Bad Girl Gone Good

By trackrunner14

220K 4.5K 434

Meet Trinity West a bad girl sent to live with her dad. Trinity is the baddest of the bad she steals, she dri... More

Bad Girl Gone Good
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 10

Chapter 5

12.5K 339 20
By trackrunner14

Hey guys so i got time to do the chapter! :D yay! i hope you like it sorry it took so long to update but guess what! The Trusted is now over so i can focus my time on this book! YEAH BUDDY!

Pictures to the side are of Zoey! ------->

Song: Don't Wake Me Up by: Chris Brown!


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It has been three days since I have left the hospital and I can’t handle the pain anymore. Sure it seemed ok at first but now I have to actually get up and put myself on crutches because I refuse to be helpless in a wheelchair. Brett comes over every day to drive me to school and just to hang out, yeah that’s right I am good friends with Brett now.

I opened my eyes to see Brett standing over my bed. “Good morning sunshine!”

I muttered to myself before rolling over and shoving the pillow back over my head, “Go away!”

“Aw come on you have to get up and come to school today. You’re doing great… unless you can’t handle the pain anymore and want to give up. In that case I will gladly take my five bucks now.” He held out his hand and motioned for me to put money in it, which wasn’t going to happen.

I raised my eyebrows challengingly at him. “No”

He chuckled before standing up to open the blinds, “Look it’s a beautiful day outside.” He spread the blinds apart letting the light flood into my room. He himself even had to take a step back to spot the light from blinding him as what it seems.

“Ah!” I picked up my pillow and chucked it across the room, hitting Brett in the head. “Close the blinds you idiot, I don’t want to go blind today!”

“Well then get up.”

“I am, I am,” I muttered before slowly crawling out of my warm bed and instantly greeted by the freezing. “Ugh what I do for you Brett…”

“You have to love me,” He replied sweetly before leaving the room.

 Rolling my eyes I went over to my dresser, not ready for today to begin. There was that constant thought nagging at the back of my head… What if Brett wasn’t there to stop Kaleb? Each day I would have to go to school and meet the guy that almost raped me. Those eyes kill me they are always staring at me full of lust and when seems to be danger. Yes I am the toughest girl around so of course I don’t show that to him. I just make sure I stick closer to Brett during all the classes I have with him and Kaleb.

I shivered at the picture of Kaleb and those boys in my head; I think a little bit of it was also the cold winter air that seeps through my window. I ran into the bathroom and washed my hair and body making sure not to get my cast wet. Then dried my hair till it fell into its loose curls that also covered a few bruises from where the car hit me. Walking back into my room I grabbed a pair of sweatpants and pulled them over my cast before finding a long sleeve shirt to go with it.

I then picked out my black uggs and slipped the only one I could use over my foot. I studied my cast for a few moments before sighing and getting up to examine myself in the mirror. I have to admit for someone who didn’t dress up I could still pull of the look and make it look hot.

“Brett! I am ready!” I screamed from the top of the stairs. I was definitely not in the mood to try and walk down the stairs. It would either be him carrying me of I am just not going to go to school. Simple as that…

“Well then get your butt down stairs.”

I stomped my good foot on the ground. “But it’s such a long walk and I am just not in the mood to attempt to walk down these stairs. Then possibly falling to my death!”

A snort escaped him as he made his way up the stairs, “you are unbelievable.” Reaching the top step he swooped down and began to carry me bridal style back down. “You are so lucky you’re injured because I wouldn’t do this if you weren’t.”

“And why is that? I am not good enough for you to carry… I see how you treat your best friend ever,” I replied with a hint of sarcasm. 

He began to chuckle as he reached the bottom step and continued to carry me out to the car. I glanced at him a little confused but didn’t have time to ask anything when he opened the door dropped me in the seat and went to the driver’s side.  “Are we ready for school today?”

“Nope,” I said popping the p.

“Oh come on don’t be so sour about it, I mean look at it this way… you get to see more of my beautiful face.” He began to bat his eyelashes and flip the pretend long hair he had.

“You’re such a weirdo,” I mumbled before turning to look back out the window. The scenery was peaceful… everything looks so calm and happy. Why couldn’t it be like that in my life? I mean look at Brett. I glanced over at Brett from the corner of my eye and noticed a huge grin plastered on his face. He has like the perfect life good grades, popular, nice, and family. My life just goes to deep into being bad for me to be like that, ha my background isn’t the best in the world I couldn’t be good even if I wanted to. Which I don’t…

“Done checking me out?”

I shot my eyes open in surprise and turned to look at Brett. “I was not checking you out! I was thinking about things…”

“What were you thinking about?” He ventured on.

“Nothing you need to worry about, I have thought it through and my mind has been made up.” I turned my head and saw the school dead ahead making my stomach drop a little. The thought that laid in the back of my brain surfaced again as I saw Kaleb with his little group of friends laughing like nothing happened at all. Those stupid jerks…

“Well you don’t need to worry about them because you will be with me and my friends,” Brett said out of nowhere. I couldn’t believe I just spoke my thoughts out loud, ugh this is just great.

“I know we are friends and all but I am a big girl I can handle staring.” I began to get out of the truck that was now pulled into a parking spot. Moments later I found my cast slipping out for underneath me because of the snow. “Brett!” I yelled hoping he would come before I hit the ground. I felt two pairs of hands wrap around my arms and look up to see my rescuers. This girl about my age with long black hair had one of my arms and Brett had the other.

“Oh my gosh, are you ok?” The girl asked now pulling me up into standing position. I noticed she had a tattoo on her wrist, which was awesome.

“Yea I think I am, thanks –“

“Zoey, my name is Zoey,” She began cutting me off midsentence. “I saw you around and thought maybe we could hang out sometime?”

“No we are good Zoey she is going to be hanging out with me…” Brett snapped, turning to grab my arm.

“You can’t choose who she gets to hang out with you know. If she wants to hang out with me she has every right to,” Zoey shot back, now grabbing my arm.

I felt the pain entering my body and took my arms from both of them. I glared at Brett for a moment before turning to Zoey who was glaring at Brett. I am thinking these two have a background… “Look I CAN hang out with whoever I want Brett, and Zoey I would love to hang out with you.”

“Trinity may I talk to you for a minute,” Brett said guiding me away from Zoey. “She is a bad person; she gets into lots of trouble. Skipping school, smoking, partying, and lots more! I don’t think it’s a smart idea…”

“Look Brett that sounds like me, maybe we will get along. Please just stop telling me who I can and who I can’t hang out with. We made an agreement; I would let you help me if you promised not to change me. Remember?”

Brett let out a long sigh before running his hands through his thick brown hair. “Fine, I did make an agreement…”

“Yay, ok thanks see you at lunch!” I yelled before giving him a hug and hobbled back over to Zoey. “Hey.”

“Hey so you can hang out?” She asked raising an eyebrow.

“Yup,” I replied popping the p.

“Good want to skip? We can go have a drink or something.”

I hesitated for a moment and turned back to look at Brett who was standing with his friends. One drink couldn’t hurt right? As long as I am back before lunch… “Sure I could use a good drink, as much as I have been through lately.”

We made our way over to her car and hopped in. Handing me a cigarette she put the car in drive and took off down the road. I lit the cigarette and took a long puff. Zoey then turned on the radio to some rock music and began to sing loudly with it. I laughed and joined her as we made our way down to the bar. I loved the smell of the smoke in the air and couldn’t wait for the beer to slide down my throat to cool it off.

Oh man have I missed this…


Hey guys what did you think? This was just a filler so you would get to meet Zoey! another bad girl oooohhhhh, i smell drama in the future!




Next upload: Thursday!

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