The Boogeyman || h.s✔

By EuphoriaMoon__

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❝Do you believe in the Boogeyman?❞ #50 in Horror Cover made by: myself More



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By EuphoriaMoon__

|Don't tell a soul|

It's been a week now and everything seems to be okay. Louis has helped a lot saying the truth even though it hurt. That's the thing, the truth is the truth, just because it isn't kind doesn't mean it's a lie. I have learned that maybe there is something terribly wrong with me and Niall and Louis have noticed it.

I haven't been talking lately for a reason they will never know. When I was younger around six or eight my parents and brother were killed by him. Lately the memory has been replying in my mind and I've been seeing him a lot.

He pops up here and there keeping the creepy grin on his dark lips. His finger up against his lips telling me not to tell, he's told me stories of the deaths he's done giving me the feeling of sorrow, I felt depressed slightly.

He made me remember the screams, the thick wine like liquid and the fear that was trapped in their eyes. I remember what happened the night my family was murdered.

It was sunny, in the middle of the afternoon and my young brother was taking a nap. I remember seeing him walking around an axe clutched to his pale white hand. It hit the staircase making a clicking noise.

I remember him taking the axe and throwing it to my father, I remember him landing with a thud. My mother was a different story, she suffered greater.

She was knocked out and strapped to a chair. As she was knocked out he did terrible things, he took a needle and thread, something he always used and pushed it through the skin, it pierced the skin going through it and out. She awoke with her mouth sewn shut. I remember her small muffled screams as he took the knife and picked at her nails, the blood dripping down her hand.

Later on, he killed her then and there. My brother was simply shot his blood splattered on his sheets and teddy bear, the teddy bear was named Mrs. Berry and when the police showed up the bear was nowhere to be found.

I sat down turning on the hose and watering the flowers that were close by. He sat in front of me on the floor his mouth was up in that grin. Nothing was normal about it, his cheeks were torn the skin looked like it was simply pealed apart. His smile was like the cat from Alice in Wonderland but horrific and gory.

His teeth were sharp and his gums were in bad shape, he turned his head slowly his eyes staring into mine. They were pitch black. He put his finger up to his slips his husky rough voice slithered across the room into my ears.

"Don't tell them, keep quiet or I will make you." He said softly but in an eerie way, the way he said it was slow almost taunting. I nodded my head and turned my right and saw Niall walk in with Louis.

I whipped my head to face him. He just smirked and chuckled darkly, "This should be fun." He whispered more to himself but I heard his horrifying comment.

They walked over here smiling and talking. "Hey Pay, Niall here just told me something that made me want to ask you something." I squinted my eyes in confusion what would Louis want to ask? Why couldn't he wait for our therapy?

"Ask away." My voice came out blunt the air seemed cold as he walked around his boots tapping the concrete. Louis walked over to me and Niall walked off saying he needed to get a flower for his mom because they were coming over to visit.

Louis sat down in front of me and stared at me, "Payton let me see your arm for a moment." His voice was demanding but light, I shook my head 'no' but Louis didn't take it.

He took my arms rolling up the sleeves, my scratches were shown up and down my arm their redness popping out of my pale skin. The skin looked chipped from my nails digging into the flesh.

"Payton why did you do this?"

I shook my head the memory fresh. I was sitting down on my bed and I remember being dragged his claws dug into the skin his friend whispering and laughing at me. The walls were swarming with shadows and their chucking got louder.

"Payton pour Payton" Their voice slithered through the air with a bone-chilling unnatural sound.

I was dragged around the hall their arms reaching out gripping me and pitching the skin, their nails scratching me.

"H-He did it." I whispered pointing to where he stood. Though he did not seem moved, his grin spread ear to ear now knowing Louis could not see him. Louis turned around slowly my arms still in his grip.

He turned back around slowly his eyes showing confusion and nervousness. He thought I was mad. "Payton there is nothing there." He walked over to me standing right beside me and bent down.

When you think I'm not here I'm here I'm always here Payton. You're nightmare of a life is going to be hell when I'm done with it.

My breathing hitched and I began to shake. Louis noticed this, "Niall what's happening?" Louis' voice was loud and I was glad no one was in the Garden House today.

It was in the middle of autumn of course no one came here. Niall came running over to us his eyes going wide when he saw us.

-Third Person P.O.V-

Payton shook as the Boogeyman's voice shuttered through her thoughts taking over, Niall had seen this happen to his friend once and he called it a panic attack but it was far from it. This happened to her often even when she didn't know, she would shake for a moment not long after that she would forget everything and fall asleep later on that day waking up to a nightmare if she fell asleep.

The dream was always her, she never saw the Boogeyman in her dreams, and she was the boogeyman in her dreams. She was in his shoes seeing the show that was a gory story.

Niall ran over to her shaking her, seconds later she came back and looked around. Nothing happened from what Payton could tell and the Boogeyman began to keep quiet.

"Payton what just happened?" Louis asked shakily he had never known Payton to do such a thing and he knew it was because she wasn't taking her medicine.

Payton shrugged her shoulders not knowing herself, but she had an idea. It happens every time she goes to bed, the Boogeyman takes over.

"He did it." She shivered at her words and stood up noticing the flowers she was watering now were drowning.

No one could see the Boogeyman, no one could hear him, and no one saw what he did.

But when he murdered people it was Payton's name that was called. Not his.


Oh!!!! So that happened. So do you think you understand what is wrong with Payton? And did the Boogeyman do those marks on her skin?

Comment vote and fan :)

If you didn't may attention to the Prologue you probably didn't notice something's....What do you think that means??


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