Magcon Babysitter | Nash Grie...

By mendesugh

1.1M 21.5K 8.6K

Anna is a common 17 year old A+ student. Her parents work all day and this summer they'll be out for work at... More

Don't panic !!! ♥


36.1K 610 229
By mendesugh

They noticed I was crying and they immediately frowned. All the girls where still babbling and screaming, they forced them to take pictures with them and kissed them in the cheeks. I thought it was a little bit weird but then again, If I had any of the Janoskians in front of me I'd do the same thing. Or maybe not, because I'm way too shy for it...

I didn't wanted to talk to them right now, well not really. I wanted to talk to them, I just didn't wanted to talk to them like this. Anyway, why are they here?! How do they know where I study? Maybe Nash told them but anyway I don't see why...

Cameron struggled out of the crowd of girls and Matt followed him, they asked them really politely to leave them some minutes and promised they'll come back and hang out. I widened my eyes because now every girl's eyes where on me. They all lifted a brow at me and had the most confused look ever. And I understand it. It's like what Alexa told me earlier today. Why 'd guys like them even look at me? How is it possible that they came to school to talk to me? I understand.

Those thoughts run up and down my head along with the stares I was gaining. I don't like when people are staring at me for the wrong reasons. I quickly walked down the stairs and Cameron and Matt yelled for me to wait. But I didn't. Tears where still flowing down my cheeks and I couldn't help it.

A block away from school I felt Cam's arm reach mine making me stop. In one swing he turned me around and pulled me into a tight hug. He had his arms up my neck and my hands where resting in his chest, hiding my face. I exploded at that second, everything going on physically rolled down in the form of what seemed like never ending tears.

I hated myself for being this weak and actually crying in front of both of them. I barely knew them and I have the nerve to let them see how vulnerable I can be. Thinking this made me pull apart and wipe my face aggressively. They were both looking at me with sad eyes and I giggled.

His faces softened a bit but they still looked worried. "You have the cutest puffy eyes ever" Cam said, laughing at bit but kindly breaking the silence. I giggled and looked down to my feets.

"Need a ride?" Matt came closer to me and lifted my chin with his index finger, his thumb caressing it. With this move he obliged me to look into his eyes. It was like I was lost in them "Please" I found myself answering. I don't even remember thinking that. The word just escaped my mouth but I was pleased about it, because Matt grew a big smile in his face.

"Go hang out with the girls and then come back to my house" Matt turned to Cam. He nodded and went back to my school. This was officially weird. "You don't need to leave the girls, I can walk to Nash's home Matt" I tried giving him a small smile. I actually didn't wanted him to go back for some reason, but if he did I wouln't mind.

"No way Jose, you're going to my house today" He decided. I bit my lip and smiled at him. He seriously was really nice to me, everything he did had the best intentions and I loved that. It made me feel way better. I felt so naive to this condition.

"I la la la la la love LA, cause the west coast is the best coast baby, I La la la la la love LA, and these are the girls that I love the most!!" I heard Matt sing out loud in sync with the music. We were driving to his house and he decided to pump up the jam. I had to grab my belly from the laughter he provoked on me.

The music was way too loud and it was attracting people when we stopped in the red lights. "You sing beautiful but I have to turn it down" I said in between laughs. He pouted at me but understood.

"Uhm, Anna, you look... really hot today" Matt flattered me. My eyes widened and my lips parted a bit but I quickly pasted them together tightly again. I felt my cheeks getting warm and I didn't knew why. I don't think he even knew what he was doing.

Let me put it this way, my history with guys has been invisible, literally invisible. Things like this don't usually happen to me. Okay cross that out, things like this NEVER happen to me so I never know what a girl is supposed to answer or react to things like this. Maybe he was just joking. Well maybe not because he sounded pretty genuine, and Matt wouldn't do that. But I'm really glad he noticed I actually took time for myself this morning with the outfit and all.

I just stuck my hands between my thighs, looked down at them and smiled. "Thanks Matt, this isn't really what I use to wear but I don't kn.." - "Shhhh..." Matt shushed me with his index finger pressing my mouth. "You look adorable" he chuckled. Oh my god.

At that exact moment Matt was parking his car outside his house, I not only wanna thank Jesus but my mom too! I took this as an excuse to stop talking so we just got in. He lead me to his room, it was very messy and blue but I liked it. He plopped himself laying on the bed and tapped the spot next to him. I sat on the edge and swung my feets because his bed was so tall i didn't reached the floor. Or maybe I was a little bit too short.

I heard Matt chuckle and next thing I knew he was grabbing me by my waist and pulling me by his side. His arms where tight around my waist but gentle and he kept pulling me closer while still smiling. We were laying sideways and head-on looking at each-other. We were REALLY close. Like REALLY close.

He tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear and examined my face. I wanted to ran away, not because I didn't wanted to be with him, trust me I did, but because I didn't liked when people looked at me straight in the face. It's like he can notice all my flaws and imperfections this close.

"Why are you sad Anna? Who made you sad?" He interrogated. His hand was resting on my cheek and caressing it slowly.

"I-I had my math test and I did terrible" I lied. I saw one of his eyebrows lifting and I knew he wasn't buying it.

"Oh c'mon, you can tell me" he affirmed.

I don't know if I should. Like what am I suppoused to tell him? 'Oh yeah, Nash is being an asshole to me and I don't know why things like this affect me so much and there's this stupid girl at school who just told me how unworthy of boy's attention I am, and I'm failing my finals and I'm the weakest piece of nothing ever', uhm NO?

"I don't know... I'm just really tired of school drama you know?" I had to come up with something.

"Are girls there giving you a hard time?" He looked concerned. "Uhm, it's complicated..." okay I need to shut up already, I don't want to lie to him.

"You don't wanna talk about it, I understand." He gave me a small smile and I was glad he said that. His arm grabbed the back of my head and placed it on his chest while he layed facing the ceiling. "Just know you can talk to me whenever you feel like it".

After a while of just talking about random things in the same position Matt decided it was time to watch a movie. Why not. We were watching "Superbad"

Half an hour had passed and the movie was going on. I had literally no idea what was going on because I couln't get over the fact that Matt had his hand wrapped around my waist but it was like inside the shirt. He was touching my bare waist and almost my stomach. I tried my best to keep a straight face. I wanted to move his hand a little bit but when I did he laced his fingers with mine. I stopped trying, his touch somehow made me feel good.

Another good ten minutes went by and Matt was still on my head. I think he wasn't paying attention either because he was playing with my fingers, examining them with his eyebrows frowned. He looked so adorable.

I dissipated those thoughts back and tried to focus on the movie, but my eyes widened when Matt's arm moved again, this time almost resting on my stomach. He was calmly soothing my side and going back to the TV.

When the film ended he looked at me "Did you liked the film"

"I wasn't watching" I answered as I mentally slapped myself. I don't even think the things I say before talking and I need to work on that, what do I say if he asks why?

"Why?" He asked, literally fuck you too.
"Just wasn't" I felt like the stupidest girl ever but I mentally sighed when he did not question me further.


Tina xx :)

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