She is His

By True_Legend_

76.4K 2K 99

*Completed* No one takes what is the King's, especially his Queen. Being reckless and getting in trouble is k... More



2K 53 0
By True_Legend_

Ace's pov

The first page was a picture of Hazel. In the right corner there was a note from TJ

Your dad wanted to know what this was for I told him for you. Just a heads up.

Of course he does, he wants to know everything. I'll talk to him tonight like always. I turned to the next page where the information started on her.

Hazel Grey Aka Hazel Kalzona
Given birth by Diamond Forla aka Diamond Kalzona on May 28th 2000.
Birth mom Diamond Kalzona remarried to David Forla (code name trying to decipher)
-No kids
-Married July 8th 2013
-Leader to Black Vipers gang: Largest threat known
Nonlaw- related Relatives
-Kiley Lawson aka Nana age 60
-Keshawn Lawson age 33
-Lamar Lawson age 30
-Jordan Lawson age 25
Past Hazel info
-Grew up in projects of Stonewall Mississippi
-Taken at age 8 by foster car
-Fostered by Rosemary Grey and Michael Grey
-Adopted 6 months into fostering
-Listed in abused child files
Michael Grey Sr
-Grey's married December 14th 1956
- 55 years old
-Was married to Rosemary Grey
-2 boys
-Car dealership owner
-Grew up in Stonewall
-Wife died June 18th, 2017 due to cancer
Rosemary Grey
-Married December 14th 1956
-Was married to Michael Grey Sr
-Horse trainer
-2 older boys
-Grew up in Stonewall
-Died at 49 years old
-Died June 18th, 2017 due to cancer
Michael Jr Grey
-Owns business with Michael Sr
-26 years old
-Married to Lilly Grey aka Lilly Bell
-Mica Sin Grey & Tiana Love Grey twins age 10
-Kia Love Grey age 7
-Michael Grey the 3rd age 5
-Eldest of Rosemary and Michael Sr
Zayn Grey
-21 years old
-In collage at UW Madison Wisconsin
-Classes to be a surgical nurse
-Girlfriend Mel Sounds
-middle child of Rosemary and Michael Sr
Hazel Grey aka Hazel Kalzona
-18 years old
-Adopted at age 9
-kidnapped and abused at age 10
-4.0 gpa
-Known as Storm on the streets
-Self harmed
-1 past boyfriend known as Levi (dated for 2 years)
-Been in total of 34 fights
-Street MMA boxer
-32-2 in fights
-lives with Jay Kong
I kept reading on the "little" things like her past boyfriend and her fighting stance. It said she began fighting at the age of 15 and her first fight only took 20 seconds. The girls got a nasty right hand from the pictures I have.

She began to stir in my bed so I slipped the folder into my desk and locked the drawer. She shot up from the bed and began to breath heavy as hell. She looked around and once her eyes landed on me she shot up from the bed and ran to the bathroom. I banged on the door just saying open up again and again.

"Come on what happened? Talk to me Hazel." I heard water begin to run and splashing. I stopped banging on the door and just laid my hand on the door.
"I just want to help okay baby? Let me in so I can help you and we will go from there." I didn't know how she would react from me calling her baby but it's the only thing that popped in my head.

The lock to the door clicked and I opened it quickly. Hazel was sitting on the sink counter and rubbing her eye softly. I gave her a questioning look and once she moved her hand I seen the bruise that was beginning to form around her eye and the ones on her neck. Nothing to big and noticeable but still there.

I put my hand on her cheek right below her eye and slid my thumb under it. She flinched away a bit from the movement. I grabbed my first aid kit from behind her and cleaned up her eye.

"Why are you helping me. You barely know me." She asked as she looked into my eyes. It was like she was searching for the answer and I hope she founded it. I hoped she seen what she meant to me in such a little period of time.

"I'm helping because you make me feel different. You make me crazy but at the same time you make me feel all lovey dovey and no guy wants to admit that to any girl." She laughed and smiled up at me.

"What would you do if I gave you a real chance?" She said quietly putting her head back down. She is so strong and yet when she is by me she is so delicate.

"I would be so thankful and I would never let you go." I put my pointer finger under her chin and pushed her head up as her eyes locked with mine once again. Her eyes shined as if the stars were in them. I leaned in closer to her soft, pink, full lips. I locked eyes with her one more time then connected my lips with hers.

She didn't respond for a second but kissed back pulling me closer to her body by my t-shirt I was wearing. I laid my right palm on her cheek and my left in her hair. We softly kissed for a minute or so before I pulled away earning a whine from her.

"So does that mean you like me after technically a week or so?" She asked trying to jump down from the counter. I picked her up and carried her to the bed.

"Yes my queen I like you very much." I replied laying down next to her. She laid on my chest while her body was in between my legs. She was just so warm.

We sat there in silence for a while. I played with her hair as she just laid there. I enjoyed it to say the least, well until her phone rang. She reached for it and sat up in front of me answering it.

"Hey Jay. Yeah I'm with Ace. Shut up before you lose your balls. We are doing it tonight? Damn okay I'll pick up food. I don't know I'll ask him. You better of fed my animals to. Mhmmm bye Jay see you when I get home." Then she hung up. She grabbed her clothes and went in the bathroom. She came back out in her jeans and my hoodie.

"Wanna come?" I smiled and nodded.

This may be a good thing.

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