She is His

By True_Legend_

74.6K 1.9K 99

*Completed* No one takes what is the King's, especially his Queen. Being reckless and getting in trouble is k... More



1.9K 48 2
By True_Legend_

Hazel's pov

I woke up alone in Ace's bed and still in all his clothes. I looked around and seen a sticky note on top of my phone.

Hello my Queen I'm at the horse ranch with Em. Come when you wake up. Oh I have your car keys and I put your phone on the charger too.
-Ace aka grey eyes

That damn potato knew once I woke up I would leave. Ughhh guess I'm going to see some horses. I went to the bathroom and as I came back out there were these nice holey jeans and a tank top with low sides.

"Hope you give Ace a chance ❤️ I put a green bikini under this all, the kids might be playing in the water with the horses. Love Amelia." I read and smiled, I pulled on the bikini then the jeans and tank top. I also kept the hoodie on , it's comfy don't judge.

I walked with Aragon and some other black dog down the path Amelia showed me. It was beautiful with stones on the sides and the trees reaching for the sky. As I go closer to the end of the trail I heard laughter and horses making noise. Then just out of no where the laughter stopped and yelling began.

"Someone catch Thunder!! Hurry." Some lady yelled as I heard a thumping noise getting closer to me. Out of no where a dark grey horse with pitch black hair came towards me. Me being who I am I jumped up on a stump and on to the horse's back. I silently thanked my adopted mom for putting me in horse back riding lessons when I was ten.

The horse kept going as I grabbed on to its mane and pulled on it to get it to slow down. It came to a trot and I let out a deep breath. I rubbed its neck as it just breathed. I swear I knew this horse but I don't know where.

"Well I'm guessing you're Thunder. Seems you like to run, come on we can run back." I turned him around and hit his sides three times. He took off and I understood why they named him Thunder. He was fast and every time his hoofs hit the ground it was loud like thunder crashing in the sky.

We came to I guessed the horse ranch. There was a lady talking to Ace and some other handlers, she looked really worried.

"We have to find him!! He me-, oh my god Thunder!! Thank you so much young lady." She said now looking at me as I jumped off of him.
"How did you ride him?? No one has even been able to get a halter on him?" She asked handing me a halter as I slipped it on him with ease.

"Umm I don't know I just seen him coming and jumped on his back. He is a beautiful Stallion though." I replied walking towards Ace handing the lady the lead.

"That he is and a Arabian Mustang. A dangerous mix for such a large horse. I'm Cas the owner to this place. Thunder here was given to us by an old man saying he could never break the horse. My best trainers can't even do it." I shook her hand.

"Nice to meet you I'm Hazel, Ace's friend. He is a mustang he doesn't get broken he just finds different ways to work."

"I'll keep that in mind. Y'all have fun now." I gave her a smile and followed Ace. Thunder pulled on Cas and once out of her reach he came to me laying his nose in my hands.

"Umm can I ask the guy who gave you him?"

"Yes umm a Michael Grey said his wife died and couldn't see the horse anymore because it remind him to much of her. He gave us four horses in total. Two mares, a colt, and Thunder here. Why may I ask?" Now I know where I seen Thunder before. He was only a colt at the time but he was the first horse my mom showed me when we began our quieter lessons.

"The guy is my adopted dad, Thunder was mine and my mom's horse but I stopped riding a year ago. Got to hard to do after she left. Did you get a horse named Rosalyn as well?" I said rubbing Thunder and looking at her.

"Oh yes she is very sweet but very old. She is going on thirty-three now." Cas said now walking with me and Ace who still hasn't said a word.

"May I see her?" She opened a outside pen and I let Thunder go in, he will forever be free spirited.

"Of course but I have three lessons to finish first. Come find me after Emma is done okay." I nodded and she walked away. Ace grabbed my arm hard and pulled me into a barn.

"What the fuck was that!! You could of got hurt riding a random horse! What were you thinking!!" He yelled in my face as his grip tightened on my arm. I won't fuss about it I never have and never will.

"I just seen a horse coming and did what first popped in my head. Let go of my arm." He let go and I knew there was gonna be a bruise.

"You are unfucking believable. Who does that!!" He said walking away. I pulled my keys out of his pocket making his spin around.

"I guess me. You made me come here to get my keys. Now I'm leavening after I say goodbye to Em." I said turning and following the signs that said lesson areas. Emma was on this little brown horse riding it around with a big smile on her face. I laid my arms on the fence watching her made me smile. So innocent, so pure and smiles all the time. She is going to be something I swear she will be something.

Arms blocked me in and I rolled my eyes. He never gives up he needs a fucking life.

"What Ace! What do you want now!" I said turning around to see it wasn't Ace.

"Oh sweetheart I'm not your toy but you will become mine."


Oooooo the suspense XD
Anywhooooo chapter 9 what are we thinking?
Bigger bumps ahead or little stuff!?!
Guess you'll have to wait a see
Till next time troublemakers <3

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