The Cold Never Bothered Me An...

By renrose_

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A car crash. Memory loss. Dead parents. Elsa Arendelle's life is full of bumps and surprises. But she and he... More

The Cold Never Bothered Me Anyway
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Author's Note
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Author's Note
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Author's Note
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Author's Note
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 52

Chapter 51

91 4 1
By renrose_

Here we are at the second to last chapter! There may also be an epilogue, it just depends on how long the last chapter ends up being. Thanks for sticking around for so long despite my very slow updating speed(:

Jack's POV

The light is so bright that I have to shield my eyes, wincing as it bites painfully behind them despite the fact that they're squeezed tightly shut. After a few moments in pained blindness, the harsh light seems to dissipate. I tentatively open my eyes again, squinting at first to see what in all the worlds that seem to exist could have happened. My eyes widen however when I see nothing but my reflection in the ice-wall of Elsa's castle staring back at me owlishly. Pitch's entire army of Nightmares he just sent moments ago is now completely obliterated. But how, and by whom?

"Nice try, Pitch, but yer not gonna lay a finger them, ye got 'at?"

That way...

I whirl around, my eyes widening even further when they rest on the group standing behind me near the entrance to the castle. Merida stands near the middle, still in the stance of someone who just fired an arrow, a smirk spread across her features and her unruly red hair a stark contrast to the crystal ice around her. Next to her stands Rapunzel, her eyes filled with concern as she takes in the situation around her. From what I can see, she looks pale and like she's struggling a bit to stand, and maybe that's why Eugene stands directly to her side, arm slung around her waist. Astrid stands to Merida's other side, a wicked looking axe brandished in her grasp. And above them hovers Toothless, a snarl on his face, Hiccup sitting on his back confidently, very unlike the last time I saw him bumping into walls in the gym.

I blink as my jaw goes slack, unable to quite believe my eyes. All of them managed to make it out of whatever Pitch plunged them into? And for the most part, they all look like they escaped unscathed.

My mind travels back to only a short time ago, back before we arrived in Arendelle. Before we left, I had trouble believing in the group that now stands before me, in believing in their ability to hold their own in the dangerous situation they were willingly thrusting themselves into. I even yelled at them, delivering my thoughts to them in a way that wasn't pleasant in the slightest, although at the time, I didn't have it in me to care. I lashed out, terrified that while I tried to save someone I'd lost too many times, I would end up losing all of them as well.

Never have I been so wrong before in my life.

They told me to believe in them. Now, I know that they were right all along.

Before I can say anything, although I don't think I could even find the words, Anna laughs in pure, unrestricted joy and relief.

"You guys! You-you all made it!"

I turn to her, watching as tears brighten her eyes as a smile lightens up all of her features. I can't help but allow a smile to spread across my own, and for the first time in this fight, I finally feel like we have a real chance at winning.

A growl of anger pulls me out of my musings however, and we all direct our attention to the man dressed in black above us, his face masked in unrestrained fury.

" dare you interfere!" He roars. His hands tighten on the ice railing he leans over, and I watch with wide eyes as darkness slowly spreads across the castle walls, tainting it with a mixed black and blue color.

I've seen Pitch Black angry before. I've seen him angry enough to kill, to attack children. I've seen him angry enough to do many things. However, I have never seen him this angry.

I guess it makes sense, though. He was so close - literally feet away from getting what he's always wanted. And then, just like always, he fell short.

A smirk spreads across my face as I watch him lose his composure.

Ultimately, it'll be his downfall.

"You will pay for interfering. You will regret ever escaping the blissful illusions I placed you in." Pitch seethes, his eyes narrowed into slits.

"Uh, well, I don't know what you're talking about, because I almost died in that 'blissful illusion,' so..." I turn around to see that Eugene is talking, a mock contemplative expression on his face. He seems to have come to some kind of (mock) decision as he again meets Pitch's eyes, confidence evident in his stance and expression. "No, I think I'll enjoy this much more."

Leave it up to Eugene to have something smart to say in a situation like this.

Pitch doesn't bother replying, apparently deciding instead to send another wave of his Nightmares. Luckily, this time, I was expecting this. As Pitch was busy paying attention to his unexpected guests, I helped Elsa to a standing position. By the time the Nightmares were headed our way, I moved back far enough for our friends to step in front of us and intercept the attack. As Merida and Hiccup take care of the sand-creatures, and as Astrid runs to Anna and Kristoff's aid, Rapunzel, with Eugene's help, hurries to our side. I gently lower Elsa to the ground, and despite my best efforts, I sit heavily beside her, my short trip backwards having taken a toll on my battered body. Concern flashes in Elsa's cousin's eyes as she drops to her knees. Eugene opens his mouth to say something, most likely to protest to Rapunzel using her powers in her obvious currently weakened state, but she merely sends him one look, and he thinks better of it.

Turning back to us, Rapunzel's eyes take in Elsa, who's eyes have once again fallen closed. In the next moment, her eyes are on me, sweeping over my own injuries. I watch her jaw clench as she finishes her inspection, turning away for a moment.

"I'm sorry," she says, her voice barely above a whisper.

I furrow my brows in confusion. What could she be apologizing for? The only person at fault, at least as far as we know, considering that there may be another guilty party involved, is Pitch Black. Rapunzel did absolutely nothing that could warrant her feeling like any of this was her fault.

With this on my mind, I reply, "For what? You didn't do anything wrong, Rapunzel."

She clenches her fists, still unable to meet my gaze for some unknown reason. "I should've gotten us out of that illusion faster. If I'd been stronger, or - or more observant, I could've saved you both from a lot of pain." Without waiting for me to say anything, although my mind is currently drawing up a blank out of the pure shock of hearing her words, she moves to place her hands on the wound on my side. Gently, I push her hands away, shaking my head.

"Elsa needs it more than I do."

Rapunzel hesitates for a moment before nodding, turning her attention to the women on the ground between us. She places her hands on her chest, just above her heart.

As Rapunzel begins her song, I watch as her hands glow as light spreads over Elsa's body. However, my mind wanders as I think back to what she just told me, how she blames herself for not being here to help. But how could she have known? Pitch's illusions are powerful; I've been tricked by them various times. And I know where she's coming from. Horrible things have happened because I was too late to see what was going on. I carried that pain and guilt around heavily, and I almost let it tear me apart from the Guardians. I won't let Rapunzel feel the same guilt I did. I won't.

As Rapunzel finishes her song and moves to heal me, I stop her, reaching out and gently prodding her hands away from me. First, I check to make sure Elsa is alright, although I should trust her to be perfectly fine, since Rapunzel was the one to heal her. Sure enough, while she still has yet to open her eyes, the pained expression on her face has vanished, leaving behind one of peace and painless rest. Relief surges through my veins at the sight, and I turn back to the healer before me, intent on fixing this problem next. She meets my gaze, now eyeing me with her own look of confusion.

Holding her gaze seriously, I say, "Rapunzel, you need to listen to me. None of this was your fault, okay? I know it's easy to blame yourself when things like this happen. But in a situation like this, you have no reason to. You were busy fighting your own battle. You can't expect to be at everyone else's battles to heal everyone right away when you're already caught up in your own. And if that happens, you just have to come as fast as you can. And I know you did. You have nothing to blame yourself for."

She stares at me once I've finished, her eyes round and her mouth slightly agape. After a few moments, her expression softens and she smiles, simply nodding in response and reaching again to place her hands on my side. This time, I don't push her away, closing my eyes and relaxing as she begins her song, the pain that had been so prominent before slowly fading to nothing.

As she finishes the song, I open my eyes and realize I moved to a flat position. I push myself up so that I'm sitting, my eyes immediately going to where the black sand was seeping out of the wound in my side only a minute before. As expected, the only evidence that there was ever an injury there in the first place is the torn fabric in my hoodie. A small smile turns up the corners of my lips as I regard Rapunzel with a look of gratitude. "Thank you."

She returns my smile with one of her own. "Of course."

Now that my strength has returned, I focus my gaze back on the battle. Hiccup and Toothless fly around the massive room, taking out multiple Nightmares at once as Toothless breathes his blue fire. Merida is holding her own as well, shooting arrows at the sand creatures before they can come anywhere near us or herself. Astrid is standing in a defensive position in front of Anna, who currently has Kristoff's head on her lap, her hands running through his hair. Any Nightmare that heads their way is quickly cut down with Astrid's axe.

And while the battle looks like it is going well, I can see that despite our best efforts, unless Pitch is taken care of, we will lose. No matter how many Nightmares we cut down, more will take their place. Until I can take down their leader, my friends' efforts will be for naught. And I cannot let that happen.

Filled with resolve, I stand, my eyes sweeping the ground for the broken pieces of my staff. I spot them near the center of the room. The only problem is, they're directly in the midst of the battle. Without it, it would be pretty stupid to just rush in without a plan.

Before my mind can go down a path of bad ideas, my mind flashes back to the moment Merida fired her first arrow. Unless I was somehow hallucinating, there was some brilliantly bright light that was almost painful that wiped out every Nightmare headed my way. If she could find a way to do that again, then getting to my staff would be much, much easier. 

I turn back to Elsa's cousin. She is back into a standing position, still leaning against Eugene for support. Concern flashes through my chest at how pale and exhausted she looks. I manage to shove those feelings aside for now, trusting Eugene to take care of her. 

"Rapunzel," I begin, and her eyes flash upwards to meet mine. "What was that bright light that wiped out all of the Nightmares when you guys first got here? The one that came from Merida's arrow?"

She seemed to immediately understand, and she replies hastily, "It wasn't just from her arrow. I managed to infuse some of my...magic into it. When she fired, it just kinda blew up."

My eyes widen as excitement surges through my veins. "Can you do it again?"

Without a moment of hesitation, she nods. Eugene frowns, his voice filling with concern as he says, "Are you sure that's a good idea? After everything you've..."

She turns to face him as much as her position leaning against him allows without having to forgo his support. "I'm sure." 

If she wants to provide more convincing for Eugene, I'm too rushed to sit here and listen. We don't have the time. Right now, Eugene has to trust her. I know that I do. I direct my attention above us and call for Hiccup. "Hiccup! Cover for Merida!"

Without a verbal response, Hiccup commands Toothless to dive in the fiery-haired princess' direction, immediately breathing fire and destroying a good number of the Nightmares that Merida had been dealing with. She pauses in surprise and confusion at the sudden aid,  lowering her bow just a fraction. 

"Merida!" I yell, and she turns. The look on my face must scream urgency, because in the next moment she's running in my direction. She reaches us and doubles over for a moment, panting heavily.

"" She breaths, lifting her face. Sweat glistens on her forehead, and its plain to see that she's exhausted. 

I need to end this, as soon as possible. 

"The thing you and Rapunzel did with the light earlier. Can you do it again?" I ask, but I have a strong feeling that the question itself is unnecessary. As expected, she roles her eyes. 


A smirk turns up the corner of my lips. "Okay, I need you guys to do it again and fire the arrow over there." I jerk my head in the direction of my broken staff. Merida's eyes follow suit, resting on the wooden pieces. She nods.


"Good," I respond, watching as Merida pulls an arrow out of her quiver and brings it over to Rapunzel. Rapunzel takes it in both hands and closes her eyes as she begins her song. Light immediately shines from her hands as she sings, and I watch in fascination as the light flows into the arrow. She finishes her song and opens her eyes, staggering. Concern flashes across Eugene's face as he steadies her, and she hands the arrow back to Merida as Eugene carefully lowers her to a sitting position. 

"I'll take care of her," he says, his eyes going between Merida and I. "End this."

I nod, turning and preparing myself for one major sprint. Merida will be able to clear the field, but it won't take long for other Nightmares to take their comrades' places. Merida notches the arrow with quick expertise, pulling the string back. 

"You ready?" I ask her, my eyes still trained on my staff. 

She scoffs, "Are you trying to insult me?"

And with that, she releases the arrow, and I charge in.

It whizzes through the air and finds the center of the hoard of Nightmares. Just like before, light explodes everywhere, and the Nightmares begin to disintegrate. I push forward as fast as I can through the blinding light and reach my staff, dropping to my knees next to it. I pick up both pieces and slam them together, closing my eyes in deep concentration. I've only done this once, and it was a long time ago. Still, I remember how it felt. I can do it again.

I hear the battle beginning to resume around me, but I ignore it, trusting Merida and Hiccup to take care of it for now. I reach deep within myself, thinking back to that moment in that snowy crevice, Baby Tooth trying her best to warm in my hoodie's pocket after I'd left the Guardians, after Pitch Black snapped my staff in half and threw us down that canyon. After I'd regained my memories and finally learned why I was there and who I was. I latch onto those feelings, those memories, but I also latch onto more. I latch onto memories of Elsa and our son, of living with them, of finally, for the first time, understanding what it feels like to be believed it. Elsa always brought the best out of me; why wouldn't she be able to help me put my staff back together?

My ice flows through my veins and I direct it into my hands and through them. And suddenly, I can feel it. I open my eyes, watching in awe at the staff mends itself, ice tracing itself intricately across its wooden surface. 

"No!" I hear Pitch roar above me as my staff completely fixes itself. I smirk as my cold eyes regard his infuriated ones, standing and holding my staff at an angle behind me, a way I often stand with it. 

"Looks like your genius plan hasn't been working out too well for you," I mock, my tone calm. Although, the raw anger is there, the need for revenge after all he's done underlying my words. By the way fear momentarily passes across his face, I can tell he heard it, that he understood it. 


But in the next moment, he's composed himself, his face again masked with the hate and fury I'm all too used to seeing on him. I liked how the fear looked on him better. 

"There's always Plan B, which is killing you myself. I don't have any problem with it, although watching you die at the hands of the woman you love most would have been quite satisfying. I just wanted to see the sweet fear on your face as she took your life, and as I took hers." My hands tighten on my staff at the mention of him harming Elsa further, and before I can compose myself, a battle cry escapes my lips in a roar of raw, untamed anger, and I launch myself in his direction, my staff raised. Pitch only seems shocked for a moment before his large scythe materializes in his hands. He swings it in a large yet fast arch towards me, and I manage to knock it aside with my staff, immediately raising it and firing shards of ice at him. Unfortunately, he disappears into the shadows, and a growl of annoyance rises in my throat as my ice shatters against the wall. 

His shadows rise all around me, his sickening laughter coming from everywhere. I turn continuously, my eyes darting here and there in search of his real form. Last time he did this, he almost managed to bring his scythe down my head, and if it wasn't for Sandy impeccable timing, he would have succeeded.

I won't give him that chance again.

"You seem a bit rattled, Jack. Did something I said earlier upset you?" His voice rings out, arrogance dripping from every word. I grit my teeth to refrain from giving him the satisfaction of an angry, uncontrolled response that would definitely prove every single one of his words correct. The way he talked about Elsa found its way under my skin. And while that should worry me more than it does, all I feel is the anger, the want to make him pay for taking her life away, for taking mine away. For taking all of my friends' lives away. 

My friends!

Pitch Black's taunting immediately escapes my mind as I whirl around running to look back down over the balcony. To my immediate relief, they seem to be holding their own. But for how much can they keep it up?

I don't want to find out.

"I wouldn't worry about them, Jack, especially when you're fighting me!"

My eyes widen and I turn around just in time to see Pitch's scythe descending on my head. 

Well, so much for not allowing that to happen again. 

"Damnit!" I curse, raising my staff to block the blow. I stop it when it's barely above my head, my arms shaking from the strain and my teeth grit in determination. Pitch laughs in triumph, my blood boiling.

"I'm the one you should be focused on, Frost! I want every ounce of your attention on me when I drive my scythe through your skull!"

"Not happening!" I yell in response, pushing even harder against his weapon. I channel my ice into my staff and out, watching as it explodes outwards from the point holding Pitch back. I hear him curse as he's pushed back and away from me, and I try my best to catch my breath as he steadies himself. 

Before I can fully prepare myself, he's rushing at me again, a battle cry echoing across the castle as he swings his scythe at me. I duck, letting the weapon pass high and wide, before launching towards him, firing my ice. He manages to bring up a shield of sand, but it immediately disintegrates as my ice slams into it. He swings at me again, and I'm forced to stand my ground and block it again. I don't know long the fight goes. From that point forward, its a combination of parrying, blocking, dodging, and firing my ice. There's nothing else but the fight. All I can hear is the clash of his scythe and my staff, the crash of my ice slamming into his sand. He continues to taunt me, speaking of Elsa and the rest of my friends below me, still fighting their own battle. And while I am concerned for them, the sooner I destroy Pitch, or get his Nightmares to turn on him, the sooner they'll all be out of danger. So I ignore his threats as best as I can, using them as fuel to drive my anger and determination, but being careful not to let them blind me.

That is, until he decides to use a new tactic. 

We both were just sent back from each other as another wave of my ice and his sand met, the power shoving both of us back a few feet. As we stand their panting, waiting for the other to strike, Pitch decides to open his infuriating mouth. 

"You know, after I kill you and your pathetic queen, why should I stop there?" I freeze, his words sending chills I didn't think it possible to feel down my spine. "There's someone you both left behind here, isn't there? Who is it again...? Oh right, you have a son here, don't you? Maybe I should pay him a little visit!"

Any kind of composure I just had disappeared in a matter of seconds. All of my fury was held back by a dam, close to overflowing but not yet there. His words had slowly been placing cracks in it, my anger slowly leaking through. This was the last straw. Just hearing Pitch speak about him causes a bolt of fear to rattle through me, my chest constricting tightly with horror. Pitch smirks, obviously noticing he's broken through, but I can't find the sense to care. 

In the next moment I'm flying towards him at top speeds, swinging my staff with a scream of unrestrained fury. His scythe, once again, blocks my staff, but I don't let this phase me, instead channeling all of my power into my hands and staff. It glows bright blue, and for a moment, Pitch's eyes widen. In the next, he's sent flying against the wall as my ice explodes out of every inch of my staff. He slides to the ground with a pained grunt, and I continue my enraged pursuit, taking advantage of his downed state. I send another wave of ice at him, but he manages to slip into the shadows again, and I can't help but growl in anger. 

"Show yourself, you coward! Or do you think you can't take me on?" I don't wait for a response, raising my staff and spinning around as I fire ice through it, this time not giving the man a chance to sneak up on me. I hear a surprised yell behind me and I turn to see Pitch seemingly fall out of the wall, his hand clutching his chest. He raises his head, and although I expect to see fear and pain there, he's smirking. The rage I feel as a result is a fever in my veins, masking anything and everything else I could possibly feel at this moment. 

I approach him, my staff raised again, but I don't fire. Instead, I watch him, warily curious what he's up to. Usually, getting slammed into a wall by my ice doesn't result in smirking and laughing triumphantly. 

"I've done it." He gasps, moving to a sitting position against the wall behind him. Confusion sparks in my chest and I frown, my staff lowering just a bit. 

"What are you talking about?" I manage to ask. I ignore how my voice shakes with rage, how I can barely get the words out through my clenched teeth. 

He laughs again, and I barely refrain from firing my ice and ending it all right then and there. Before I can raise my staff again, he responds, his golden eyes filled with triumph and confidence. 

"You say that I am darkness. That I am fear, a monster. You declined joining me all those years ago, claiming that you could never be a part of spreading that darkness across the world, that instead, you'd rather spread joy and wonder and light and fun to all those people who will never believe in you."

I have to focus hard not to flinch at his words, although it probably doesn't matter if I keep up a brave face. He knows all my fears, whether I want him to or not. 

He continues without skipping a beat, a grin spreading across his face, "And now, that very same darkness is entering your very being. All of that light you claim exists inside of you? I can see it fading, being consumed by the darkness that you so vehemently deny."

I narrow my eyes, "You're wrong," I state firmly, but I can't help the seed of doubt that's been planted in my heart.

His grin only grows. "Am I, Jack? The intent to kill me is there, in your eyes and in that wonderfully icy heart of yours. Now, is that the heart a Guardian should have? A heart screaming for revenge and overflowing with hatred? Is that not what you Guardians fight against?"

His words hit me like a punch to the gut, and this time, I can't keep myself from wincing. I think back, and with horror, I realize that he's right. He drove me to the point of wanting to kill. That's not who I am meant to be. As a Guardian, I'm supposed to be a protector. Not a taker, not a murderer

It wasn't your fault, he was the one that threatened your friends, that threatened your family, I try to reassure myself, but another part of me, one that obviously doesn't take well to lying - because that's what I'm doing, I'm lying to myself, aren't I? - decides to argue back. 

That doesn't change the fact that you wanted him dead. That you wanted to end him, right then and there. That all you craved was revenge. That you enjoyed imagining it. 

"No, you...that's not..." I ramble, and at this point, I'm not sure if I'm talking to myself or Pitch himself. I also don't think that it really matters. 

"Oh, don't deny it Jack. Denial only ever makes things worse. Embrace the darkness living within you. It felt good, didn't it, running solely on hatred, on the desire to cause fear? I know it did. Then why not  make it official? Why don't you use that cold heart of yours for what is was meant to be used for?"

I'm no longer looking at him. Instead, I'm staring down at my hands with wide eyes. I can feel my heart beat picking up, I can hear my blood rushing through my ears. 

Stop, just please, stop...

Who am I begging? Pitch? Myself? Everything? 

Before I can figure it out, Pitch's gleeful voice reaches my ears, "Don't kid yourself. Why would you ever be meant for anything more? You? A Guardian?" He scoffs, the sound causing me to flinch again, my chest constricting painfully. "They'll all find out, you know. The Guardians, your so-called friends, your family..." His words send fear rushing through me, so much that for a moment, I find it almost impossible to breath. "They'll find out what a monster you are. And when they do, they'll  leave you. Every single one of them. And you'll be alone. Alone, with no one around to believe in you."

"I disagree."

I snap out of my previously dazed state, my eyes snapping upwards at the sound of that voice. There's no mistaking it. I don't turn around. I don't need to. 

"You think I'll leave him? That we'll all leave him? If so, you don't understand anything, Pitch, and you never will."

Pitch swallows anxiously, and I can see the fear begin to manifest itself in his expression as Elsa comes to stand at my side. I turn my head to survey her state with owlish eyes. Her brilliantly blue eyes are narrowed into angry slits, her hands raised in preparation to attack. Her braid is messy, her hair falling out of it all over the place. Her dress is back to its blue shade, and there is no trace of darkness anywhere on her. She still looks slightly pale, and I notice only after paying extremely close attention that her arms are shaking the slightest bit. Concern causes my hands to tighten on my staff, now completely lowered. But before I can act on anything, Elsa steps forward. 

"You think that fear is the strongest concept that exists. That is can overcome everything else. And that because of that, you'll win. But you couldn't be further from the truth." Her words are cold, scarily so, and her expression is even colder. I swallow thickly, thankful that she is on my side. 

"Oh really?" Pitch sneers, the fear that had been on his face now gone. "Then why is it that I accomplished all of this? Look around you! Your lives have been shattered because you gave into fear, fear that I instilled in you! All of those people in that prison world are there because of me! And you claim that fear isn't the strongest concept that exists?"

"Yes." She says curtly, unfazed by his words. 

His eyes narrow, "I think you'll rethink that, once I'm through with you!"

His words set something off inside of me, and in the next moment, I'm throwing myself in front of Elsa and shoving her backwards. I bring up my staff to block Pitch's scythe, but I don't manage to stop it before it can cut into my shoulder. If I hadn't deflected it at all, my head would be skewered right now. 

"Jack!" Elsa cries, her voice laced with shock and concern. I don't reply right away, focusing solely on pushing Pitch back, my body shaking with the effort. Before I can collapse under his scythe, a blast of ice slams him backwards. At the sudden change, I stagger forward, and Elsa is at my side, helping me to my knees. 

"Oh my god, Jack, why did you...?" I keep my eyes squeezed shut, one hand pressed over my shoulder. I grit my teeth, trying to shove the pain aside. I don't meet her eyes, but I can hear the tears in her voice. 

I shake my head, but I don't answer her question, "Elsa, can you open a portal?"

She falters, taken aback by the random question. "I - I should be able to."

"I need you to open one once I start fighting him again."

"What?! Jack, you can't keep fighting right now, not with your shoulder-"

"Elsa, we don't have a choice." I turn then, opening my eyes and meeting hers, which are bright with unshed tears. Always unshed. 

You don't always have to be so strong, I think, but I don't voice those thoughts aloud. We don't have the time. I reach up and cup her face with mine, noticing out of the corner of my eyes that Pitch is slowly beginning to pick himself up off of the ground. "Please, Elsa." 

She must see the desperation in my eyes and hear it in my voice, because her expression hardens and she nods, helping me stand. 

"I'll let you know when," I say under my breath before turning to face Pitch. She doesn't react, her attention focused on the man dressed in black now standing before us, but I know she heard me. 

"Leave Elsa out of this. This fight is between you and me." I raise my staff, trying to ignore the searing pain that tears through my shoulder as I do so. I grind my teeth together to keep from crying out. 

He narrows his eyes, his scythe rematerializing in his hands, "Fine. After I've taken care of you, I'll finish her myself!"

And with that, we're rushing each other, the sound of our weapons colliding ringing throughout the castle. 

I don't focus on anything else except for staying alive. Block, dodge, parry, fire, repeat. Anything to get his attention completely off of Elsa, and to get him into the right position. My shoulder burns, and many times I'm forced to bite down on my cheek hard enough to draw blood to keep my attention off of the pain. I manage to get hits in, but I'm not trying to completely incapacitate him. I need him confident and cocky. That's when he'll be most vulnerable. 

Pitch swings his scythe at me for what is probably the thousandth time, and this time, I choose to block it, ignoring the way my shoulder screams at me in protest. I let Pitch push me backwards, inch by inch and step by step. 

Come on, you're almost there, just keep going, just a little further...

My back hits the wall, and triumph sparks through my chest. 

Pitch sneers down at me, his face the very definition of sick enjoyment. He presses forward even harder, and this time, I can't hold back the grunt of pain as my shoulder seems to spasm. 

"This is where it all ends, Jack Frost. Tell me, are you afraid?" His words are slow, and I can tell he's enjoying every second of this. 

Well, he won't be for long. 

"Elsa, now!" I command, and in the next moment, I'm relaxing my arms and ducking, rolling to the side as Pitch's scythe slams into the ice wall where I just stood. I move to my feet behind him as a circle of bright light opens up behind him. I don't pay attention to where the portal leads, or anything else. All I focus on is ending this here and now. 

I raise my ice and fire it at Pitch Black, and as he's knocked backwards into the portal, his wide, surprised eyes meet mine. But before I can see anything else, the portal closes, and Pitch Black is gone.

I stand there for a few seconds, panting heavily. 

It's over. It's finally over.

And with that thought, my adrenaline rushes out of my body. I drop to my knees as a searing pain shoots through my shoulder, my staff falling out of my hands as I steady myself with my good arm. I hiss through my teeth, focusing on breathing. Breath, just breath, in, out... 

"Jack! Hey, you're going to be okay, everything's fine, you're fine..." Elsa's at my side, her hands holding me upright. Her words are filled to the brim with worry, and I cant help the guilty pang I feel because of it. 

"Don't worry about me, I'll - I'll be okay." My words are pained, and afterwards, I hiss in pain and double over as more pain shoots through my shoulder. 

Elsa is on her feet in less than a second. "I'm getting Rapunzel." 

But before she can leave, I stop her. "Wait, Elsa..."

She stops, turning and kneeling down next to me again. I stare into her eyes and wonder how in the world I got so lucky. I don't deserve her. 

I bury my head in her chest as I feel tears building behind my eyes. I grip the front of the fabric of her dress as if it's my lifeline. My breathing is shaky, and I can feel my whole body trembling.

"I thought I lost you," I whisper. 

I can feel her tense up for a moment at my words. In the next, she's wrapping her arms around me, holding me to her chest. 

"I'm sorry." She whispers, her voice thick, and I want to tell her she has nothing to be sorry for, I'm the one that should be apologizing, but I can't get any words out right now. So for now, I settle with clinging onto her, for relishing in this moment. 

She's here. She's safe. Elsa is safe.

I repeat that in my mind for only God knows how long. 

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