Know Yourself [] PJM & MYG/ Y...

By Leviathicc

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[UNDERGOING EDITING] Min Yoongi, widely known as rapper Suga of the famous Korean pop band, BTS. Despite bein... More

Chapter 1: Inspiration
Chapter 2: Rehearsal
Chapter 3: Realization
Chapter 4: Speak
Chapter 5: Embrace
Chapter 6: Secrets
Chapter 7: Sabotage
Chapter 8: Suffering
Chapter 9: Serendipity
Chapter 10: Bonds
Chapter 11: Unearthed
Chapter 12: Struggle
Chapter 13: Creep
Chapter 14: Despair
Chapter 15: Brotherhood
Know Yourself PT 2?
🚨Fiction Awards! 🚨

Chapter 16: Finale

220 9 27
By Leviathicc

          Since the news of their nomination, the band's schedules became packed with interviews. Radio and television appearances followed by mixed press conferences. Luckily, their packed schedules and news of their American award nomination buzzed louder than the rumors of Jimin and Yoongi's relationship. Their fans making sure to cover the nonsense and share nothing but support. Leaving Yoongi, once again astounded and appreciative of their fans. A feeling he knew he'd never want to let go of. There were now four things in this world he couldn't live without: music, the other members, their fans, and Jimin.
       With the news of their nomination overshadowing the rumors, the band's producer Bang Shihyuk agreed to let the younger members come back home. Yoongi wished they could have the time to enjoy it but their schedules were packed well until their flight to America.
      With their rising popularity and buzzing media around them, they worked hard to release the song Jimin and Yoongi had made. Once Bang PD approved the final version, it was released. The reactions of fans staggering as ever as the song climbed up the charts throughout the month. The songs popularity bringing calls from American promoters asking them to perform the song at the awards show. A request that led the group into formatting the song for all of their voices. Hours, days, weeks spent with everyone learning the choreography and recording a fuller version of the song. Making sure to add it to their next comeback album.
      Yoongi couldn't help but appreciate the long hours in the recording studio and the practice room. Time he could spend beside Jimin. Watching him dance, the beautiful lines of his moving body always managing to leave Yoongi dazed. As if hypnotized by the youngers movements. A feeling that followed them into the recording studio as well.
      Yoongi couldn't help but think about the past years since their debut. Hell, even before. From the moment he met Jimin until now. Yoongi could see now, he'd always loved Jimin. He even hoped that Jimin had always felt the same. The images of the past reeling through Yoongi's head.

    Yoongi remembered always looking for a chance to touch and look at Jimin. Enjoy his warm smile and childlike cheeks.

  Looking for any excuse to share a moment with Jimin, even when filming.

     Dancing with him through the nights as Yoongi stumbled through their choreography.

     Becoming flustered whenever Jimin got playful or close. Heart pounding in his chest.

    Taking in every possible chance to appreciate Jimin's perfect features. Eager to see that bright smile that managed to light the darkness that always loomed in Yoongi's soul.

   Remembering how he would put up with Jimin's playful actions while cussing Taehyung out for doing the same.

Playing games together... And yes, appreciating that Kkul FM show that allowed Yoongi to feel the soft curve of Jimin's ass.

     Laughing at how much Jimin made him blush with his loving jokes.

    Yoongi wondered about the moments that Jimin made him blush with the smallest actions. That somehow meant more to Yoongi than any other moment.

Did these moments mean the same to Jimin?

   Did Jimin also look at him with love in his eyes over the years?

Did Jimin value their late night talks and stargazing as much as Yoongi did?

Yoongi couldn't help but wonder how long he stayed blind to his own feelings. How did he even miss the signs Jimin gave him?

Did Jimin get flustered under Yoongi's touch?

Did Jimin let Yoongi get away with childish actions because of how long he had liked him?

How long did Jimin like Yoongi?

       A sudden tap on his leg pulled Yoongi from the memory movie playing in his head. He opened his eyes, remembering that he had been riding in the van on the way to the dance studio for their last practice before their trip to America.
     Jimin, who had convinced Yoongi to ride with him, smiled down at the sleepy figure of his boyfriend sunken into the leather seat. Yoongi sat up, his hand instinctively reaching out to meet Jimin's. The younger interlocking their fingers happily.
      Jungkook leaned over their seat from the back, faking vomit sounds, "Could you two be more gross?"
     Jimin smirked, moving to sit in Yoongi's lap. Ignoring Yoongi's blushing face, Jimin stuck out his tongue at the Maknae, "How uncomfortable do you want to be?"
      Jungkook rolled over the seat, his weight splitting Jimin and Yoongi apart, leaving the Maknae to fall into Yoongi's lap. Jungkook smirked smugly at Jimin and wrapped his arms around Yoongi's neck, "How does it feel now?"
      Before Yoongi could let out the curse words that lingered on his tongue, Jimin leaned over. His face close to Jungkook's. The short distance between them bringing a few more cuss words to Yoongi's mind. Jimin puckered his lips for a kiss, "Oh C'mon, Kookie. How about a three way?"
     Jungkook pulled away, falling off of Yoongi's lap. Leaving Taehyung to catch him before he landed on the floor. Jimin and Yoongi laughed at the youngest's less than graceful escape. Jimin's voice sing-songing, "That'll teach you not to touch what isn't yours."
     The possessive words making Yoongi blush, "Knock it off you two."
      At that moment the van came to a stop outside the building. Hobeom turning back from the drivers seat, waving his chubby hands toward the door, "All of you knock it off and get to practice."
    They listened, filing out of the van and greeting the other members while the managers parked. Yoongi and Jimin making sure to keep their distance in public. Part of Yoongi still hated going outside together. He was sick of the paparazzi paranoia. Tired of constantly watching over his shoulder. Denying his urges. Keeping his distance.
     A frustrated sigh escaped his lips as they headed in for practice. The thoughts still heavy in Yoongi's mind. They've hidden things before: their exhaustion, their pain, their depressed moments, their struggles. But hiding his heart... Felt different. It didn't feel right.
     They were used to hiding parts of themselves for the sake of their image and their fans feelings. But Yoongi wasn't used to hiding something so important to him that he wished he could scream it from the mountain tops.

                     • • • • • • • • • •


      The flight from Incheon Airport to LAX was grueling, no matter how many times they had flown around the world by now. The seven put on their best faces for the fans that came to greet them once they exited the plane. The crowd screaming and taking pictures as it followed the group their cars. Each member making to share smiles and waves to as many fans as possible despite their tired dispositions as their managers and staff ushered them into the limousine. A perk provided by the awards staff for international nominees.
     Namjoon was the last member to slide into the elongated hummer, closing the door after one last wave. The member finally reverting back to their exhausted states. Happily hidden behind the tinted glass of the windows. Sejin took the front seat, giving the band their privacy on the way to the hotel. An unnecessary act since nearly all of them took the chance to nap along the drive.

    "Waaaahhhhhh!" Hoseok bellowed as the seven entered their massive, four room suite.
     Taehyung, Jungkook, and Jimin followed suit. Each running around the large room, gasping in awe at the beauty of each fixture. Jin taking their example and tapping in to his childish side, jumping onto the plush couch. Extending his limbs across the cushions, cooing Awes of elaborate comfort.
      Jimin ran to the room with one bed, looking back to the others, "Me and Yoongi-hyung get this room!"
        Namjoon quirked a brow, closing the hotel room door, "Should you two have your own room? I don't wanna hear anything weird from there."
      Jimin smirked, "Don't worry, Hyung. I'm quiet."
      "Jiminie!" Yoongi snapped as the younger laughed at his joke.

        The seven picked their rooms and unpacked their bags. Yoongi and Jimin getting the big room. Namjoon and Jin being forced together in the other bedroom. Taehyung, Jungkook, and Hoseok in the last room with the two younger sharing a bed. The members finally coming together again for dinner after letting Namjoon order room service.
      The seven enjoyed their dinner together. Laughing and joking about the days ahead. Ready to see the friends they made the last time they were at the award show to perform. Excitement and worry rushing through all of them. They wanted to put on their best show. They wanted to win the award. They wanted to dream and hope. Even Yoongi was hoping for the win.
     Not because he wanted the recognition. But because he wanted the very best for his brothers. For Jimin.

                    • • • • • • • • • •

    The next day came too quick as the members, a little hung over, trudged sleepily to the cars. Trying to wake themselves up during the ride to the venue for their performance rehearsal. Though part of Yoongi wanted the ride to last longer. So he could spend a few more minutes with Jimin sleeping head resting on his shoulder. But sadly, the venue was closer than expected.
      The rehearsal went well. The group even managing to see many of their friends. The Chainsmoker bros meeting them in their trailer for lunch. Steve Aoki and Desiigner stopping by to give their greetings. Ansel Elgort coming to say hello. Ever the cheerful fanboy. The meetings leaving the boys with cheerful dispositions by the time they headed back to their hotel, energized.
       Sejin and Hobeom let the group spend the night alone, knowing that they like to take the night before a performance to spend together. The seven eating a late dinner after doing a very loud and cheerful Vlive to thank their fans. Once the live was over they popped open the wine and celebrated their lives and their fans that had brought them to such a happy point.
     Yoongi couldn't help but find himself in lost in complete happiness in this moment. But something stabbed at his heart, a small truth that constantly brought pings of pain: he could never be this happy openly, he and Jimin would always have to hide.

                     • • • • • • • • • •

      The day of the awards show left the band members buzzing with nervous excitement. Make up artists,  American production staff, and their personal staff flooded their trailer behind the venue. The trailer was loud, echoing the multitude of voices. Even louder when famous American musicians would stop by to share words of congratulations. An instance Yoongi would never get used too. He always greeted them like a normal fan. Yoongi's eyes still slightly blinded from the busy flashes of the red carpet and nerve wracking interviews.
      The staff helped attach their mics and do last minute make up checks as the were escorted towards stage. Waiting for Selena Gomez to finish her performance. The show slowly coming to an end. Namjoon spoke with the American staff before turning back to the members and passing on the message, after they perform they would leave the stage and get fixed up before taking their seats for the final nominees and winners the be announced.
        The members stood back stage, finishing up their last minute adjustments. Jimin standing so far away from Yoongi that the distance almost pained him. Yoongi desperately wanted to share this day with him but he knew the staggering number of eyes watching every movement they made. So he kept to the back. Going over the lines and choreography in his head.
      The crowd cheered loudly as the band took the stage. Glows of ARMY bombs waving in the crowd. Far more fans had come than the year before. The sight and sounds almost bringing Yoongi to tears. But he kept his composure as they all took their positions. Hearing the countdown in their headset before the music started up.
    Despite the recent release of their new song, the crowd sang a long word for word. Energizing the members as they performed. Sweat instantly beading on their bodies as they danced and sang with all their energy. Each member working hard to keep exact to the rather new choreography. The chants of the fans timing perfectly. They were the life blood of the performance. As they always were.
       The venue erupted in applause as the performance came to an end. Flood of emotions moved through Yoongi's body as they bowed. He wanted to run into Jimin's arms. To tell him how beautiful his voice was, how well he danced, how much he loved him. But he couldn't. He had to keep close to the other members to fight his urges to be with Jimin. A fight he really didn't want to win.
        They filed off the stage. Instantly met by staff members fanning them and putting Cold packs on their necks. Make up artists adjusting their makeup and dabbing the sweat from their faces. Security swiftly ushering them back to their seat so the group could be seated and featured for their nomination. The seven practically running through the mass of staff that surrounded them. The members eager to get back to their seats, each receiving cheers of praise from celebrities they passed.
       "Back on in 3....2...." the announcer alerted the audience, preparing them for the next award to be given out. Miley Cyrus and Ansel Elgort taking to the stage as the category announcers. The two spoke and the crowd laughed, many of the members faking their reactions. Unable to fully understand their foreign banter.
      "And here are the nominees for Artist of the Year..." Cyrus said before turning back to the massive LED screen as the female announcing voice named the nominees.
      "Beyonce..." loud cheers echoing from the crowd.
     "Shawn Mendes..." more cheers, more women this time.
     "Selena Gomez... " cheers were a little quieter this time.
    "And BTS... " immediately the crowd exploded in cheers from celebrities all the way back to the fans. The venue nearly rumbling at the sound.
      Ansel took the envelope in his hands and slowly worked it open. The seven members smiled, ready to cheer on the winner.
     Ansel grinned and nearly sprang from his shoes as he shouted into the mic, "And the winner is.... BTS!!!"
     The members froze as all eyes shifted to them, cheers surging through the hall. Each member stood up slowly, being led like zombies to the stage. Each hugging Ansel and Miley but not completely able to understand what had just happened.
     Namjoon took to the mic first, calling to ARMY with teary eyes and a broken voice. The members each patting each other as they tried not to cry. This time each member had worked on American phrases to say in case they won but sadly Yoongi was drawing a blank. Urging the other members to speak before him.
     Finally it was Yoongi's turn to speak, he stumbled over his words. Rattled with nerves. Until Jimin stood behind him, placing his hand on the elders back. Giving Yoongi the courage he needed.

     At that moment, Yoongi made a decision. A life decision that would affect everything. But he didn't care. He stepped toward the mic. Steadying his voice and speaking the only English that could come to his mind at that moment. His voice strong with courage, "Thank you ARMY. I love you ARMY." He paused, taking a breath, and looked out into the crowd. His face serious as Yoongi spoke his final words," I love ARMY and... I love Park Jimin!"
      Instantly Yoongi turned to Jimin, wrapping one arm around his waist and the other cupping his cheek. The elder quickly pulling him into a kiss. Jimin tried to pull away but Yoongi held on to him as if his life depended on it and Jimin felt in to the act. Kissing him back. In this moment, Yoongi felt that small shred of pain disappear. Because now, everyone knew where his heart lay. Everyone now knew about him and Jimin. The world now knew who he loved. As they kissed the audience's loud mixed cheers were slowly drowned out. Until all that was left was Yoongi, Jimin, and the truth.
    Yoongi pulled back, looking into Jimin's blushing and dazed face. His thumb brushing the youngers warm cheek. "I want the entire world to know...."

     "I love you, Park Jimin."

      "I love you, Min Yoongi."


   [Thank you all for reading this fic! I hope you enjoyed every second of it. If you want a sequel let me know in the comments! If you want this story from Jimin's PoV, let me know! until then, see you soon with my next project. Thank you for your support ♥]

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