She is His

By True_Legend_

76.4K 2K 99

*Completed* No one takes what is the King's, especially his Queen. Being reckless and getting in trouble is k... More



2.1K 61 5
By True_Legend_

Hazel's pov

"What do you mean I make you weak?" He pulled me into his room and pointed to his bed. It was still so comfy so now I know it wasn't a dream. I was so going to take a pillow or something.

"Here, I heard my ma say you could shower in my room. This hoodie and shorts should work for now. Shower is over there, go take one and after I'll bring you food." Is this dude even real?!?

I didn't get to say anything as he just walked out the door. I grabbed the blue hoodie that said King 25 on the back and gray booty shorts. I wondered where he got them before jumping in the shower. I used his body soap and conditioner, it smelt amazing by the way. After I got out and put on the clothes he gave me, I left my hair down and sat on Ace's bed waiting for him to come back. I played on my phone till the door opened to Argon zooming in and jumping on me again.

"Hey baby did you miss after just a couple of hours?" I said pushing him back a bit to sit up. He barked as me then licked me.
"You know you should rub your sweetness off on Ace. Well not yet, I like him the way he is for now I take it back." I rubbed his ears as I heard a laugh come from the door way.

"So you like me now." Shit that's all that I can say.

"What kind of dog is he?" Yes I tried changing the subject shoot me. He laughed and walked to the right side of the bed with a plate of waffles, eggs, grits, and toast.

"He is a German Shepherd and Malamute Husky mix. Ma said to make sure I share so she added way more food then probably needed." He sat down on the bed and I stretched across him and took the food.

"Thank you." I said beginning to eat the food as Aragon laid on my lap. I was pulled back and hit a hard chest. I looked back at Ace as he took the eggs off the fork.

"Ma said to share." He gave a quick smile that I returned. He put on a random movie on his tv. So we watched the movie and ate for about forty-five minutes. I set the plate on his side table and tried getting off of him and to the left side of the bed. He didn't like the idea because he pulled me closer to his topless body and pulled the dark blue blanket over us. I rolled my eyes as he dozed in and out while I played with his hair.

Ace's pov

I turned us over before she fell asleep and just watched her. As she breathed in slowly and then back out. I knew she didn't want to fall back asleep but she was just so ah, ma was right, she is a sleeping angel. Her breathing is calming to me and I liked our position as well. I don't believe in love at first sight, but with her it feels as if I should. It's like my whole world revolves around her now.

Now yes I was a bit pissed when Ethan talked to her the way he did. He is fifteen the youngest of us boys. It goes my brother Kyle who is twenty-three, me who is nineteen, then Ethan who like I said is fifteen. Kyle is in Australia with his wife and my two nephews. Once he found Alyssa he didn't want the gang, no he became a horse trainer which I don't mind. That's how Emma became in love with horses, she is so cute around them.

It's actually funny, Kyle didn't want the gang at all, I don't care who gets it, and Ethan wants it bad. Father said he isn't ready for it and never will be with his attitude. I totally agree, Ethan has anger problems worse then me and can't shut his mouth. He called Ma a bitch and me and Kyle showed him what men do to boys who do that. Let's jut say me and Kyla were punished by Ma but rewarded by Father.

I moved Hazel's hair out of her face and to my side. She really was beautiful and so out going. I have never met a girl like her, she is so unique. I laid back down on her chest and began to doze off when banging began on my door like the police or something.

"It's open." My Ma walked in with the house phone on her chest.

"It's for you." Her voice sound more quiet and ticked off then usual.

"Who is it?" I said sitting up looking at her. She hung her head and just handed me the phone. I gave a questioning look as she walked out my bedroom door.

"Hello Ace King talking."

"Hey baby." Let me tell you how fast my heart stopped.

"Nichole what do you want." I said heading to the bathroom. Nichole was my very serious girlfriend. We were on and off since seventh grade and she is the mother to my first child. It wasn't supposed to happen but now I have a beautiful babygirl. Nichole took her from me and I never see her.

"I want you to be a father." Oh if she wasn't a girl I swear.

"I tried you took her from me." She huffed.

"You're the one who moved away remember."

"You're the one who took us to court remember." She is definitely pushing my buttons.

"I only called because I'm leaving for Canada and Heaven needs a place to stay till I come back."

"Okay get your mother to do it." Of course I want my babygirl but the court says I can only have visits I can't take her.

"I went to the courthouse already. You have full custody over here."

"Why full? You're not coming back are you?" I knew her game. She pawns her responsibilities on to others.

"I'm not, you're right. I'm eighteen I want a life." I scuffed at her.

"When am I getting my daughter?" I wanted to end the call quickly.

"In a week when I leave. Child care will bring me to drop her off. I'll ship all her stuff to you."

"Okay goodbye." I ended the call.

I have a week to tell Hazel that my daughter is coming. This world refuses to let me be happy. I just shook my head and got dressed. I left a note for Hazel and took her car keys so she wouldn't just leave when she woke up. I walked to get Em for her horse riding lessons and told Ma I'll tell her about the call later.

I just want a good life for my daughter and now my Queen.

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