Never Let You Go

By LeiaOrganaSolo98

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A story about Han & Leia between the end of Return Of The Jedi and The Last Jedi. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 8

186 4 4
By LeiaOrganaSolo98

      Everyone was waiting for them when they landed on Naboo. Pooja and Ryoo were the only people Leia and Han recognized. Leia suddenly felt nervous.

"It's okay, sweetheart." Han said putting his arms around her.

"I know. I just don't know what they'll think of me."

"Trust me. They will love you. You're part of their family. There's nothing to worry about." Leia nodded. Han leaned down and kissed her. "C'mon. We should get going." He smiled.

      Leia took Han's hand and walked down the ramp with Chewie following behind them. The Naberries looked up and saw them heading their way.

"Leia! It's so great to see you again." Pooja smiled, hugging her cousin.

"It's great to see you too, Pooja." Leia smiled back.

"Han, good to see you." Ryoo said.

"Good to see you both again. It's been a while."

"Yes, it has." Ryoo nodded.

"Let me introduce you to the rest of the family here." Pooja said. "Everyone, this is Leia, Han, and Chewbacca."

"Hello." Everyone said.

      Leia looked at everyone and smiled. She began to go down the line of people. There were quite a few people. She couldn't wait to get to know them and possibly learn more about her mother. First up was a woman with brown hair that had a small amount of gray in it.

"I'm Jobal. I'm Padme's mother and your grandmother." Jobal smiled at Leia. Leia smiled and nodded then moved to the next person. It went on and on. Smile, nod, step, repeat.

"I'm Ruwee. I'm Padme's father and your grandfather."

"I'm Sola. I'm Padme's sister and your aunt."

"I'm Darred. I'm Sola's husband.

"I'm Sabe. I was a great friend and servant to Padme."

      The line ended and they all smiled at Leia. Leia smiled back. She was so happy to finally meet them. They walked back to her grandparents' house where they would be staying for their time on Naboo.

      Han and Leia finished unpacking their things and laid down on the bed. Han put his hand on her stomach. She was showing more now that she was almost three and a half months along.

"Maybe we can make an appointment with the medic while we're here. You know, to find out what we're having?"

"That sounds like a great idea." Han smiled and kissed her.

"I'm excited."

"So am I. I hope it's a boy."

"I know, I know, flyboy. I still hope it's a girl."

"Not changing your vote, sweetheart?"

"Nope. Never!" she teased. They laughed and kissed.

"I kinda hope it's a girl. I'd like a kid that looks like you. Has your looks, your smarts, your personality."

"Then you'd be in trouble." She laughed.

"I know." He chuckled.

      There was a knock on the door. They both stood up and walked over to the door. Han opened it. It was Sola.

"Hi, Sola." Han said, smiling.

"Hello, Han," she smiled back. "Hello, Leia."

"Hi." Leia smiled, putting her hand around Han's waist.

"We were wondering if you wanted to come down for lunch?"

"That sounds wonderful." Leia said with a nod and a smile.

"Great!" Sola replied.

      Han and Leia walked out of their room and followed Sola downstairs. They sat down at the big table in the dining room. Leia's family was sitting there and the food looked really good. Leia sat in between her grandmother and Han. Sola sat across from her.

"So, Leia. Pooja tells us that you grew up on Alderaan." Jobal said. Sometimes just hearing the name hit her in the gut. She nodded.

"Yes, I did," she smiled. "Bail and Breha Organa were my parents. Well, my adopted parents I later found out."

"When did you find out?"

"Just a few years ago, actually. Han, Luke, and I were on Endor fighting in the war against the Empire and Luke told me that he was my brother. He also told me who his father was. I was so shocked when he said we were brother and sister. Try to fathom having Vader as your father."

"He wasn't always that way, you know."

"I've heard that. What was he like, before he turned?"

"He was handsome, very handsome indeed. He was smart, very in love with Padme. He was from Tatooine, a slave boy. He left his mother, Shmi, also a slave, when he was discovered to have the Force by two Jedi visiting the planet. That's where Padme met him. She was disguised as a handmaiden because a Queen cannot risk being out in the open, moving freely, like she wanted to be."

"She was a Queen?" Leia asked.

"Queen of Naboo." Sola chimed in.

"Yes, she was Queen of Naboo. Very beautiful and smart, like you. When they met she was 16 and he was 12. They pretty much grew up together. He became a Jedi, trained by Obi Wan Kenobi. When she was 25, she and Anakin were married in a secret wedding here on Naboo. Because Jedi couldn't be married or even have children back then, we weren't even invited because it had to be very secretive. But they were great at keeping their marriage a secret. Then three years later, she became pregnant and that too had to be a secret hidden from the public. They hid that pretty well too. But then not long after that, Anakin began to change." Jobal said.

"He began to turn?"

"Yes." Sola said.

"Anakin began having nightmares. He said they were like visions almost. He said that in them, they showed Padme, in pain, crying, screaming, yelling for him." Ruwee said, looking at his wife who continued on.

"Then he became influenced by Chancellor Palpatine, who everyone later found out was the Emperor in disguise. He had been playing with Anakin's mind in small ways that eventually had a very big impact. One day, Anakin went to the Jedi temple on Corscant and killed all of the Jedi younglings. Padme didn't know exactly who did it but she had a feeling. Later on, when Obi Wan told her exactly who it was, she was devastated. She was in disbelief."

"How did she die?" Leia asked.

"He Force choked her. That sent her into early labor. That day, Anakin became Darth Vader. Padme was taken to Polis Massa, where she gave birth to twins. They don't know why she died in childbirth. She's buried here on Naboo not too far from here."

"Then my brother and I were separated?"

"Yes, you were separated to be protected from Darth Vader."

Leia nodded. Letting it all sink in. Han held her hand underneath the table. He looked at her. He knew she still hated that name.

"I'm sorry, Leia if I said something that upset you." Jobal said, placing a hand on Leia's arm.

"No, no. You didn't upset me at all," Leia smiled. "Vader just did something to me and then to Han and I will never forgive him."

"I'm sorry. If you don't mind my asking, what did he do?" Sola asked.

"Sola!" Jobal said with a gasp.

"No. It's alright, honestly. It's been a while since it happened." Leia smiled.

"Yeah, it has been a while." Han smiled with a nod.

"First he hurt me. I didn't know he was my real father at the time and I know he didn't know I was his daughter. I was on a mission for my father at the time and Vader captured my ship. Then he interrogated me. He couldn't get any information out of me so he decided to use an interrogation droid to inject me with various liquids, I didn't know what they were. Then, when I was left weak and unable to move or even speak, he just left me in the cell. He left me there to wait to be executed. But, then Han and Luke came and saved me. But the worst thing Vader did to me was make me watch him blow up Alderaan. All my family were there. Bail, Breha, all my friends, my home. All of it, gone in an instant." Leia had a tear in her eye.

"I'm so sorry, Leia." Ruwee said. "I knew the Organa's way back when Padme was Senator of Naboo. They were very fine people."

"Thank you." Leia smiled.

"What did he do to Han?" Jobal asked.

"Vader tortured me, made Leia watch the whole thing, and then froze me in carbonite and handed me over to a bounty hunter to take me to Jabba the Hutt on Tatooine. He made Leia watch me be tortured, frozen, and taken away from her all in one day. Then she had to rescue her brother." Han said.

"Because Vader cut off Luke's hand after he had told him that he was his father. Later Luke found out from a Jedi master that we were brother and sister."

"I am so sorry he did this to you. And Han and Luke. I'm so sorry." Jobal said with tears in her eyes. Leia put her hand on her grandmother's hand and looked her in the eyes.

"I know it was terrible, but it's okay. Han, Luke, and I lived. We're fine. In fact, I have some great news for you all." Leia smiled.

"Oh?" Sola said, perking up.

"Yes. I'm pregnant." She smiled at Han.

"Oh, Leia! Congratulations!" Jobal exclaimed, hugging her granddaughter.

"Thank you." Leia said.

"How far along?" Pooja asked.

"I'll be four months in two weeks."

"Padme would be so proud." Sola said.

"I know Breha and Bail would be proud too." Ruwee added.

"Thank you." Leia said. 

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