A Lovely View

By procrastinatorxx

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Lee Yeo Ri is a former ballet dancer and Korea's Olympic representative for swimming on her mid 20's. Success... More

Author's Note


108 2 0
By procrastinatorxx

"By the way, I'm Han Ji Kyoon. I'm one of the founder of this community school, so please come in." the ahjumma smilingly tells as she moved a little to her side opening the door wider for me to come in.

I smiled and bowed and let myself in. "Hi nice to meet you, I'm Lee Yeori." I said as pushed myself in.

As I let myself inside, I noticed how nice the community school is. Inside the small school was just like those typical schools. Paintings and posters were posted on the walls with some ribbons stamped on it. Books were neatly arranged on the bookshelves. Colorful tables and chairs were completely alligned. And the toys and the kids were scattered around the place along with those screaming and giggling voices echoing inside the building.

My attention caught by his presence. He just stood there a few meters away from where was I, distributing the sandwiches to those queuing kids by himself and with a much younger lady assisting him on his side.

"There he is" Mrs. Han said pointing on the guy.
I stare at him. I've never seen this side of him. I mean, i've never seen his other side before because we just met a few days ago. But to be more specifically, I've never seen his kind side before.

Who knew a cold-looking guy has the warmest heart for this kids.

My stare continues as he keeps on distributing the food to the kids. I saw a small smile slowly creep on his face when one of the kid hugged him by his legs. He returned it by patting his back gently. He then pulls the hug and ruffles the kid's hair. They finished distributing the sandwiches to every kid and some of the those kids went upstairs while others run outside after they've got their sandwhich.

"Mr. Bae Jinyoossi! Someone is here, and she's looking for you!" She hollers. That made him turn to our direction. The young lady helped him to walk near us. He lift his walking aid and fold it infront of us.

"Who's looking for me" he asked as he stood still infront of us. The ahjumma moved into his side and said, "please introduce yourself, young lady."
I fixed myself. "Oh, yeah. Hi Jinyoo...ssi, I guess? It's me Lee Yeori." I introduced, I saw him flinch gently when he heard his name. "I guess? You mean, you don't know each other yet?" Mrs. Han said with her puzzled face glancing back and forth from me to Mr. shades guy.

"Uhm... We kinda met a few days ago, and we haven't introduced ourselves properly to each other but I guess he remembers me... Well, my name be-- "I really remember you" he then cuts me off.

I looked around feeling embarassed, I glanced at him awkwardly until I hear Mrs. Han's clearing her throat. I turn to her.

"Okay, enough with the fuss. I would like to welcome you to Saeil-gguk Community School. I'm Han Ji Kyoon, the co founder of this school as I said awhile ago and..." She moved next to the young lady. "She's Han Ji Yeon, my daughter, whose also a volunteer here." she added as we both at each other.

"Annyeong!" The younger lady greeted me she waved a hand at me. I bowed back.
"And this is Bae Jinyoo one of our active sponsor." she tells while walking next to him again and pat his shoulder. I gasp softly. "May I ask something?" Raising a finger. Mrs. Han nods. "What's the thing about volunteers and sponsors here?"

She gasped, "This school were ran by us, an ordinary citizen who just want to help those less-fortunate family in terms of offering Free Education. We offer kindergarten to elementary to those kids who can't afford to have quality education in other schools. So we are at utmost thankful for those who volunteers and sponsoring this school without them, this establishment won't function so we are thoroughly open for volunteer works and sponsors. Perhaps you came here because you want to do volunteer works here, right?" She asked brightly.

I gulped at it. I don't know how would I do the volunteer stuff with my state. I scrunch my nose on the thought of doing it.

"Uhm, I dont know how to answer that Ms. Han but I just came here not to do the volunteer stuff..." I saw Ms. Han's face is slowly frowning. "Okay, I'll be honest, I really like the vision of this school, but due to my incapabilities, as you can see, I think I can't do the volunteering work. I'm really sorry." I said clasping both of my hands together.

"Well, that wouldn't be a hindrance Ms. Yeorissi. We can all see  that you're quite struggling with your incapability but that doesn't stop you for doing the work. You may think that because you're on your wheelchair you ca-- "wait? What wheelchair?" Jinyoo asked butting-in, and I see his eyebrows curved.

"Yes jinyoossi, she's incapable of walking that's why she uses a wheelchair, she didn't told you?" Mrs. Han asked glancing at the both of us. When she turned to me, I smiled awkwardly and shake my head no softly.

"So, you just came here because you wanted to talk to me?" He asked. "With your wheelchair?" He then added.

"Uhm, the thing is... I-I just want to hear your reply from my apology but you just went off immediately after you have your orders at the cafe. I haven't heard your reply."

"What apology? What reply?" Ms. Han butts-in. "Mom, I think we need to give them some space." the younger lady said while clutching her mom's arm dragging her slowly.

Ms. Han took her arm from her daughters grip. "Perhaps you want to talk privately in my office?" She offered, nodding at us while looking at me then gazes back at Bae Jinyoo.

"Mrs. Han, can you guide us to the bench outside?" Jinyoo asked. Mrs. Han excitedly nods, and went to my back, offering me to push my wheelchair.

"Uhm, Mrs. Han, my wheelchair is remotely controlled, I can drive off myself, perhaps you can just help Mr. Bae Jinyoo here if you may. I'll just follow you at the back." I said she smiled while nodding and directly offered her arm to Jinyoo. Jinyoo hesitantly grab her arm which forces Mrs. Han  to grab his hand placed it in her arm. The old lady lead the way outside.

As soon as I went outside, I was stunned at how they maintained such wonderful scenic view of a little soccerfield and crossing it would lead us to an entrance of a beautiful garden with all the beautiful flowers and beautiful butterflies flying around. I was aestheticly pleased with the place. We passed by a little bridge that overpasses a little man-made river crossing next to the other part of the garden. The place is so romantic but the person i'm with doesn't even possesed even a tiny bit of romance in his body. And besides, romance isn't our primary reason why we went here.

Ms. Han helps Jinyoo to sit down at the bench and eventually helped me getting tucked, right next to the arm rest of the bench, next to him. I bowed politely thanking her and saw Jiyeonssi came running with sandwiches and bottles of water on her hand.

"I brought these since Jinyoo Oppa bought quite plenty and there's a lot of it left in the plastic bags." jiyeon tells and offered it to me.

I was hesitant to grab it since those sandwiches came from my cafe and i'm still full but it'll be rude of me. So I just took it from her. Jinyoo also took the sandwich and thank both Mrs. Han and Jiyeon.
They finally leave us two here.

When we are finally settled, he insist of talking first, instead, he just opened his bottled water and took a light sip on it. I stare at him as he do it. Until I break the silence by clearing my throat.
"So." I said. He just sighed loudly.

"Why did you sigh?" I asked looking at him.

"Because i'm capable of doing it" he replied as he clasp his hands and rest it in his front.

"We should do things were capable of. Like sighing, drinking water and here talking to you" he said and turn his head a little to me. I just also sigh on what he just said.

"Okay, now let's go back to the main reason why we are here. Did you really intend on following me here?" He asked. I nod at him but realized that he can't see it so I said yes.

"So why? Why did you follow me all by yourself and the worst is you're on your wheelchair" he mutters.

The thing about him is he immerse in a conversation with his emotionless speeches and dialogues. I don't know why he's so coldhearted.
"As I said awhile ago, I want to hear your reply on my apology and I was a bit curious  on your huge purchase" I mutter back.

"The owner's should thank me for profitting their cafe. I bought excessively." he croaks. That made me blink hard on her words. He still don't know that i'm the owner of the cafe.

"Well, I think I should thank you." I said looking at him.

"And why is that so?"

"Because i'm the owner. I'm the owner of that café you just bought excessively amount of sandwiches."

That made him silent for awhile.

"So, that was quite a travel awhile ago..." I said as I opened the conversation again. "Wait... I have a question. How did you know you're on your right way? I mean, i'm just fascinated at how you manage the travel without going on the wrong way? or bumping someone or something? I mean, Wow." I said clapping my hand slowly.

It took him a few seconds before he answers.
"6,983 steps from your cafe. 8,895 steps from the church I used to went. 12,115 steps from my house. I know for a certain number of step when will I turn to my right and when will I turn to my left. But when I need to cross the streets, that is my cue for me to ask for a little help. I just memorized these numbers and mastered it." He replied confidently.
That made my mouth opened for a while. I would never thought he would come here because he memorized those steps. Wow! I couldn't talk at him for awhile being fascinated at him.

"Hey! You still there? Ketchup lady?" He asked as he snapped his finger on me.

"Uh, yeah, wow, I'm just... Wow. I mean how could you do it? Did you really memorized those number?" I asked curiously. He curtly nod and took another sip of his water.

If I were him, I would loss count when I reach 1,000 or even in 500 above, I wouldn't continue it.
"Well, you know that I can't see, so basically I don't have distractions that's why. I can even memorize and count my steps 'til 1,000,000 if I would." he tells. I just gulp at what he just said.

"Wow. But you know, you could just take a taxi i-- "I don't like cars." he said cutting me off. I curled my eyebrow on his words. Why would he unlike those?
"I prefer a bus instead." he added and unwrapped his sandwich. He was about to take a bite when "I don't like buses." I mutter sadly. He put down his sandwich on his lap.

"Why?" He asked. I stare back at him.

"If you tell me why you don't like riding cars or taxis then i'll tell you why I don't like to ride buses. Deal?" I asked curiously grinning on him.

"No. I don't like." his immediate reply. He then take a bite of his sandwich as I stare at him curiously. This man's attitude is slowly getting on my nerve again.

"Why you don't like buses, I mean they are PWD friendly than taxis?" He mumble as he chew his sandwich.

"Because I don't like them okay! We're not talking about buses anymore okay?!" I said half-raising my voice.

"So what do you want to talk about?"

"Your blindness"

Due to my anger, I didn't realize what i've just said. I probably hit him below the belt. He just remain silent, the air around us stiffens and  exposing the awkwardness between us. I never meant to hurt or demean him.

"I mean -- "As much as I remember, we're not that closed yet for me to open-up my misery to you" he mutters. Coldly. And he put his sandwich down on his lap.

"I'm sorry" I replied and tilted my head on the side looking like a scolded puppy.

"I just want to befriend with you." I mutter back looking down at my hands.

"If you want to befriend me, then you shouldn't ask me to talk about my disability... Ketchup Girl." he tells. That made me glare up to him. Eyes widened.

"Wait, did you just call me ketchup girl?" I ask still staring at him curiously.


"Wait... Ke-ketchup Girl?! What?! As much as I know, i've introduce myself properly to you. I'm Lee Yeori, former olympic swimmer and professional ballerina -- " so you're a swimmer and a ballerina?" I think he's so fond on irritating me through interrupting me in the middle of my reasoning.

"Yes, have you heard of my name before? Perhaps from T.V's, Radio's, or Internet?" I asked raising an eyebrow to him. He just leaned back on the bench.
"Never heard of it from T.V's, Radio's and other forms, as you said." His reply. Rudely. My eyes widened. I mean, he should've heard my name even once in his life.

"You never heard of my name before?" I asked turning to him.

"Well, i've heard your name an hour ago in the café and a few minutes ago when you introduced yourself again." His immediate reply. My eyes probably become healthy as I keep on doing those eyes rolls exercise to him.

"Ok fine, i'm so done with your rudeness, I give up" I said half raising both of my hands.

"I ain't being rude of you, i'm just stating a fact." He replied while smirking to which made me hit his arms gently without realizing I just did it. My eyes widened when he dramatically turned his head to me. Now we're inches apart. I gulp hard when he slowly getting closer to me. I don't know what to do. I was gulping hard and my heart beats faster every second he gets closer. I've seen this scene before in movies and the guy would slowly move and kiss the girl. I'm panicking right now but I can't move, instead I was stucked at staring at the bridge of his nose making myself crossed-eyed. IS HE GOING TO KISS ME?!

"I-I'm sorry." I nervously said. I can assume so much if he would kiss me because there's 0% probability he would do it because we are still strangers to each other. But the I just closed my eyes and I don't really know why. I can finally feel his breath touching my face.

"As much as I remember we're not that closed yet, so DONT. HIT. ME. IN. THE. ARM. OKAY?" He said between the words before flicking my forehead. I moved back feeling pained of his flick. But I sighed in relief because he didn't kiss me.

Wait. what was I thinking? He, kissing me?

Oh my gosh. I can't even believe myself right now.
I shake my head and light slapped my face to calm myself. I should get to my senses that he would never do it.

Instead I glare angrily at him. He was supposed to say something or sorry to me but he just leaned back and unwrapped his sandwich and finally took a bite from it.

"By the way, the sandwiches you made are good. It's not that dry nor super moist, the ham is perfectly cooked, the sandwich is perfect for my taste." He tells as he chewed the sandwich.

"It would be much tastier if you would put a light amount of hot sauce and not a torrent of it." I replied rubbing my forehead. I didn't realize that he stopped chewing his food and instead he just remain silent. I smirked at him because I think I finally get back on him.

"Yah! Why did you flicked my forehead? It's painful!" I mutter. "That's for hitting my arm, now were even." He replied. I scoffed at his reply.
"And oh, I almost forgot. I saw you most of the time in the church I used to go. So basically, we used to come to the same church and I saw you playing those organ and guitar for the choir. You're quite cool when you're playing those." I added and gives her 2 thumbs up. But I eventually turned it down since he cant even see it.

He tucked himself comfortably and awkwardly took a bite on the sandwich. I think he kinda feel shy on what i just said.

As he chug the half empty water, he turns his head to me. "I think your too full of yourself" he said. I gaze back at him curiously. "What? Why am I too full of myself?" I asked, being puzzled from what he just said. "About your name and stuff. Your previous career." That made me more curious. What is he talking about?

"We all that successful days in our life but let us put in our mind that we will never remain and be stucked on those days. The thing about failures? They makes us strong, perhaps not just by physically, but emotionally and spirituality. If we look at the bright side, failures are quite helpful. Right? We should always keep that in our mind." he tells. For the first time I heard his serious speech throughout our entire conversation.

"I know" was my only reply. I just sigh as I keep his words on my mind. As he started to become serious again, something came back to my senses. The main thing why I am here. So i turn to him.

"Hey! I haven't heard your response yet, so may I ask if you-- "are you on a hurry? Why do you insist on responding on your apology, jeez you woman" he cuts me off. Again. Shaking his head as if he's too disappointed on me. I rolled my eyes on him. Again.

"Is it really that hard to just say 'Apology Accepted' or 'It's okay, I accept your apology' huh? Mr. Bae Jinyoo?" I asked with my fuming voice. He flinch when I raised my voice a bit.  My system just fumed up on him being snob.

"Well, in fact, yes because a.) You just humiliated me infront of the other customer there b.) You just humiliated my disability, and c.) Because I walk on the streets with the stains on my shirt! I know I can't see those people staring at me but I can't feel it. Do you know how much humiliated I was that day?" He rebutts.

My eyebrows twitched at his words. The back of my neck aches and stiffen at his words. Wow! I can't even believe him right now.

"Excuse me mister, the reason why I do that because I was being kind and I was just offering a help to you. It was an accident okay? And besides I never humiliated you, okay?" I replied. He just give me a stank face. Which made me rave more.

"And wait, I just remembered something. It was also partially your fault for being snob and your egoistic attitude. Always feeding your stupid ego and won't let other people help you. Tch! For your information mister, i'm also a disabled person and yet I let others help me ok? It's no big deal for me. Don't act like as if you're the last PWD in this world." I rave. He just remained silent for awhile. "Anyway, going back to your snobbier attitude, as I said awhile ago you own partially of the fault." I mutter glaring angrily at him. He again turn his head to me.

"I never asked for your help." He croaks coldly. Again. This time I give him a three-seconds roll.
"And when would you ran out of explanations? Mr. Bae Jinyoossi?" I nearly yelled to him. My neck stiffens. He just slowly smirked on me.

I was about to strangle him... In my mind, when my phone rings. It was mom. I picked it up.

"Yeoboseyo" I answered. Placing the phone on my ear.

"Where are you? It's almost time for your therapy." She said over the line.

"I dunno where this is eomma, but i'm in a community school, 'sae-il gguk community school' to be exact, can you pick me up here? You can put the place on the gps if you dont know."

"Ah okay, i'll be there in a while okay? Just stay there" she then disconnected the line.

I turn back to him. He was just there leaning his back on the bench exposing his bad but manly posture.


What is with me right now?

I breath-in and out to let the negativity and angered thoughts to go out of myself so I could talk to him properly.

"So my mom called me and it's about time for my therapies, so may I ask for the response on my apology before my mom picks me up?" I asked with my firm tone. He just turned his head to me again. I dunno everytime he does that I can't help but to feel anxious again as what he just did awhile ago. Good thing he cant see my panicking self right now.

"I guess we're probably seeing each other again." he tells. Making my eyebrow raised on him. "And may I know why is that so? I asked. Still curious about it. He leans back again and crossed his leg while resting his arm on the top of the bench.

"Probably because I have no intention on turning back of your apology... Miss ketchup Girl" he mutters. I just lost all my energy on rebutting him and just sigh out of exhaustion of his mockery.
I just looked back on to him and said, "I'm so so done with you. I wont fight back"  but then he said that ketchup word again, "haha very funny, ketchup girl, haha. When are you going to stop calling me with that?" I asked. "Until I get my sight back" he replied. I rolled my eyes hard at him.

Not far from us, I saw Mrs. Han walking towards us. "Hi Ms. Lee , your mom is waiting for you inside." She said as he stand infront of us. "Yeah sure" I replied.

I turn to him for the last time. "So this is goodbye?" I asked him. He shooked his head  gently and said, "probably no" with a smirk on corner of his mouth.

I just stare at him for awhile. He's  confidently assumes we would meet up again. So with that I turn to Mrs. Han saying, "Mrs. Han. I will pledge to be one of the sponsor of this lovely school."

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