I Saved One Direction

By jrt1114

47.8K 536 87

Im just a normal one direction fan who happens to have bin studying health and taken first aid. It helps when... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Thanks, Sneek peek, Favor! :D (not part of story, but useful)
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 -Epilog- The Final Chapter

Chapter 14

1.5K 19 2
By jrt1114

I want to say, some of the grammer is wrong because when Audry talks she uses her ausraillian acsent.

Chapter 14:

I woke up the next morning in the arms of Liam in the basment. I wondered what happend last night. All i remember is all three of us watching Toy story. I guess that i was cuddling with Liam and must have fallen asleep. I kind of liked it so i didn't move. I looked around the room and I didn't see Audry. She must have went upstairs to my bedroom to sleep. 

"Good morning love." I heard Liam say in my ear.

It was honestly like a movie moment. I had fell asleep cuddling with him before but this time was a little bit different. I don't know why though. 

"Good morning.." I said yawing.

I got up quick realizing that I probably shouldn't be so loving to him after what happened, even if he did apoligize. I hadn't looked at him since waking up and when i did, he was shirtless and wearing his denim jeans. If i say so myself, he looked pretty damn fine! 

"Whats wrong?" Liam said looking at me with his eyes.

"Nothing!" I answerd 

There was an awkward scilence so i took that time to excuse myself to go upstairs. On my way to my room I couldn't help but think about what a hard time i would have not falling for him again. It was my dream come true again, i mean I use to be one of his biggest fans. 

I got to my room to see that Audry was still sleeping. She woke up the second i opend the door though. Lets just say she is a very light sleeper. Anyways, I jumped in the shower quickly and put on a little dress so that my cast could fit. I couldn't wait to get my cast off that week, I could wear what i want and i wouldn't have to put my air cast on and off when i got in the shower anymore, and i wouldn't have to use my crutches at all anymore. (Even though i only used them when i did a lot of walking.) 

"What do you want to do today baby gurl?" Audry asked me as she made her bed.

"I hadn't really thought about it, but we can go catch a movie?" I said in response.

"Welll thats to bad!" She said turning at me with the talk show voice Niall use to use.

"What?" I had said looking a bit confused and dissapointed.

"Chill.... I got us a spot at the spa, to get our nails done and get faicials." She said to me. 

I all of a sudden wasn't so suprised, she always had a plan. I wasn't upset this though. Going to the spa has always been a maijor stress relife. I don't know why i didn't think of it before.

"Greay idea! Your right Auzzies are smarter! not!" I said playfully

"Wait what about liam?" I added quickly while hearing Liam knocking at the door.

"What, what about Liam?" he said giving us a confused look.

"He can come i guess. Yea he can hold our stuff." She said

"Liam we are going to the spa, you can be hold out stuff in the waiting room. Maybe call the boys" I had said laughing.

He agreed and then we left for the spa. When we were getting our nails done, Liam left to phone the boys. I got the most unexcpected news ever.

"Oh my gosh I never realized how cute Liam was, he had a great personality to match too." Audry said to me.

"Yea I know right!" I said hoping she wouldn't add more.

"I think I like him!" She added.

I couldn't believe what i heard. I fell asleep on Liam that night and she knows i like him. Why on eath would say that. I just pretended as though i didn't understand.

"Yea he is a really nice, he is a good friend." I said looking back down at my wet finger nails.

"No, like i think i might have a bit of a crush on him." She said trying to get my attention.

I didn't respond and could almost feel a tear vanish from my eye. What if he felt  the same way about Audry? What if he doesn't like me anymore? Those questions came flooding to my mind. Why couldn't she go for one of the other single boys. Like whats wrong with Zayn? Or Harry? 

"Are you okay with that?" She asked me trying to look at my face that was hung low.

I didn't know what to say. Of couse i wasn't okay with it, but me and Liam are just friends. Maybe he doesn't want me back, but maybe he did.

"Oh yea, im fine with that. We are just friends." I said.

After our nails where dry we went to get out facials. I really could use a faicial. They really relaxed me and made my skin feel and look amazing.

"I'm not getting a facial, those are for babies. I orderd Liam and I a back massage." Audry said leaving before i could respond. 

Tristan (the man doing my facial) said that i looked a little puffy and asked me of i was okay. Considering the spa was all about gossip i gladly told him. My face started to become even more read and tears poured out of my eyes. He gave me a small hug and then finished my facial. I looked great after and my face felt great. When I walked out of the room to the loby, I saw that Liam and Audry were't done yet. I know it was wrong to do, but i decided to go do a little bit of spying. 

"I know ive acted like I hate you... but... well i actually think i have feelings for you" I hear audry say to him.

It was the worst thing in the world. Actually the worst thing in the world was what he might say in response to her. I stuck my ear up against the door to make sure i hear Liam correctly.

"Oh, really?" He said in response.

I was afraid of a response like that. It could be good, or bad. It could be him trying to blow her off and forget she said it. Well, atleast that is what i was hoping.

"Yea, wanna go out sometime?" She asked giving him the winks i use to when i was cheeky.

It crushed me to think that she was my best friend that was left in the world. My own cousin would ask my X-boyfriend out. She was never really a fan of One Direction anyways. She always said there voices were good, but she would puke at their face. I wish she didn't change her mind.

"I'm sorry Audry, but I'm in love with you cousin. She brings the best out of me. Im sorry" He replied leaving the room.

"Oh Hi Ella" He said looking at me with my head still on the wall listening. 

I was a litttle bit embarred that he saw I was spying on him, but i was too happy. He was in love with me, and he siad i brought th ebest out of him. I love Audry, but 'HA HA HA!' to her!

"Wanna catch a movie, just the two of us tonight?" Liam said bringing my attention back to him.

"Oh um.. yea sure, but what about Audry?" I said looking in the doorway at her collecting her things.

"Oh she can stay home alone, she is a big girl." He said wrapping his arms around me as we left out the door.

The rest of the car ride was scilent except for me and Liam huming all the One Direction songs that came on the radio. Wehen we got back Audry went straight to my room and Liam said he was going to get ready. I guess i had to get ready too. 

I juped in the shower quick and brushed my teeth. When i got to my room a saw that Audry was sleeping. I guess that she would have no problem being alone then. I got dressed in dark skinny jeans and my nicest blouse.

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