Light Princess: The Prophecy

By Sky_Season

291 14 0

In order to maintain peace, Fae live as an ordinary student and never reveal her real identity, including her... More

Chapter 1 - Fae
Chapter 2 - researcher
Chapter 3 - Kira
Chapter 4 - shell
Chapter 5-challenge part 1
Chapter 6-challenge part 2
Chapter 7-scolding
Chapter 8-information
Chapter 9-overhear
Chapter 10-baron
Chapter 12-escape
Chapter 13-mission
Chapter 14-fight and reward
Chapter 15-advance
Chapter 16-incident part 1
Chapter 17-incident part 2

Chapter 11-captured

11 1 0
By Sky_Season

Kira played with the half cracked shell in his hand while looking towards the crowd. He could faintly see the people who go first are now being attacked and they are all fighting. Given by the ruckus they caused, Kira know that they are all at least a cadet or even knight. If he were to fight them head-on, he would surely died.

'It's weird how they don't attack me though," Kira lamented in his mind.

He felt lucky that the most powerful one are busy doing something else, though he got no idea what is it. The leftover are just some weakling and he's sure he could beat them if only they didn't crowd him up.

Kira look at Baron Jon. "If you want it, then I will return it to you."

Kira throw the shell up to the air which as expected, won't reach the baron.

"It's mine!"

"Give it to me!"

"Noooo! I want it!"

The crowds are being vehemently chased the small shell without any regard to the baron. It may be because they are dumb or just naive, but most of the people here are chasing after the small shell.

'Sorry Harry about your shell," Kira apologize in his mind before leap out of the arena. He took a glance toward Hany who also jump out in different direction.

Both of them run to different direction, making use of the chaos to find ways to escape. No one pay attention to Hany, but it's different with Kira.

"Catch that boy!" a thunderous voice commanded. Kira look towards a certain direction and noticed a wounded knight pointing his sword towards him. With his body still has some trace of battle, he seems to look down upon Kira.

Kira clicked his tongue before side stepping to avoid collision. This knight is truly an idiot as Kira is not an ordinary fighter. He's one of the most talented squire in this kingdom and even against knight, he still able to exchange a few move. With his body still exude aura, Kira could easily bypassed the wounded knight.

But the loud voice of the knight had attracted quite a guard. Kira is now forced to face them one by one.


The sound of sword clash is reverberate through the whole courtyard with countless people trading blows. Kira couldn't escape anymore and with numbers, they easily cornered him. Since things had grown to this stage, Kira could only surrender and hope for Hany to come with reinforcement.

"Sir Hugo!"

A loud and excited voice could be heard there. Kira look toward the one being called and his eyes narrowed slightly. He could faintly feel that the newly come knight is far stronger than any of the knight there. If he were to fight Hugo, he's sure that he wont last more than a few minutes without any change to run.

"What happened?"

"Sir! An advance technique is found by outsider from our lord shell and he show it in front of the crowd. Now, they are all fighting for it."

"Where is the baron?"

"Er... he's also fighting..."

Hugo shook his head and advance to the crowd. Now that the gate has opened, many people had already running away. Kira could only faintly see and now he hoped for Hany to manage to get out from this place.

The servant brought him to a dungeon and there he found many other people are being held. He originally didn't want to bother with them, but then he found a familiar face among the prisoner there.

"Harry! Fae!"

The wounded Harry could only lift his head and he grinned when he see Kira face. "It seems you have successfully create a ruckus."

"More like a big problem," Kira said proudly. "What happened with you? How could those level of knight possibly wounded you this badly?"

"Not them, I guess I fight with the powerful one. His name is Hugo if I'm not wrong."

"Hugo?" Kira look surprised. Then it dawned to him. Harry had been stalling for the knight to be faraway from his place. If Hugo had been the one that guard the arena, he might have been forced down very quickly without any chance to create trouble.

"But, how could you attract his attention?"

Harry  proceed to tell Kira about his experience and how he accidentally stumble into a forbidden information. Kira eyes widen in shocks and now he truly feel disgusted to this baron whom he had already hate. With his capability he instead use people like items, how could someone like this possibly be a leader?

Kira eyed the wound on Harry body. "Are you alright? They might come back for interrogation, you know?"

Harry laughed. "Don't worry. You know, you had talked a lot this time. With your straight forward talking, it come as a surprise."

"Nah, I'm indeed straight forward, but it's not like everything I said is something hurtful. You better rest and eat this, it will ease your pain and heal the wound a bit."

Kira give a pill to Harry which he eat then close his eyes to rest. Kira didn't disturb him, but turned to the sleeping Fae beside Harry. Fae didn't hurt at all, she's only 'fainted'.

Kira close his eyestoo to prepare for more battle to come.

-in different place-

As Kira had hoped, Hany manage to escape during the chaos. Her agility is better than her power so it's easier for her to escape among the crowd. After she had come out, she didn't rest and instead running towards the academy while shouting.


With Hany shameless personality and her habit to create trouble, she didn't care about people gaze and continue running and shouting. Behind her, there are also a lot of people following her lead and shouting the same things. It seems that the people who had escape from the baron place are more shameless than what she had thought.

Hany continued all the way to the academy and only stopped shouting when she had arrived at the gate. Without care about her appearance, Hany rushed to the teacher place and practically shouted about her experience and Kira condition.

In the midst of her story, many of the teacher interrupt and they had started to move around. Only when she's finished did she slumped to the floor and half fainted.


"Thank you..." Hany look at the one given her water and surprised to see Kira senior there. She thought this senior had gone back to the camp.

Kira's senior notice Hany surprised gaze and chuckle. "My mission is not yet done. I will only return tomorrow. Anyway, how's Kira there?"

"We separated, I guess he's being captured."

"I see..." Kira's senior sit down beside Hany. "With how he had treated you guys back then in the field, I wouldn't have thought there would be anyone willing to accompany him."

Hany stabilize her breath a bit. "It's not me who want, but my brother. Anyway, although he's indeed annoying, he's not that bad."

Kira's senior laughed. "Right, I hadn't introduce my name yet. I'm Cora."

"I'm Hany. Nice to meet you senior Cora."

Cora eyes flickered. "Don't call me that. I may be older, but I'm not that great. You know that Kira is from second string, right? As for me, I'm a knight at third string."


"Hahaha, surprising isn't it?" Cora laughed. "If you want to get into first string, you have to become a knight, a powerful one at that, before you reach 20. If you were to only under 22, you would only be second string and for me, I'm 25 so it's third string."

Hany look dumbfounded. Among the ordinary masses, if they could become a knight before 24, they could already be considered as genius and still could get a chance to join the Imperial Knight, but it seems that the criteria is far higher at the camp? And recalling Kira battle prowess, he's not lower than any new cadet among the masses.

"You seems to be quite talented, Hany. You're still young right?"

"I'm 18, but my battle prowess is not as strong as you," Hany smiled.

Cora didn't say anything and continue to wait for Hany to completely recover from running such a long distance.

"It's time to go."


"To watch the show your brother had set up with betting his life on," Cora answered. "And don't worry, they will be alright."

"How can you be so sure?"

"How?" Cora chuckle. "Your brother is smart, Hany."

Hany look at Cora with puzzled expression, but Cora didn't offer her any explanation and instead lead her back to the baron place.

-End of chapter 11

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