Practice- A Dricki Fanfic

By xSiMxSiMx

75.4K 2.6K 247

When one of Nicki's friends introduce her to Aubrey Graham, also known as Drake, she isn't convinced. She'd... More

Just So You Know
+Chapter Two+
*Chapter Three*
>Chapter Four<
×Chapter Five×
:Chapter Six:
÷Chapter Seven÷
•Chapter Eight•
^Chapter Nine^
[Chapter Ten]
%Chapter Eleven%
$Chapter Twelve$
Should I??
.Chapter Thirteen.
;Chapter Fourteen;
)Chapter Fifteen(
(Chapter Sixteen)
-Chapter Seventeen-
+Chapter Eighteen+
%Chapter Nineteen%
#Chapter Twenty#
&Chapter Twenty-One&
*Chapter Twenty-Two*
'Chapter Twenty-Three'
"Chapter Twenty-Four"
@Chapter Twenty-Five@
;Chapter Twenty-Six;
:Chapter Twenty-Seven:
)Chapter Twenty-Eight(
(Chapter Twenty-Nine)
&Chapter Thirty&
-Chapter Thirty-One-
+Chapter Thirty-Two+
%Chapter Thirty- Three%
•Chapter Thirty-Four•
!Chapter Thirty-Five!
'Chapter Thirty-Six'
@Chapter Thirty-Seven@
$Chapter Thirty-Eight$
-Chapter Thirty-Nine-
+Chapter Forty+
*Chapter Forty-One*
What Do YOU Wanna Do? Vote!
Sequel Is Up!

-Chapter One-

3.5K 95 9
By xSiMxSiMx

Nicki's POV

  "So, who is this guy?" I ask Jerri, my best friend. I run a brush through my silky black hair and look into the mirror as I do.

"His name is Aubrey Graham." Jerri makes a turn onto another street.

I give her a look.

"Yeah, it's a girl name," she says, rolling her eyes and barely giving me a glance. "But, ooh, girl, he is the sexiest man alive, I swear."

  I roll my eyes too. "Yeah, any man with the name Aubrey sounds incredibly sexy."

"Whatever." Jerri pulls up to a large building made almost entirely out of windows. "We're here."

I slide out of the shiny car and carefully close the door, knowing that Jerri would snap at me if it slammed shut.  I stride towards the giant glass doors and take off my sunglasses as I walk in.  Lights dangle from the ceiling.  The fresh breeze of the AC blows on my body and I shiver, moving from under it.

  "He just texted me," Jerri says from behind me as we walk to a pair of chairs in the far corner of the lobby. "He says he's taking the elevator and he'll be down in a minute."

  "Hm." I pick up a magazine off of the coffee table in front of us and flip through it, pretending to look busy.

   "Jerri." A man's voice.

   I look at Jerri, and she looks up, smiling. "Drake!" she exclaims.  She gets up and hugs the man approaching us.  He hugs her back.

  So this is the infamous Aubrey.  He has soft brown eyes that seem to catch the light.  A small 'fro of curls on his head.  A beard, not super long, but not stubbles either.  It's sexy, alright.  He's wearing a tank, some baggy jeans, and some Tims.

  And kissable lips.

  I mentally slap myself for thinking such a thing. Get over yourselfI will not fall for another one of these guys.

  "This is my other best friend, Onika Maraj, but everyone calls her Nicki." Jerri makes a motion with her hands at me.


I put on my most genuine smile. "Nice to meet you," I quip, sticking my hand out politely.

  "Aubrey Graham," Drake says, taking my hand in his and kissing it. "But everyone calls me Drake."

  Yeah, yeah, whateverKeep it in your pants, Mr. Graham

   "You two'll be working together on the show 'Gateway To Love'.  Sounds like a good deal.  My manager will be so damn happy.  You guys look perfect together." Jerri claps her hands, concluding.  My smile falters for half a second.

"Well, Ms. Maraj," Drake says, looking deep into my eyes, "I will see you soon?" His voice is deep. Husky and sexy.  

  "You bet," I reply through my teeth. "See you Thursday."

  He gives me a wide smile, showing off bright teeth, before turning on his heel smoothly and heading back towards the elevator.  Jerri and I go back outside and to the car in silence.

  "What's wrong?" asks Jerri as she starts up the car.  She looks at me with some concern and some annoyance.

"He was flirting with me." I say it with little emotion. 


I give her a cold stare. "'And?'  I mean it's not okay.  I barely know this dude, and he's kissing my hand and shit."

  Jerri looks towards the back of the car while trying to back up. "Girl, grow up.  I've known him a long time.  He does that to all the women he meets.  He's just respectful that way."

  I snort. "Sure."

  We ride in silence the rest of the way to my house.  When we finally pull up, Jerri stops me from getting out of the car by putting her hand on my shoulder, her face all seriousness.

"Listen, I know you've been through a lot of heartbreak.  I know you're not able to trust a lot of people anymore.  But Aubrey is different.  Don't look at him as someone he's not, okay?  He's been through a lot too.  Give him a chance." She stares directly into my eyes, seemingly searching for something.


  I smile. "I will.  I don't completely give him my trust, but I will try.  And I have to admit," I say, nodding, "he is quite the sexy man."

  Jerri's smile lightens my mood a little. "Told you, girl."

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