

'Goodbye first car'

Unfortunately, we had to share the car. Something about responsibility and sharing between siblings but we both know it's just that dad doesn't want to spend the money.

Sam annoyed Mr. Hosney, a specialty of his really, until he got an A minus. I jumped out of my seat and grabbed my bag just as Sam yelled "Yes!" and grabbed his.

We both ran out of school and towards where our father usually parked.

"So?" dad asked. I grinned.

"A's. We both got A's." Sam said.

Dad looked at the reports and smiled. Sam and I jumped into the Austin-Healy 3000 like we were so accustomed to doing. Opening the door takes longer.

"I got a surprise for you two" dad said

"What kind of....." Sam said but stopped when he saw Dad pulled into a Porsche store. Needless to say he freaked out. I, on the other hand, didn't believe this for a second and crossed my arms.

'He's definitely kidding us'

"Oh, you gotta be kidding me," Sam said excitedly. I shook my head.

"Yeah, I am. You're not getting a Porsche." he said laughing. I sucked my teeth. I knew it was too good to be true. A Porsche would've been nice though.

"You think this is funny?" Sam asked angrily as Dad drove out of the parking lock.

"C'mon, it's Dad. You should've expected this" I said but he ignored me.

"What's wrong with you?" Sam asked.

'A lot bro, a lot.'

Dad was still laughing like crazy though. "You....really thought.....I would've bought you.....a Porsche"

"Yeah dad, laugh it up" I grumbled as I pulled my curly hair out of my face. I was mixed. Dad met a woman in a bar and was smitten with her for a while and here I am. But things didn't go well and then he met aunty Judy, Sam's mother.

The woman returned to Barbados, an island in the Caribbean and where I was born. I grew up there before coming to live with Dad.

We passed a clown with a sign pointing to the right and dad took that path. We got out and there were many cars here and also remains of cars.

Of course. This is just like dad.

"Here? No, no, no, what is this?" Sam said. "You said half a car, not half a piece a crap dad"

"I don't know, one man's trash could be another's treasure." I said looking around.

"That's right Layla. And you have experience, not?" Dad said grinning

I rolled my eyes. "I tinker, Dad. A wire, plug, battery-not the whole damn car"

"Well, you'll just get more experience."

'Oh, he's just too pleased with himself for this'

I thought for a second I saw yellow moving behind some of the cars. Before I could go and check it out, Dad called for me.

"Layla!" Dad hollered for me. Everyone was staring at me and a man had joined him. "Bobby Bolivia, like the country except without the runs. How can I help you?" he asked and dad explained the whole buying a car situation.

"That practically makes us family. Uncle Bobby B baby, Uncle Bobby B" he said shaking our hands. He had dark chocolate skin wearing a black shirt with yellow flowers, a gold chain and a hat.

"Wassup? I'm Layla" I said grinning

"How'd you do, little miss?" he said. After the greetings and explanations. I got bored and started exploring.

Suddenly, my head started to tingle and a shiver ran down my spine. Before me was a yellow muscle car with black stripes, a 1976 Camaro. I walked towards it.

My eyes widened.

'Trash really could be treasure'

"Hello beautiful" I said as I traced the car's hood. The hood was hot as if the car was just running and- and did the car just shiver? I pulled back my hand

"What the hell?" I waited but nothing else happened.

"Okayyy" I whispered

I decided to inspect the rest of the car, for some reason I was interested. It was kind of dirty but nothing that couldn't be washed. A bit of chipped paint here and there.

I pulled the handle and to my surprise it was open. I opened the door and sat in the driver's seat and it was comfortable. The seats were leather, nice and smooth and I couldn't stop rubbing them.

"Wow." I muttered before stopping

The car shivered again! It was more noticeable as I was inside of the car. It wasn't on, I wasn't moving and I was pretty sure there wasn't an earthquake.

That's it! I'm going crazier.

Sam then entered the passenger's seat and I continued my exploration. I put my hands on the steering wheel, a nice and tight grip. That too felt perfect to the touch.

"This is a nice car" Sam said and I couldn't agree more

My hands slid down on the horn and I felt something underneath. Rubbing a bit of grime away revealed a symbol.

Again that tingling sensation started in my head and I blinked.


"You know this?" I asked

"Nope," Sam replied. "But I feel like I should"

"So do I' I mumbled

Then dad and 'uncle Bobby' came up saying something about the car.

"How much?" Sam asked

"Well considering the semi classic nature of the vehicle with the slick wheel and the custom paint job.."

"Yeah but the paint's faded" Sam said

"But it's custom" argued uncle

"So.....it's custom faded" Sam said again and I rolled my eyes.

"Well this is your first car so you wouldn't understand" uncle said "Five grand"

That broke my heart.

"Nope, not paying over four, sorry" Dad said and then Bobby told us to get out of the car.

"You told me car picks their drivers not the other way around" Sam argued

I didn't want to leave it, I liked this car.

Something just drew me to it, almost like it really had picked me. I sighed dejectedly and stroked the dashboard lightly.

"I would've really liked to take you home." I said.

At the same time the door where Sam got out, which I'm sure he closed, swung open crashing into the car next to it. I gasped.

"Layla!" Sam and my dad yelled. I put my hands up to show them that it wasn't me.

"I didn't do anything!"

I moved to open my door only to be unsuccessful. I stopped, eyes wide. It was locked. The same door that swung open then swung close and I think it locked too.

I narrowed my eyes in suspicion.

"What?" I whispered in confusion

The radio then sprung to life quietly.

"Greater than man" it sang.


Then I covered my ears and squeezed my eyes shut as a pitched noise that was so high and loud made all the glass around us and in other cars shatter.

We all looked shocked when it was finished. Car alarms beeped everywhere. Bobby then turned back to us after looking around in shock and disbelief.

$4,000" said Bobby, scared. Well who could blame him?

"Yes!" Sam and I said in unison. Our first car!

I rubbed the steering wheel excitedly.

"I guess I am taking you home" I said

Sam then opened the door and it actually opened now but I didn't care.

"Dibs on driving!"

As soon as I got the keys in my possession we were off. Sam struggled to put his seatbelt on and was holding on to...well anything actually. I laughed as I sped down the road and away from Uncle Bobby whatever, finally happy to have a car.

"Dammit Layla, slow down!" Sam shouted.

I hit the breaks at a red light and if Sam hadn't had his seatbelt on, he would've flown through the window. I looked at him innocently as he tried to catch his breath. He glared at me as soon as he did.

Honestly, he was overexaggerating. I wasn't going that fast.

"Can you slow down, please?" he shouted. I shrugged my shoulders and batted my eyelashes.

"You ain nah fun" I said as I drove from the streetlight. (You aren't any fun)

As soon as I got home, I parked in the garage and decided to give the car a well deserved bath. I found a pair of old short pants and an old shirt from my brother that he never wore. Why waste a perfectly good shirt? I put my hair in a puff.

I vacuumed the car and then decided to wash him.


Anyways, I filled the bucket with soapy water and started to wash the hood and lights. Then both sides and then the back. Now for the top.

"How de hell I gin get up dey?" I whispered. (How the hell am I going to get up there?)

I wasn't the tallest person.

I put the bucket of water on the back and then slowly climbed up. I just hoped the car could hold my weight. Not wanting to stand any longer on top of our newly acquired car, I just threw the water onto the top.

The car jumped, like literally jumped, as in it's wheels left the ground. I gave a quiet surprise scream as it did and I nearly tumbled off. I quickly got down and stepped back.

I watched the car for a bit but it stayed stationary as if nothing had happened in the first place.

Deciding to just continue what I was doing I walked around the car.

"Shoulda warn you, de wata cold" I grumbled. (I should've warned you, the water is cold)

I grabbed a cloth and started cleaning the mirrors. Honestly now that the car was clean, the chips were much worse than I thought. Even had some scrapes and burns, as if they were wounds to some battle.

I sighed as I rubbed at the sweat covering my brow and the garage didn't exactly have the best ventilation.

"I'm so hot" I groaned

"When she walks in, chins drop like hammers. She's a hot mamma jamma from her head to her toes"

The words echoed around the garage and I stopped before looking at the car. It did it again! But as I watched, it was silent now.

'Was that....a compliment? From a car??'



I grinned.

"At least you got good taste" I joked before I started to clean the interior. I vacuumed and dusted. Washed the mats and everything the best I could.

All this hard ass work I'm doing, and Sam's going to want to hog him. Just watch. It wasn't that I didn't like doing it or that I didn't want to. It's just that I knew how Sam could be.

I was now cleaning the rear view mirror. Hanging from it, there was a little bumblebee chain hanging on it that marked bee-otch and had a small disco ball. The car was literally yellow and black too.

'Oh yeah, whoever this belonged to before certainly had taste'

But then I got an idea. I grabbed the duster and got out to stand in front of the car.

"Now I don't know what obsession your previous owner had with bees or if it's just the style. I don't care, I'm rocking with it" I said before I cleared my throat and imitated a posh accent. Trying to sound like some royal and speaking proper English.

"You're mine now-" I paused. "-Well ours but I, Layla Witwicky, hereby knight you, Bumblebee"

I laid the duster on either side of the hood above the lights and just for good measure I curtsied too.

"Well. that's all finished," I said and started packing up, putting everything I used back in their right position. Afterwards, I just stopped and stared at the car.

"You look better now." I said. There was really something about this car. "I did a pretty good job didn't I?"

I mean, the question wasn't for anyone in particular since I assumed I was the only one here but I got an answer. I was about to leave but,

Bumblebee revved.

The car revved.

I turned around so fast I'm surprised I didn't get whiplash and looked at the table where I KNEW I put the keys. They were there and no one else was here soooo........

Now don't get me wrong everything else was weird as fuck from the beginning. The radio could be like a switch or something. The shivering? I could've been shaking the car unconsciously.

But a car revving without its keys?

I slowly started to back up by the door to exit the garage watching the car suspiciously. It's probably a figment of my imagination.

Nope, this car is alive! Gasp!

I laughed it off.

Maybe it was like a super advanced Asian car or something. Elon Musk type advancements but in a Camaro? An enthusiast that made modifications?

"Layla!" Sam called.


"Get dressed, we're heading to a party" he yelled. A party? Whose? Why were we invited?


I saluted the car before I went into the house. I bathed and put on a red tank top and blue three quarter pants with red converse. I decided I'd just add a little moisturizer and gel to really bring out my curls and wear my hair open.

I went outside and saw Sam walking on the grass. Aunt Judy was doing her garden and Dad was fixing his path.

"Come on Sam, you know I don't like footprints on my grass" dad said. He never said anything about handprints though. Doing a handstand I walked, can I say that if it's your hands? Anyway I hand walked to the car and then stood up smiling innocently.

"Or handprints!"

"What foot-what foot prints, dad?" Sam said.

"So why don't you go from my grass to my path, Sam" dad said.

"It's family grass, dad," Sam countered.

I giggled but stopped when I saw mojo. I laughed.

"Nice bling mojo" I said in between laughs as I got in the passenger side of the car. Sam wanted to drive. Something about impressing Mikaela and that I drove home so it's his turn.

"I can't do this anymore Mom" Sam ranted as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "You're putting girl jewellery on a boy dog. He's got enough self esteem issues as a Chihuahua."

"That's his bling" Judy replied

I laughed as I put on my seatbelt. But as the light caught it and I looked carefully, I realized he was wearing one of my chokers-that I couldn't find for at least two weeks- and my eyes widened.

'Oh hell no.'

"Hold on, daz my choka pun he?" I asked and the damned dog barked. He actually had the nerve to bark. (Hold on, Is that my choker on him?)

"Aunty Judy, where'd you...?"

"I found it in his mouth and it was cute and I-"

I ignored everything else and went to take off my seatbelt but it wouldn't budge. It didn't move and it seemed like it pulled me into the seat more.

Sam got into the car and started it while I folded my arms and glared at the dog. Yes, Mojo and I have had beef ever since we got him.

"I want you both back by 11:00" Judy yelled and for good measure dad repeated it.

"Please for the love of God, drive safely" she yelled again

"Seatbelts on!" Yelled dad.

"Sit Layla. Roll over Sam. Who wants a treat? Good girl" I yelled, causing Judy and Dad to roll their eyes. Sam laughed as we drove off leaving black smoke.

'I'll deal with that later'

I slumped into the seat still grumbling about my choker

"Oh relax, you have hundreds so what's the big deal?" Sam said. I turned to him.

"It's the principle Sam! That little bastard won't stay out of my stuff!" I ranted, listing off my fingers. "My chokers, my shirts, my shoes, my food!"

I sighed heavily.

"I'd sell him for fifty bucks" I murmured.

"No you won't," Sam said. "You know my mom would kill you"

I shrugged but sat upright when Sam turned on to a familiar street. I shook my head alarmed.

"No, no, no, NO! Please tell me we aren't-"

"I need a wingman"

"What about me?"

"And my sister," he said.

"I could be a better man than Miles any day " I said confidently.

Miles was unfortunately Sam's best friend and we were also unfortunately taking him to this party. I'm mostly sure we weren't invited. I'm sure about it. He also had a knack for flirting and messing with me which I did not like at all.

I got out and crawled into the back just because I didn't want him behind me. He got into the car and turned to me. He looked me up and down, smirked and opened his stupid mouth to say something but I curled my fingers into a fist and raised it as a threat.

He shut his mouth and turned around. I rolled my eyes and looked out the window, watching as we drove to wherever the hell this supposed party was. It took us about fifteen minutes to get there and I realized it was the lake.

"Dude, are you sure we're invited to this party?" Miles asked.

'He doesn't know?!'

I narrowed my eyes at Sam waiting for his answer.

"Of course, the lake's public property," he said. I banged my head on the window. We weren't invited and they came to humiliate themselves.

Sam parked and I leaned forward.

"I'd ask you two not to do anything stupid but I know better than to waste my breath" I said before pushing Miles to get out of the car so that I could.

When I did and I looked around, I saw some of my old cheerleading friends. They waved at me and I walked towards them. We exchanged a few words, nothing too serious.

I had quit earlier in the year because I wasn't really feeling it anymore but I still practised tricks. Still did some out of school performances on a few favors.

We talked for a bit before I walked back to lean on the car.

"Humans drain me" I muttered as I tapped the car

"Tell me about it!" the radio sung

I grinned but did nothing. However, someone please explain to me why the hell my stupid brother and his idiotic friend just walk up to Trent and Mikaela.

The IT couple!

Two of the most popular people in school.

And Trent especially doesn't like my brother. See normally, I'd step in for my brother and stupid miles but they started it technically. Sam knew this was Trent's party.

I immediately cringed when I saw Miles decide to climb a tree. Infront of Trent and his clique.

"Nope, no way" I muttered before getting into the car. I decided to just listen to the radio and I switched the dial till I found something. 'Buy you a drink' by T-pain was playing.

I snapped my hand as the intro started playing and then the first verse. I snapped my hands as I sang along.

"Baby girl, what's your name? Lemme talk to yuh, lemme buy you a drink. "

"I'm T-pain, you know me. Konvict Muzic. Nappy boy, ohh wee."

I moved from side to side and sang without really paying attention to my surroundings.

"I know the club close at three, what's the chance dat you rolling wid me?"

"Back to de crib, show yuh where I live. Let's get drunk forget what we did." I sang and I did a drinking motion. Then when the chorus came on Miles jumped through the frigging window and the radio went silent.

I immediately started hitting him. "The hell is wrong with you?!"

I pulled his hair. "I'm damn well sure that you see a door that is perfectly functional"

He yelled and manoeuvre to bite my hand making me let go.

"Eww, now I have Miles' germs" I exclaimed and used hand sanitizer as I was disgusted.

I turned to Sam to complain but I saw he was staring at Mikaela as she strutted down the road. Suddenly the radio turned on, without anyone touching it, may I add, and started to play.

It was the first time it did that with other persons inside.

"Who's gonna drive yah home tonight?" I raised my eyebrow at the radio. Is the car trying to give my brother advice? I would hate to believe that a car knows more lady advice than my brother. A car!

"Hey man, what's wrong with your radio?" Asked Miles.

"What's wrong with the radio Miles, hmm?" I sneered. He went to say something but Sam answered.

"I'm gonna drive her home tonight"

'Oh great'

"What?" exclaimed Miles. "She's an evil jock concubine, man. Let her hitchhike."

"Why don't we put you to walk ten damn miles then " I said and Sam agreed

"Fine, put her in the back with Layla, I'll be quiet"

"Miles did you just say- no I'm not putting her in the back. You need to get out of my car" Sam said as he got in. That was honestly mean but seeing as I saw Jack, who also happened to be a weird friend of theirs, I pointed to the door with a smirk.

"Boi, the door"

"That's a party foul," Miles argued.

"What?" We asked in union.

"Bros before hoes!" He exclaimed.

"Sisters before misters" I said shrugging.

"It doesn't work that way" they both shouted at me.

"Get out," I said.

It seemed like no one cared that the door opened by itself and Miles got out dejectedly. He walked over to Jack and the two drove off. I turned to my brother and smiled innocently.

"You weren't going to kick me out, right?" I asked.

"W-what, no. I w-wasn't, I wouldn't do that!"

'Oh, he so was'

"Good because I would tell dad and Judy what's under your bed aannnnd what you did last spring" I said smiling innocently as we drove to Mikaela.

"You wouldn't," Sam said, staring at me in disbelief. I raised an eyebrow and smirked and he gulped as he faced forward knowing that I wasn't kidding. I laid in the back seat as we pulled up.

"Mikaela, it's Sam. Witwicky." Sam said but she kept walking cause the car was still moving. "I was wondering if I could ride you home, ugh, I mean give you a ride home"

I covered my mouth with my hand to stop from laughing. I heard the car door open and shut as she sat in the car.

"Hey Mikaela"

"Hey Layla," she said as she looked back.

She sighed. "I can't believe I'm in this situation right now"

"You can duck down if you want, it won't hurt my feelings." Sam said.

"What? Oh no, I didn't mean here with you, I meant in this situation as always. I think I just have a thing for hot guys, tight abs and big arms " she said and laughed nervously. I snorted.

"Amen sister" I mumbled.

She turned and smiled at me and I smiled too. I decided to leave the two love birds alone and turned my back to them and got as comfortable as possible and drifted off to sleep. The seat belt tightened around me but I'm sure it was just my imagination.

I jumped up when my brother hit me and we got out of the car. It was night and we walked into the house.

"What happened to be home at eleven o' clock?!"

"Well.... you never said a.m. or p.m."

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