Blessed Combat

By SweetSurprise123

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With Earth destroyed the remaining survivors have to get accustomed to their new life in the virtual reality... More

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Important (Even to ongoing readers)
1 - An odd little conversation
2 - Having a guest for the first time
3 - Pop! Goes the weasel!
4 - Hero
5 - Questions, answers and the third companion...
6 - Shock Treatment
7 - Friends
8 - Final Decision
9 - Training With Interesting Results.
10 - Advice and Trust
11 - Frienemies, enemies and a lead to the past.
12 - The First Trial With A Lot In Store.
13 - The Game of Cat and Mouse
14 - Friends and Four Reasons Why
15 - Finally...
16 - Warm Feelings and The Unwanted Guest.
17 - A Better Insight of the Past
18 - Decluttering Two Overthinking Minds.
19 - Can Never Hate You...
20 - Lucky and Not So Lucky
21 - Back To Square One
22 - The Road To Recovery And Discoveries.
23 - Cakes and Wedding Rings
24 - Several Leads, The Faint Voice And The Answer.
26 - Project Blackwood
27 - Grimm Tales
29 - Self Discoveries
30 - Stab's Mini Adventure!
31 - Conflicted and Muddled Up Feelings.
32 - Last Minute Decision
33 - Turning The Tables.
34 - The Traps And The Results.
35 - Identity Of the Legendary Player.
36 - Virus And The Bad News.
37 - Another Set Of Mysteries And The Plan
38 - The Climatic Final Trial
39 - The Choices They Make
Sequel Announcement.

25 - The Good, The Bad And The Unexpected.

458 21 0
By SweetSurprise123

“Oh hey! Zessica. I didn’t know it was you. How’d you get my number anyway?”

“Good evening to you too Sophie. As for the matter of getting your number, Arma happened to have Caterpillar’s number saved in his phone and little things lead to the next.” Zessica answered in a formal polite tone. It had been fifteen minutes ever since she accidently witnessed the scene in the kitchen and when she was caught red handed for catching her partner and Titania staring each other with loving eyes. Zessica did the only thing she could come up with at the spur of the moment. She bailed straight out. Right after she did so, she finished her midnight snack, climbed a tree not too far away from the beach and gazed at the ocean which sparkled brilliantly underneath the moon’s light.

“Ah I see. So how are you? Why are you up and about at this hour and how are your...injuries?” Sophie spoke at the other end and as Zessica noticed, wary with her own choice of words, as if she weren’t careful, the shorter girl would blow up like a bomb. Nevertheless, Zessica would admit that she did feel a bit strange at the moment. Something unpleasant was nagging at her chest. Was her body failing her again?

“I am fine and I thank you for your concern. My injuries have healed too and Arma is also faring better. Right now I am at the beach with my allies...I mean friends as some sort of vacation. I am up at this hour because...things happened during our stay but I can assure you it’s alright now. I called because I want to check up on you since I saw the news.”

‘Right after Arma and Zatch disappeared with that window of the news in their place’ Zessica thought silently.

“Oh I am fine but I am a bit furious with the person who wrote that news. I mean, Caterpillar is asthmatic and is sick too. His eyes were blue before but some unknown disease changed their colour the more he uses his powers. His ill fate is something he can’t control. Why can’t people understand that Child of Misfortune is just some silly old wives tale?”

Zessica listen as Sophie ranted in frustration at her ear. She was anxious and depressed, that much is certain. Zessica also assumed that Sophie was back at the hospital at the very moment, having nothing to vent her aggravation on. She must have wanted to dump her misery on something desperately for her to blurt all of this so openly to Zessica, considering that the short girl hasn’t yet fully gained her trust.

“I assume the journalist was one of those people who need to get his belief completely shaken in order for him to see clearly. I understand what you are going through but blaming him won’t get you anywhere. I know this sounds a bit impolite of me to say so but it’s already done and there is nothing you can do about it. Avenging your brother by confronting this very person would only put unnecessary worry to him.”

There was silence at the other end, making the short girl assume that Sophie was weighing her advice and suggestion down. After approximately a minute of unspoken words shared between them, Zessica eventually heard her sigh and give in.

“You are right. I still don’t know how you guessed my plans for the next day but really, that’s creepy. No offense.” Zessica allowed herself to chuckle lightly to which Sophie tensed up at the other end. She couldn’t believe it, this girl was laughing? Does that mean Arma finally got to see her smile? Did that guy answered the question she asked him the other day?

“So what are you going to do now? Since Caterpillar won’t be walking about in two weeks time?” Zessica asked suddenly, cutting all of Sophie’s chain of thought unwittingly. Sophie blinked, letting the words sink in before coming up with an answer to the other hand of her phone.

“I don’t know...The doctor says that he won’t be able to take part in the Default Trial. That’s the trial where the AI gives the players a second chance if they couldn’t fulfil their Trial task if you don’t know what that is. Wait... you would know it by now. Anyway, the idea of going alone without my brother is a little...unnerving? Yea that’s the word...Since chances are I will face Ophelia again. Don’t get me wrong but I want to beat her really badly but a part of me is still recovering from shock. If my brother isn’t’s almost like I am going in blind.”

Sophie blabbered out, her eyes getting wider and wider by the second, vaguely aware she was revealing all of her hidden thoughts and terror to a girl who is a master at keeping hers concealed. She instantly bit her tongue, forbidding herself to continue any further. For all she knew, she might end up blurting about Caterpillar’s secret business with a guy who he calls none other than the ‘Boss’ and Sophie knew she must not go that far.

“I don’t see why you should be afraid. Even if Caterpillar isn’t going to take part in the Trials, he will still cheer and support for you won’t he? This time, as a bystander. Isn’t that enough? Just the thought that he will be watching over you?” Even though Sophie didn’t want to admit it but Zessica made it sound like it was the obvious thing in the world. She felt as if Zessica had dumped a barrel of goldfishes with pond water all over her. The silver haired girl couldn’t argue though, Zessica had a point.

“Ah jeez...You put shame on my name. Sophie is supposed to be known as the wise one but you seem to be a whole lot wiser than I am.” Sophie spoke out loud in a not so lady like fashion, scratching the back of her head nonchalantly. It has been a while she could talk to someone without worry about anything.

“Well I can’t really agree with you there. I don’t believe I am wise. Just a person who has her own opinion on things.” Zessica replied back breezily in honest modesty. Sophie couldn’t help but crack a smile. There aren’t many people who have sincere modesty in Wind Crest. Finding one is so rare; you can only meet them once.

“So...How are you and Arma getting along?” Sophie asked, trying as hard as she can not to sound too interested. Hopefully Zessica has a weakness in her perceiving ability when it comes to phone calls. After all, the voice on the other end won’t be that clear. It had to be affected by the static and frequency of the phone network. 

“Oh we are doing fine. Haven’t trained though but I guess it’s alright since everyone wanted to have a little vacation. I also met a good friend who is like a father to me at the beach too. Apparently he owns the whole land. There is this annoying puppy though and I think he likes Phoenix since he is continuously sticking close to her. Zatch doesn’t seem at all thrilled. Stabs taught me how to build a sandcastle and Titania...” Zessica trailed off, recalling the event in the kitchen. She felt a sharp tug in her chest. There was it again. The uncomfortable feeling, as if something is pressing against her chest that it was difficult to breathe.

“Zessica? What about Titania?” Sophie asked, concern evident in her voice. Zessica weighed her option on how to answer her. There were two, admit what she was feeling at the moment or just casually brush it off. Like Sophie suspecting her, can Zessica trust Sophie to keep a secret?

“It’s...nothing. Titania came along too. She is a popular girl in my school. Speaking of school, do you even go there?” Sophie knew that Zessica was trying to change the subject but for some reason, the silver haired girl started going with the flow as well. Maybe she didn’t want to pry; maybe Zessica was just that good at diverting the conversation.

“No I don’t. I train everyday back home with Caterpillar. Plus, that foolish brother of mine doesn’t go to school either and I have to keep an eye on him since he is so reckless. To think that he is the elder one too!”

“Sounds like to me that you deeply care for your brother instead. Training huh? I would like to train with you one day.” There was a slight choke at the other end, making Zessica wonder whether Sophie was too taken aback with her request. Had she brought it up too suddenly? Then again, Zessica was never great with saying something in great timing, both in a good way and a bad way. She waited patiently for the silver haired girl to answer back, which was a few seconds later.

“Train? With me? I don’t know...I don’t mean to brag but my Minor and Major are powerful, even when there is a time limit.”

“All the more reason to train with you.” Zessica stated casually, making Sophie to choke at the other end again. The silver haired girl stared at the white marble tiled floor back in the hospital waiting room, trying to absorb and figure out the shorter girl’s intention. This was such a bizarre request, even for Zessica who is an odd person.

“Even so, it’s not like we can start of training today. How about next time?”

“Sure. Might as well train with Phoenix for now then. She is able to do something I can’t fulfil yet. Oh, I better get going now. It’s late and you should rest. Also, there is this Mother Hen clucking about here.” Zessica stated casually, eyeing the tall lad who was running here and there desperately, as if he was trying to find something. Zessica casually wondered whether he was looking for her and her chest gave a small tug again. Huh, this was such a weird feeling. The short girl hoped it was temporary.

“Mother hen? First an annoying puppy then a mother hen? I am now having a hard time believing that you are on a beach instead of a farm hehe. Thanks for calling. I really appreciate it.” Zessica didn’t bother explaining the meaning behind ‘Mother Hen’ and simply nodded to no one in particular.

“Good night.”

“Good night” With that, Sophie hung up as Zessica flicked the phone close. She placed it carefully back in her pocket before descending down the tree gingerly. She scrapped some skin off her right knee in the process but she didn’t care. It wasn’t too fatal and deep. Once she was back on the ground, she slowly strolled up to the brunette who was close to yank out his hair in frustration.

“AAaargh! I am gonna kill her when I see her!” Arma yelled out loud, clearly distressed. Who would eat a midnight snack outside? That is so unlike a normal person. Then again, Arma was surrounded by abnormal people. A cheeky annoying informant, a short tempered fiery girl, a down to earth guy who is easily moved to tears, an ignorant guy who is almost like an informant but continues to stick to Zessica like glue and the popular girl in school. Arma can’t say that he is like any average guy too though.

“That’s not at all reassuring coming from you. I might as well turn back and leave you alone.” Zessica spoke out loud, making her partner to scream hysterically in a high pitch voice and jump back as if he had seen a ghost. He turned and saw Zessica staring at him with amused eyes as Arma grew all the more red in the face. He could feel the heat burning in his cheeks as the words came tumbling out.

“You. I uh that time it wasn’t real! I mean it wasn’t real! I mean we weren’t d-doing anything! Its n-not what you think! In the kitchen I mean when you saw u-us... uh...we weren’t k...k-k....k-

“Kissing?” Zessica tagged in as she said the word without making a fuss about it, slightly more amused and assuming when she said it out loud, it would help Arma to lose some of his embarrassment. Unfortunately, this seemed to add more fuel to the already thwarting fire.

“I...I...Yea! She was sc-scared so I was comforting her...Th-thats all! There is n-n-nothing between us! I don’t l-like her in that way, even if you say so.” Arma stuttered furiously, almost biting his tongue several times. Zessica gazed at him, bearing no emotion on her face as Arma stared back, feeling the heat in his face crank up a notch. Knowing that this was a thing he could not win against, Arma finally blew up and crouched down, startling the shorter girl a bit. The tall lad didn’t look up at her and focused all of his attention on the ground as steam of discomfort evaporated from his face. He even felt dizzy but started feeling a lot better than what he had felt for the past few minutes. A while later, Arma sensed Zessica crouch down beside him too. He glanced up to find her staring at him in a curious manner.

“I am surprised that you are telling the truth. What happened? I thought you did like her?” Arma felt sweat beads trailing down from his head. He didn’t want to lie, even if he did, Zessica would catch him before he could even say anything. However, something had been bugging him for a while. Since Arma realised his feelings for her, shouldn’t she figured out too? Why wasn’t she reacting? Was she really not interested? Was he rejected indirectly already? Before he could even start somewhere?

That was when full degree of the question struck him like a bolt out of the blue. Zessica had asked him that she thought he liked Titania. Does that mean she still hasn’t realised the truth yet? Or was she in denial? Both seemed likely. Before he could ponder on it further, he realised that Zessica was still waiting for his answer.

“Um...I just...Well Titania have a lot of fans and after getting to know her... I just want to be friends with her...?” Arma replied, hoping Zessica wouldn’t notice the uncertain tone in the end. Much to his relief, Zessica place a fist on her lips, deeply analyzing his answer before labelling it off as the truth. It then occurred to Arma a while later that even though Zessica is able to perceive emotions accurately, she may or may not fully understand the concept of love. Maybe she knew some of it, considering she figured out Zatch’s and Phoenix’s but what about him? Somehow, this both relieved the brunette and made him a bit miserable instead. Though, most of it was relief.

“I see. So what did Oliver say this time?” Zessica asked, making Arma marvel at her for being straight to the point. It was so like her. Does that mean she was back to her normal self again? As Arma wondered this, Zessica couldn’t help feel a tiny bit guilty for being relieved that Arma wasn’t interested in Titania. She didn’t know why but every time Zessica saw the two of them together, it was like Titania was taking over her spot, her warm and comfortable place. Since when had she become so...selfish?

Arma ended up telling Zessica everything that Oliver had revealed to him that time, trailing off awkwardly when he spoke of Ophelia only to end it abruptly by saying that Oliver used to be human but had died. When the brunette mentioned Ophelia, there was a hint of sadness and sorrow which was quickly replaced with intrigue and curiosity.

“A player died? That’s almost impossible. The AI makes sure that no one dies unless its old age or some incurable disease... Did he die by some sort of cancer or something?” Arma shrugged his shoulders, indicating slightly that Oliver only let the cat out of the bag that much. Zessica sighed, much like Zatch when he lands himself straight to a dead end.

“As for my memories, I don’t recall anything about the Taboo so I can’t really answer why I disappeared. I guess we will have to wait and go back to the hospital to find Tear for the answer. I am not at all happy about Ophelia but Oliver could be right, we might be misunderstanding her. Misunderstanding can lead to a lot of problems we can avoid if we clear up some doubts on her.” Zessica listed out, a little reluctant at the last bits. Arma simply nodded absentmindedly, his mind coming up blank instead of sparing him something to at least comfort his partner.

“Oh I almost forgot.  While you were gone, I got some good news for you.” Zessica started suddenly, placing both her hands behind her back as they strolled in the beach towards the hotel. Arma fished his hands deeper in his jean’s pocket, frowning lightly and trying to guess what the excellent news for him.

“Oh? And what would that be?”

“We were chosen for the Default Trial among twenty other teams. We got a second chance in representing Wind Crest in the Blessed Combat trial.” Zessica announced proudly, her cheeks flushing up in pleasure as she beamed brightly at Arma. The tall lad took his time processing the news. Very much like a drunk person, he slowly repeated what she said in his mind several times before joining her with her enthusiasm.

“That’s great! When is it though? Does that mean we have to leave the beach so early?” Zessica shrugged her shoulders.

“I don’t know. A little later after you disappeared with Zatch, the window popped up congratulating us. It said it will give us the details later on the future but after hearing that we got a second chance, I want to train again.” The last part made Arma worry a bit.

“Are you sure? I mean I know you are healed an all right now?” Zessica chortled heartily before shaking her head negatively.

“No, not now you silly goose. Tomorrow in the morning. With Phoenix. I believe I have a chance with her now. As much as I want to train with you I still suspect you to hold back and your arm hasn’t fully healed yet now has it?” Only then did Arma check up on his bandaged arm. He had even forgotten he was injured in the first place. For some reason, realising now that his arm was still sort of crushed, a slight pain started overtaking his arm’s senses. Arma could only assume that with a lot of things happening all at once in a day, he was entirely distracted which numbed his injury.

“Are you sure? I can come by and watch.” Arma prodded on, hoping that she will consider him to at least do this much. To his dismay, she shook her head again, rejecting him.

“No... I want to train with her...alone...Well since we are here right now, good night Arma, and welcome back” Zessica turned and smiled somewhat sadly at Arma. The tall lad’s eyes widened as it took him a moment to comprehend that they were now both inside the hotel, passing by the dining area where they had the heavenly cake, the one that made Stabs cry.

“A-ah yea...Goodnight...” Arma awkwardly greeted politely as they parted ways. As he made it towards the door, he let out a sigh of relief. Knowing that Zessica was well aware that everything that happened in the kitchen was cleared up, Arma couldn’t help but feel a bit lethargic with how things piled up against him. Then again, everything turned out peachy in the end. Nodding to no one, Arma gently turned the door knob and peeked inside. Euphino was sleeping like a log at the nearest best while Stabs was applying ointments on Zatch’s burnt marks that could only mean one person. No one can place those kinds of burns artistically more than her.

“Well someone was happy to see you” Arma spoke dryly which was dripping with sarcasm, muffling out a scoff of laughter unsuccessfully. Zatch simply grinned back at him, as if getting scorched was the best thing in the world. Arma froze a bit, recalling when Zessica wondered whether Zatch was a person who liked to have pain. The thought of it made him shudder. 

“Well good thing I brought these ointments. How’d you end up in the girl’s room anyway?” Stabs asked curiously as he dabbed another cotton bud with ointment on Zatch’s arm. Arma stiffened lightly, remembering Zessica saying that Phoenix could very well be giving the worst or best ear box of his life. So that would explain the burns as well. Zatch winced slightly in agony before proceeding with the answer with the usual dramatic voice of his.

“I was teleported there against my own will~” With that, Zatch placed the back of his free hand on his forehead, earning a disbelief chuckle from the lanky guy. Even Arma found his usual annoying theatrics amusing this time. Seeing that both of them were clearly tired and it was almost going to be two A.M in the morning, Stabs didn’t ask anything else further. He said he would wait till the next morning just as Phoenix declared right after she kicked Zatch out of the room.

Morning came earlier than Arma wanted to and it didn’t help that he heard a cry of incredulity from Euphino. The second he saw Arma, the curly haired lad pounced on him, bouncing on the extremely comfortable bed as an attempt to get the tall lad to snap back. It worked and random pieces of furniture were tossed about with Zatch who decided to join in the fun. There were soft muffled whines from Stabs in the background as he complained that his roommates are too lively. Nonetheless, the morning didn’t turn out the way everyone wanted to.

“So you’ve been talking to a dead guy this whole time?” Euphino asked for the fifth time in a row, already going beyond to test Arma’s patience. It took most of Arma’s will to not lunge a table nearby at the slow boy. To think that Arma himself was slow too! This guy made him look completely intelligent at the moment.

“That’s what he claimed. I don’t think he would joke about his own death. I talked it over with Zessica last night and she thinks it was something like an unknown cancer.”

“So the big C killed Oliver huh? I can believe that but still, if he was dead, why is he still here? Like haunting you. Did you bully him or something in the orphanage? Is he there to curse you?” Zatch fired away the questions a tad bit too much in a laid back fashion. This finally triggered the Arma’s overwhelming temper and as he reached out the table, Stabs instantly blocked his hand with a pillow. However, this didn’t stop him from grabbing it and lunging it over Zatch, who caught it gracefully without it doing much damage. Stabs allowed himself to bury his face on a bed in respite that the cost repairmen was avoided.

“Okay okay I will be serious but really Arma, loosen up! So this guy isn’t a ghost cursing you or anything like that. He had been helping us so far so what exactly is he if he is dead?” Zatch turned to look each and everyone in the eye. All of them were having the same expression. They didn’t know and failed to come up with any concrete theories. It was still such a mystery. It’s like once they solve one mystery, a whole set of new questions come piling down. It was a never ending rain. Silence lingered in the air as Stabs rubbed his right earlobe thoughtfully. It was something he usually do when he need to think deeply. That was when he felt something funny between the fingertips, more like empty.

“...Hey guys?... Have anyone of you seen my ear-ring?”

Clank! Zessica was sent flying and roughly skidded against the monochrome world before using the momentum of the skid to get back on her feet again as she charged at the ring of fire Phoenix formed around her. When the short girl first requested to train with the fiery girl, Phoenix was a bit sceptical about it. Don’t get her wrong, she was happy that Arma and Zessica got another chance but it seemed like Zessica, who was usually calm and would go at her own pace, was rushing a bit. It was as if she was desperate, trying to overcome a diffficult obstacle.

Back to the present, Zessica leaped through the ring, ignoring her clothes had caught on fire and snapped her arm forward, effectively punching Phoenix in the gut. However, it wasn’t a powerful jab so Phoenix recovered almost instantly and successfully tripped the shorter girl who landed on her back with a grunt.

“You know...If something is bothering you, all you got to do is ask...”Phoenix surprised herself by speaking in a calm voice. It felt weird, not to be angry and impulsive at the same time. Zessica looked as if she was going to force herself to get up and have another go again. However, she thought better of it and laid there, watching as grey clouds passed by peacefully with Phoenix’s silhouette blocking the source of light in the dimension.

“I don’t want to hold back my Major, but at the same time, I don’t want it to go loose. It’s like if I activate it to its full potential, I might do something horrible.” The short girl finally admitted out loud which was followed by a long sigh. Phoenix stared at her with her bottom lip puckered out; surprised that Zessica came clean so openly. After all, there are some aspects of her that were stubborn. She didn’t think it would be easy for her to spill when it’s something related to herself.

“What made you say that?” Phoenix asked curiously, sitting beside the girl who continued to gaze at the colourless sky. It looked melancholic and miserable, but at the same time, it was serene. It was as if the harmony would cease to exist if there was a blotch of colour in that perfectly toneless sky.

“I don’t know. I just have that feeling. Something tells me that I done it before, and it wasn’t pretty.”

“Ah. Arma told you about my fear of controlling my own Major didn’t he? He really can’t keep anything shut huh? So you wanted to train with me not only because you want to get stronger, but because you want to know how I overcame it right?” Phoenix chuckled lightly as Zessica remained deadpanned, using silence as her reply. Phoenix cleared her throat a bit before advancing with her resolution.

“Time was the key factor. You need time to slowly get used to it. I don’t know how that will help you but I can say that only time will tell when you are ready to use it to its full potential. Don’t regret if you couldn’t use it when you need it the most. Getting over your own fear that only you can overcome is difficult and frustrating. However, things will turn out well gained in the end. If you still feel uncomfortable, why don’t you share the burden with Arma? I know you don’t want to act as a burden to him but he isn’t your partner for nothing you know.”

As Zessica quickly absorb Phoenix words, she couldn’t help but feel a tiny bit grumpy about it. Although on the contrary, she couldn’t disagree with her too. What Phoenix said only made sense and there was no flaw in it whatsoever. After slowly thinking about it more thoroughly, Zessica eventually sighed and gave Phoenix a small smile. She knew she would not like it but she would give it a shot, one step at a time. Phoenix gave a smile back, happy to know that the girl had actually listened to what she said, considering that the only person who listens to her properly was Stabs. Arma only does it in emergency situation and Zatch? Not so much though he wouldn’t be Zatch if he were to sympathise.

“Ready for round two?” Phoenix challenged self confidently. Zessica’s smile grew to a mischievous smirk as she abruptly got up and dusted herself with her hands. She then poised herself in an attack position, her footing more firm than what she was doing earlier. Phoenix smirked back, recognising the calm and composed Zessica slowly coming back. A second later, both of their health bar icon hovered above of them, each of them filled to the brim with green. There was a countdown before them, slowly closing into the number zero.

Once the words ‘Go’ appeared before disappearing into many glittery like sparkles, both of them charged forward simultaneously. This time, Zessica surprised Phoenix by not going to a jab straight on like she was doing a while ago. She quickly duck down, avoiding Phoenix’s arm that was filled with red flames completely and...disappeared.

“Huh? What the-

Phoenix didn’t have enough time to react when she was suddenly thrust forward against her will. The girl spun around before falling to the ground to find Zessica having one leg snapped forward, proving that she had kicked her from behind.  Scampering on her feet, Phoenix barely got enough time to block the punch that was sent her way. Unfortunately, she didn’t have enough time to block the next attack as Zessica spun back towards Phoenix’s right and kicked her at the side.

Phoenix hobbled back in pain before recovering as quickly as possible as Zessica charged again. How Zatch managed to get a beating out of this girl was beyond what Phoenix could believe. Unless that idiot decided to play unfair and used his Major of phasing, Zessica could have passed on to beat even Stabs. However, just like Zatch had listed out, Zessica’s speed was still slow and sluggish, making her reaction time somewhat too long-winded. Even though she got the skills to confuse her opponents, she needed to rely on speed to get her strength boosting. Her offenses were pretty weak but barely passing past satisfactory.  Sadly, around fifteen minutes later, Zessica’s was burning out gradually, having little stamina to even stand.

“Ha...that was a good round...Though I don’t think this kind of training suits your play style. I mean, mine is more of showing no mercy and risk it all. Yours is...different. I mean, unique. It’s um...complicated. I’ve never seen anything like that before. Even Zatch is interested in how you used your uh...silence to your advantage.” Phoenix blabbered on but Zessica didn’t reply back. The stone which was fused at the back of her neck was showering her with emerald electricity, jolting her weak heart to beat for another day. Phoenix assumed that she hadn’t heard her since she was after all tired. But then, the short girl stepped forward, her feet shuffling heavily yet at the same time exhaustedly on the colourless grass.

“...Zessica?” Phoenix asked, suddenly feeling scared. Zessica was walking in a weird and awkward way, almost like she is losing her balance and then catching it at the last minute. Her eyes were concealed by the fringe of her hair which was drenched with sweat. Phoenix didn’t know why but something about the air around her felt very off. It was heavy and uncomfortable, almost as if it was smoking around the short girl, lingering, possessing her.

“O-okay...Training is over! L-let’s get back now...I am sure Titania is going to freak out to find us suddenly gone and Stabs is so going to kill you when he f-finds out that you snuck in and took his ear-ring...” Again there was no response, if you count out the deep harsh and raspy breathing that is. Was she sick? Did she need medicine?

Without warning, the ground beneath them suddenly started rumble loudly, as if it was a stomach and was grumbling out for food. Specks of stones started to dance up and about on the grass as Zessica stood there unmoving. By then, Phoenix knew that something was going horribly wrong. Things were going south. She needed to stop Zessica, at whatever she was doing. Before she could get anything done, Zessica was suddenly a feet away from Phoenix, making the fiery girl gasp and tried to take a step back, only to trip on her own foot and fall back the second time that day.

“Ow...don’t just scare me like that Zessica you-

Phoenix trailed off as she looked at the small figure, now looming over her. The light was bearing down on her back, making her figure black as silhouette. However, this definitely didn’t stop from Phoenix from seeing the state of Zessica’s eyes. They were emerald green, sparkling brightly as ever but the pupil among her emerald iris were no longer round. They were altered to the shape of a crosshair, and those crosshairs has its target locked on the girl before her. By then, Phoenix was scared, so very scared.

“Eh? Titania left?” Stabs asked bewilderedly with a mixture of relief. He was relieved because that would mean Phoenix won’t have someone to shop along with while forcing them to carry the shopping bags like the other day but he was bewildered that Titania only stayed for a day. Even Arma was a bit surprised but mostly guilty. Titania may or may not have confessed to him, but he still left her in the kitchen as if she was nothing important. He could have felt a bit better if he had taken her to her room but he was so pre occupied with clearing up the misunderstanding, he didn’t.

“Yes. Miss Titania said she needed to go back as soon as possible. Something about her aunt is having kidney failure.” Mr. Poppy answered as he prepared breakfast which consist of two French toast with butter and jam accompanying it, two sausages and a gourmet like omelette. He even made a small dessert since he was elated to find that Zatch and Arma had come back safely. Of course this meant trying to explain the meaning behind their disappearance but Zatch somehow or another convinced Mr.Poppy that they would tell him in good time, just later.

“Ooh...nasty. Hope her aunt get soon.” Euphino cringed out loud, already digging in the second he received the meal. No one could blame him for being extremely famished at that moment, after all, Stabs made a huge fuss about the damn ear ring. At first Euphino mocked him being a girl and that he could simply get another one but upon hearing that it was a prize which allowed them to go to another dimension, Euphino had to swallow his pride and search too. An hour passed and no such luck became to fruition. However, after that, Arma remembered something and told them that Zessica wanted to train with Phoenix. How they got their hands on his magical accessory was still in question.

“Me too...I wonder how Phoenix is training Zessica at the moment.” Stabs asked curiously as he took a bite of his French toast only to basically melt into the taste of it, half forgetting his question temporarily. Zatch scoffed at how gullible Stabs was while Euphino rolled his eyes in seemingly disgust.

“I haven’t had the slightest clue. Let’s just hope she doesn’t fry our dear little friend now shall we?” Zatch muttered out loud, eyeing Arma with a creepy smile on his face. The tall lad felt himself gulping nothing but air, already worrying about the condition Zessica would be in if Phoenix haven’t held back. Zatch didn’t remove and lift the worry any less.

“Oh Arma young man, I almost forgot to give something to you. I remember visiting that beaten down ol apartment of yours only to find you moved out. You didn’t even leave any contacts for me to catch you. I found something in your ol mailbox though” Poppy suddenly cried as he disappeared up the hotel. Arma stiffened lightly as the rest of the guys ogled at him, as if he could answer the question that’s been occupying their minds.

A while later, Poppy came rushing down, his face red from haste as he panted out for air. Even though Poppy looked sturdy and built, he was heavy, making it difficult for him to carry his own weight at great speed. He fished out an envelope which was crinkled and yellow with age. Arma wondered when he even left the apartment. Was it a year ago? Or was it two years ago? Arma still felt his newfound memories were foreign to him and he couldn’t think of anyone other than Zessica and Euphino to leave him a letter.

After a few more seconds of hesitation and observing every nook and cranny of the wrinkled and worn out envelope, Arma reached out and gently grabbed it from Poppy’s beefy hand. He then turned it over, frowning lightly at the initials written on it with a felt pen. It was unfamiliar and didn’t trigger any hidden memories in the far corners of Arma’s mind. Either he didn’t know who the sender was or he needed a different kind of trigger. After all, he couldn’t remember Euphino even when he came up to him straight on.

The initials were P.D, written in a cursive and female like fashion but there were some rough strokes at the straight lines and wiggly like curves, making it impossible for him to distinguish the gender of his sender. There was no address or any personal contacts at the back of the letter, meaning that whoever the dispatcher was had personally walked up to his crumbling down apartment and dropped it in his mailbox, completely unaware that the recipient had moved out. Whoever that person was, he or she was also in a hurry. That was when it hit him, Oliver’s voice which was replaying one of their brief encounters. It was vague but he could remember the important details.

“--------had left a gift to you somewhere which gives a better understanding of it than what you-------------I don’t know ------- sent the gift but it is given to you somehow....”

Arma almost groaned when he realised that it was painfully obvious. P.D. Phantom Dancer. The one who created the Taboo and the culprit of many people’s memory loss, and he had given a letter to Arma among thousands of players who was also not part of the Taboo in any angle.

Author's note: Don't forget to vote!

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