Born Into Darkness

By LovaticNae

113K 3.1K 231

Hermione grew up as the perfect normal child. Expect for by age five her parents knew she was not normal. Unl... More

Love Gained-Love Lost
The Birth
Solace No More
Taking You For A Loop
Like A Dream
Hogwarts Express
House Sorting
We Already Know
Sorcerer's stone: Greatness Comes With a Price
Summer Before Second Year
Chamber of Secrets: Part 1
Summer Time: Parentage Revealed
Summer Ending ~ Mommy's home
Face To Face
Can't Fight it
No Child Of Mine
Half Blood Prince
Deathly Hollows Pt1
Deathly Hallows Pt 2
Potter Is Dead?
New World Order

Chamber of Secrets: Part 2

4.4K 135 1
By LovaticNae

Defense Against The dark Arts. The one class we'd all look forward to taking. Well, that is, if we had a professor who knew what he was doing. Unlike, the fraudulent, Gilderoy Lockhart. I mean just last week he left us to clean up his pixie mess. Thanks to my immobulus spell, the clean up did not take too long. I felt sorry to very dump sap who fell for his lies. "Isn't he gorgeous?" I roll my eyes at Daphne as we all stand together, surrouding the dueling mat. Professor Lockhart and Professor Snape just finished their 'dual'. "Perhaps, you should teach the students to block harmful spells first." Snape insisted in his dull voice. Lockharts pretending to know what to do as a professor, agrees. He calls up Harry and Ron to dual. "Wealsey's wand causes devestation with the simplest spells. We'd be sending Potter to the hospital wing in a matchbox. Might I suggest someone from my own house? Malfoy, perhaps."

Turning in our direction, Snape gestures for Draco to dual Potter. I look on in exitement to see Draco destroy Potter. "Wands at the ready." Draco and Harry place thier wands into postion. Draco smirks at Harry. "Scared, Potter?" Harry doesn't stumble. "You wish." As the count goes off, they get into stance and on 2 Draco makes his first move. "Everte Statum!" Harry goes twisting the air and lands on his side. Daphne and I clap for Draco, who smirks at me. My smile falters as Harry gets back up, not even heistating before making his move. "Rictusempra!" The spell sends Draco flying backwards, right onto his butt. The rest of can't help but to laugh. Snape yanks Draco up my his ropes and pushes him back into the dual. Draco waste no time before calling out "Serpensortia!"

A cobra appears right in front of Harry, who jumps back in shock. Snape goes in to rectify the situation, but Lockhart interjects himself, wanting to look like the hero. "Alarte Ascendare." The spell does it's purpose, sending the snake off the ground and into the air. It comes back down in front of a Hufflepuff. Before Snape you intervene, Harry steps forward speaking parseltongue. To everyone one else he appeared to be egging the snake on, however I understood every word as if Harry were speaking commom English. I was unaware that I even knew parseltongue, but there I was comprending every sentence tranferred between boy and snake.

As Snape nervously destroyed the snake all student's eyes fell to Potter, who they no doubt suspected to be the heir of Slytherin. Strange thing though, if I understood Harry then doesn't that make me a possible suspect. Daphne started to speak to me as Draco came down, still staring at Harry. I push past the students and made my way to Sltherin common room. "I'm not the heir of Slytherin." I say to myself, pacing around around the empty space. "Salazar Slytherin lived over 100s years ago, for all I knew, I could be." Thankfully, no one knew I undrstood, so for now i'm safe.
Slytherin vs Gryffindor Quiidtch match enters it's last half as Draco and Harry take on each other to catch the snitch. Blaise, Daphne, and Pansy cheer on our houseteam, while I stare over to where Draco's father sat. He was dress splendly, but appeared vexed that Draco was going to win as he was tossed off his broom. Harry continued on, chasing the snitch, only to tumble from his broom. When he opened his hand there it was. And Gryffindor won again. I quickly rush from the bleachers to Draco's side, eager to officially meet his father. I help Draco off thr ground just as his walked sternly stomps over to us. "I wasted by my money on those brooms, only for you to lose?" Before Draco begins to argue with his Father, I place my hand out and introduce myself as a distraction. "Hermione Granger, Mr. Malfoy. It's a pleasure finally meet you." He stares down at my hand, then examines my entire appearance. To my surprise he returns the handshake. "The pleasure is all mine, Ms. Granger. My son speaks very highly of you."

I turn to Draco who, turns red slightly. "Oh, is that so? What has he told you?" we release hands and he gestures for us to walk, Draco straggles behind, listening. "My son has informed his Mother and I of your recent discovery about where you come from. I hope you do not mind the intrudution, but he wanted access to files we have knowledge of." I stop in my tracks. "Did you happen to come across anything?" Draco and his Father glance between one another as if having a mental discussion, before turning back to me. "Ms.Granger, here isn't the right place to tell you this type of information. Perhaps, you might visit myself and my wife, so tha we can have a proper discussion." I nod, not really understanding why he could not tell me here, but accepting his offer. "How does winter break sound?" I agree. "Very well then." He bids Draco farewell, examines my appearance once more. "Remarkable." Before I can ask him what he means, he leaves. I face Draco. "Looks like i'm speanding break with you." He smirks at me before taking off running back towards the school.
The rest of the year was a blur for me. More muggleborns students were petrified. Towards the middle of the year I was attacked by the basilisk. Or at least that is what I assumed when he first came to me. But once we met face-to-face something happended. It spoke to me in parseltongue. "Young Masster, no one can know. It'sss not time." I give him a bewildered expression. "Not time for what?" He shakes his large head. "You mussst keep quiet. It's dangerouss." Still in shock, I do not respond. "I musst do this now. To keep you ssafe." Before I could ask from what, my mind went blank and I froze.

I awoke to hear about how Potter heroicly saved Ginny Wealsey, fought the basilisk and returned from the chamber of secrets. Draco was at my side when my eyes opened and he engulfed me into his arms. "You're suffocating me, Malfoy." He chuckles, releasing from his embrace. "I do not understand, why am I here?" Darco explains how I was found petrified, and brought here until they could break the trance. "But i'm not a muggleborn." Draco shrugs not understanding either. "It's possible that the dump beast did not know so he attacked you." I agreed with him, but inside my mind I knew the truth. The basilisk petrified me to keep everyone from knowing something about about me.

My question was is, why? And what did I need protecting from? And most importantly, what did the basilisk know about me that I don't?
School ended on a high note with no exams, Hagrids returns and every petrified students treated. After Hagrid made his entrance and the dining hall eruption of applause. The last part of the year flashed before my eyes. And then it dawned on me that I spent my winter in the hospital wing, instead of at Draco's. So this summer was when I found I out where I truely come from. Nothing was going to stop me.

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