Blessed with a Curse

By skybye1

179K 7.2K 474

Danni has been running for years trying to get away from men who want to use her "gifts" for their own selfis... More

Message and Copyright
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Eleven

5.9K 239 8
By skybye1

Chapter Eleven 

                Danni’s POV

Walking into the kitchen, I feel a hand yanking into my hair, pulling me into a hard chest. Next thing I know I am up against the wall, banging my head hard. I look up at who is holding me by the neck.

Part of me wasn’t surprise to see Luke staring me down with a look of complete hatred. I can feel the fear crawling up my spine, which reminds me that Jace can sense my emotions. Please hurry up and get here was all I thought before Luke lifts me up a tosses me across the kitchen island.

Crashing to the other side I notice that I knocked over a thing that holds sharp knives. Grabbing one, I hop up before Luke reaches me. We begin to circle around the island, thank God it’s huge. As we walk around, we never stop watching each other.

“Luke, I don’t know why you are doing this, but you better leave before Jace gets here. He will kill you if you hurt me. So please just leave before you regret what you are doing,” I say in the calmest voice I can muster up.

Laughing like it was the most hilarious thing, he replies, “You think Jace can save you, you weak little girl. I know there is something different about you. You think you are so much better than everyone, because you are mates with Jace. Jace won't do anything. You just waltz right in here like you own the Goddamn place and I’m going to teach you a lesson.”

Luke jumps over the island at me, but I quickly move to the other side and grab more knives that I most likely will need.

“First of all I didn’t waltz in here, I was carried and I was unconscious. Second, I am no better than anyone in this pack. I’m sorry that you don’t like me, but get your head out from of your ass and get over it.” I answer him as he leaps over the island again. Damn werewolf agility; when it’s against you, it totally sucks.

I threw one knife as hard as I could, but he dodges it barely. I throw another and hit him in the shoulder. Whipping the blade out of his shoulder, I can see that he is pissed off as his eyes turn a dark red. Crap that may have not been the best idea. I make the decision of running to the door way, but I am easily capture and thrown back into the wall.

Grabbing me by the neck, I can feel my feet dangle in air. I see that his wound is not completely healed so I stuck my fingers deeply in and twisted with all my might. Screaming out, I feel him letting my neck go, but I earn a punch to the face. Crap that wasn't a good idea either. Dazed I struggle trying to get away from him.

Next thing I know, I hear little Kendall running behind Luke hitting him on the back of his legs with all his strength. All Luke does is kick him back with his leg, sending him flying back. Hearing Kendall cry out in pain was all it took for me to lose control. Gathering all my energy I feel lighting coming through my fingertips and go straight towards Luke. Screaming Luke flies back through the glass door that leads to the back porch.

Without a second thought, I cradle Kendall into my arms as I run out and up the stairs meeting Alexis half way.

“What is going on? What happen to your face? Why is Kendall crying?” Alexis shoots out question after question.

Rushing passed her I carry Kendall his bedroom that he shares with Kent. 

“I was attacked by Luke and Kendall ran in and tried to help when Luke kicked him.” I quickly reply as I check to see how bad Kendall’s stomach was.

Lifting his Spider-man t-shirt softly, I can see a bruise is forming, but nothing was broken. When Alexis sees her son’s wound, she lets out a string of curses that would make a sailor blush before running out the door. I quickly follow after telling the boys to stay here and don’t come out till one of us says it was ok.

“Alexis I electrocuted him with my lighting element; I think I may have killed him.” I shout as I follow behind her.

Alexis turns to look at me when the front door burst open with Jace and Erik. My body relaxes when I see them.

Running up to me, Jace asks, “Are you ok I felt your fear? What happened sweet-heart?”

I quickly explain what happen with Luke and how I electrocuted him and thrown him out the back door. Looking at both Jace and Erik, I could feel and see the anger radiate off them. Taking off to the kitchen, Alexis and I quickly follow them. Looking out the back door I see blood, but no Luke; I guess I didn’t kill him.

I look at Jace and Erik and they are having a mental conversation in their minds. Turning to me Jace says, “The pack is going to search for Luke. By the amount of blood you really injured him and we should easily find him. Also someone is coming to clean up and fix the door.”

Alexis and Erik already left to check on the boys. Jace leads me to his office and sets me down so he can check my neck and cheek where Luke effortlessly bruised my skin. I am really tired of looking like a human punching bag.

Closing my eyes I relax into the feel of Jace smooth hands as he gently touches me without hurting me.

“When we find him, I will kill him.” Was all Jace says.

Laughing I add, “I told him that, but he didn’t listen. He was hell bent on teaching me a lesson. Sadly I don’t really know what I did to make him hate me so much.”

Lifting me up into his arms Jace nestles his face into my neck. I know that he was trying to calm his wolf down so I stay quiet. After a few minutes Jace looks at me and kisses my forehead.

“Thank you for getting Kendell out of there.” Jace whispers to me.

I simply answer, “He came to my rescue and got hurt, because of me. I lost control when I saw Luke kicking him. I wanted to rip his head off. I wanted to kill him.”

“We’ll find him, Danni. Don’t worry everything will be ok.” Jace says as he holds me.

I can feel my body melt into him as I drift into a deep sleep.

                Jace’s POV

I carry a sleeping Danni to bed. I gently take off her shoes and change her into one of my shirts. Before I leave, I kiss her again and watch her sleep. I could watch her sleep for years and not get tired of it. Thinking back to when Erik and I ran in the house, I was so relieved to see she was ok. Right a way I could see faint bruises on her left cheek and neck. Once she tells me what Luke did, I was beyond pissed. I was happy that she electrocuted him, but I slightly wished she killed him for what he did to her and Kendell.

Closely the door quietly behind me I go check on Alexis and Erik. They are leaving the boys room and I softy ask, “How is Kent and Kendall?”

“They are ok, scared, but ok. Kendell only has a bruised rib and should heal soon. As soon as I find Luke I will kill him. How is Danni? Alexis told me what she did.” Erik answers.

Sighing I reply, “She is reasonable, but when we find Luke we are both killing him. I’m sure that Alexis would like to join in too.”

“Fudge yeah; no one hurts my son and best friend.” Alexis replies as she walks towards her room.

Erik and I walk down stairs as we meet up with some other pack members who are starting to clean up and fix the door.

Andy walks in as he is putting on his shirt. “We lost his scent about four miles away. It looks like he parked his truck on one of the back roads so he had an easy escape route. He had to have everything planned out. Some are still looking, but I think he is long gone.” He tells Erik and me.

Erik turns to leave and says, “I will send out a picture of him to the surrounding packs. Hopefully they will see him and stop him.”

“Ok, but make sure they don’t kill him, I want him alive. I need to know why he attacked Danni,” I answer.

Walking outside I shift into my wolf and follow Luke’s scent. I have to free my wolf some and I want to know exactly where his scent ended. I come to a dirt road that lies between my house and Danni’s. He probably picked the location so he had easy access to both places, just in case Danni went to her house. With that I run off some stream before returning home to be with my mate.

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