Damaged (Ageplay) (Completed)

By AdoringlyFlorence

352K 11.1K 1.5K

"I think scars are like battle wounds - beautiful, in a way. They show what you've been through and how stron... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Fucking shook
Chapter 24 (final chapter)

Chapter 22

8.1K 387 42
By AdoringlyFlorence

This chapters a little shorter than normal, just a pre-warning, enjoy!


"Mama, are we nearly there?"

Camila asks front the back seat of the car, her face holding an eager smile at the thought of going to see her friend.

Quickly bringing her attention from the road to glance at the girl, Lauren nods, "nearly baby love, why don't you have a quick nap? I'm sure that'll make the time go quicker" she responds, using her index finger to click the indicator left.

In all honesty, they still had at least an hour to go before they got there, but she knew telling the girl that would only cause a tantrum she really wasn't in the mood for; especially as she was on her own today too.

Dinah had decided to stay home and catch up with some work with she had reluctantly agreed with. It's not like she didn't want to spend the day with alone Camila, it's the fact this is the very first time it was ever happening and she didn't want anything to go wrong.

She had to admit things were going good so far though.

There'd been no tears, upsets or tantrums from the small girl, which surprised her slightly as she'd not slept properly last night. But hey, she wasn't complaining.

As of right now, she really wasn't going to worry too much over any impending upsets that may happen and was just focusing on the fact that they were going to have a good day together.

Camila ponders her mama's words for a second before agreeing with a small nod of the head. The quicker she got to see her new friend, the better.

"Good girl, go on and get comfortable. Do you want your paci or anything?" Lauren wonders, sending a quick glance back at the girl through the review mirror.

"P'ease mama" Camila murmurs softly, subconsciously letting out a yawn.

"It's in the front pocket of your changing bag baby." The woman says quietly, turning round in her seat when she slowly pulls to a stop because of traffic. She watches as Camila rummages through the changing to grab her paci, and also her blanket she was given the very first day they started this whole thing.

Lauren smiles softly at that. They'd come along way since then.

"Sweet dreams princess" she coos softly as Camila curls up in her seat and closes her eyes, making sure she was content before turning round in her seat to face the front.

She gently eases the car forward when the traffic once again starts to move.

The green eyed girl drives the rest of the way to the resort in silence. Sure, it was a little boring driving by herself without Dinah or music for company, but she dealt with it for the fact that she wanted Camila to be in a good mood for when they met up with Normani and Demi.

After easily making it through the gates, she pulls into one of the many free parking spaces and stops the car, pulling the keys out of the ignition. She quickly unbuckles her seatbelt and climbs out of the car, closing the door behind her. Camila stirs at the noise, her small body moving from her once curled up position and she silently curses herself for not being more quiet.

Oh well, at least she didn't have to wake her now.

"Hi baby, it's time to get up" she says as she pulls the back door open, reaching in to unbuckle the seatbelt from round the girls waist.

"Here mama?" The girl asks as she stretches, bringing her hands up to sleepily rub at her eyes to try and wake herself up.

Lauren smiles softly, "we sure are. C'mon, I'm sure they're already here waiting for us" She replies, wanting to avoid having the girl asking to be carried. Sure, she'd willingly hold her if she did ask despite how much her back would hurt after, but that wasn't the point.

Thankfully, Camila doesn't ask and instead allows herself to be helped out of the car, her hand clinging onto her mama's as she jumps up and down excitedly.

"Alright, you little jumping bean, lets go" Lauren says with a soft chuckle as she hooks the girls changing bag over her shoulder, locking the car with her free hand.


Dinah sighs as she looks up from her laptop. Three hours. Three hours to go and she should be done. In a way, she wishes she had tagged along with her girlfriend and baby today as that seemed a hell of a lot more fun than paperwork, but the other part of her was glad she had decided to stay home.

Her boss was already on her ass about being behind and she wasn't about to let that get any worse. After letting out another heavy sigh, she gets back to work.

Only three more hours.


"Let's go down the slide mila!" Normani calls as she quickly hurries up the steps, Camila, being a little more shy than the outgoing girl reluctantly trailing behind.

If she had it her way, she would have avoided the slide all together, but as she wanted her new friend to like her, she pushes those thoughts to the back of her and continues to climb.

She begins to think this wasn't all that bad, but as soon as she stands up straight at the top and looks down, she immediately changes her mind.

This was high, really really high.

She lets out a quiet whimper as she backs away from the edge, a whimper that goes unnoticed by Normani as the girl sits down at the top and tugs on the terrified girls hand.

"C'mon mila, lets go!" The older girls says with a grin, continuing to tug.

Deciding that no, she really didn't like this, Camila tries to back away back towards the steps so she could climb back down, but fails due to the hand that was still tugging on her own.

"Mama" she whimpers, her bottom lip trembling in fear. She really didn't want to do this.

At the other side of the park, Lauren was sat on a bench chatting with Demi. They weren't talking about anything specific, just about things in general.

"Uhh Lauren, I think Camila's upset" Demi interrupts their conversation, pointing toward the large climbing that held held both their girls. One looking thrilled, and the other looking absolutely terrified.

"I'll be right back" the green eyed girl says before quickly getting up rushing towards her baby.

From what she could see, Normani obviously wanted Camila to come down the slide with her, well, that's what she assumed by the way she was tugging on her hand anyway; but Camila, being the shy, tentative girl she was, didn't want anything to do with that whatsoever.

Just as Camila was about to break and call out for her mama, she spots the very woman rushing towards her with a worried look on her face. Letting out a sigh of relief, the girl begins to walk forward, not realising how close she was to the edge. Before Lauren could stop it and before Normani could grab her, the small girls foot slips off the edge and she tumbles towards the floor.

She lands with a terrifyingly loud thud, and Lauren's fast walk turns into a sprint, "Camila!" She calls out, her voice filled with alarm and fear.

For a second, the girl remains still and unmoving, her legs and arms twisted in an uncomfortable positions, then suddenly, without any warning, she lifts her head from the floor and lets out a loud, heartbreaking cry.


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